35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

just a quick pop in to say happy 4th to all the us gils! Ok back to the chaos! Will catch up soon. BTW never say never . . Congrads!!!
Yay!!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::thumbup:

Never, so glad you are over here with us! :hugs:

Here's to a safe and happy 9 months and a healthy baby come March 2012! :baby:

Love, L
Happy 4th of July my American friends!!! :cake: (I wanted a fireworks smilie but instead you get cake! :haha:)

Welcome neversaynever!!!! congrats and wishing you a very happy and healthy 9 months!! :thumbup:

Austingurrl- I can't really say I can relate because even though you are 27 weeks... you are measuring waaaay beyond any of us at this stage. I do understand the frustration though. I have my good days and bad days. Just try to float in the pool as much as possible if it makes you feel lighter and free. Remind yourself that this is sooooooo temporary. That's what I do when I get fed up, I just tell myself that this is temporary and soon enough I'll be back to my old self again. :hugs: I'll bet you look beautiful. How could you not? You have the miracle of not just one but three babies growing inside you! Amazing. xo

AFM, I have been suffering from heat rash something terrible for nearly two weeks now. Nothing relieves the excrutiating itch but cold water or ice applied directly on. AND that is temporary relief. :cry: I am in agony. It's on the tops of my feet and all over the insides of my arms. The more I scratch the itchier it gets. It's like a cruel joke. I am sitting here with a bag of frozen peas on my feet right now. I look diseased from all the little bumps. :wacko:
Happy 4th of July my American friends!!! :cake: (I wanted a fireworks smilie but instead you get cake! :haha:)

Welcome neversaynever!!!! congrats and wishing you a very happy and healthy 9 months!! :thumbup:

Austingurrl- I can't really say I can relate because even though you are 27 weeks... you are measuring waaaay beyond any of us at this stage. I do understand the frustration though. I have my good days and bad days. Just try to float in the pool as much as possible if it makes you feel lighter and free. Remind yourself that this is sooooooo temporary. That's what I do when I get fed up, I just tell myself that this is temporary and soon enough I'll be back to my old self again. :hugs: I'll bet you look beautiful. How could you not? You have the miracle of not just one but three babies growing inside you! Amazing. xo

AFM, I have been suffering from heat rash something terrible for nearly two weeks now. Nothing relieves the excrutiating itch but cold water or ice applied directly on. AND that is temporary relief. :cry: I am in agony. It's on the tops of my feet and all over the insides of my arms. The more I scratch the itchier it gets. It's like a cruel joke. I am sitting here with a bag of frozen peas on my feet right now. I look diseased from all the little bumps. :wacko:

Looks like we're in the same boat here! I've been taking cold showers ...Doug made the oatmeal sponge and it seems to help with the itching a tiny bit. Calamine lotion works and I've started feeling some of the itching let up a bit with the benedryl though I'm lethargic.

Thanks ladies for the support. :rofl: Like Chris, it's been agony:wacko: White spots all up my legs, arms, back, hips, face, even my scalp itches. I feel like I have bugs. :haha: I will remember this drug for the rest of my life. At least with the other two antibiotics I'm allergic to I get hives and they go away shortly after. I'm not sure if it's pregnancy that makes this last longer or what, but I've been sick with it this time.

Chris, hopefully yours will subside soon. It's just awful when you can't get relief.:hugs::flower:
Only 6 weeks to go! Woo Hoo! You are in the homestretch now!

Vent away. I don't blame you. The discomfort is temporary, but no fun when you are in the midst of it.

Chris & MA,
Hope the itching goes away soon. That is the last thing you ladies need to be dealing with.

Step & Angela,
Hope you found some of that elusive sleep last night.

Still struggling with nausea & sheer exhaustion. I was crying last night in frustration that I am so tired that I want to crawl into bed at 8 pm. I know I will start feeling better in another month or so & have some relief for awhile before it gets tough again. I feel guilty that I don't feel happy all the time. Wish I could love being pregnant. Especially since we tried so hard to get here and I sincerely thought I wouldn't be able to get pg. I count my blessings, but I must admit feeling a little overwhelmed right now with all the info the doctor gave us and the financial concern & physical challenge of having twins. On the other hand, I held my friend's 3 month old yesterday and it just didn't feel real that I'd be holding my own soon. Thanks for listening!
Lavalux you're so cute. Its very normal to feel what you're feeling. While we are all grateful and appreciate the fact that we are pg I think very few of us actually love being pg. Its a huge undertaking and massive stress to our bodies BUT i think we can all agree it wil be worth it in the end xo

Just a quickie as i'm on my phone.
Hi girls!!! As Scarlett would say, "Tomorrow is another day..." :)

On that note, hope that we all get some relief from our ailments!!! AMEN!

Chris - That rash sound just awful!! I had something similar at the beginning of my pg mostly on my chest & under the boobs... BUT IT WASN'T SUMMER THEN! You poor thing! I went to the derma about 5 times, tried all kinds of creams & even oral meds... eventually it just stopped... I live in dread that it will return this summer! Poor baby! Hope it feels better!

Rebekah - Same to you, dear... are you certain yours is related to meds? Can the dr switch anything up? Duh, I am sure you have looked into every possible avenue... So sorry & try to stay inside!

Lava - Sorry the exhaustion is bad, hon! That does get better, IMHO... I couldn't stay up past 8pm the first couple of months... I have some "mommy" friends who all say, "Oh, I sooo miss being pg"... whatever. I am thoroughly overjoyed to be here, don't get me wrong, but I really just don't understand these women... what do they love exactly: swelling, indigestion, exhaustion, nausea, being a blimp.....? Just don't get it... But Chris is right... it will all be worth it!!! Hope you find some extra time to rest!!!!!

AFM - BRIGHT SPOT in my day... I think DH realized that I was teetering on some sort of "edge"... We met with the recommended Night Nanny yesterday, whom I connected with on the AMOM (Austin Mothers of Multiples) board**... and she is available around our "home" date... Yay! DH agreed that we need the help for at least 2-3 months... I am sooo glad he's coming around....

She has been with over 20 mult families here in Austin, this last family of trips for the past year... her references are great, and while she is $$$$, I am so relieved to have that planned. She will come from 10pm-6am... will do all nighttime feedings, changings, etc., and baby-related laundry, etc. that needs to be done. I am sure I will get up often, but she assured me that is why she will be there... unless I am bf'ing, which, to be honest, my goal is to only to pump as long as possible... we shall see. I will still be by myself during the days, but if we can have some friends/family in periodically for that, I think I can survive.... Hallelujah!

** --- OOOH, Lava - I recommend that you try to find this group in Atlanta!!!! They are nationwide & yearly dues are $20. Their web board is really informative and they have great support....)
Codegirl, your boys look fab. So robust and sweet. They also look very similar :))) hahhaha. Do they look more like you than their dad? That's what I thought even though I didn't see your DH.

Sweta good luck with the exams. What a headache to keep doing it.

MA, I know you've been having one after the other. I had a friend in high school who had just bad luck for 2-3 years of falling down and injuring herself. It was so odd, she would either have her arm on a sling or a leg on a cast. If not she would come in with an eye patch. Every other week almost sthg else happened. All due to coincidental accidents. Nothing related. It really was odd. Towards our graduation she was really worried that she wouldn't have a good picture for the year book without an eye patch. But she was fine. And than she just grew out of it... Just one of those things it was. How was the party?

Charmaine poor girl. I totally understand you as I had OHSS just a month ago and it was a horrible feeling being bloated so much. I bet you are in more pain with all the back etc... Pool sounds like a very good idea. I actually started swimming recently and I feel so much better afterwards. Hope this month goes all smooth and fast for u.

Viv your nursery is coming along. :))) How exciting. How's the furball hope his eye is better.

Sunshine what's up with the tooth?

Lava poor thing. While you thought you might be trying longer you really had a shocker with the two I bet the nausea is on thing that stops you from enjoying your pregnancy. No help worrying hon :) Your 2 bunnies are on their way cooking in the oven now. I'm sure you'll sort it all out and be just fine. :hugs::hugs: U think your mum would help with the babies a little. I know she is old but you think she would have the energy to help out when they arrive?

Nevernever welcome hon :))) :hugs::hugs:

Hi all to Angela, Steph, Anna,, Junebug, NMG, and Lucy. :))

My friend who got prego the same time as me had a lot of bleeding yesterday and had to go to A&E. Luckily they saw the heartbeat. Think it's all the blood thinners she takes that did it. Pheew scary though.
I bought myself some prego clothes finally a jean, a knee length short, a fitted jean skirt, a top and a bathing suit. I got excited and wore the jean yesterday but it was so hot I almost fainted in the tube. I get overheated quickly nowadays . Also didn't realise the elastic band in the tummy keeps u really warm. Today I went swimming to make up for it.
Mom's coming tomorrow. Will go pick her up from the airport. Curious about her reaction as she still dunno I'm pregnant. hhahahhahahaha:kiss:
Congrats about the night nanny. That will help immensely. Thanks also for the encoragement & the suggestion about the multiples resource group. I will check it out.

So glad your friend's baby is ok. That's exciting about the maternity clothes. That will be fun when I can fit into some cute outfits. Right now, I keep gaining & losing the same pound, but I don't fit into my pants without the ole rubberband trick! ;) My mom will certainly help when she can. I talked to her today and was telling her about the cost of daycare for twins. She said if she was 10 years younger (she'll be 84 when they are born), she would take care of them while I worked. But, the reality is that she really can't do that much. I'm sure regular visits, helping with meals and clean up will be a godsend though!!

How was the party? Did the itching stop long enough to enjoy?

How is the tooth? Updates please.

Thanks for your kind words. ;) Sorry about that exam. What is it for? I hated studying for the Bar exam. It was no fun. If so many others are in the same boat as you, they need to consider redesigning the test!
Skye - DH's family (and DH) seem to think that Edward is a splitting image of DH... but I have other opinions :haha: Eric actually looks more like DH than Edward, but it's the profile of the boys that is different (noses). Straight on they look soooo much alike.
Lava Your mummy really can't look after the babies. Bless her heart though she wishes to be younger to help u. :)) How long is your maternity leave? Maybe you can get some sabatical etc and negotiate extra time. Or see if they would let you do some part time work or work at home days etc...

Code girl they are sweet boys :))) My close friend has 2 boys less than 2 years apart. So funny to play with them. The older one now is 3,5 and he can follow a game and play puzzles. He talks like a little man :) hahahhahahahah The younger one is just learning to talk. (animals etc) but they play so well together. Although after 10 mins they start chasing each other on top of the tables and sofa. Hahahahaha

MA and Sweta, sorry about your itching girls. It is painful in the heat.

Charmaine, having a night nurse for you 2-3 months will be an absolute life saver. Bet your Dh will appreciate it a lot once you have the birth. 2-3 months will give them enough time to establish a routine hopefully. By that time you won't be as tired and completely burned out since you get some sleep in the beginning. She would also teach you some really valuable tricks about how to handle 3 babies in need at the same time. Say if they start crying all at the same time how many can u pick up? If it's just u and DH you would be doing a full night shift and day shift...But this woman would know what to do. Soo worth it.
it's pretty neat having the two boys. This morning Edward sat in front of Eric (Eric was in a Bumbo chair) and replaced the toys that Eric knocked off. :cloud9: I'm so going to work with them closely to make sure they learn to play nicely and enjoy playing with each other :thumbup:
Wow.... not to get off of our subject...
Another stunning day for the US legal system... Casey Anthony aquitted on all charges, but a few misdemeanors... As a trial lawyer, I know juries can do wacky stuff... but really never thought they would aquit her of basically everything... even manslaughter....

Sad day... poor little girl... :(
Just read the article about that case. It looks like the jurors has no common sense but can be easily hypnotised by a man with good talking skills.
I am in shock about that Casey Anthony acquittal! It's like OJ Simpson all over again. Both were probably guilty of something, but a weak prosecution & smooth talking defense is to blame, not the Judge or jury.
Hi ladies,

Skye, so glad your friend is doing well. How scary!

Charmain, yeah. I'm sure about the macrobid causing it. I took the last dose and an hour later ended up with the issues. Macrobid takes a while to get into the system. I think with the immune systems being compromised during pregnancy, it may be why it's taken so long to get rid of the symptoms than it would if I was healthy and not pregnant. So that was something I thought about too.

I'm FINALLY starting to feel the itching going away. I'm still on Benedryl for a couple more days, but am praising God they won't be giving me steroids. I was concerned about that with the baby. They aren't the same type given to mature baby's lungs so I didn't want to take the chance.

Party was great ladies thank you. I sat and enjoyed everyone playing. Next year I'll look forward to throwing water balloons. :haha: I DID have to wave off my cousins naughty goat. I had no idea she literally didn't like the word "no!" She was getting WAY to close to my belly so I backed her up a bit and told her no because her head and horns look like they were headed toward Amelia in my belly.

Needless to say, that goats hair went up and she got on her hind legs trying to nail me. :rofl: My cousin grabbed her and she was embarassed.:blush: Forgot to tell everyone the animal doesn't like the word "no" LITERALLY. :haha:

Stayed for a few hours and went back home on bed rest. It was nice but boy was I tired when I got home.

Today was quite the busy day. I started calling Pediatricians, GP's and Holistic Practitioners for consults for Amelia's Dr. Several scenario's around here. 1. there aren't many single practice Dr.'s around anymore because of the cost. They either a) go to multiple practice b) several rounds at clinics only or c) leave the state altogether. The area I'm in is losing REALLY good Dr.'s all around. So sad, but I'm starting to see the pattern of crappy Dr.'s here and it's NOT sitting well with me. I do hope things change around here soon!

So, out of the Dr.'s I called. I ended up with two multiple practice Ped's. One REALLY got my attention. They have a sick waiting area and a wellness waiting area, they are open on Sat. and Sunday's for sick kids only. They're hours of practice are good, they have backup, they also have a lactation consultant in the office. Reminds me of Codegirls office as you can stick with YOUR Dr. with exception to emergencies.

The only thing I'm undecided with them about is vax issues. I know I don't want her having H1N1 or flu shots, not sure I'm a fan of Mercury in the injections so I'm wondering if like the other injections, you can ask for the mercury-free injections. Also not sure if they are okay with alternative vax schedule. I know for the most part they follow American Pede Association and most offices that do that, will not even THINK about going off schedule.

Overall though, I like the staff I've talked with already, they take cash or check only (the old fashioned way) and though we'd pay up front, we can submit to our flex spending without issue. We meet with them on Friday.

There's another alternative GP that has her own practice. She's open to alternative vax schedule and pro parent decisions as well...however I'm not quite sure of who deals with after hours, or emergencies.

Another practice is single practice pede. Her office is okay, but seems kinda standoffish. Meet with them on friday evening if all goes well.

Dr. shopping isn't as easy. Especially when you take on a more natural holistic approach with cloth diapering, baby wearing, bf'ing and vax concerns.

Are any of you mommies doing an alternative vax schedule or choosing not to vax at all? I'm honestly not sure of my stance on this quite yet. I DO know there have been cases of mumps here so I see a reason to make sure she gets vax for it. I'm not quite sure of what she really needs and what she can do without. I honestly have to do more research on this issue. I'm keeping an open mind.

Charmaine, I'm having such a hard time with that case. It's been a bizarre media circus which is one reason I think that little baby didn't get justice. I DO believe there has been lies and betrayals not just with mom but grandparents as well. Seems as though they all need to be locked up somewhere. The whole thing has been a mess and the saddest part of all is that the baby got no justice. SO sad. I found it odd that the grandmother bought the (cyanide)? The grandfather had an affair, the daughter is a psychopath. They just all seem very odd to me. Poor little baby. My heart aches that someone could do that and not even feel the least bit of emotion or honor to come out and say they did it. Just a shame.
I agree with you MA about that case. I just feel sad for that little girl, may she rest in peace.

Way to go on narrowing down the list of pediatricians. You've put in some hard work. Glad you had fun at the party. That goat would have scared me. ;)
I agree with you MA about that case. I just feel sad for that little girl, may she rest in peace.

Way to go on narrowing down the list of pediatricians. You've put in some hard work. Glad you had fun at the party. That goat would have scared me. ;)

I was prepared to kick her if she tried anything at all to hurt my little girl. I don't like kicking animals, but this is where momma instinct comes in.:winkwink:
Evening Ladies!!

I took notes so hope I don't forget anyone. . .

Svet, so sorry about the test, but I agree with Austin in that it sounds like a good idea to retake as soon as possible. But that sucks!! Also sorry about the heat rash. How are you feeling? I've had it in the past and it's miserable. Wishing you some relief. :hugs:

MA, glad your allergic reaction has calmed down. Party sounds fun despite the unruly goat. LOL. They use goats here in the summer when the summer weeds get too high to "mow" the lawn. Just one more obstacle to over come and I'm glad you made it out the other side. Sounds miserable. When will you catch a break and just have a normal pregnancy day???

Codegirl, how cute are your boys??? Sooooo cute. Glad they play well together. Hope it keeps up.

Vivienne, hope happy feet finds his way home. I get a little sad thinking of him all by himself in the ocean miles from home. As for the nursery, sounds like it's coming along. Remember we want pictures!!

Neversaynever, so glad you are with us. Wishing you a healthy and happy nine months. BTW, we all understand the conflicting emotions of pregnancy. It will come and go . . . for the next nine months, but the first time you feel the baby kick makes it all worth it. :cloud9:

Austin, Venting is good and yes, you are dealing with something the rest of us can understand but not fully as you will exceed any of us in size. Today was the first day I got sick of being pregnant. Think it's the long work hours, but today I was just like get it over with already!!! I can't imagine what you are going through. On another note yeh for the night nurse. I know she's expensive but I'm guessing worth her weight in gold!!

Skye, good luck telling mum and congrads on 12 weeks!!!! That's so great. Can't wait to hear her reaction.

CJ, how are you? I am sure you are still dealing with family, but thinking of you.

Sunshine, tooth update my dear. I am picturing you cuddled up in a corner in pain. Need to know if all is better.

AFM, the holiday craziness is over. Truth be told it never got that bad. I just worked a lot of days in the last two weeks, so I have tomorrow off and I am sooooooo looking forward to it. I saw the physical therapist today for the pelvic pain and back pain and she gave me some exercises to help. She also recommended the belly band lifter thing-a-ma-gig. Austin ,I think you got one. To relieve some of the weight off my back. I am going to order one off amazon tonight. Finally she said keep up the exercise, just take smaller steps as the bigger strides can aggravate separation "down there". So good news is that it seems I can keep hiking, just watch my strides and hopefully alleviate some pain. Other than that, not much to tell. Have an anatomy scan tomorrow to check babies kidney issues and we will find out if they've fixed themselves or if we're looking at possible problems down the road. Fingers crossed she did not inherit any issues from me.

Ok, that's all I've got. It's raining here and 55 degrees. For all of you suffering in the heat I am sending cool mountain breezes your way.

xxx Anna

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