35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Evening Ladies!!

MA, glad your allergic reaction has calmed down. Party sounds fun despite the unruly goat. LOL. They use goats here in the summer when the summer weeds get too high to "mow" the lawn. Just one more obstacle to over come and I'm glad you made it out the other side. Sounds miserable. When will you catch a break and just have a normal pregnancy day???

AFM, the holiday craziness is over. Truth be told it never got that bad. I just worked a lot of days in the last two weeks, so I have tomorrow off and I am sooooooo looking forward to it. I saw the physical therapist today for the pelvic pain and back pain and she gave me some exercises to help. She also recommended the belly band lifter thing-a-ma-gig. Austin ,I think you got one. To relieve some of the weight off my back. I am going to order one off amazon tonight. Finally she said keep up the exercise, just take smaller steps as the bigger strides can aggravate separation "down there". So good news is that it seems I can keep hiking, just watch my strides and hopefully alleviate some pain. Other than that, not much to tell. Have an anatomy scan tomorrow to check babies kidney issues and we will find out if they've fixed themselves or if we're looking at possible problems down the road. Fingers crossed she did not inherit any issues from me.

Ok, that's all I've got. It's raining here and 55 degrees. For all of you suffering in the heat I am sending cool mountain breezes your way.

xxx Anna

Hi Anna,

:rofl: I was just talking with my Doula about the same thing! This pregnancy has been the TOTAL opposite of my last one. I was at my lowest weight, felt the best I had ever felt...this one, I can barely keep from getting one thing or another. I would NEVER take it back for a million years as long as my daughter comes healthy. :winkwink::thumbup: I'll have a lot to laugh about once we finally have her.

As for the exercise. I'm SO jealous! :lol: I LOVE the hiking trails around here. I even like to kayak and can't do anything too strenuous. Can't even walk down the hill at my parents to sit for awhile because it'll put too much stress on the cervix and stitch. I realize it's for a good cause, but summer is a great time to get to do all this. Even swimming at the beach. I was hoping I'd get to go out in the fall once she's born but I think that we're not supposed to bring our babies out for what, 6wks? Anyone know the specs on that? By then it's winter and too cold as you already know.

Either way, I'll be preparing to walk next spring and thinking I may train here inside. I HAVE to lose all the weight. Short term goal is 60lbs. I'd LOVE 90lbs if I can make it. I'm the highest weight I've ever been..of course due to the hormone treatments, being on insulin instead of oral meds and of course the inability to exercise throughout this pregnancy. It will be SO worth it though just to hold Amelia. I'll work my bum off once she's here. I'm hoping to work off the weight and enjoy her for the year before we try again.

As for the physical therapy. Your lower back issue reminds me kind of like mine. I'm 26wks 2 days today. I feel like I have a heavy water balloon from the belly button down and my lower back feels heavy as well. Anyone know if this is just the baby getting bigger and the cervix growing. I am feeling a slight burn down there when I pee and I almost feel as though Amelia is at the stitch which Lizzie from IC thread told me is usual with women who have the stitch. That's what it's for. Never having gotten this far though, I'm not sure if it's a normal bloating feeling because Amelia is growing now or if it's something to talk with the Dr. about AGAIN:wacko: :blush::haha:

Hopefully no more surprise issues along the way. I'm getting excited with all the new appointments for either Amelia's Dr. or for the NICU to aid in her birth. Both are exciting for me to think about and take my mind off all the other stuff. :happydance:

I DO think the outings in the sun have helped my mood swings though. How are you Anna? Has the snow gone?

Hope everyone else is well. CJ, I'm thinking of you darlin. Praying all is well on your end.

Love to all you ladies :hug::flower:
MA hon if you have a burning feeling down there definitely watch out for urinary tract infection. Do you feel it when you go to the toilet too? Just keep an eye. Urinary tract infection might bring an early birth.
MA hon if you have a burning feeling down there definitely watch out for urinary tract infection. Do you feel it when you go to the toilet too? Just keep an eye. Urinary tract infection might bring an early birth.

Thanks Skye. I actually took the macrobid for the UTI and took it to the end. That's the drug I had a reaction to. Luckily I get my urine sample sent out for checking every time I'm at the office. So they catch that issue early. My guess is Amelia is close if not all the way to the stitch and it's starting to pull because of her weight. It's okay because that's what the stitch is there for. Assuming it stays where it's at and leaves a tiny bit of room left at the end so I can carry to term of course.:winkwink: 26wks 3 days today. If I can get to 28 I'll feel better and hopefully at 34 she'll at least be 5lbs and safe enough to go early if she needs to, though I'd LOVE to get to fall. The good thing is that I've done all I can so it's all in Gods hands how early or to term she'll come. :thumbup:

Thanks for the info on UTI though. I do think it's a good idea to monitor as you said for pre term purposes. They'll probably check again at the next appointment to be sure it's all gone and the lousy macrobid worked. :blush::haha: I'm going to get some cranberry pills for the future though and have cranberry juice...all natural from organic section that I drink. The stuff is lethal, but works like a charm. :rofl:

Have a good day everyone!:flower:
g'morning, all....
First of all thanks for all the sympathetic ears to my vent.... Big hugs!
Rebekah - Hope this eases up for you soon! Yep, I am familiar with the water balloon feeling... feels like mine are all over the place! And scary about the goat.... what in the world? crazy!

As for the pediatrician thing... I have no idea what to do & need to make a decision. I am pretty sure that geography will play the biggest part in my decision.. We are the Austin burbs, so LOTS of groups around here... I have some recs from a few friends and plan on going from there... I have heard some controversy about vacs & possible links to autism, what are the other issues? Guess I need to read up...

Speaking of, I got some good advice from a new mommy friend... She told me all during her pg, she read about what was going on, what to expect, etc... and wished she had read about what to do WITH AN ACTUAL BABY! So, question, for your mommas... any recs on books to read about infants, etc., and what to do with them?

Anna - Ahhhh I am so envious of the temps & the rain... this drought is so just awful! I didn't even go outside yesterday and it is getting a bit depressing, but its over 100 by noon most days... Good advice on the hiking, tho... Wish I could send you my pg belt... I got a medium and it is now too small... but did help a lot, especially for when I was on my feet a lot. If you bought a "belly band", those evidently provide some support, too... just wear under your clothes, I guess.

Skye - Exciting to tell your mom... have fun with that!!! Hope the swimming is enjoyable for you!!!

Hi to everyone else... and I second Anna, Sunshine - hope you are better, girl!!

Happy Wednesday!
hi All,

Jumping on real quick - in terms of Vaccinations - since Katelyn was a preemie I asked all about vaccinations and autism etc. I spoke with about 3 different drs. in the end since she was preemie and already starting off at a disadvantage, i went ahead and had her vaccinated. With all she has been through the first month of her life, i wanted to be safe rather than sorry. My cousin on the other hand did not have her children have all the different vaccinations. It just really is what you are comfortable with - kinda like the amnio question.

In terms of what to do when the baby actually comes - I am just now looking at books on my nook. I will let you know if I find a really good one LOL.

Anna - please send that cool weather it is 104 here in the Valley and we could use the coolness!

Off to the store really quickly. Will type more later. Hope everyone's pregnancy is going well. Looking forward to hearing birth stories in the next month or so!

Hi Ladies,

I've been doing some research and am planning to do the alternative vax schedule. I don't want Amelia to have too many shots at once. I'm opting out of the newborn shot of chicken pox and Hep B until she's 2y/o because to be honest, the likelihood of getting those at infancy are small. This is after discussing it with an RN friend and my husband who's also and RN.

She's not going to get the Pertussis Vaccine. I KNOW the seriousness of pertussis and the likelihood it could move into pneumonia, but the SERIOUS reaction the vaccine can cause in babies totally outweighs the benefit of the vaccine in my opinion and I'd rather she just get the antibiotics when she needs it. Also "IF" she catches it, once she has it, she'll become immune to it.

NO flu shot "UNLESS" it's thermasol free. I'm not apposed to the shot, just that it's thermasol free. If she is born premature, we're going into winter flu season so she will need the injection, just not the "regular" version.

No rotovirus vax. Amelia won't be going to daycare anyways so she's not as likely to get it.

Absolutely NO Gardisil. The side effects can be detrimental, it still is such a new drug that I'm not willing to risk infertility for my daughter until it's proven. That's a later vaccine anyways, so there's time for change.

All other injections I'm PRO because there have been outbreaks. I just don't want more than 2 at once and will use an alternative vax scheduling.

Here is a website that may help:

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

The Schedule I'm planning to follow:

Dr. Bob Sears Alternative Vaccine Schedule

2 months: DTaP, Rotavirus

3 months*: Pc, HIB

4 months: DTaP, Rotavirus

5 months*: Pc, HIB

6 months: DTaP, Rotavirus

7 months*: Pc, HIB

9 months: Polio

12 months: Mumps, Polio

15 months: Pc, HIB

18 months: DTaP, Chickenpox

2 years: Rubella, Polio

2 1/2 years*: Hep B, Hep A (start Hep B at birth if any close relatives or caregivers have Hep B)

3 years: Hep B, Measles

3 1/2 years*: Hep B, Hep A

4 years: DTaP, Polio

5 years: MMR

6 years: Chickenpox

12 years: Tdap, HPV

12 years, 2 months*: HPV

13 years: HPV, Meningococcal (once Meningococcal vaccine is approved for age 2, Dr. Sears will move it there and delay Hep B by 6 months)
Good morning everyone!

Holy cow, I guess I've been out of touch for a while! LOTS of pages to catch up on! It looks like everyone's basically doing well, though :thumbup: so please forgive me for not addressing everyone. :blush: I'll have to re-read and take notes...

MA - you poor thing! You need to catch a break!

Chris #1 - sorry about the test. :( Third time's the charm. :flower: That sucks about the itching - hopefully it's going away?

Anna - did you have your scan? How'd it go?

Austin, you make me laugh: "any recs on books to read about infants, etc., and what to do with them?" :haha: I have the same question myself!

Skye - how did your mom react?

Lava - how are you feeling?

Well, the stupid infection got the best of me - I missed work most of last week and wound up in the ER Friday night to get IV antibiotics. The infection's ALMOST gone now, but not quite - there's still a hard lump on the underside of my jaw. Which means I have to postpone today's dentist appointment for a crown fitting. Ugh - I just want this over with...

BUT - lump or not - I can FINALLY buckle my helmet, which means our weekend bike get-away for this weekend is on! :happydance: We go every year - it's a pretty ride up the coast of Lake Ontario to the St. Lawrence River. We'll leave tomorrow morning, stay a few nights, and come home Sunday. Because of my ever-expanding belly, the DH and the other couple we go with were going to ride up, and I was going to follow in the car, then ride with them on Saturday. BUT - because the weather's going to be GORGEOUS all weekend long, I think I'll ride up instead. We'll just take our time & take a lot of breaks so I can get off and walk a bit to relieve the old tailbone.

I probably won't have a chance to check in until some time next week - I'm training my work replacement, so I don't have the time to goof off on line like I used to... Boo!!!

I hope everyone has a great weekend! :kiss:
Oh yeah - and as far as the link between Autism & vaccines... there is none. The British study that came up with that finding has been retracted by the British Medical Journal (I think that's what it's called) and has been proven to be fraudulent - the data was manipulated.

I guess I'll just go with the ped's recommendations.

Hey! I finally lost the eggplant and have graduated to a squash! :thumbup:
I've may be lurking a bit until I can get this nausea under control. It is kicking my butt! ;) I want to try some seabands at home and also try taking Vitamin B6 before our next OB appt & if it's not any better, I may request a Zofran prescription. I did want to pop in and tell you that my friend who I mentioned did see her baby's heartbeat at 7 1/2 weeks yesterday so thanks to all who said a prayer or sent good vibes her way. I know what Hell she went through waiting & I am very relieved she got good news.

I'll catch up this weekend, but I hope all is well with everyone. Sunshine, glad the tooth is better & have an awesome ride.
morning all!!

Austin, as for baby books I'm in the market too. One friend who has a four month old swears by "Happiest baby on the block". She says it's the new baby bible. Anoher friend who has worked in day care for years sewars by " What to expect the first year". My guess is the second is more reference. She says it's great for those situations where baby has a fever or rash and what to do. Think I will get both this weekend and start reading. My friend with the four month old said she would be holding the baby and reading at the same time! Trying to figure out what to do. I did read the sears baby book,by Dr. Sears, but I did not find it a complete guide, more of a philosophy on bringing up kids. There was some info and I know CJ loved it.
hope this helps.

MA, thanks the vacine info. I'm not sure what the day care system here allows so I will have to check. I will check with my doctor today. They will be the baby's doctors too. They tend to be more on the holistic side and have kids themselves so I trust their judgement, but being educated never hurts. I hope you are feeling well today. How is your back?

Sunshine, yeh you're alive!!! Glad the infection is under control but sorry it took a trip to ER to figure it out. Have so much fun on your ride this weekend. We are headed out camping ourselvees to enjoy some summer weather.

-Seph, ahh the heat! I am so sorry and i'm sure it adds to your feeling of cabin fever. When can you take her out?

Skye, hi and hope you are well.

Lava, so glad to hear your friend is doing well! And you are past the 8 week mark!!! Awesome!!! Good luck with MS., pure misery I know.

CJ, hi!

rottpaw, codegirl, vivienne, neversaynever, lucy, Hi!

AFM, had a good scan yesterday. Saw the girl which was good. Nothing definitive on the kidneys, sort of a wait and see how she does out of the womb. If there's a problem then it will have to be addresed then. Have yet another appt with my regular doc today and I can ask her for more details if need be. Other than that this week has kicked my you know what! I hurt all over, mostly back and hips. Need to be doing the exercises the physical therapist gave me, hope they help. Lot's of kegels. Also trying to sit more. I think it's official I will cut my hours at the beginning of augest to 32. I can always make up some time in the office on my days off. Other than that nothing to tell. Hope everyone is well.

ohh I lied . . . Baby is 3lbs, 14 oz according the peri's best guess. Woo hoo!
That is good news about your scan. When did you find out the gender? That is so sweet you are having a girl.

My nurse just called in a prescription for Zofran. I really hope that gives me some relief!
Oh yeah - and as far as the link between Autism & vaccines... there is none. The British study that came up with that finding has been retracted by the British Medical Journal (I think that's what it's called) and has been proven to be fraudulent - the data was manipulated.

I guess I'll just go with the ped's recommendations.

Hey! I finally lost the eggplant and have graduated to a squash! :thumbup:

The issue with Autism is more of an environment issue. What foods, cleaners, pesticides and type of environment your in.

As far as why we chose the alternative is because of the mass injections they give all at once and because some of the side effects of the vaccines outweigh the actual help they can do. Also, my issue with mercury in the vaccines is that we're told all throughout our pregnancy to keep away from fish that have toxic levels of mercury in them. It kind of defeats the purpose to say this and then use it in some of the vaccines they give. But that issue I think can be handled by just asking for mercury-free vaccines in place of them.

The other vaccines we opt out of are unnecessary. Otherwise we believe whole-heartedly that Amelia gets the most important vaccines.

Anna, another issue your Dr. will probably be aware of is that if you plan to have your child in regular public school they will have a policy on vaccines. I'm assuming most will follow American Ped. Assoc. as well. We're planning to homeschool so that's not an issue for us either, though I AM checking with our children's ministry leader to see if there are certain guidelines they must follow concerning vaccines and children who participate. That could change thing a bit for us, though we'll do whatever is best for Amelia in the end anyways.

Chris#2, wow! a stroll on the bike sounds fun. Doug has a three day weekend. We're meeting with potential Dr.'s tomorrow and we'll see what happens over the weekend. While I'm trying to go out more often...I also have to find a balance and not put too much pressure on my cervix. Oh how I wish I could just get to the beach!:dohh::haha:

Lava, Zofran took the edge off for me. Hope it gets rid of the nausea for you. :hugs:
I just downloaded eat, sleep, poop book. Im liking it so far. Ill keep u posted
Well ladies, you all certainly know how to chat, I go on holiday for 2 weeks & it's taken me nearly 3 days to catch up. I tried taking notes but got really confused :dohh: so just hope you're all OK & doing well :hugs:

AFM, I went for my 12 week scan at 11+6 & they put me forward to 12+4 so my due date has moved to 29th Dec. My mum came to my scan & was so please to see Iri that she cried. Also had my results for Downs & I'm low risk so that's good news, but I saw my consultant on Wed & she's a little concerned about my blood test results, I have Factor V Leiden present in heterozygous state & my results were below the average range so it's now up to the consultant hematologist to decide if I need heparin or if I can just keep taking the aspirin that I'm on already.

So glad it's Friday, I've have only been back at work for 2 days & I don't feel like I've had a holiday.

Hope you all have a good weekend
Well ladies, you all certainly know how to chat, I go on holiday for 2 weeks & it's taken me nearly 3 days to catch up. I tried taking notes but got really confused :dohh: so just hope you're all OK & doing well :hugs:

AFM, I went for my 12 week scan at 11+6 & they put me forward to 12+4 so my due date has moved to 29th Dec. My mum came to my scan & was so please to see Iri that she cried. Also had my results for Downs & I'm low risk so that's good news, but I saw my consultant on Wed & she's a little concerned about my blood test results, I have Factor V Leiden present in heterozygous state & my results were below the average range so it's now up to the consultant hematologist to decide if I need heparin or if I can just keep taking the aspirin that I'm on already.

So glad it's Friday, I've have only been back at work for 2 days & I don't feel like I've had a holiday.

Hope you all have a good weekend

Glad you had a good time on vacay even though it went too quickly. Sounds like some good news concerning the Downs testings, though your Factor V test showed some lower than average results. Do you think you'll get the heparin?

It's good to have you back!:hugs::flower:
Glad you had a good time on vacay even though it went too quickly. Sounds like some good news concerning the Downs testings, though your Factor V test showed some lower than average results. Do you think you'll get the heparin?

It's good to have you back!:hugs::flower:

Holiday was great, it's just work that's the pain.

Not sure about the heparin, don't really want it but if it helps then I'll take it.

How are you & little Amelia doing?
Glad you had a good time on vacay even though it went too quickly. Sounds like some good news concerning the Downs testings, though your Factor V test showed some lower than average results. Do you think you'll get the heparin?

It's good to have you back!:hugs::flower:

Holiday was great, it's just work that's the pain.

Not sure about the heparin, don't really want it but if it helps then I'll take it.

How are you & little Amelia doing?

We're doing well thank you. 27wks on Sunday.:happydance: We're actually out in a few minutes to interview Dr.'s. Should be fun. I DO like this first multi-practice though. Hoping they'll be slightly flexible with our desire about alternative Vaccinations. We shall see.:winkwink:
Hi all!

lynnb, congrads on the 12 week mile stone! That's great. So glad ur mum got to see the scan, that's really sweet.

Steph, never heard of that book, i'll have to look into it.

ma, hope all is well and your right, the school system will play a big role in our choices as well. I wish I could home school, but not going to happen.

lava, I found out the gender at my amniosentisis (sp). Came as a huge shock as I thought I was having a boy. LOL

AFM, doc appt went well yesterday. I had some prrotein in my urine, but blood pressure was good. However I am now doing a 24 hr pee collection over the weekend and they drew some blood to be safe. I am NOT ready to have this baby now,so she needs to just hang tight for a while longer. Plus at this age they would have to ship me to denver as we do not have the facilities here to handel a premie that young. For all you new ladies, protein in urine can be a sign of preclampsia, which if bad enough means baby comes out. It's what Steph got and she delievered around 30 weeks. Other than that I finally slept great last nigt!!! So excited!!! No back pain, no hip pain. Don't know if it's the physical therapy or what but I feel like a new person. Woohooo!

ok enough from me, have a great weekend, we're going camping again,i'll write if I have service.

wtg Anna! Sounds as though you had a great night! I had that 24hr test a few weeks ago. Basically it was to tell where I was so that if they see signs they'll be able to tell better with the next test if need be. You have to keep the jug in the fridge as it's supposed to stay cold. We just kept it in the bathroom and put ice in a cooler. That way I wouldn't have to keep getting it and it would be right in the bathroom. Hopefully yours will turn out fine. Keep us posted on the outcome when you get it!

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