35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

me again BTW . . . My count regarding how far along I am and the ticker count are off. I was under the impression that you started counting from the beginning of you last cycle. For me that was Nov. 27, making me in the middle of week 8, but ticker is a week behind. Any thoughts? Have I mis counted? Thanks anna

hi Anna!

Typically you count from the first day of your last period (first full day of bleeding). So if that was Nov 27, you would be 7w5d today. It's confusing because the 7 weeks are the weeks you have completed. Meaning you are now 5 days into week 8, but you won't be "8 weeks" (as in 8 weeks completed) till Saturday. Make sense? It threw me too at the beginning!
thanks angela, yes that clarifies things. Because I was counting the other way . . . Thinking I was 5 days into week 8. Ok that helps a lot! Thanks!
Thanks Anna for the offer. I have an outlet mall that is only about 30 minutes from me...just been too lazy to go down there. Also, a friend of mine is supposed to be giving me all her maternity clothes so I should be ok. And my mom (who also lives in CO) has an outlet mall like 2 miles from her house so I can always hit her up...she is used to shopping for me LOL.

As for the skiing. I wouldn't do it. Maybe fake an injury to your ankle or something. That way you don't have to explain. I do know how you feel. I am in So.Cal and we are always going to Disneyland (some of my family members have annual passes and I work for Disney so I can get in free) and before I told anyone I went on a business trip to FL with my boss and had to make up things as to why I wasn't having a drink or why when we went to the Walt Disney World parks, I only wanted to go shopping! It is hard, but I am glad I waited. I did really want to go on some rollercoasters, but my husband had already lectured me about it heehee. (oh for your ticker try a different

Angela - I am glad that you only have a few more weeks left of work. I am sure you will get your nursery done and even if you don't your baby won't know for a while :).
LOL thanks Steph! You are definitely right; most of what I worry about won't worry baby in the slightest, at least not for months! I'm trying to be sure I focus on the things he will definitely need early on, like diapers!! :haha:

And Anna, you can count it whichever way you are more comfortable (i.e. 7+5, or 5 days into 8th week) you just have to look carefully when you are reading things about what's happening "this week" because some sites figure it differently, or refer to it differently. The best sites will allow you to put in your due date and then they will take you to whatever week that is under their calculations. Here is one that I particularly enjoy. https://3dpregnancy.parentsconnect.com/ It's all so confusing but you'll get the hang of it!

And I agree with Steph about the skiing. Can you say you have shin splints or a sprain or something sort of vague that is "bothering you" but not going to require visible support like a brace etc.?

Sorry I forgot to throw my 2 cents in on that question, but I would not personally take the chance. I'm not a real risk-taker though - you know your area and the particular dangers there and how you may feel about it. For us, just because of my AMH numbers, I did not want to take any chances that I could avoid. There are plenty that you can't avoid, but I just wanted to avoid any that I could. If you do decide to call off the skiing this year, just remember you'll have plenty of years left to ski! That's what I keep reminding myself anytime I feel like I'm missing out on something fun. There's always next year! And then you'll have all the fun years where you're teaching your little one to ski. So if you miss this year, you won't even remember it later on!
thank girls for your two cents. I'm still undecided, but leaning toward not skiing. My girl friend skied up to her 7th month. But she was ski patroll and not skiing with the general public. The thing that scares me is not me crashing but getting hit by someone else. Plus she was much younger and did not have that much trouble getting pregnant. Angela,you are right in that so many things can happen that we can't control, might as well eliminate the risks we can.

I'lll let you know how it goes. AFM, woke up last night for the first time with nausea. Thougt I would have to get up and run to the bathroom. Still not feeling great but grateful for the hormone surge that I know is causing me to feel crappy.

Happy Friday! Anna
Oh, I know those fun nighttime awakenings well! The "overnight" nausea actually became the reason I eventually started taking meds for mine. I can't sleep through feeling nauseous and so i kept having to sit awake for 1/2 hour or an hour, several times a night just to eat crackers and drink ginger ale and try to calm my stomach. About the time I'd get back to sleep, it would start up again. Between that and the fact that mine was even worse in the morning, until I could get and keep food down (usually later in the morning; I'd have to work up to it), I was going to have to take disability from work. My dr said not to worry and just to take the meds. They were a miracle! I avoided meds for the most part during first tri, just to feel safer, but my ms continued right on through (overnight and early mornings) so I've been taking Zofran in 2nd and 3rd tri.

I hope the fact that yours isn't really ramping up till almost 8 weeks will be a good sign for you - maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones who feel great except for about 4 weeks between w8 and w12!!
Hi Ladies!!! I would like to *very cautiously* join your group! Have been a member here for a while, TTC for about 18 mos and got my first BFP yesterday after our 4th IUI and ast cycle of injectables! Yay!

That said, I know from reading what a long few weeks I have ahead... Haven't told anyone (except DH, of course)... and likely won't til around Mid-March... I have no idea what all the tests and levels, etc., you all are talking about, but figure I'll just learn as I go... RN told me that HCG was 206 & Progesterone was 81.6... and that was good. Any thoughts?

I have no symptoms so far, except bloating, which I've grown used to with all the drugs I've been taking for the past 5 months... I swear, at 4w1d, I have already gained 17 lbs ( I know its the drugs, but seriously????) But small price to pay... absolutely. Did anyone have a similar experience after fertility drugs? Hope I don't get nausea ~ sounds completely like the pits!!

Thanks for your invitation, Rottpaw and I look forward to learning more about all of your journeys here! :)
Congrats AustinGurrl!!! :yipee: and welcome!!!!!! Here's to a happy and healthy 9 months! :thumbup:
Hi Austin and so glad to see you over here! Welcome!

How is everyone doing? We have had a crazy weekend so far. Out with friends after work Friday, then yesterday was just nuts with errands, more furniture shopping (glider this time) and dinner with friends. I actually slept 10 hours last night (off and on, but I'll take it!) and could have slept longer!

Today should be fun - more furniture shopping (well that's not so fun) but we are having a 3D ultrasound done this afternoon! YAY! I will report back and share pics if we can get some good ones!

Happy weekend and I hope everyone is feeling well!
Our 3D was a success! I am SO excited to "see" our little guy. Here are a couple of the pics! In the third one, you can see one of his little feet. He would not quite turn it all the way around for a clear footprint, but we can see all his toes and I just love it! :happydance:


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Thanks Vivienne! Me too!

How are you feeling lately?
Oh he's sooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!! I just can't believe technology today!!!! Amazing!
Morning Ladies!!

Rottpaw, love the picts!! It is amazing what they can do these days!! He's so big!! Looks all ready to be here. Of course we want him to stay put until it's time, but he looks so good!!! Congrads!! How did the shopping go? What do have left?

Chris, there you are! How are you feeling?

Welcome Austin Girl!!! Sounds like your HCG readings are good. Are they taking another reading? With me they took a few to make sure numbers were increasing. I had a little low pregesterone but so far everything is going smoothly. I am hoping for a smooth 9 months for you. Not everyone gets morning sickness. Mine was pretty light until recently. I am so glad we have another graduate!!!!

Vivienne, what's up in your world???

AFM, feeling a little more nauseous these days. Seems to hit in the AM and at night. Not throwing up ( although I almost did in the grocery store the other day). I think Rottpaw your right, I will be bad between 8-12 weeks then hope it abates for the rest of the pregnancy. The reality of being pregnant is setting in too. I am feeling really big for only being 8 weeks. At night especially, feel really bloated. I bought one of those belly bands yesterday to make your normal clothes last longer. You can wear your normal jeans unbuttoned and this band will hold them up. Hope it works!! I'm not needing to use it yet, but I think in the next few weeks I will. Also started looking at the guest room last night thinking of how we're going to have to arrange it for baby room. Our guest room is currently my closet and "gear" room. Skis, bikes, coats, snowmobile gear, etc. Gonna have to get ready for baby so I've been brain storming on storage ideas.

Lastly, Have my first "real" doctor appt a week from today and I am anxious for it!! I want to start getting down to the nitty gritty that my doctor doesn't want to do until later in the pregnancy. Maybe we can even schedule a first scan and hear the heart beat soon!!! So exciting. Starting to feel less nervous and more like this is really going to happen.

So that's all from here. Hope everyone is well!! Anna
Quick question... Has anyone heard that Hibiscus tea is bad when you're pg? Just got some the other day at store, as I am having major morning coffee withdrawls... Says completely caffeine free, so thought it would be okay...

If not, what kind of tea have y'all been drinking?
Hey ladies!

Thank you for the comments on the pics! I just think they are SO cool and I am glad this technology is around - I cannot believe how "realistic" they look. Most of the "before and after" comparisons I have seen (before and after birth photos) are bang on, in terms of accuracy, so I am so excited to "sort of" know what he'll look like when we meet him! It was very cool to see on-screen yesterday!

And yes Anna, he's definitely a little butterball LOL! I told hubby, at 5lbs 6oz already I am going to start calling him Chunky Monkey! :haha: I love his sweet little cheeks! Hubby's family all have that trait when they are babies and young children - I call it chipmunk cheeks!!

It is definitely reassuring to know he's already picked up that much weight (and he's actually measuring 34 weeks though I'm only 33). If for some reason he came early he should be in pretty good shape developmentally and weight-wise. We have another scan in two weeks and I will be interested to see how much weight he picks up between now and then. I'd like for him to be at least 7lbs at birth but once he's well over that, I'm ready any time he is!

We did get the glider (rocking chair) selected and purchased, and I am thankful that little chore is done. That is the last piece of furniture (for the time being) to go in the nursery. The only remaining nursery items needed will be decorative or organizational things, etc. Poor hubby is about to break out in hives with all the expenses piling up (before baby even arrives, :rofl:) but he came home and fixed a stiff drink and played video games for a couple hours to chill himself out LOL!

We also toured our hospital this weekend, and that was fun. It makes it all feel so real though. The nurses we passed all said "see you guys soon!" And I was thinking, yeah, I guess so!! :haha: We also visited some friends whose little girl is 3.5 weeks old, and just adorable! Between that visit and the hospital visit, I feel really good about where we're delivering and am now just getting excited to get this show on the road!

So excited for your first OB appointment Anna - can't wait to hear how it goes! It sounds like everything is going great and even though the nausea is miserable, it is a GREAT sign that all is well pregnancy-wise.

Austin - I have been too chicken to drink anything herbal at all (even though I normally drink herbal teas by the gallon) - I've been sticking to decaf green tea, but I know plenty of people who drink all kinds of teas with no issue. You might want to see if your gynecologist can tell you what is safe to drink... it would be worth asking. My sister gave me some red raspberry leaf tea (also has other ingredients) which is supposed to be good in third tri, and I asked my dr. about it and got the "I think so" when I asked if it was fine to drink. LOL I am so paranoid... the "I think so" part wasn't enough to reassure me, so I am waiting a while to drink that.

Ladies I hope everyone is feeling as well as possible! As crazy as it sounds, do try to sit back and enjoy and take in all the details of first tri (even the miseries!) because it will be gone before you know it!! It's amazing how fast the time really does fly! I did not believe that, either when I heard it, but now I've experienced it first hand!

Okay, back to work for me!! LOL!
Thanks for the tea input, Rottpaw... Will likely hold off on any for the next few weeks for sure... Was hoping that at least peppermint will be okay! Need something hot to drink in the am and water is well, water...

Thanks for the welcome, Anna, and yes, had another hcg test this morning...
Hcg went from 206 on Thursday to 887 today (Monday)... Progesterone from 81.6 to 106.5... guess that is good!

Man, this waiting stuff is hard... not near as hard as the TTC & 2WW waiting to be sure, but still tough! But I'm glad to be here....

Happy Monday, everyone!
Hi Everyone! It has been a very hectic day!

Welcom AustinGurrl and congrats on your BFP!!!! As for the tea - most Drs say to stay away from herbal teas, but like rottpaw says - check with your dr.

Rottpaw I love the 3D pictures! He is adorable. It is starting to get real. Your baby will be here soon. YAY!!!

Anna - I know what you mean, my guest room/computer room will be the baby room and my hubby and I are trying to decide what we will do with the computer desk , etc. Also, as for the nausea I lived on Ginger Ale and it helped (as did ginger snap cookies). I have a bellyband but didn't really like it. I didn't like the way my zipper rubbed against my tummy, but I could just be a dork and didnt have it on correctly.

AFM - I have my 20 week appointment on Wednesday and I am nervous and excited - I always get nervous for my appt, but I am so looking forward to seeing my little girl. We also just had major lay offs at work and a lot of my good friends were let go. It is really rough. Well I hope everyone else's day is going well.

Thanks Vivienne! Me too!

How are you feeling lately?

Actually a little better thanks. I have my first midwife appt tomorrow and for once I am not terrified about barfing in public as they will know the reason!!!:sick:

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