35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hey ladies!

A really quick post but I wanted to say hi and check in on everyone! Sounds like all are well and I can't believe how close some of our group are getting to delivery! You are on countdown, ladies! Woohoo!!

We are well. Ethan had his 4 month checkup this week and is doing great! Has doubled his birthweight (now 15 lbs) and has gained 4 inches in height since born. He is definitely teething but she said she does not feel anything coming in yet. He got his booster shots (wasn't too happy about that) and is doing well so far! She said we can start solid foods anytime now, which I am really excited about. I love to cook and so am happily looking forward to making him some homemade baby food! :happydance:

I always find the debate surrounding vaccinations interesting... I read up on it a fair bit but could not find anything that convinces me (personally) that any risks outweight benefits... so, we are adhering to the usual vaccination schedule (AAP). I come from a medical family and just can't get myself comfortable with not vaccinating against preventable diseases...especially since, with the increase in people electing not to vaccinate, we are now seeing a resurgence in things like whooping cough (which can be fatal). Side effects and risks are VERY minimal and rare. I absolutely respect everyone's right to make their own choices for their family, but just for us, we're getting all the usual shots! :thumbup:

Hope everyone is feeling as well as possible. It's very hot here in the Southern US and I am not a lover of the heat. I especially hated it last summer when I was 1st tri and very ill... so special hugs for all like Lava who are experiencing that unpleasantness right now. It will ALL be worth it, that much I can promise!

Okay girls, I am sorry to post and run but it is time to feed the munchkin. By the time I feed him, we have playtime, then get him down for a nap, then catch up on dishes, laundry, and house, etc. and grab a snack, it's time to do it all over again LOL! :rofl:

Happy Friday all!
Sunshine, so glad to hear you are finally on the mend. Tooth infection is one of the worst pains that I could almost feel at the back of my ear everytime you updated. Have a lovely weekend getaway :))) BTW you are right about the British MMR vaccine study being linked to autism was a total fluke. The dr who published was tried on court cause he caused worry for the public and people stopped vaccinating at the time. It was fund that I think he didn't have a solid research at all.

Lava Zofran is gonna solve your nausea finally. Yupeee!! You can now relax and start enjoying the pregnanacy. Glad you didn't have an accident in court at least :) Do you wear a wig? Would have been very uncomfortable getting sick with all the robe and wig etc... xxx

Anna any names yet? 2 more months and you'll be there soon. Have u planned the birth at all? It's great she looks all plump and healthy. Hope everything goes smooth. :))))

LynnB, hope u had a great holidays :) Did you get an indication if Iri was a girl or a boy? A friend of mine was told hers will be 90% boy on her scan but I think it depends on how the baby lies down at the time of the scan. My scan is on Monday and I'm taking both mum and DH. So excited. BTW I am already on Heparine injections twice a day. They are a little annoying to remember
everytime and gives u a bruise but no big deal, not much hurt. What really annoys me is that nor the hospital or Gp doesn't want to pay for mine. They are very expensive privately. I saw thw midwife on Thursday she was very unhelpful about it to. ;(

Dunno much about the vaccination but my close friend's son had a swine flu when he was 2,5. He had just started nursery and got it there. His fever wouldn't come down and poor thing ended up taking the Tamiflu tablets. I thought starting on heavy antibiotics at a young age might cause problems as he gets older (being resilient to antibiotics etc)

AFM everyone in the flat went to bed at 8.30 pm.:shock: Mum was ill this morning. High temp, shivering etc.. ot sure if she catch a cold or if it was the flight. So she was unwell all day anyway. DH had a tough day at work. Dogs sleep all the time anyway. i'm left in the living room all quite... I think I'll go as well now.

Have a lovely weekend girls xxx
Angela congrats on 4months and solid food for ethan! That is exciting. I am looking forward to katelgn stayiing awake long enough to play. Has he started verbalizing yet? How many oz is he eating now and how long does he sleep at nite? Lucy/code same question.

Lynn welcome back! Glad ur vacation went well.

Anna keep us posted on your urine test.

Rebekah hope the search for dr for amelia went well.

Skye sorry ur mom is not feeling well.

Afm same ole same ole. Looking forward to my trip to colorado next month.

Hi to everyone hope u r doing well
Miss Muffet.....sorry I am rubbish at remembering everyone's real names...:wacko:

I don't know how much Tilly eats as she is BF so I can't measure it, but she is feeding for longer now. She is smiling and beginning to laugh now, and does quite a bit of baby talk/vocalising to us, much more sociable. :thumbup:

Tilly usually goes down for the night about 11pm, wakes around 4 for a quick feed, then sleeps until 6 or 7am. Sometimes she doesn't wake at all for a feed and sleeps right through which is lovely. She then gets up for a few hours then goes down for a long nap mid morning for 1 to 2 hours, then naps on and off all day but for much shorter periods. Gradually they stay awake more and more in the day. I got her a baby gym, but she doesn't do anything with it yet, just looks at it....

How is Katelyn doing with sleeping? Do you get a bit more sleep now? :flower:

Skye, can't wait to see your scan pics! :happydance:

Rottpaw, yay for a big chubby baby! And exciting to be getting ready for real food! :flower:

MA, congrats on 27 weeks...how wonderful! :hugs:

Pablo, hope the protein isn't pre eclampsia, and that baby stays in for another few months! :thumbup:

Hi everyone else! :hi:
Hi Ladies!

I have been away for so long here because I have been just so sick (lava - i feel your pain!). This week has seemed to change to not throwing up so much, but even more nausea and bad diarrhea (sorry). Ugh. But I did have my ultrasound last week and got my picture! so at 6 weeks the regular ultrasound didn't show much, so they did an internal ultrasound and we immediately heard the heartbeat at 131bpm and saw our little blob! Been just miserable with nausea and having my mom tell me I am a horrible housewife and my poor husband has to work hard all day and come home to a messy house and frozen dinners :nope::nope::nope: Oh well, charlie is happy with me and that is all that matters! I'm looking forward to having this nausea pass so I can enjoy being pregnant and not feel nauseous every 10 mins.


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Steph, Ethan eats about 6.5 oz every 3-4 hours now, ranging from 5 oz-6.5 oz and 5-6 feedings per day. We basically have him in a routine of eating every three hours (approx) beginning (again approx) 6, 6:30 or 7 and then going to 9:30 or 10, 12:30 or 1, etc. So all his feeds are now in the daytime and evening hours.

In terms of what to expect, when we were doing overnight feeds we were going around 11 pm, 2 pm and 5 am... so Ethan first dropped the 2 am and started going from like 11-3, then 4, 5 then 5... then they will slowly stretch that 5 am to 6 and then 7. However, about that same time we backed the 11 pm up to more like 9:30 or 10, so we are still feeding around six am. But he generally goes from 10pm-6 with no feeds now and has for about a month now. Hope that helps! You'll get some relief soon, I know it is SO exhausting and honestly that sleep deprivation has been the worst part of the whole thing for me. I just do NOT do well on little sleep and the constancy of it was really wearing me down. You'll be out of the woods soon! Just keep remembering, it's only temporary!

He is definitely vocal and that began around 2 months, maybe 2.5 months... he is now very chatty and, although we can't understand him, he certainly has a lot to say! :rofl:

Newmarried, have you been able to talk to your doc about the nausea? I've said it before and I will say it again, Zofran saved my bacon LOL. I definitely recommend discussing that with your doctor. And I am so sorry your mom is giving you grief! Geez! Just ignore her. That is nuts to expect a newly pregnant woman who is suffering MS to be a perfect housekeeper. Yeesh! :dohh:

Skye YAY for being almost to 2nd tri! Wahoo!

Lucy I can't wait to start making baby food. I have been waiting for this day since I got pregnant :rofl: I will keep you guys posted on what I make and how it goes!

Hugs all!
I saw an infomercial for the baby bullet, which is a thing to make and store babyfood with. My dh says we dont need it as we have several gadgets that can puree food. But it looks so cool and only 19.95 pluz shipping and handling. Lol

Thanks ladiex on the food/sleep info. Katelyn is eating every 2-3hours. Every now and then she will stretch it to 4. She normally eats abojt 2.5/3oz each feeding. Though not sure when i actually nurse her how much she gets. Also, the middle of the night ffeedings sbe will someties eat less
Steph I totally want the baby bullet! I have seen ads for it as well and it looks so fun. And they have a free thirty day trial! What is working against me is we already have the magic bullet (which I can attest works GREAT as advertised) and so hubby alleges (probably rightly) that we don't need a whole other set just for the (adorable) little jars with the date selector! :rofl: I am still campaigning and plan to try the free trial. Will report back!

What is katelyn's adjusted age now?
Hi everyone.

Had a great day. Went to the first Dr.'s office. At first it wasn't a very good impression. NOBODY was in the office, not even staff. Haha Then we found out that we were brought in at lunch time and they came right in to grab us. Sick area is TOTALLY a different office than the Well office. Spoke with the nurse practitioner and lactation specialist there then on to the Dr. LOVED her. All the women in the practice are mothers, each Dr. works part time so they can be with their families. That made a HUGE impression. No preference either way for weaning from bf'ing ages or for cloth diapers.

All vaccines they use are Tomarasol Free so that's not even an issue. We can opt out of Hep B. at the hospital but they use a combined one with polio and I think that's a must. So she will get that one. Still out on rotovirus as my husband and I are disagreeing. Found out they use a totally different mix for pertussis and it seems there is less side effects but I'll have to do more research into it.

Over all, they'll comply with our alternative vaccination schedule so I'm a happy camper.

We liked the office, the Dr. the staff and the lactation specialist SO much we didn't even bother going to anyone else. We just like the overall options they allow. So it was a pretty good day there. :winkwink:
The baby bullet looks absolutely fab :)) Is it just for veggy purees? Do you actually freeze baby food as well? How long can you freeze bb food? I think if it's worth it I'll think about it when I get a little more progo :))

NMG close your ears to mum hon :) It is your house after all and she has hers to run xxx
Just popping in to say ignore those insensitive comments from your mom. Also, you should consider asking your doctor or midwife about Zofran. It is working really well for me so far.
Yay lava glad it is helping!

Skye, you can puree almost anything in the bullet and yes you can freeze bb food. I am not sure for how long but assume it works the same way as for adults. I know they told us we can freeze breast milk for five months. So I would think a couple months on food anyway.
The baby bullet looks absolutely fab :)) Is it just for veggy purees? Do you actually freeze baby food as well? How long can you freeze bb food? I think if it's worth it I'll think about it when I get a little more progo :))

NMG close your ears to mum hon :) It is your house after all and she has hers to run xxx

Baby food CAN be frozen. In fact, many places here in the U.S. carry little tiny freezing containers though most will use ice cube trays to put the puree in.

Honestly you don't have to buy the baby bullet. You can make baby food with any blender. You can also buy a food mill. It's what most of us canners do with jams, etc. Steam, add it to the blender and you can even put it through a mesh strainer.

Keep in mind there ARE some foods that aren't good for baby right away. There are books out there with baby food recipes.

This is my forte' as I LOVE making things from scratch in the kitchen. In fact, I have a grain mill where I mill fresh flour for bread. It also allows me to make our own peanut butter, I can mill oatmeal for Amelia's cereal later on, etc. I always make our own bread by hand (when I'm not pregnant) along with other pastries. Canning both water bath and pressure canning are something I do as well, so while baby food will be new to me, the process of making it isn't as different as some of the methods we've used for making applesauce and canning it.

I'm looking forward to trying it.
Thanks lava! It is so hard to catch him smiling, not because he doesn't do it often, but because he becomes distracted by the beeping and flashing of the camera! :dohh:
Had a REALLY fun day. Dougs parents came by to bring us something we needed and had a great visit. Then Doug and I went for a drive to get some things done. Had to go to target (Doug makes me sit on the hover round thing :wacko: ) then went to the store to purchase the area rug for Amelia's room. It's REALLY plush and looks like an off white color. Went to dinner at Carrabbas for Italian. LOVELY time out!

We also went looking for mini vans as our Hyundai Santa Fe isn't going to fit us, the baby, two dogs, and storage let alone a stroller. It's also become a pain to keep fixing. We'll have more room in a minivan and want the stow away system to house more things if we go on a family vacay.

THEN, while we were out looking for a new car I felt Amelia kick for the first time outside my belly. Made Doug come in to feel and it was his FIRST time feeling her kick. I loved seeing his face light up! AMAZING!

We got home late tonight and Doug cleared out Amelia's room and we laid the rug down. YAY!! Two weeks and we'll get her crib and dresser off layaway. It's all coming along SO nicely and the first time I feel like we may just get to term. :happydance:
Wow I really need to check in more often!!!

Hope the USA ladies had a great long weekend.

Anna glad your sleep is becoming more comfortable.

Lava, yay for Zofran.

NMG, just ignore your mum, is she perfect???

MA, 27 weeks :happydance:

AFM, 34 weeks and measuring 37. :dohh: Having a growth scan this week and a posi check as we think he is footling breech!

There will be nursery photos but it has to be finished and perfect first!!

Baby shower this weekend and hopefully buying our second car tomorrow! Paying cash so looking for a big discount!!!

Snow has finally arrived for ski fields, guess I'll just have to opt out this year!

Reflux is easing, I had hoped that meant he was heading down but maybe not. Really do not fancy a c-sect as you are forbidden to drive for 6 weeks!!! I need to be able to drive as public transport is not back to normal yet.

Love to all :flower:
Yay rebekah and I know it must feel refreshing to get out and about. And those kicks help you and Doug to really remember what it is all for and that Amelia apprecitates all that you have already done for her! You are 27 weeks now? If so you can really begin to relax and enjoy because there is something like a 90+ survival rate now. Yippee!! I am so excited for you!
Yay rebekah and I know it must feel refreshing to get out and about. And those kicks help you and Doug to really remember what it is all for and that Amelia apprecitates all that you have already done for her! You are 27 weeks now? If so you can really begin to relax and enjoy because there is something like a 90+ survival rate now. Yippee!! I am so excited for you!

Yes, 27wks today.:happydance::happydance: I'll be REALLY happy hitting 28wks. "if" she has to be early that would be the week I'd push for though I REALLY would like her to go the full 39wks. That of course is up to God himself because both my injections and my cerclage come out at 36wks. I've heard some stories that women birth a week later as long as their not contracting at that time AND I've heard REALLY GOOD success stories of going late. So this will be the fun part.

Everyone asks my due date and I have to tell them tentatively Oct. 8th. Honestly it could be anytime now. The stitch and the injections seem to be working though so I'm hoping this will be quite the success. Once we get to 28wks, that will give us the mindset that we'll ttc 1 more time a year after Amelia comes home because we'll have actual proof we can make it to term with the stitch and progesterone next time. If we don't get pregnant then we're planning to adopt anyways so we'll just go straight to adoption if the IUI's don't work.

That of course is quite a ways away though and all we're thinking about right now is loving our daughter and enjoying her when she gets here.

It was amazing to feel her kicks and oh how the outing was nice. The jazz fest was on and I would have liked to go there, but Doug was being firm and protective so I was content with just the days ride. We even passed the mall :wave: I haven't been there in MONTHS! :cry::haha: All is worth it though as you've said. It's such a calming experience to have felt her kick so hard now. I'm just getting confident that all is well. It's such a blessing!
I'm so happy for you, Doug, & baby Amelia. You just soak up this blessing!

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