35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!


Interview is this afternoon. Nervous but not too bad. Yes I will have to work weekends I think, but then have mid week days off. Not too bad if they can give me the same two days off each week. Probably a deal breaker if they can't. Due to daycare I need to know what days I'm working. We'll just see how it goes. And yes they have beautiful bags! Maybe with employee discount I will finally be able to afford one.

As for house hunt, always hard, and I think you're right living with a major renovation is really hard. Plus it always takes longer than they say it will. I'm sorry those are some tough decisions. But yeh for interest in your flat!! Hope you find a good buyer soon.

How are you feeling these days?

Beth, and chris, how are you ladies doing today?

Steph, hope you are well!! PM me your address and I'll see how close you live to seal beach and we'll see if we can work out a date!

Angela, how was your weekend?
Plum, hope you are well.

AFM, had a good weekend, but a really rough night. Jo has gotten yet another cold and she woke up at 4am completely congested, unable to breath. Poor little. Poor mom whose been up since 4am. Earlier actually as I woke up at 3:00 stressing interview. Ah well. I'll let you all know how interview goes. Fingers crossed they give me more $$ than I'm asking and weekends off. LOL! Not going to happen, but one can hope.

Happy Monday!!:hugs:
Hi all

We are all now sick with hubby's cold so that sucks. My throat is killing me and I can't medicate myself like I want because if breastfeeding. So I will suffer through.

Anna how was the interview? I will definitely PM my address. Sorry to hear that Jo has a cold.

Chris how was the ultrasound?

Skye so are when will you know about the house? I know it is all stressful. I can't even imagine doing all that while pregnant.

I hope everyone is doing well. Hopefully I'll be better in the next few days and ill write more

Hi all,

Steph, you poor, poor, thing! I am so sorry you are so sick! Do u have help at home with Katelyn? Lots and lots of hugs!! :hugs:

Beth, I'm hoping no news is good news, and that you're just really busy with house hunting and selling. Anyway, know I'm thinking of you and sending hugs.:hugs:

Angela, how are you sweet friend? :flower:

Chris, I think your scan is today? Let us know how it goes!! :hugs:

Skye, how are you today? Feeling ok? :flower:

Vivienne, long time no talk, if your stalking I hope the wedding went well!! Thinking of you.:hugs:

Plum, hope all is well in your world. I've been totally slacking on the running front. Have gained back some oft the weight I lost, just in time for girls weekend, awesome. Ugh! Constant struggle!! Hope you are well.:flower:

AFM, I wrote and up-date yesterday then got distracted. By the time I got back to the post, I had timed out of the session and just didn't have the energy to write another. So, Steph to answer your question, interview went better than I had hoped. They have two positions open, one for an assistant manager, and another for an associate manager who works directly under the main manager. So I'm hoping for the associate manager, it's more of a lateral /move up move and the pay is much more. They are doing a background and credit check right now. Assuming those go well I will then interview with the district manager. It's starting to feel like this might be a move I will make. But I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch. And if I stay where I am, then that's ok too. I do have one trepidation, my current store is one of four owned by the same company in Breckenridge. Normally every store has it's own manager. However, a few months ago two managers left to go back to school. Instead of hiring new managers, they put a supervisor at one and the manager of an existing large store was managing the other large store that was without one. It's a slow time of the year, so not a huge responsibility. Well I just learned yesterday they are not replacing the other manager, which means one person is going to manage our two biggest winter stores. I can not believe they have done this. Nothing against my friend who is doing the work, but it is WAY TOO MUCH for one person. So now if I leave . . . . But I am not responsible for our owners bad judgement. I'll give as much notice as I can and I'm hiring a really good girl this week so I'm hoping to have a good staff in place if I leave, but there is no one in place to take my place. Ah well. Like I said maybe I'm worrying for nothing.

Ok sorry vent over. . .

Hugs to everyone!!!
Anna, it sounds very positive hon. The store you work for would figure sthg out don't worry. I really hope you get the job, than you can decide if you want to take it. And maybe you can negotiate with them for the weekend. Say maybe it might be possible for them to give you a weekend off every other month, or after 3 months u work etc . just so you can have a time off with hubby to do any trips.. If not if the pay's good than u have a tough decision to make :))) But coach would look very good on a Cv and it is a move up. So very positive indeed. Very exciting..... Good luck.

Steph poor u. Really sucks being congested when u can't take any meds...

BTW girls anybody use Vaporiser for congested bbs...I'd highly recommend it if you don't have one. Keeps their airways moisturised all night and lets them breath better. Might work for adults too dunno...

Hi Ladies,

So sorry it seems I fell off the face of the earth again. Still pg. :) Had a scare last week where I thought I was having another miscarriage as one day I woke up and BOOM, ALL my symptoms were gone. No morning sickness (which was terrible), no pressure or the feeling of pregnancy, no tiredness, no achy boobs, nothing. Then the next day the cramps started. No bleeding but felt like my period was coming, and had bad diarrhea, JUST like it did when I had the first bad miscarriage with Cookie. So that third day I called the OB in tears convinced I was going to start another miscarriage. They had me come in immediately for an ultrasound (had one the week before at just about 6 weeks) and a perfect little heartbeat was going strong at 168BPM. phew. perfect size for 7 weeks, perfect. Then I cried all over again. And the nausea came back the next day with a vengeance , but I have never been so happy to be sick. 8 weeks today. :) Already starting to show. :)

Other than that scare, we have been trying to sell our house, not easy. Found 2 I love but we need to sell first, so it has been stressful. Made my little guy his costume for Halloween - he's a Viking! :)

We went to a wedding for Charlie's brother's girlfriend's daughter (what a mouthful!). So I had to be with that side again, and hide the fact I was pg as they don't need to know yet. But if you don't have a drink in your hands in 2.5 seconds from entering, they badger you until you do. Granted, I would have tolerated them better if I HAD a drink, but I managed to get to the bar first and order a cranberry and sprite in a glass (not the plastic cup that screams no alcohol) and grabbed 2 dark cocktail straws. I fooled everyone! :) But then, the inevitable crap happened. Seriously, I'm still shaking my head over this. We went to find our placecards and couldn't find our name. Odd. We asked his brother where he was sitting, table 1, ok, we are probably there too, no biggie. We tell one of the sisters, she said she would find out, let her do it. ok whatever. The person in charge at the reception place comes over and says, hmm, we think you are at Table 14. I said, they Better be next to Table 1! NOPE. Table 1 was in the upper right hand corner of the very large room, Table 14 was in the far lower left hand side, near the kitchen, witht he huge dance floor separating us. With the groom's (we are on the bride's side) co-workers, most of whom never met the bride. seriously. Seriously! I was shocked as you just don't split up family (when it's that small) and the previous wedding of the other sister's son, we were all at one table and the daughter's of the sister were at the young adult table, so the family could stay together. I was so mad for Charlie, because it just shows they treat him like a doormat and oh, just shove Charlie somewhere, he won't mind. Well, maybe Charlie won't, but his feisty Italian wife DOES. We said to the sister who went to "help", gee, it is just weird, because if they truly ran out of room (only 8 at a table), I can see putting us at table 2 or something close just to be near the family. And she says, well, what do you want me to say, my girls are here. And considering at the shower, they put those girls names on the gift they gave and the maid of honor, who threw the shower, said, who are these girls (they weren't at the shower, just on the gift), so we don't think they were actually invited, she just brought her daughters along because she is very pushy and would do something like that. Oh, and also think that because Charlie's daughter wasn't invited to the wedding. Yeah. She brought them, took our placecard and then had them seat us elsewhere. To finish off our lovely evening, the sisters were acting like 2 drunk 20 year olds. sigh.

On the plus side, being apart from everyone, we actually were able to enjoy our dinner and each other's company! lol. We had a lovely dinner, one fast dance and one great slow dance, then scooted home after the cake cutting. Poppy was perfect for my sister, but she did bedtime wrong, so he was restless until we got home, but he did so well. :)

He has been a whiny pants today, doesn't like the fact that I'm pushing more with the words, making him say up and down on purpose not just mimic. still doesn't have many words at all, Charlie is frustrated with all the ehh-ehh-ehh he says constantly and wants the early speech therapist in, while I'm still fighting it. sigh. I don't know. I don't want to go back to the pediatrician in Feb and he's only saying 10 words!

I have to run as I need to get something for dinner ready, and I only meant to pop on quick! I hope you are all well, love to you all, and will catch up hopefully soon!
Congrats on 8 weeks Beth!!!! I absolutely LOVE Charlie's Halloween costume, soooo adorable.
What a fiasco at the wedding, but glad you ended up enjoying yourselves!
Great to hear from you xo

Anna- any news on the job???

Skye- how are you feeling?

Guess I haven't updated in awhile... we had our 12 week ultrasound on the 22nd. Everything looks good and only one bubba! We won't get our results for another couple weeks... one more blood test to do. Prediction is boy. He said 80% which I not surprised by. It's been my hunch all along. We'll know for sure Dec. 18th at my 20 week ultrasound.

Not been feeling too great. Nausea seems to have subsided for the most part, but food is just not appealing to me most of the time. I'm getting headaches and I have terrible insomnia. Sophie hasn't been helping with the sleep either. Seems bedtime has gotten back to normal, but she's been waking bw 4-5am the last three days, insisting on snuggling in bed with me. It's nice and cozy once in awhile, but to be woken up every morning like that is exhausting, especially when I'm not sleeping well to begin with. Also it takes me FOREVER to get back to sleep after. Sigh... any suggestions? So hard to hear the screaming at 4am if I don't give in. Ugh

I am feeling like a total pregsaurus today. :(
Hi all, quick check in as I'm on my phone.

Beth, so good to hear from you!!! I am also so sorry about the wedding, but silver lining is you enjoyed sitting someplace else. And woohoo so glad all is going well so far with pregnancy. Lots and lots of hugs!! P.S. Love the Viking idea!!

Chris, glad scan went well! I was awaiting news. Sorry you're not sleeping well, that's so hard. Hugs and take care!!

AFM, well two interviews down one more to go that I think is happening tomorrow morning. Phone interview. I'm not sure if they'll tell me then if I have the job or I'll have to wait. I leave town Friday and it would be nice to know before I leave, so we'll see. My final interview is with a district manager in Vegas . I've felt as if the last two went really well so I'm not sure if this is just a formality or what, fingers crossed. Current job has been annoying lately, so it's nice to have something on the horizon.

Jo is well, we're all recovering from a stomach bug, but other than that she's great. She's a monkey for Halloween, the costume is a hand me down, but it scares her, so we'll see how it goes.

Ok gotta run, hugs to all!!
WOW :shock: are they every thorough in their hiring process! Woo hoo for all the interviews! You've got it covered!! :winkwink:
Just popping in quickly
Beth glad that the wedding turned out and I can believe that they moved your place cards.

Anna glad that the interviews are going well. Fingers crossed for the final one.

Chris so happy that everything went well with the scan. On the sleeping front, I have nothing to offer. Katelyn has been sleeping in our bed since I came home from the hospital. While I was pregnant she started coming to our bed almost every night around 3 or 4. Hopefully you do better than us. Sorry I'm no help.

Ok gonna run. Hope everyone else is good.
Happy Halloween, Ladies!
We are not going out trick-or-treating tonight, since he's never had candy before and is a shy guy in a crowd, but we will be answering the door together tonight! That will be fun!!!

Anna - I send you positive wishes for the interviews, who wouldn't want you working with/for them, you are great! xoxoxoxo Also, did I miss your birthday, why do I think I did? If so, happy birthday, my friend. If it hasn't passed yet, then happy early!

Chris - I Know I missed yours! Happy Birthday to you!! Hope you are felling well, I think you are a month ahead of me? So far they have me at June 10th. I just have a sinking feeling I will give birth early like I did with Poppy on MY birthday, mid-may. It would be just my luck as I already share my birthday with my brother who is 9 years older than me..... we joke that I finally got my own birthday when I moved out of my moms, and now I am in danger of losing my own day Again lol. but I will gladly share it. It's funny, our anniversary is in Jan and one of my friends said when I was pg with Poppy, wouldn't that be so nice if the baby came on your anniversary???? I looked at her and said, as someone who has never had her own birthday, NO!!!! lol.

Skye - love to you and your little one too. I'm so sorry about the twin. hugs.

Hi and hugs to Angela and Steph and Plum - miss you all and promise to be on more. Hope everyone is well.

Here is my little Viking - it was the only one I have of him in the full outfit (my poor husband said, don't send me around - no honey, I won't :winkwink:) - I crocheted it all, luckily he wore the vest with no problem (he hated it at first). We will have the hat on when we open the door tonight!


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I just LOVE that costume!!!!! You are soooo talented!!! I need to buy a sewing machine or something so I can make Sophie's Halloween costumes in the coming years. I just find the homemade ones sooooo much better! Thx for the bday wishes. I am due May 5th, which is funny because my husband's bday is May 12th and his sister's is May 13th. Now... their bdays almost ALWAYS trump mother's day for my poor MIL while they were growing up, so when I told her I was due in May, we had a good chuckle.


Sophie wasn't having any of her costume this morning. A friend lent me a Snow White costume... we sent her to daycare with it so we will see. She'd make a beautiful Snow white.

As for the sleeping... after asking around, maybe I'm giving up too easy, but at this point, if what she needs is mommy snuggles at 4am, then dammit, that's what she gets. We'll see if it's just a phase..... I just cannot deny her that and have her cry. I am a total whimp. I don't know why it was easier when she was a baby.

Here's a little picture of her from last weekend at Target.


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Morning ladies!!!

Well back from my girls trip, well rested, and ready to face the world!

Love all the pictures of the Halloween costumes! Beth you continue to amaze me with your talent ! I need one of those hats BTW. Seriously, we have a festival every January called Ullr fest, celebrating the Norse god of snow. Think Viking covered in animal skins. And every place sells these Viking helmets with horns. A knit one would be the bomb! I'd be the envy of town!

Chris, Jo wouldn't wear her costume until she saw all the other kids with theirs. Then she was all about it. Hope you guys are doing better on sleep. Jo has been in a phase as well with needing early morning snuggles.

AFM, like I mentioned before just got back from girls trip and it was awesome! Out friends' parent's house is right on the beach and beautiful. We were definately spoiled. Toes in the sand, swimming in the ocean, stand up paddle boarding etc. lots of wine and beers, gossip, venting, reading gossip and fashion magazines, and the weather was perfect!!! Couldn't ask for more. Jo did great with Doug, and he survived, although did a fair amount of complaining. In the end it was good for both of them. House wasn't too destroyed, and he had already made today's lunch last night!! So it was great. I had my final interview with Coach last Thursday and am waiting on pins and needles to see if I've gotten the job. While sometimes I go back and fourth, in the end I've decided if it's offered I'll take it. Problem is my head is already ready to leave current job so I'm having trouble motivating, if I don't get the job, it's going to be tough to wrap my head around staying here. Ah well it's out of my hands at the moment. Question for my more corporate savy friends, how long should I wait to hear? Should I call them? How long do I wait? I'm assuming since I had three interviews, that I was in the running for the position, so I'd think they would call me either way and let me know. Any advice is appreciated!!

Hugs to everyone else!! Excuse typos, writing from my phone.
Anna, did they give you any indication as to when they would make their decision? Uhm... if not I'd say by this Thursday if you haven't already heard, a follow up call would be totally ok. A whole week would have passed. What do you other girls think? Fingers crossed for you Anna!!!
I'm glad you had a fun girls weekend!!! Did you come back to snow?
Woohoo job offer has been made! I said I'd take a day to decide and give them my final decision tomorrow morning, but it's a no brainier. Better pay at least +10,000 more a year, better benefits, very close to home, better company, etc. now I have to write a letter of resignation.

Chris, yes came back to snow. Close to 0 last night.

Ok back to current job, doing my own little happy dance. :)
Uh 10,000+ more than you currently make???? NO BRAINER INDEED! Congrats Anna!!! :yipee: I am so happy for you!!! So did working weekends come into discussion????
Chris, yes no brainier is right. Current job was really accommodating and really nice about me leaving. So that's a load off. So now I have to find alternate day care. Where I work is about 25 min away from where we live, and Jo goes to daycare in Breck as I can drop her off on my way to work and pick her up on my way home. But no sense driving an hour both in the morning and at night to drop her off and pick her up at current daycare. I'm sad as I love her current daycare. We've finally developed a good relationship. So I've put in some phone calls, to check on wait lists and availability at alternate facilities. I also want to schedule visits and class room observations. The good news is the other daycares are less expensive. So we'll see what happens. I know some ladies have had to deal with the daycare switch, any advice???

And yes weekends came up. Sounds like I'll be able to have Fridays and Saturdays off. It was important for me to have one weekend day so we could do family stuff. Plus there's no daycare on weekends. The biggest thing was a a set schedule as daycare isn't all that flexible here.

So moving forward. Hope everyone is doing well and recovering from Halloween. Did I mention on my girls trip I tried to so a cartwheel and pulled a hamstring? :nope: Believe it or not there was no alcohol involved!!! Anyway, huge bruise developing and it's still sore to the touch, so is possible I tore it. Serves me right, how old am I? :dohh: Needless to say nothing that can be done for it besides ibuprofen and ice.

Ok, hugs to all!! We're headed west this weekend for one final camping trip in Utah with friends.

Fridays and Saturdays off sound great! I'm so happy for you! I hope you find a closer daycare you like just as much or even more. I don't have any experience switching, but I am sure she'll adapt rather fast. Have a wonderful weekend... camping? brrrrrrrr You guys are cray cray! :haha: Sorry about the hamstring old lady :p jk :hugs:
Chris, you are right, I am an old lady, at least I need to stretch before attempting a cartwheel!!

I'm on the war path this week trying to find a daycare that will work for us. I interviewed a Montessori school yesterday that I liked in some areas, but it's located in a basement of a local church, not much light, and the ratio of teacher to student is really high. On the plus side I really liked the director and they are willing to work on the potty training immediately. Also they can take her right away. One of the biggest negatives is that they follow the school year calendar, which means they're closed for fall break, two weeks at Christmas, spring break, etc. Luckily DH is flexible and we have my parents but I hate to have to stress that much time off.

This morning I'm touring Summit county daycare. According to a friend whose mother is a local principal at a very good elementary, this is hands down the best pre-school in terms of preparing kids for school. Down sides before I even go and see it: it's in a neighboring town, so I have to get on the highway to take her to school, and we're #13 on the wait list.

Last option is Lake Dillon Daycare. Close to home, but according to those "in the know" it's the lowest rated. So I'm trying to schedule an appointment and see for myself. I feel like I've got a pretty good feel for what I'm looking for. But I've yet to talk to them and don't even know if they can take her.

So it's a waiting game. We may end up taking her one place and then transferring her once something else opens up. I hate to up-root her often but I want her to end up someplace good, with an emphasis on getting her ready for kindergarten. Which is a whole other drama.

Anyway, how are the mamas these days??? Is been quiet lately. Chris can't believe you're 16 weeks!! Beth, hope you are well, and Skye I'm thinking of you too. I know Beth and Skye are caught in the house hunt/sell world. Just know I'm thinking of you. :flower::flower:

Steph, how are things hon? I know how busy you are, just know I'm thinking of you too. :hugs:

Angela and I have been emailing. She's struggling a little lately, but says hi to all.

Hugs to all! The ski area opened last weekend. Crazy. Camping was great. We drove to Utah, four hours west, but gorgeous weather, 65 degrees and sunny. Staying home this weekend which is good as I need a weekend at home to get my life back together. Haven't been home since girls weekend.

Ok hugs!!
:hi: I think this has become the Chris and Anna thread :haha:

I am good! 15 weeks only... but man is that flying! Went in for my last prenatal screening blood test and will get the results Thursday or Friday. I'm totally nervous now. I just praaaaay he/she is a healthy little baby.

We set up Sophie's big girl bed this past weekend. She LOVES it. We have taken a few steps back as far as bedtime goes now, but I suppose that was to be expected.

Try not to stress re. the daycare situation. It should all hopefully work out. I personally wouldn't go for the one that follows the school schedule. Too much stress with trying to find back up care. But that's just my opinion. My daycare closes for three weeks every August :dohh: My only complaint! As far as preschool type stuff goes... Jo is only two. You could put her in a more convenient daycare for now, and switch her to a true preschool for her last year before kindergarten. It's something I am considering doing as well, except it will mean Sophie and her new sibling will never be at the same daycare :cry: We'll see. I want the best for my children, but it also has to fit in with our schedules or it will just be too disruptful to our family life.

When do you start the new job???

Hope everyone is doing well. Miss you girls!!!
Howdy ladies!!!

Anna congrats on the new job!!! That is awesome news. As for the daycar search I know that can be rough and if you need to put her one place and then change, Jo will be ok. Sorry to hear about the cartwheel I jury lol. I'm sure it looked good.

Chris yay on Sophie's big girl bed!!! Trust me it will be a lot better for you when putting her to bed. 15 weeks already yay time is moving fast now. If I can lose some weight I will send you my maternity clothes but I still need to wear the shirts. Who ever said breast feeding helps you lose weight lied or at least didn't make a difference on my weight. How is the morning sickness? Are you going to find out be sex?

Beth and Skye how your all doing?

AFM still trying to get used to having two. Good thing is Madelyn has been sleeping 4-6 hours at night. She will be 10 weeks old tomorrow. Seems like I just gave birth to her last week! Katelyn is doing really well with her and wants to hold her. She does exhibit some jealousy but does it by not listened to me or my hubby when we are holding the baby and she wants attention. We are currently trying to potty train her. She was doing well but now doesn't want to really use the potty and asks for a diaper. The only time she really uses the potty is if we let her run around naked.

Well I need to go and get dinner together I will try and do be better about posting here.

Hope everyone else is good. Miss you all


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