35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

P. S. DH is still in denial. He asked me if we should buy tickets to next years Penn St. V.S. Alabama game. (college football for those not in the U.S.). I was like first we need to be saving money and second when is the game???? He said the second week in September. I said, " well seeing as that's when I'm due, probably not the best idea!" Really!!!!!! He is so clueless!!!!

Ok rant over. . . have a good day again!

Hmmm mines due during the Rugby world cup which NZ is hosting this year and as this country is rugby mad I'm sure OH is planning on watching every game and going to some of the home games so I think I will be spending a lot of time alone with bubs!
Congrats Steph on team PINK and I am so glad all is well with the baby! There is definitely such a nice feeling when they can tell you everything looks good!

Ran out of my nausea meds and my dr's office was closed yesterday for the MLK holiday here in the states, so this morning has been a bit more icky than usual. Nausea and rain LOL. But, I actually like to take a day off the meds every now and again to see if I can stop them completely or taper back. It was not too bad last night; I slept thru the night pretty well and only woke up with nausea instead of being awakened early by it, so I am thankful for that. May see if I can avoid taking it every day from here on out, at least.

And I also tried propping up on one of those wedge pillows last night, to help with the reflux and heartburn. I normally can't sleep well propped up, but I was desperate! It worked pretty well and I didn't toss and turn any more than usual, so I think I will keep trying that. It is a bit hilarious with all the various pillows and things in the bed - my poor husband and dog are marooned on the other side of the bed and separated from me by a mountain of foam wedge and pillows now, but whatever works!! :haha: But I already slept with a king sized pillow on either side of me (have for years) because of a disc problem in my neck. So the foam wedge thingy is just one more addition to my sleeping "gear." Getting into and out of the bed now, with all that stuff in there (plus being enormously pregnant) is truly a comedy routine, but again, whatever works!! See what you ladies have to look forward to?! LOL!

For this week, we have an OB appt tomorrow and then the hospital tour this weekend. It's all feeling very real these days!!

Hugs to all and hope everyone's feeling well or at least better!
Well, it looks like a came here too soon:cry:, I had some spotting over the weekend & called my midwife, she said the best I could do was relax & rest & phone the Drs on Monday. I called & asked for a blood test, and just got the result, my HCG is 74.3, which for 6 weeks is ridiculously low so expecting to miscarry soon. They have asked me to go for another blood test on friday to make sure my level is going down.

Not too sure what to do now, just a wait & see what happens I suppose
missmuffett, like you the amnio is for my piece of mind. It was so good to hear your news !! And I am so happy all looks good. Yeh team pink. And yes, I think we're hoping for a bowl game, perhapse the one in Arizona, it's about a 15 hour drive for us. That way baby wil be here and maybe grand parents can take over for a day.

Rottpaw, LOL!! I loved the visual of all the pillows!! I am glad the funeral went as well a can be expected. I really hope your dad is around for the birth, but if not then I loved the idea of the story book!! What a treasure to have.

Vivienne, how are you feeling these days. Good luck with the rugby world cup!! Are all men the same??

AFM, feeling really crappy. Headache, didn't sleep well last night (up for most of), then when I went to sleep had a HORRIBLE MC dream!! Top it off I don't want any of the food I have at work but i'm hungry!! The dried mangos just aren't cutting it for breakfast, I need a bagle!! Ok whine fest over. To top everything off we got 2 feet of fresh powder last night and i'm stuck at work. I know i'm not supposed to ski, but it's a powder day!!! Sorry, I said whine fest was over.

BTW, DH is from central PA, and Penn State is in his blood and we eat, sleep, and breath college football in the fall.

happy tuesday!!
Oh Lynn, I am SO sorry honey. There are just no words that are adequate but I am sending you love and prayers. :cry:
Anna I totally understand the football fanaticism. In the South is is positively a religion (not to be confused with our faith LOL!). I am so excited that our little guy will be about 6 months when football begins again, and he will be just the right size for the UGA onesie we bought him this fall!! SO excited to see him in that. Adorable!
Lynn I am so sorry. I truly know how devastating that can be. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please let me know if you need to talk.

Lots of hugs!
missmuffett, like you the amnio is for my piece of mind. It was so good to hear your news !! And I am so happy all looks good. Yeh team pink. And yes, I think we're hoping for a bowl game, perhapse the one in Arizona, it's about a 15 hour drive for us. That way baby wil be here and maybe grand parents can take over for a day.

Rottpaw, LOL!! I loved the visual of all the pillows!! I am glad the funeral went as well a can be expected. I really hope your dad is around for the birth, but if not then I loved the idea of the story book!! What a treasure to have.

Vivienne, how are you feeling these days. Good luck with the rugby world cup!! Are all men the same??

AFM, feeling really crappy. Headache, didn't sleep well last night (up for most of), then when I went to sleep had a HORRIBLE MC dream!! Top it off I don't want any of the food I have at work but i'm hungry!! The dried mangos just aren't cutting it for breakfast, I need a bagle!! Ok whine fest over. To top everything off we got 2 feet of fresh powder last night and i'm stuck at work. I know i'm not supposed to ski, but it's a powder day!!! Sorry, I said whine fest was over.

BTW, DH is from central PA, and Penn State is in his blood and we eat, sleep, and breath college football in the fall.

happy tuesday!!

Not too shabby today thanks pablo. Yes I believe men are hard wired to be complete tossers when it comes to major sporting events!!!!
Well, it looks like a came here too soon:cry:, I had some spotting over the weekend & called my midwife, she said the best I could do was relax & rest & phone the Drs on Monday. I called & asked for a blood test, and just got the result, my HCG is 74.3, which for 6 weeks is ridiculously low so expecting to miscarry soon. They have asked me to go for another blood test on friday to make sure my level is going down.

Not too sure what to do now, just a wait & see what happens I suppose

So sorry Lynn :cry: It's the pits :cry:
:hugs: I am so sorry Lynn. I unfortunately know the pain you are going through. Sending lot's of love your way. xo
lynnb, I am so sorry!!! We must have posted at the same time yesterday and I did not see your post. Lots of hugs. You are in my tougts today!

Angela, LOL! Never fear, football is religion in our house, only we go to church on saturdays. I love that you have a onsie already!! I will deinately be ordering one as things progress!! Still too afaraid to do anything that might jinx things.

AFM, I GOT SLEEP !!! I am a new person today compared with yesterday. Feeling good and on a TMI note got me some nookie this am to boot!!! Ok sorry promise not to tell you everytime I have sex.

happy hump day!! Anna
LOL Anna you are too funny! I'm glad someone's getting some. I'm not, but that's my reluctance rather than hubby's! :haha:

It was really sweet, it was actually hubby's idea to pick up the onesie. We went to a home game at UGA this fall with another couple (the wife was also pregnant and just recently had her adorable baby girl!) We passed by a sale tent for clothes and stuff and both husbands started looking at the baby clothes. So sweet!

Had my OB check this morning and thankfully all is well. I had a bit of a scary morning as I had some scary dizzy and faint-feeling spells before the appointment. I was also having some terrible abdominal pain that I think was just constipation :blush: But it got so bad I could not tell what should be considered "normal" and when I started to feel like I was going to pass out (I was home alone) I called my hubby home from work to take me to the doctor. She did reassure me that the baby is fine and that those kinds of things are totally normal for 3rd tri (unfortunately!) She said at this stage it's just a matter of "keep trying new things." So if I'm uncomfortable or lightheaded in one position, try moving around, etc. She said at this stage, the baby can actually compress the blood vessels in the abdomen even if you aren't lying flat on your back. :dohh:

She did say that he's measuring right on for 32 weeks, and she thinks he is head down now (which would be great, as he's been transverse for the longest time now). They can still flip around a fair bit between 32 and 35 when we get our next scan, but we'll see how he does. He's a little acrobat in there! She said the next few weeks I should start to feel more like I'm carrying a bowling ball in there. She actually used those words!! :rofl:

I'm so excited for each of you ladies as you move into the "fun part" where baby starts to move, etc.!

Lucy, can you feel your little one moving yet?

:hugs: ladies!
HA HA HA Anna - It seems love was in the air this morning as me and my husband "got it on" this morning as well! It has been a while as they tell you to wait at least week after the amnio and I didn't want to prior to the amnio just in case. And don't feel bad. I haven't bought anything for the baby yet either. I want to wait until I am at least 6 months before buying anything.

Angela - glad that your doctor said there was nothing to worry about. I am sure that it must have been scary especially since you were home alone!

AFM - I am working on putting my baby organizer together. I went to Barnes and Nobles to get one (I thought they would have something similar to the wedding organizers for Brides) but no such luck, so I am creating my own with folders for Dr Visits. Birthing Classes, Work Leave Information, Delivery info, etc. I like to be prepared and organized. I got a really nice purse looking organizer from Office Depot.

I am now about to head to lunch to try and get some more maternity clothes, as I don't really have any and I can no longer fit into any of my pants or shirts for that matter. Well I can wear my shirts but I end up looking like baby huey LOL!

Anyway ladies, I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their little ones!

Steph, good luck with the maternity clothes! You have made it a lot farther along before making the switch than I did; the first thing to go was my waist LOL!

Try Gap - if you have a Baby Gap store near you, that is where they sell their maternity line. I have loved their clothes and especially for work, I've been able to get away with a couple pairs of pants and jeans and some soft, long sleeve tees that have been super comfy.

At 19 weeks, have you felt your little one move yet? You ladies around the 20 week mark are getting close, if you haven't felt movement already! It's amazing when it happens!
Just got back from y shopping spree. I went to Gap Maternity and the prices were OUTRAGEOUS! I went to another store called Destination Maternity and they had Motherhood and Pea and Pod clothing AND they were having a 50% sale and a buy one get one 1/2 off sale. So I was able to get about 4 tops, and 3 pairs of pants for a good price. It was still a bit pricey but I feel better knowing that I have something to wear. I think if I need anything else, I will go to Ross.

I don't think I have felt the baby move yet. I am just not sure. Last night, I thought I was feeling something, but when I put my hand on my belly it stopped. hmmm.
I was about 20, maybe 21 weeks before I felt "sure" of what I was feeling (and even then I wasn't sure!) Never fear. They quickly become stronger so over a matter of about a month you'll go from not being sure to being able to feel almost every time they move. It's so cute!!

About Gap = I signed up for their store credit card to get an initial deal when I bought pants and jeans (which were expensive but I literally had half an hour to shop and needed something I could wear the next day). They then gave me several coupons which I later used to buy a bunch of shirts for $10 each. So far I'm making do with the items I bought there plus some things borrowed from friends. We'll see if I can make it the last two months without needing to buy anything bigger!! :rofl:
steph, I am glad you got some too!! I have heard people say sometimes women get horney while pregnant. Maybe it's the increased blood flow but I swear sex is better!! As far as maternity clothes go, do you have Target there? I'm pretty sure they carry maternity clothes. Good luck with shopping. We have a baby gap outlet here. If I find anything cheap I could get ur size and send you something??

aangela, first I love that the guys were looking at the baby clothes!! Maybe there's hope for my DH. Second I am sorry you were feeling so funky. It would have scared the crap out of me too! I am glad DH was able to come home and take you to the doc. Are you still working? What did the doc say to do if it happens while at work or worse driving? Ok didn't mean to freak you out. I've just never heard of that happening.

AFM, feeling pretty good, but i've got a conundrum (sp). As most of you know I live in a ski town. We are currently in a storm cycle and the snow has been epic! Everyone wants me to go ski with them. Problem is this: according to all the information i've read regarding pregnancy and exercise they say if you've done something before you were pregnant go ahead and keep doing it as long as heart rate dosen't get too high. Only exceptions are sports where impacts are possible like ice hockey and skiing. I really want to ski but am having trouble weighing the possible consequences. I could just ski the easy stuff, but you always risk someone else running into you (my dad has been hit three times). Plus if I only want to ski the easy stuff everyone will wonder what's up and i'm trying to keep things on the hush hush for another month. I think i'm answering my own question, but any thoughts are welcome.

also my clothes still fit pretty good, but at night after dinner . . . Holy cow!! Literally I feel like a cow. Anyway it's almost friday. . Have a good thursday!
me again BTW . . . My count regarding how far along I am and the ticker count are off. I was under the impression that you started counting from the beginning of you last cycle. For me that was Nov. 27, making me in the middle of week 8, but ticker is a week behind. Any thoughts? Have I mis counted? Thanks anna
There's definitely hope for the husbands and other halves! Sometimes these things just aren't real to them yet. I don't think my husband felt like much had changed until he actually saw the baby moving around on ultrasound (I think it was about 9 weeks where he began to look like a "gummy bear," as one friend calls it!) When they can actually see that life and motion, I think it is much more real to them. But even then, my husband really started to pay more attention once I began to show. He (for whatever reason) found that part very exciting. Maybe just seeing that outward confirmation of what he'd been shown on the ultrasound. Then of course, once they start kicking, and your hubby can feel and watch that, I'm sure he'll find it as adorable as you do!

I am still working, and I have days where I am thankful for that (to pass time) and days where I can't stand it (like yesterday, when all I wanted to do was come home and get in the bed and watch a movie). But I am officially on countdown now, with a maximum of about 36 more working days before baby (and possibly fewer!!) Thank God! I know having a baby is a whole different kind of full time job, but I have only had one real vacation day from this office in the last year (the rest were burned with morning sickness and doctor visits, etc.) and I SOOOOOO need a break from this place.

The doctor said that basically the more "routine" dizziness, lightheadedness, etc. that I have had the last few weeks is normal, and I should just sit/lie down as needed if I feel faint. The more extreme version (cold sweats, tunnel vision, nausea and truly feeling like I might faint at any second, even in a sitting position) that I had yesterday was what she said is a "vagus nerve" reaction. She said it can be triggered by a lot of things (like anxiety or physical stress) but it is the same physical response that causes some people, for example, to faint at the sight of blood. She said it can be scary but is not harmful to the baby, so I am not to worry about baby in that context and just concentrate on not falling or passing out LOL.

Meanwhile, we're continuing to get prepared for baby. I almost literally :rofl: yesterday when the doctor said to spend these last few weeks relaxing as much as possible, and she said "now that the showers are done and the nursery and house are ready and you can just put your feet up..." I didn't have the heart to tell her that we have not had any of our showers yet, the nursery is only beginning, we are still working on some other parts of the house, and I have a gazillion things I think "need" to get done in the next month. :rofl: :rofl: That said, I am trying to put my feet up as needed, because if I don't they won't fit in my shoes!! :haha:

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