35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hey sorry Anna I'm just shit at replying. Callum is good and yes he can swim with the tubes, cannot keep him out of water!
Holy heck what an awful time everyone is having in the northern hemisphere. We are in drought here in autumn! :dohh:

So many illnesses too, I feel for you all and the little people :cry::cry:

Beth so sorry for your darling sister but it sounds like it was a peaceful passing.:cry:

Hey Anna, Mexico is so close now! :happydance: I'm glad Jo's doctor is seriously thinking of tubes, it is amazing the difference.

Bek, Callum has had a billion colds since daycare, but they are getting shorter each time and he copes really well with them now. I know it is awful when they are so darn miserable and spreading the germs, but the more they get the quicker they are and they end up with super immune systems. Chicken pox, conjunctivitis (pink eye) etc are things that should be kept out of daycare, but colds are just a rite of passage!!!

Ang, Ethan will be doing his own thing (he will have an awesome talent that is just waiting to erupt),and the fact that he is social is the best news of all.
Sorry about all the vomit bugs, we had it twice within a month end of last year. It's everyone inside that spreads it, roll on a warmer spring!

AFM just busy busy and lazy lazy. Have been away to inlaws for five days and it was wonderful. Callum spent so much time in the lake (and a drainage ditch he fell in :dohh:) and at playgrounds. Darn child won't sit still for two seconds.

I feel Callum is a very physical, adventurous child .And he is coming into his own little person now. He is coming along faster now he's had grommets.

He does somersaults, jumps off the couch and lands perfectly. He's attempting handstands this week! (not successfully I might ad haha). He loves slides and climbs up the tallest ones and gives me grey hairs coming down frontwards, backwards, sideways, (I had some parents say the other day that they were terrified watching him!) Loves to kick and throw balls (we think he's left handed as he favours the left to throw and with his fork and spoon, yes he does use cutlery) and has mastered steps up and down using handrails.
Frankly I am amazed sometimes that he hasn't broken an arm or leg yet. :dohh:

On the speech side it's still slow but there are words coming sometimes two together on a good day. Mostly daddy, car, moo (refers to out cat Myschka whom we call Moo) poos poos poos, boo boos (my breasts), tuck (truck), kitteh, teddy, bubba pop (bubbles pop favourite song) boon (balloon) and we finally got mummy the other day :happydance:

I try desperately not to compare him to others but as you said Ang it's hard not to when it's all around you!

As for wedding, I have a dress!

Bye for now and keep HEALTHY
Steph my darl how are you, I didn't mind to miss you out!!!!!!
Hi girls!

Vivienne!! So good to hear from you!! Alas doctor appt yesterday and ears are good so no tubes (grommets). Sometimes I wish they'd just put them in already, but I know they dont want to anything unnecessary if at all possible.

Yikes how Callum is moving!! I can't believe he's jumping off stuff already and summersaults!! Jo is really physical too, maybe I'll try teaching her summersaults this week! Glad you have been a little lazy. You do so much most of the time, some time off is much deserved! Yeh for a dress!! Do u have pictures?? Take care

Steph, glad you are on then mend, but sorry Katie bug still has cough and that DH is at death's door. Men! How are you feeling these days otherwise?

The party sounds great although I'm apparently completely out of the loop as I have no idea what the theme is. And you are right Katelyn will have a great time no matter what. No stress!

AFM, well as mentioned before went to doctor yesterday for follow-up ear check and all is good. So armed with that news I let her cry it out last night. We just can't keep getting up all night. I think she wore herself out, because she slept until 6:15 this morning which is unheard of. I am on the mend but still have a slight cough and my eyes are still red and crusty in the morning. Maybe allergies??

Other than that getting ready for Mexico and girls night on Friday. There is a local band that is an 80s cover band and they are so much fun!! So I have a hall pass for the whole night, staying at a friend's house so I don't have to worry about drinking and driving and dancing my you -know -what off!! Very excited to have some quality girl time!!

Hope everyone else is ok, MA, Angela, Beth . . . Been a little quiet . . .

Happy Tuesday!
Hi Ladies -

sorry been MIA the past few days - been trying to keep a semblance of normal in my life with what my sister went through. I had my first cycle after the D&C last week, only lasted very light for a 3 days (usually I'm heavy 7-9 days) - and it was about 5-6 days early, then 4 days later, saw some spotting one time with only a very light brown trace on the tissue now, so I'm still all messed up - which I expected.

We had brunch for Charlie's daughter on Easter morning, then went to my mom's for dinner. Poppy did great for only having one nap and being very tired! We left early and put him to bed early too. I made the brunch an Italian one (as I'm mostly Italian) and made a frittata and easter egg bread - colored raw eggs are baked into a braided sweet dough ring and hard cook there. Looks so pretty. Also at the last minute decided to make pain au chocolate (not italian!) which is basically chocolate croissants but a butter dough rather than croissant dough. Yummy.

Hope everyone's weekend was great too!

Anna - when is Mexico, it's coming up, right??? I could use a margarita right about now myself - have one for me. Sorry about the crying it out, but sometimes they get into a routine and expect to have you get up with them overnight, so checking to make sure nothing was wrong before deciding to let her cry was a good, but tough decision! Hoping Jo breaks that rut and you guys can sleep! hugs!

Viv - Cal sounds so energetic, I am exhausted (and frightened) reading his antics!!!! I have a sinking feeling I will know what you mean first hand as little Poppy won't sit still when he's up - non stop moving. I have to feed him constantly as he burns it all off!!! Would love to see dress pics too! :)

Steph - glad your on antibiotics! Hope you are feeling better. And little Katelyn too!! Tough to be pg on top of it all! You poor thing. My hubby was knocking on death's door too a few weeks ago, week after the D&C. He made the mistake of asking me ONCE what was for the next night's dinner (it was lunch the day before - which really drives me crazy!!) and he asked me to make soup so he could feel better. I told him I would make him soup after he made me a chocolate cake to make my uterus feel better. He came home with dinner for two days and a chocolate cake with "love you" written on it. Point made and taken. :haha:

Angela - I wish I could give you a hug and tell you not to worry but I know it's natural to worry. Ethan is a joy and will come into his speech, esp with your dad's story. hugs hugs hugs!!!

MA - actually, my OB told me that twins can happen even if there is no history of twins in the family - all due to the mother's age - multiples are more common in older moms - and by older, I mean over 35 (if I hear I'm advanced maternal age one more time!!!!) I had joked to my OB that at least there were no twins in my family, and she laughed and said - hey you're not safe from them!!!! But wouldn't twins or more be awesome! I would love it!!

On a side note, Jules just resigned from her job and is staying home to be with Gabby full-time, so I'm hoping she can get back on here and update us on Gabby and herself! :)

Some pics over the weekend - little Poppy in his bowtie and the sweater and hat I made as well as my brunch table and easter egg bread. :)


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Hi ladies,

Hey Viv! Good to see you back on the board. :hugs:

Beth, glad to see you've been baking away. Sorry for the odd cycle but praying things start to level out for you soon. I know it's hard.

Anna, sounds like there's a fun girls night out. However did you manage that??

Steph, anything new happening on your end?

Angela, you've been missing how is everything on your end?

AFM: Not much to really report. It was SO nice out two days ago. In fact, I was looking at tilling the soil when all of a sudden we got a lake effect snow storm and it's not going away until thursday. :wacko: This snow bunny was getting used to not having so much snow. I'm actually excited for summer. That is until we get 90 degree weather. Then I'll complain because I hate major heat. :rofl:

Amelia has seemed to have hit a terrible 2 stage early. Her temper is monstrous. Not really sure WHAT to do about them. It seems when she's told NOT to do something she wants to do she'll fall to the floor in a tantrum. We usually gently let her down when we know she's headed for this and let her calm down but at times she'll get mad and hit herself in the face. :wacko:

When naptime or bed time arises either she doesn't want the nap or she's just tired, she'll turn her head back and forth to knock me in the face or even try to bite me in the chin. Doug was flabbergasted when he saw it the other day.

I've been taking her by the hand and telling her "that's NOT nice"! and she'll sit and start to cry. Lately it's slapping and biting. So today I put a soft floor mat on the floor and put her in time out. Obviously she doesn't totally understand it, but I kept sitting her on the mat until she stopped having fits. I'd sit with her on the floor and she'd come to hug me after where I would tell her I love her but when she's mad or upset she needs to use her WORDS. Slapping is NOT nice.

I keep wondering if I'm saying WAY too much for a kid her age. I'm out of sorts as to what to do. I just know that slapping, biting and hollering isn't the way. Doug and I both talk in a calm manner with her and most times just help her down when she tries to fall in fits. Then ignore the behavior.

Doug says this is a stage. I certainly hope it is. I also hope we're doing the right thing.

I notice her personality is like mine at her age. I'd get frustrated a lot. Like me, she loves hard but she also gets impatient pretty easily. A VERY passionate kid already.
Morning ladies!

Beth, sorry for the messed up cycle, but as you said, to be expected. Poppy looks sooooo stinking cute!! Glad Easter went well and the spread you put out is amazing!! I laughed out loud about the dinner comment and your come back. Men!! Grrrrrr (more on this later). Thanks for the up-date on Jules. I Am so happy to hear she was able to resign and stay home with gabby, my dream situation. Lots of hugs and a big snuggle for poppy!!

MA, I feel your frustration about the tantrums, but Doug is right it's a stage. You should subscribe to parents magazine on line. They send me daily articles pertaining to Jo's age. Some isn't of any use to me but I get a lot of good information and often it's behavior related. If I can figure out how to send you a link I will. Anyway, some of the most recent articles have delt with just what you're talking about. It's their frustration with not being fully developed linguistically, but also at this age they just don't comprehend things the way you and I do. They can't process information they way we do. You are doing no harm in talking to Amelia they way you do, we do the same because she understands a lot more than she can speak. Also we use time out too. Jo likes to play in the dog drinking water and after telling her no and mis direction don't work, we go in time out. Of course she laughs all the way and really doesn't get it right now, but it's laying the ground work. It's just a hard stage because they can act like us, but really their little minds are still developing so their actions are not based on the same thought processes we use.

AFM, well we have dinner reservations at a really nice restaurant tonight with my parents, I got a sitter at last minute, and then DH woke up in the middle of the night moaning and groaning. If its not one baby waking me up at night it's another!!! Seriously! Thank The Lord the crying it out thing is working and Jo slept from 8-7 last night!!!!! But now DH is lying on the couch at death's door again. . . . Ok so here's a brief vent moment, skip to the end if not interested . . .It seems DH is sick all the time. And of course it's always life threatening. I don't doubt he's really sick, but when he is, all responsibility falls on me, getting the girl up feeding her, dressings, lunches, dishes, bath time, bed time. I don't mind every once in a while but this once a week thing is getting ridiculous. And I'm getting tired. The other side of this is that at some point I feel you're responsible for your own health. So what is he doing to stay healthy? Does he exercise? No. Does he eat well? Only when I cook. Does he stop drinking? No. He claims to have a wheat intolerance, so I've been cooking and shopping wheat free, then I come home and he's snacking on pretzels and drinking a beer??!!!! Gggrrrrrrrr!! I know they say in sickness and in health, but my patience is wearing thin. Ok rant over, he may just have gotten yet another stomach bug, but now it looks like dinner is off and I was really looking forward to it. A really nice dinner without baby is a rare treat. Sigh. So in answer to MA's question how I swung a hall pass for girls night, I damn well deserve one after the last few weeks. LOL!!!

Ok, sorry for the vent. Hugs to all!!
MA, it's "what to expect.com". You can sign up for daily articles based on your child's age. Just if you're interested.

Hope it helps.
MA, it's "what to expect.com". You can sign up for daily articles based on your child's age. Just if you're interested.

Hope it helps.

Oh my gosh. The 18month behavior is right on. She HATES being stuck in the carseat and puts up a fight. She'll be "okay" with the stroller but would rather walk on her own. In big crowds this is NOT a fun thing. :rofl:

Thank you SO MUCH! I've been laughing at how on target this is.
Super fast girls and will updat soon - so sorry to be so scarce. Trying to spend every second with the littles right now. Lots of educational activites lol! All is well and Reece had his 4 mo checkup today - whopping monster at 17lbs 4oz! :rofl: love my chunky monkey! Ethan gaining too thank God, now 27+10. Hooray!

Anna, husbands always get sicker than us (according to them, ha!!!) and yeah, it always makes me nuts! You definitely deserve a night out!

Bek, unfortunately no "experts" ever seem to mention the terrible twos actually begin at the beginning of the second year...at one year old lol. All normal, I'm sorry to say! Hang in, it does g better!

Viv so great to see you and Callum sounds fab! Where are pics of the dress lol?? Can't wait to see!!

Beth, LOVE all the pics!! SO ADORABLE and you are a baking and knitting queen, woman! :hugs:

Steph honey hope you and Katie are both feeling better now! And am SO jealous. If we had Disney daycare (I know it is Disney corporate, but still!!) I would totally send my kids! :haha: I LOVE Disney!!!

I, too hope to see Jules on more! But I can't say anything as I'm always bombing in with these crazy rushed updates. I hate to say it but it is all I can manage right now with the two littles! I look around at my church for example and people who have three, four, five kids and I am like HOW do they do it?!

Okay reece fussing. More later! All my love!
Morning all!!

MA, glad the web site helps. I just think it's nice to know you're not alone and what seems like alien behavior is actually really normal. Hope your day is going well! Any plans for the weekend??

Angela, good to hear from you and check in when you can. We all get how busy you are. And I'm with you when I see families of more than just 1 child I think how do they do it??!! I am exhausted at the end of the day with just one. So I bow down to not just those who have three or four, but also to you and the rest of our little group going for more than one, because it is a truly awesome thing to take care of the little tykes. Hugs and glad the boys are growing so well. YIKES though about Reece, what a big little man!! Future football player??

AFM, well still being a single mom. DH is still lying in bed. I slept on the couch last night and have essentially quarantined DH. I've kept Jo far away from him, and am using disinfecting wipes all over the house, especially after he's been in either the bathroom or kitchen. Adding to my exhaustion is the fact that almost all of my employees quit. I know one was leaving, but my one full time person gave all of 24hrs notice she was leaving on Monday. So I am running the store by myself, with some help from some of her other stores, but can I tell you it's one more thing I wish I didn't have on my plate right now. Silver lining is it's slow with the ski area about to close. If this were the beginning of March I might jump off a bridge. I am just hoping DH is on the mend or else my girls night tomorrow night might not happen. Or it might just be a very limited night out. And I will say this to only you girls, but I am fearful that with having to take these sick days he's going to say he can't go to Mexico. I know he doesn't mean to be sick, and I don't want him to back out of his work responsibilities, but I will be so mad at the situation. I say this only because he sometimes "jokes" he can't go. I will tell you right now Jo and I will go without him. I don't mean to be mean, but this trip has been the only tng keeping me going. And I need it!! Ok I'm probably worrying for no reason, so I'll stop and think positive thoughts.

Steph, see you lurking hope all is well and the party planning is going well.
Beth, how are things?
Vivienne, how's the drought? How's our little dare devil??
Jules, hope you're lurking!

It's almost Friday . . . Woohoo!!
Morning everyone,
Anna - I'm SO sorry you are stuck working alone! I remember my retail days and those are the pits. And I don't blame you if you take Jo on the vacation.....we look forward to vacations and when they are cancelled, that just stinks! Big hugs to you!

Angela - :) we look at you the way you look at those moms....how do You do it!?!?!? :hugs::hugs:

AFM - well, I learned a lesson on jinxing myself. I thought the other day - hey, we haven't had a bad spit-up/throwup lately....then Tuesday night....BOOM all over me at 11pm. Poor little guy has a cold and went to bed at 8:20 and woke up at 11 coughing. I didn't like the sound of the cough so I went to pick him up just to hug him (he never gets up overnight, so we never have to get him) and blurgh all over me. Poor thing. So we changed and sponged him and he was crying and shaking so we held him for awhile before putting him back down. Today is a little better but congested.

And it's all my fault (kinda kidding) because we have a confirmation to go to on Saturday and I'm not looking forward to it. His sisters - take advantage of Charlie as usual - and sent an email saying when it was and they were having steak tips from a place by our house. Oh and charlie needs to get it and bring them down. Not asking, just demanding. And us with a 14 month old. Just annoys me as we are the ones who live 40+ mins away from them all and yet they are getting the food from our town. Not their town where everyone else is from, but no, our town, 40+ mins away with a 14 month old.....grrrr. So in my head I was saying, gee, if we were sick, we wouldn't go and boom - baby is sick. :nope::nope::nope: I meant Charlie SR not JR!!!!! He was tugging at the ear again and not sure if it's ear infection (has one a month ago) or teething with the molars but I don't want to take him to the party if he has the infection! So I guess I'll see how he is tomorrow and if same, I'll whisk him to the dr to look at his ears. Just thinking how I will bring up that if he's still sick I'm not taking him to the party - but Charlie can go. hmmm, think I will have to wait until tomorrow night and control the tone. I would be happy staying home with the sickie baby but I know he'll say, oh he can go for a little while and it will make me mad and cause tension. sigh. As it is, if we do, he will be smearing snot all over the place and just EW. I didn't really wish for baby to be sick!!! Just hubby :haha::haha::haha::haha:

ok, gotta run, have to wash his sheets, change the vaporizer water and wipe his ever-running nose again. hugs to you all.

oh - and just so you all don't think I'm June Cleaver does it all - I sat on my butt on his morning nap after loading the dishwasher and knitted. No chores. Have NOTHING for dinner, no dessert, nothing. And I don't care!!!!! And I plan on sitting on my butt for the second nap too. :thumbup:
Hi All,

Just popping in for a quick sec:

Rebekah – Tantrums and hitting are fun. Katelyn still hits every now and then, but not like when she was 18months. She kind of stopped after a few months. Every now and then she will try to hit, but it is more of a pushing out of the way rather than hitting. . But as everyone else has said, it is a stage. I am still waiting for her to get done with the stage of throwing her food on the floor when she no longer wants to eat any of it and telling me “I don’t want it”…anyone else’s kid do that?

Anna – I am so sorry that hubby is sick again! I am thinking positive thoughts though that it won’t come to that and your hubby will be able to go and you all will have a great time! Also, that sucks about your employees quitting! Hopefully you will be able to find replacements quickly. Oh on a side note, Yo Gabba Gabba is a preschool show on Nickelodeon that focuses on music and movement. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yo_Gabba_Gabba! If you get a chance you can look them up on You Tube and see some of the videos. It is an amazing program and one of the reasons I like is that Katelyn doesn’t just sit and watch. When they teach you how to skip or jump she gets up and does the movements with them so it is not a passive program.

Angela – Glad to hear things are going well with Ethan and Yay Reece on 4month check up. Glad it went well.

Viv – good to hear from you! I don’t know how you aren’t a nervous wreck with Callum jumping and climbing off of things. Also congrats on finding a dress! Looking forward to seeing it, however I understand if you want to keep it under wraps until after the happy occasion. Don’t want too many people seeing the wedding gown prior to the big day!

Beth – Poor Poppy! Sorry that he is throwing up and not feeling well. Poor thing and man o man am I ever frustrated with your SIL. Your hubby sounds like mine, hard to say no to people and I totally understand about husband not getting the hint you want them to not go somewhere and they go anyway and it causing tension. I think you should just go ahead and say that the baby isn’t feeling well and bow out of going. That way it is less stress for you. Also, LOL at the June Cleaver statement. I love how you said that after stating that you finished knitting HA HA HA !!!! Hey I am jealous and wish I had the talent that you do in cooking and clothe making. I think it is awesome and your Easter dinner looked fantastic! It is all I can do when I get home to put one of those Bertrolli dinners for two in a skillet and cook it. But good for you for taking a break and not making dinner you deserve a break…did you give in and make something…

AFM – Katelyn is still not liking going to day care. Every morning when I say it is time to get ready for school, she puts her head in her hands and starts to cry and says “I don’t want to go” “No bye bye”. Poor thing. When I pull into the parking lot, the tears start all over again. I am hoping that next month this time she will be excited to go and have no problem with me dropping her off. As far as the party planning is concerned, I went to Party City with my SIL on Tuesday and got a bunch of party supplies. I am going to go to the 99 cent store and get some beach balls and bowling pins and other things for them to play with. I bought a big bubble wand too. I was stressing about what games to play and then realized that 2 year olds don’t really play games or I should say newly turned 2 year olds. Although I still may do a game of duck duck goose. Was gonna get a bouncy that is designed for toddlers. It is more like an entire play area which was really cool. We were at a party this past Saturday that had one and it was so neat. However, Katelyn refused to go in it. Since the thing was $200 dollars to rent, I opted not to waste the money on something the birthday girl was not going to utilize. So now we just need to buy the food. My husband gets amnesia when we discuss certain things. We had an entire conversation about how I didn’t want to do hamburgers and hot dogs because we had done that the year before. I thought it would be easier to have pizza for the kids and less stress. He stated that he still wanted to grill some chicken for the adults. I said ok, and then you can also make salsa. Well the other day he asks why we are having pizza if he is making chicken. At this point, I don’t care. The kids can have chicken too. I will keep you posted on how the party goes. I am just happy my mom will be here tomorrow and that will be so helpful.

Ok, my brief post has become a novel.

Hi ladies!

Anna, So sorry everything is so up in the air. Praying it all works out so that you can have a night out and also that your needed trip will be a go. I think you ALL could use that vacay. Renewal of mind and spirit.

Steph, Amelia throws her stuff on the floor in one quick swipe when she's done and/or annoyed with not wanting what she's given. Doesn't happen ALL the time but it does happen. We're trying to teach her it's not nice to do that and she needs to use her words "I'm done". Of course I have no help for you since Katelyn knows her words. It is a task isn't it?

Amelia seems better today. Yesterday even DADDY had to put her in the time out corner. She screamed for a bit and then calmed down. Doug sat down with her when she calmed down and as he was talking with her about what she should do instead of hitting...she ran to him and hugged him. He said, "this is going to be tough". She just melts our heart. She doesn't mean to do this but man o man is she a cutie patootie when she's good. She has such a good heart.

Nothing much going on for the weekend. Maybe a walk or two if the weather permits. It's been snowing then today it was almost 50. The weather here is so funny!
Morning All,

Of course, Poppy seems better this morning - jumping around and screeching in his playful manner with daddy. Looks like we are going for a little while tomorrow. sigh. I had a little party planned for Sunday for my parents and one sister for finally celebrating his bday but I already canceled that as my mom has some lung issues and gets sick pretty easily. When I told charlie I canceled Sunday already he said, well we can still go Sat, right? I told him that we would see how he was and if we had to go to the dr for his ears and make that decision Together sat morning. He kinda flipped out saying they never get to see him (I wanted to say they could have seen him if they didn't skip out on the 3 parties I had over the holidays) and they want to see him. So an argument ensued as I said I didn't say he Couldn't yet, just we were on a wait and see! I told him I didn't want to be THAT parent that drags their sick kid everywhere, making everyone else sick and he said, oh well, they want to see him. Ugh. Fine, get everyone sick, serves them right. And this morning, he seems better and when I came down, he made a point of saying, he seems fine, we should be able to go. :dohh::dohh: Not up for another argument, I said, OK but we can't stay long as he gets tired quickly. I made him promise to that but I know when we get there, he'll be sucked in like always and it will be HOURS. And they will try and take him away from me and squirrel him in another room, or try to feed him things we aren't ready to yet, or try and force him to walk or hold on or something and he Hates that. Also worried because they have to have everyone in the world come down and have food everywhere, not good for a baby learning to walk! They have no respect or regard for anyone but themselves and I'm really really tired of it. We can go to the party but we aren't staying long and I'm going to watch him like a hawk (as always). sigh. sorry to rant on about it but as nice as they are, they walk all over Charlie and in turn, I get dragged along. I can give on much but not with my baby. I'M the mom, and what I says go. I hate it when I say no to something and they say, oh it's ok, you can do it. NO. When I say no, I mean no!!!! ugh. They are so trying.

Steph - I'm so sorry Katelyn doesn't like going to daycare! I'm sure it will get better. The party does sound great! And I hear you on the chicken pizza thing. I swear our hubbies are brothers. :haha: They sound so much alike, always will bend over backwards to help someone, even if we think they shouldn't!!!! I hope the MS is better, how are you doing, any kicking or pics to share???

I have to run right now and feed the ever-hungry machine. I'll be back later. love to you all!
oh and Steph - I held fast for not making dinner or going to the store until Charlie came home....late again. So we put the baby down and then we were hungry for dinner - it was 8:20pm! Sp rather than send him out for takeout or get delivery which would be here at 9pm, I just made a quick italian pasta peasant meal: pasta with oil, toss is cooked asparagus and halved grape tomatoes (and salt and pepper). topped with shredded mozzarella cheese and did a quick basil chiffonade. Red, white, and green - colors of the Italian FLAG. All done in 12 mins.

So yes, I did cave in, but it was quick and my usual go to late night meal. :)
Hello ladies!

Beth, wow that 12 min meal sounds yummy!! Glad you took some time off yesterday to hang out. As for Charlie and SIL, man that's always a tough one. I'm with you, I'd make every possible excuse not to go, but fights suck, so sometimes a compromise is a good thing. However I would take the car keys and tell him you are leaving in 2hrs. with or without him. He can get a ride home from them if he wants to stay longer. But that's just me big talking, easier said than done. Best of luck!! Hope poppies ears are ok.

Steph, so sorry Katelyn doesn't like daycare! Do you know why? Does she give a reason? Reason I ask is not every daycare is for every kid. It's probably a bit early to think about switching, but I know a lot of parents that do for one reason or another. However if its just that she misses mom and dad that wouldn't change no matter where you take her. So sorry!! Jo really likes a daycare, so we've never been down that road. Hope you are feeling well. And good luck on the party this weekend!! LOL on DH amnesia, mine has it too! And I will check out the link you gave me. At this point Jo still doesn't have any interest in watching anything on TV. I feel guilty saying this, but sometime s I wish she would watch Tv, just to give me a little break some days. On the other hand if she's a kid that never watches TV, then I count my blessings. I do like the interactive part of the program, that is great!!

MA, hope the weather holds for you and you get some nice days to spend outside. Watching the weather channel this morning it looks like it may get nice in your neck of the woods for a few days.

AFM, well DH is up and is going to live. I had no idea how much his being sick was affecting my mood. I was so depressed yesterday, then when he called and said he was up and moving I felt a certain cloud lift. He was still pretty useless this morning and last night, but things are turning around. He did ask if we got our $$ back if we cancelled our trip and I said no, plus I was going with Jo regardless, and that was all there was. So I think all is good, and he's just being a big poopy pants right now, not feeling well. Denver is set to get a big snow storm at the beginning of next week, so fingers crossed it is clear by the time we leave on Thursday. I imagine it will and the storm could miss us altogether. So we'll see what happens. In the mean time, girls night tonight!! I'm going to go, but curtail my craziness and leave after the first set and get home relatively early so I'm good to go for Saturday when I hope to get things packed. I bet you guys are going to be really happy when I leave and can talk about something else other than vacation!!

Ok, hugs to all!!
This time I really am just popping in quickly!

Anna - Katelyn doesn't want to go to daycare because of missing mommy and daddy. She is used to being home with Daddy all day and doesn't want to go. Once she is there, she has fun, it is just the actual drop off that she doesn't like. But when I go to pick her up, it takes me 10 minutes to get her to leave! Weird. Glad Hubby is feeling better!
Hi Ladies - quick update - we are going to the dr at 4pm as the little lump on his neck ha had last time with the infection is back and a little bigger. And so much snot!! ugh. Nice nurse on the phone said with the cold symptoms, the lump, and the history of at least one ear infection, it's best to come in. Not sure how hubby will take it, oh I'm feeling bad, and if we get him on meds if he has one, then maybe we will still go for about 1-1.5 hours only. I just don't want him to listen to crap. If no infection, then we will go as well, but I'm caving, and I only do that with hubby! Otherwise, I'm strong. But I feel bad that he feels bad.


anyways, anna - glad hubby is feeling better and hoping you All can go to Mexico! They always need a day or so after feeling better to still be useless :haha:
Oh and the dinner - really easy. I even put the pasta in a large glass bowl with tons of water and put it in the microwave (with some salt) for about 12 mins (some take longer), no waiting for the pasta water to boil then an extra 12 mins while it boils. Nope, all done in 12 mins in the microwave. The last 3 mins of the time, I wash and chop the asparagus, put it on a plate, sprinkle in a few tsps of water, cover and put it on the shelf of the microwave (above our turntable) and they finish cookies together - if you don't have a shelf, punch holes in a paper place (tons of holes) and put it atop the glass bowl so it steams with it. All done together, used the already packaged shredded cheese, and rough chopped the tomatoes.....really and truly 12 mins from start to finish!

Steph - It is such an adjustment for them at first, but the good news is that it takes some doing to get her to go. If she couldn't wait to be outta there, then you may think it wasn't a good fit, but it sounds like she eventually has fun! It'll get better. hugs!

Now to call hubby during his aggravating day at work and tell him I'm taking him to the dr.....fun. Trying to sound positive as as much as I don't want to go because they annoy me, I do think it's important for him to see his aunts and interact with them. Just not when he's sick!!!!! Gosh, I feel like either a bad wife or bad mom. Not sure which one is winning.
Hi all, late Saturday night.. Quick up-date...is it possible that on Monday when I took jo to the doctor she had clear ears and no fluid, then on Friday my mom
Watches her and thinks she should go to doctor because my Mom thinks she has another ear infection ( she calls at 5:00pm BTW) Then Saturday I make an appointment, we go and BOTH ears are infected??!!! Yep in our universe of the never ending sickness Jo has two ear infections. The good, we found out before we went on vacation and she will be on the mend, the bad...Two fricking ear infections!!!!!!! Sorry vent over.

Beth, hope this weekend goes well and poppy is ok!!


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