35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Morning Ladies!!

Rottpaw, love the picts!! It is amazing what they can do these days!! He's so big!! Looks all ready to be here. Of course we want him to stay put until it's time, but he looks so good!!! Congrads!! How did the shopping go? What do have left?

Chris, there you are! How are you feeling?

Welcome Austin Girl!!! Sounds like your HCG readings are good. Are they taking another reading? With me they took a few to make sure numbers were increasing. I had a little low pregesterone but so far everything is going smoothly. I am hoping for a smooth 9 months for you. Not everyone gets morning sickness. Mine was pretty light until recently. I am so glad we have another graduate!!!!

Vivienne, what's up in your world???

AFM, feeling a little more nauseous these days. Seems to hit in the AM and at night. Not throwing up ( although I almost did in the grocery store the other day). I think Rottpaw your right, I will be bad between 8-12 weeks then hope it abates for the rest of the pregnancy. The reality of being pregnant is setting in too. I am feeling really big for only being 8 weeks. At night especially, feel really bloated. I bought one of those belly bands yesterday to make your normal clothes last longer. You can wear your normal jeans unbuttoned and this band will hold them up. Hope it works!! I'm not needing to use it yet, but I think in the next few weeks I will. Also started looking at the guest room last night thinking of how we're going to have to arrange it for baby room. Our guest room is currently my closet and "gear" room. Skis, bikes, coats, snowmobile gear, etc. Gonna have to get ready for baby so I've been brain storming on storage ideas.

Lastly, Have my first "real" doctor appt a week from today and I am anxious for it!! I want to start getting down to the nitty gritty that my doctor doesn't want to do until later in the pregnancy. Maybe we can even schedule a first scan and hear the heart beat soon!!! So exciting. Starting to feel less nervous and more like this is really going to happen.

So that's all from here. Hope everyone is well!! Anna

:dohh: Oh Anna it sounds just like me! I was looking at all the work we have to do in the spare room and it terrified me. It is our gear room as well as my wardrobe and spare shoe room! I am definitely not feeling the nesting urge at all! Great news about "real" doctor appt. It doesn't feel real yet and I'm hoping a scan will do the trick!
Quick question... Has anyone heard that Hibiscus tea is bad when you're pg? Just got some the other day at store, as I am having major morning coffee withdrawls... Says completely caffeine free, so thought it would be okay...

If not, what kind of tea have y'all been drinking?

I cut out most coffee as it made me gag, but I'm still drinking English breakfast tea with caffeine as I need a little kick :dohh: Only 2 cups a day though. Hibiscus tea is fine though. :thumbup:
Thanks for the tea input, Rottpaw... Will likely hold off on any for the next few weeks for sure... Was hoping that at least peppermint will be okay! Need something hot to drink in the am and water is well, water...

Thanks for the welcome, Anna, and yes, had another hcg test this morning...
Hcg went from 206 on Thursday to 887 today (Monday)... Progesterone from 81.6 to 106.5... guess that is good!

Man, this waiting stuff is hard... not near as hard as the TTC & 2WW waiting to be sure, but still tough! But I'm glad to be here....

Happy Monday, everyone!

Thanks Vivienne! Me too!

How are you feeling lately?

Actually a little better thanks. I have my first midwife appt tomorrow and for once I am not terrified about barfing in public as they will know the reason!!!:sick:

Good luck, Vivienne! I would be really interested to hear about your experiences at your midwife appointment, as I don't know of anyone whose used one....

Btw - I love your name & such a cute pic of you guys!
Oh man you should see our future baby room. :dohh: It's a disaster. We should all post pictures, :rofl: Before and afters...... that would be fun!

Just a quick post because I am at work, but nice to see all the ladies here progressing :thumbup:

I have officially *gasp* gained 5lbs. Although I think 90% of it is water weight because I pretty much put on 4lbs immediately. That last pound happened this week... We'll see. Trying not to obsess but I really don't want to put on a ton of weight. My friend who is 33 weeks, put on 60lbs already and is in so much pain. If that can be avoided, I will certainly avoid it! Looking forward to getting back to the gym and doing some light workouts. Just to get my body moving again.
Quick question... Has anyone heard that Hibiscus tea is bad when you're pg? Just got some the other day at store, as I am having major morning coffee withdrawls... Says completely caffeine free, so thought it would be okay...

If not, what kind of tea have y'all been drinking?

austin girl, I have read that any pre-packaged tea is fine. It's the tea they put in bags from tea shops that an contain higher doses of some things that can be dangerous. I cut out caffine months ago in my ttc struggle and have been drinking a spice tea. Also drinking lots of ginger lemon tea when feeling nauseaus and it seems to hep. Hope this helps!! Anna
hello all!!

austin girl, well conflicting information re: herbal tea. Talk to your doc and do what feels right for you. If drinking herbal tea makes you nervous don't drink it, it's not worth the stress. When I go to coffee houses I get a steamer made with non fat milk. If you need a morning hot drink, it's non fat milk with some syrup in it like vavilla or my favorite, almond. That way you get something hot plus some good calcium for you and baby. Hope this helps, LOL.

vivienne, can't wait to hear how appt goes!! You have been so patient. I'm sure it will all go smoothly.

chris, I love the idea of pictures of before and after. I'm in. How are you feeling lately? Have you had your first scan?

steph, sorry about the lay offs at work! So stressful, but i'm glad you wern't part of it! I'm waiting for the all clear before I tell my main boss about pregnancy. Ther's a possibility of a promotion at work,but it would come about right about at my due date. One more thing to worry about.

rottpaw, my DH is stressing about the $ too and we haven't spent a dime! Men!!

AFM, just hanging and eating a lot of eggs. Seems to be the thing my body wants.

svet, I have not been on a scale since my first doc appt and i'm worried. Like you I really don't want to gain too much weight. I work on my feet all day and a lot of weight gain would equal misery. I have been walking tons and yoga once a week. Right now it's regular yoga but I tell the teacher before class i'm pregnant and she'll tell me if I should sit out on some posses. I'm trying to find a pre natal yoga class in my area right now. So far the waist on some of my clothes is a little tight but the butt still fits like normal so I hope I have not gained too much, i'll let you know next week at doc appt. I've also been trying to make healthy switches to some of my cravings. Cheese burgers have sounded sooooo good!! So i'm eating veggie burgers instead and for the most part baby dosen't know the difference.

ok rambeling is over have a good tuesday!!!! Anna
Hey Svet - your weight gain sounds pretty much on target. I have read that women should gain anywhere between 4-9 pounds with each trimester and you have gained 5 and are almost done with your 1st trimester, so that is good! I make it a point to as my dr evertime I have an appointment if I am gaining too much weight - so far so good. am also in for a before and after photo (lets see if I remember when the camera is LOL)

Rottpaw - I think I am starting to feel baby girl move and know that it is her! It is very exciting. There are times when I stand up and I can feel hard areas in my tummy and I know I am feeling her butt or her head. I am looking forward to my hubby feeling her move! I can't believe that I am at the half way point. Boy time flies.

Kudos to you Anna for being able to make a healthy alternative. I have not been having that luck. It is still VERY hard for me to eat veggies (though I am really really good with fruit). A lot of times now, I am just not very hungry - nothing like 1st trimester where I was ravenous most of the day. Now, if I drink too much water or something, I get full. But when I am hungry I mostly just want pizza. My baby is going to come out and not want breast milk, but a slice of pepperoni.

Vivienne - please update us on your appointment!
Everyone else - I hope you are having a fantastic day and that m/s is not too bad.

Well went to midwife and she was WONDERFUL. :cloud9: I had a whole hour and half with her which was great,(usually it will be a half hour which is plenty. I have had friends who have only had 10 min appts with their midwives).
She took a complete medical history, asked me how I felt about being pregnant, was everybody on board, did I have a support network and did I want a birth plan? Took blood pressure and made me cups of earl grey, it was a fabulous experience.
There are actually 3 teams of 3 midwives at this practice and they all back each other up to cover illness, other births, holidays and long labours! I will have a meeting with each one as I go along.
My scan is booked for about a week and half away at a private clinic, (better machine) and so far that is all I have shelled out for, it'll cost 50 dollars. Almost all maternity care is free in NZ which I praise the Lord for as I cannot work.
The best part was when I said how worried I was about being overweight and having a large BMI, she said rubbish and that I carried my weight in the right places (hips and boobs-I have a sort of hour glass figure), and that as my blood pressure was great and my general health good I should have a great pregnancy once the MS sods off. I could have kissed her!!!:happydance:
I have had a good day and feel more relaxed.

Love to all my graduates
Vivienne xxxxx
Yay Vivienne! Sounds like you have a great MW there and I definitely think having supportive and helpful caregivers makes all the difference!

Steph, congrats on the movements and just wait, you'll be feeling little one turn cartwheels in no time!

Steph and Chris, believe it or not, no matter how sick I got, I was never too ill to eat pizza. Crazy as it was, the cheese and salt actually seemed to help settle my stomach. I couldn't swallow a veggie (or really any fruit at that stage), but I could eat pizza! So we did, on several occasions. Don't feel bad. It's all about eating whatever you can that will stay down and give you some calories.

Chris, your weight sounds good as Steph mentioned. I only picked up 5 during my first tri, but then began to steadily gain. To date, with about 6.5 weeks to go (half a trimester remaining) I have gained 26. So don't worry. You're right on schedule! They say as long as your weight is in the "normal" BMI range you should gain 25-35 pounds during pregnancy. If heavier, gain a little less and if underweight to begin with, gain a little more. You're doing fine!

Anna, I think your warm milk idea sounds great for mornings! I have switched over to (real) hot chocolate in the mornings (milk, sugar, cocoa) as I went off coffee almost immediately. Although I am just now, in the last few weeks, able to stomach (and actually enjoy) a decaf coffee now and then. I normally LOVE coffee, but in retrospect, that was the very first sign of pregnancy for me. My coffee started to taste AWFUL and turn my stomach, before I even tested positive. Next time I'll know what's happening LOL!

Austin, how are you feeling today?

Well ladies all is still going fine here. Just muddling through a ridiculous week at work and VERY happy to be on countdown there. I have had exactly 2 vacation days in over a year and I am SO sick of that place.

I will definitely try to take a "before" picture of our nursery (although we've already moved hubby's office out of there, so you won't get quite the full effect). I think it will be fun to see all the before and afters!

Happy Wednesday!
morning all!

missmuffett, thank for the heads up. My acupuncturist suggested the tea, but I will check the label.

svet, I agree with everyone else although it probably didn't sound like it before. Your weight gain sounds perfect and i'm probably right there with you, i'm just too chicken to get on a scale!

also, don't think for a second i'm some kind of all healthy food saint. I went to mcDonalds twice last week for french fries and a cheese burger. And that requires effort as there are no fast food restaurants in my town. I had to drive to the next town!! And don't even get me started on pizza. I'm glad i'm not the only one. Plus there is a really good italian reseraunt across the street from my work and they sell these huge slices of pizza for only $3. Needless to say it's a daily temptation. I've ben doing ok with veggies, although salad seems more appealing than broccoli.

mismufett, can't believe ur already half way!!

vivienne, so psyched that the mw appt went so well!! Sounds like your in really good hands! I love that there is a team to take care of you! If I go into labor while my doc is unavailable who nows who i'll end up with. I also love that she was so positive re: your weight! Finally someone who gets it and gave you some good reassurance!

i'm out thinking of pizza!! Have a good day!
one more added quick diclaimer . . . I always type from my phone with no spell check and it's hard to edit,so please excuse all the typos!! Anna
one more added quick diclaimer . . . I always type from my phone with no spell check and it's hard to edit,so please excuse all the typos!! Anna

:rofl: you're adorable!!!

I hear yeah re. the MacDonald's although for me it's A&W. We had dinner at the mall last Wednesday because I needed a teen burger with onion rings. I normally don't touch the stuff. Vegetables are getting easier to eat now. I'm starting to fell somewhat normal again re. food etc. although I gagged at dinner the other night worse than I ever had before! :dohh:

Thanks for everyone's words of encouragement re. weight gain! I know I'll gain what I'll gain and I certainly won't deprive my baby of calories. I just really want to keep it within the norm so I can enjoy being pregnant instead of obsessing over how fat and uncomfortable I am. *Learning from my friend who is 33 weeks....

Off to lunch!!!
Hi ladies, I just got back from my 20 week scan, and everything is looking great. My little girl was moving all around and didnt want anyone looking at her feet. The Dr wants me to come in every two weeks because I still have +1 protein in my urine and because of age, at risk for premature labor. But he said it was just more of a precaution. So, I would rather so be safe than sorry.

We got some really good pictures of her face and profile which is awesome.

Vivienne - I am so glad that your appointment with your mw went well and that you like her. It is really important to get along with the person you want to deliver your baby.

I hope everyone is having a good day and sorry for getting everyone craving pizza HA HA HA
YAY Steph I am so glad all is well! That 20 week scan is really cool!

And Chris, don't worry. By third tri you'll be fat and uncomfortable like me even if you've kept weight gain perfectly on track, so don't stress. It's all normal!!

Happy evening ladies! I'm off to take some more Tums and try to get to bed.
Have got a scan next week so that should be fun, see if I am pregnant or just having a phantom pregnancy!!!!! HAhahaha:happydance:
Glad everyone is starting feel a bit better too!!
Awesome Vivienne - each scan is so much fun! We were with a FS in the beginning, so had several; one at 6 wks, 8, 9 and then 12. I got completely spoiled with the scans and was VERY bummed to then have to wait till 18 (we did our 20 week early) and then 26. Now 35 is our next one, except we had the 3D so that helped fill in the gap!
Holy crap Angela you are so lucky! Here we only get two- one at 20 weeks and one again around 33 weeks. The only reason I am getting one at 12 weeks is because I am paying for it. :wacko:

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