35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

LOL Sveta, I also found that my nausea kept me completely miserable and wishing I could throw up, but I rarely did throw up...mostly just miserable, drooling nausea all the time!

Anna, welcome and I am so glad to see you over here! I definitely understand your anxiety. I'm 36 in March, but based on my AMH numbers from almost a year ago, I've got the hormonal profile of a very-nearly-menopausal woman, so I was told I'd better have kids asap if I wanted to at all. With my numbers we aren't even candidates for IVF. So I definitely get the fear of feeling like if you lose one, you haven't got time to try again. But you DO. So try not to stress! As long as your hormonal numbers looked good (from a fertility perspective) there is no reason to worry that your odds of mc are any higher just because of age; my dr. actually said the age thing is more related to the egg quality, and if your fertility workup checked out fine (I think you said you are "unexplained" infertility) then you should be golden! I know it is hard not to worry because I worried the whoooooollle way through first and second tri. And even in third tri (now that we're in the clear from a viability perspective) I STILL worry that something will happen. :doh:

For all those with recent BFP's I would just say make sure someone is monitoring not just your HCG, but also your progesterone levels in the early days, because when they checked mine they put me on a supplement even though I was only slightly low, and only at one reading out of four. I felt much better knowing I was on that!

And yeah, on the symptoms - no one really warned me that I would SO dizzy right from the beginning. Mine went on so long (till like 12 weeks, anyway) that I began to fear it would last the whole time. But I think my dizziness was due to the HCG because that symptom, at least, did eventually go away. The fatigue also goes away, like magic, about 14-16 weeks. Something to look forward to!!

Hang in there ladies! In no time you'll be staring at your puffy feet and wondering where your ankles went, like me!! :haha: :haha:

Today, hubby painted the closet in the nursery, and this evening we put the shelves back in there and put the few things we've gotten so far in the closet. It's so exciting to start putting the nursery together!!

I'm just so excited at how many BFP's we've gotten recently! YAYYY for all of us over 35!!
Hi Anna, nice to see you here! Try not to worry, and enjoy every day of it, even the sickness! Sounds like you have a good doctor, I found that when the sickness kicked in and it was awful, it took my mind of worrying I felt so sick.

For me I have to say the tiredness has not gone, but isn't quite as bad as in first tri, I still struggle through the day at work, and by 4pm just want to sleep! :hugs::hugs:

How cute you are getting a nursery together Rottpaw.....I won't have one until we move house, hopefully when baby is a few months old, it must be nice making those preparations. :flower:
It's fun, although I'm starting to panic a little because we still have not even ordered the nursery furniture (which can take time to be delivered). At this point it may be a race to see if baby or his crib arrives first LOL! Maybe next weekend we'll be able to go shop for that.
Hey girls, for those of you in your 2nd tri + did you have any spotting at all during the 1st tri? I just had a bit more brown today. Seems to be isolated but wtf??? I feel awful like my body is full of hormones so that is good, but I am so scared about the spotting.
Hi Sveta,

I did not have spotting, but see if they can check your progesterone level. I was told that if mine got too low I might see spotting, which is why they went ahead and put me on a supplement. It could be nothing, but you would probably feel better if they check it. If the OB won't see you try your GYN. My GYN doesn't do OB, but she told me that the first three months of pregnancy are considered GYN rather than OB, anyway.

Hope that helps!
thanks ladies for all your advice! You are right I need to just relax and as time passes it becomes a little easier. I do have total perma grin! However not telling anyone for a while. I do have two questions:

1) my doc also monitored my progesterone and said I was a little low. Se confered with an expert and they both agree progesterone supplements have no proven effect. However everyrhing i've heard is to the contrary. I don't want to be "that" patient, but how do you demand a hormone? I think I might ask her if there are any ill effects of taking a supplement and if not if I can for piece of mind. At the very least a topical cream. What's your thoughts?

2. Is anyone curtailing their exercise?

lucy, love the picts!!!

Svet, I have not had any spotting but i've heard it's very common.

Rottpaw, how's your dad?

have a good one!
Well right now I just have a family doctor and I am not scheduled to see her until the 13th which would put me at 8wk4d. I never made it that far last time. If it continues maybe I'll go to a clinic on the weekend and ask about that. They don't seem to test for anything here. Even last time when I had spotting she sent me in for an ultrasound which came back fine, and was told everything was fine, but I lost the baby one week later. Nothing was ever mentioned about testing bloods.
Sveta, the whole way through I have had a watery pale brown spotting on and off, it did worry me at the start, but the midwife said it is just extra discharge that you get in pregnancy. I don't have it so much now. Sorry I am not more helpful, I know how horrid it is to see anything down there after a MC. I also never got bloods or anything checked, just early scan. :hugs:

Anna, I stopped going to the gym the minute I got BFP, because of my history I was scared to do anything. But I heard moderate exercise is fine early on. I have just ordered a pregnancy yoga dvd as I feel I should be doing something. :blush:

What is everyone doing tonight? I am staying in with OH (missing a party) as I don't feel like being around a load of drunk people when I have to be sober lol, also too tired....happy new year to everyone anyway! :happydance::happydance:
Thanks Lucy, that makes me feel better. I certainly feel pregnant :)sick:) so I should just focus on the good. I also stopped going to the gym for now. I plan on starting up again during 2nd tri but I am too scared right now. Anna, you seem like a very active person and they say if you were active before there is no reason to stop when you fall pregnant :thumbup: The only reason I did is because I wasn't going consistantly for awhile. I'd make it twice a week at best and sometimes not at all. I had no motivation so I decided to sit these three months out.

I found this interesting article regarding progesterone:

When we talk about a hormone problem, you have likely miscarried in less than 10 weeks. After that, the placenta has taken over hormone production and any normal deficiency you have is not a factor. Low progesterone, the most common problem, is not as easy to treat as you might hope. Progesterone suppositories, while frequently prescribed, are not proven to be helpful and often actually cause a nonviable pregnancy to last longer than it should.

The only situation where progesterone is a sure solution is with a luteal phase defect, where the corpus luteum, which is formed along with egg at ovulation, does not produce the hormones needed to sustain a pregnancy. For most women, however, this is usually not an every-month problem. Usually the situation rights itself with the next egg and the next corpus luteum. This problem, if it is a permanent one, can be diagnosed through two separate endometrial biopsies. Progesterone must be started 48 hours after ovulation to work. By the time you have missed a period, it is too late to save a pregnancy with a luteal phase defect.5

Low progesterone, however, is usually a symptom of an nonviable pregnancy, and not the cause. Doctors often prescribe progesterone suppositories out of patient pressure when the hormone levels are low, but their use is controversial and usually completely ineffective. A common treatment for a suspected progesterone problem is Clomid, a pill taken for five days early in your cycle to rev up your hormone production. Not everyone is a candidate for Clomid, and 25% of women will have decreased cervical mucus, which can actually make you less fertile. See the Sperm Meets Egg Plan for more information.

Other hormone problems may be created when you have an untreated thyroid disorder. Your thyroid function can easily be tested, and this problem is very treatable.

As for New Years, we are going to our friends house. She is currently 30 weeks pregnant and another friend couple will be there who is also 30 weeks pregnant. So apart from our OH's getting significantly drunk, it will be relatively low key. I'll be lucky to even make it to midnight! lol
On the progesterone supplement issue, I was being followed by my fertility specialist for the first 12 weeks, and she is the one that put me on the progesterone supps (around 6 weeks I think). When I later saw my OB, she confirmed that I needed to stay on it till 12 weeks but I could quit after that (after that, the placenta takes over and all should be fine hormonally).

Everything we heard from our docs (this is in the US) and read online indicated that progesterone supplementation cannot stop a miscarriage IF the mc is related to factors other than hormone levels. However, if you have an otherwise healthy pregnancy (i.e. no genetic issues, solid implantation, etc.) but your progesterone is just a little low, they can definitely help bolster the pregnancy in that case. I believe that is what happened to me. Of course I can never say for sure if I really needed the supps, but the FS put me on it as soon as they picked up the first borderline reading, and my levels definitely came up once I was on the supplement (the vaginal suppository kind, which is much gentler to your overall system than the oral kind). Both she and my OB checked the levels after I was on the supp to be sure it was working. So I would have to disagree that the supps "make no difference" - what they may have meant is just that the supplement can't save a miscarriage that is related to other factors, which is true. If you ask for them try the cream or the suppositories because I hear the oral pills have much worse side effects. I was already so sick I did not want anything that would make it worse, so the suppossys were a Godsend.

Anna, specifically to your question - I did do extensive research into the question of whether the supps can hurt anything, if you happened to not need them, and the answer was no. So I would not hesitate to explain your concern and ask for them. Just tell the doc you would feel better even if she thinks they can't help, as long as they can't hurt. Do you know what your level was? My doc said they like it to be above 15 and when my second check came back at 12 (had been 18), they put me on the supplement.

And thanks for asking about my Dad! He's doing okay so far. he quit the chemo, and has seemed to feel a lot better (well, some better anyway :) since that got out of his system. But of course I worry about how fast he'll go downhill from the continued advance of the cancer. He's losing weight at an alarming rate and basically bedridden :-((( We will see him again this weekend so I'll be able to tell if he looks like he's gotten much worse since we saw him 2 weeks ago.

On the exercise - my doc said walking is best, because as pregnancy progresses your joints get more and more loose, and you can injure yourself more easily than you usually might (even if you're in great shape to begin with). I have not done much over the course of this pregnancy just because it's been all I could do, between first tri sickness, second tri busyness and now third tri fatigue and ligament pain, to get through each day's normal activity LOL! But I hear anything moderate, especially anything you are already used to, is fine to continue. It seems to be a "do whatever you feel up to" type of thing, just don't go crazy. For me, I've started to have the SPD ligament pain, which they basically say can only be aggravated rather than helped by exercise, so I'm sticking to necessary activity only for the duration.

Whew, I've written a novel!! Can you guys tell I've really been missing having some other 35+ ladies to discuss pregnancy with LOL!?

Hope something I said was helpful! Happy New Year's Eve all! Lucy, we're staying in. May go to dinner but too exhasuted to party LOL!
Thanks rottpaw (what's your real name btw?? lol) Do you suggest then that I go to a clinic and ask for a blood test? If I have a progesterone problem would it be too late if I waited to Jan 13th? (or even now?) I just have to stay positive. I am having a really hard time eating my lunch right now so I think there are plenty of hormones alive and well in me, lol. Went to the bathroom again and it's almost gone. It's a light beige now and heavily mixed with cm. When I had my mc it was more like the end of a period (dark brown and stringy).

I love what someone said in my journal- sometimes you have to just throw your hands up to God and enjoy. I'm not overly religious but I'll be saying a few prayers tonight.

Thanks rottpaw (what's your real name btw?? lol) Do you suggest then that I go to a clinic and ask for a blood test? If I have a progesterone problem would it be too late if I waited to Jan 13th? (or even now?) I just have to stay positive. I am having a really hard time eating my lunch right now so I think there are plenty of hormones alive and well in me, lol. Went to the bathroom again and it's almost gone. It's a light beige now and heavily mixed with cm. When I had my mc it was more like the end of a period (dark brown and stringy).

I love what someone said in my journal- sometimes you have to just throw your hands up to God and enjoy. I'm not overly religious but I'll be saying a few prayers tonight.


Hi Sveta,

My name is Angela, LOL. The Rottpaw screename comes from the fact that my first dog was a Rottweiler and I loved her dearly!

If it's slowed up or even stopping and you feel sick I probably would not stress about it, especially if it is really difficult for you to get in to see anyone. Will your GP or family doctor not see you earlier, or maybe your gynecologist? OB's here won't see us until 8 weeks either, but other docs will.

Definitley don't stress over it. Lucy said she's had it the whole time and I have heard similar stories from other women. It's just something that if you can get it checked easily, it might give you some peace of mind.

I do definitely agree that it's all up to God. At every stage of my pregnancy I have tried (though I'm not great about not worrying, LOL!) to leave it up to Him. So try not to stress, and just take it one day at a time!! The sickness doesn't last forever (or at least not nearly as bad) so just focus on getting through the early weeks for the moment!

Hey Ladies,

Sorry I haven't been online for a couple of days but I have had not internet at home which sucked.

Anna I totally understand wanting to see the doc early, I am the same and spoke to my friend who is a midwife here to get me an appt earlier. They originally gave me an appt for 16th Jan but now I will see the doc on Monday morning as I explained that it has taken me 18mths and IVF to get a BFP and need reassurance that all is ok. She was so nice to me on the phone and understood my worry.

I think I will only ask for a beta blood test just to know that my numbers are ok and then leave the scan till 2 more weeks.

Here in the Middle East they seem to scan you very regulary which is good but I guess that is because it is on insurance so they make money from it.

As for symptoms I really don't have that many apart from dizziness at time, tiredness and peeing more often. So far no sore bbs or nausea and hoping that this stays away.

DH and I are staying in tonight also as he is poorly with a cold but I am not that bothered as I don't think I would stay awake till midnight anyways:haha:

It's great to have this thread with ladies our own age who share our concerns that come with being an expectant mum at our time of life. And it makes me really happy to know that so many of us have made it this far, got our BFP's and some are nearing the end of pregnancy. We have been through so much and we will soon be rewarded with gorgeous babies.

I wish you all a very happy and healthy 2011 :hugs:
Hi Carole!

So good to see you back! Our internet was out for a day or so as well and both hubby and I are always sort of at loose ends when that happens. We both get annoyed and argue over what needs to happen to fix it LOL. I was blaming him this time because he has been home all week and monkeying around with all the A/V setup. I told him he MUST have done something LOL!

So glad you do not have any sickness yet! Hope it stays away for you! The sore bbs are less of an issue; uncomfortable for sure but not debilitating like the sickness can be.

i am interested by how many of us have had dizziness as one of the earliest symptoms, because I did not hear much about that before I got pregnant, but it sure was one of my most serious symptoms the first few weeks. Mine was so bad I could hardly drive at times and anytime I rolled over in bed too quickly I would get the spins. Yikes!

So glad to hear you can get betas easily and regular scans! Those first early scans especially are so reassuring. Think we got three in the first 12 weeks. Fun!

And I agree, I am SO happy for ALL of us here and praying that the rest of our TTC thread is able to join us SOON!

Happy New Year ladies!!
morning ladies!! I am working AGAIN today. 6 days in a row but it is our busy season, so it will all be over soon. . . At least unti spring break.

thanks for all the info re: progesterone. It confirms what I had thougt and probably what my doc thought. I did go to the apothecary (sp) last night and bought some over the counter progesterone creme that enters ur system through your skin. Taked to my accupuncturist and she said it was a good idea. I'l let my doc know on monday what lm doing. Figure it can't hurt and it gives me some piece of mind. She is also testing blood again on monday to make sure numbes are going up like they should. I still feel pregnant but I am blesed not to feel too sick.

as for exercise, think I'll stick to my moderate hiking and cross country skiing, just not too much. Also thinking of getting back in the pool. Have heard it is very good exercise if pregnant because no stress on joints. I also want to find a yoga class for pregnant women. I have a confession, I am worried about getting huge during pregnancy. Of course the health of baby is first but if you saw how big some of my aunts are you'd be worried too!! LOL!!

ok lastly . . . I keep telling people!! I don't mean to but it comes out!! Last nigt when I saw acupuncturist she asked how our appt with the specialist went. Had to tel her we cancelled appt with specialist . . . Because we were pregnant. Ahhhhhh I want to keep this a secrete but I have perma grin and it leaks out. Did good this am and didn't tell a girl friend, but we have plans to get together next week with another friend for wine! Crap. Guess i'll order a non alcoholic beer before they get there and hope for the best.

Carol, glad you got a doc appt. Let us know how it goes!

Svet, hope all goes well, I say if it gives you piece of mind go for the blood tests, but with as sick as you are it does sound like the hormones are ragging!!!

have a good weekend everyone and so good to have our own thead!!

p.s. Rottpaw, my scren name is after my beloved old black lab that passed away last summer...love those dogs.
oh,also fyi . . .was doing research on sweetners and apparently agave nectar isn't good if ur pregnant. Just an fyi. I used agave nectar in tea because of it's low glycemic index but now nothing. Ok that's it promise!
Pablo, don't worry about telling people. It's inevitable LOL and I was so sick from the get go that I had to explain myself, partly because my boss guessed immediately after about the third day of calling in sick! Good for you sticking to exercise and keep it up as long as you can; by the last few months (at least if you're like me) you'll feel so heavy you won't even want to go up stairs LOL! And I've only gained 20lbs, but I'm smallish so it feels like 40 to my joints and muscles. Just sitting up in bed is a challenge, because I can't crunch forward at the waist anymore. It's a constant learning experience as my body changes more each day!

We spent all day today "taking down" Christmas decorations and I'm completely exhausted. I work a desk job during the week, so the contrast of busy/active weekends after a workweek of basic inactivity always makes me feel like I'm a hundred years old :haha: But at least it is finally done! It rained all day here so was a good day for chores.

Hugs and happy new year to all!
Lol rottpaw, it's funny how your body changes so gradually you hardly notice at first, and then suddenly you are having trouble getting out of a chair! I am having ligament pain at the mo, any pain down there makes me crazy even if its different from MC pain, so hate it, but I guess its a good thing. My belly button is still in place although alot shallower so I still look like I have two little bumps, or am just a bit fat lol :blush: I lost a stone with sickness at the start, so although have put back on 8 pounds, am still lighter than when I first got pregnant....:wacko:

Pablo, I swore I wouldn't tell anyone 3rd time round, but of course I did, it's just too exciting! :happydance:

My job involves running from one end of school to another (office to classroom) constantly, so I am getting my exercise there, but by home time I am completely done in so to speak, wish my job was easier! :wacko:

Carole and Pablo, can't wait for your first scans! When are you having the bloods done Carole? :flower:
Lucy I do hope the ligament pain gets better for you. SEveral on our March thread (including me) have had it to varying degrees and it's no fun, but be assured it definitely has nothing to do with the health of the pregnancy; in fact it's a good sign your baby is gaining weight as she should (just bad for your hip ligaments LOL!) At about 20 weeks I had more of the uterine ligament pain, like stretching pains. Now I have the SPD kind, where it has to do with the ligament that holds your hips together, which loosens considerably in preparation for birth. I'm already pretty flexible so I was hoping it would not bother me too much, but I think the added flexibility now puts more pressure on my joints because everything hurts these days! But our munchkin seems to be doing fine, thank God.

His new thing is hiccups; he gets them about once a day right now and it's so cute! I was worried at first but then read they are a good sign that the baby is healthy and his lungs are developing strongly enough to be able to hiccup.

Well ladies we are off to my hometown for the day to visit some family that we did not get to see over Christmas. Four different stops at different places just sounds exhausting right now. Wish me luck as, much as I love them all, I wish I could just stay snuggled up here at home LOL! :blush:
Hi Ladies

I am wanting some advice, I went to the docs here today for my first appt and they did my HCG bloods. My levels are 71 which is a little low seeing that my 5 day blastocycsts were transferred on 20th Dec. I also had a very small amount of brown/pink discharge when i wiped yesterday, it really was tiny. I now have to have another blood test done on Wednesday morning but I am worried sick that some thing is not right and I will lose this baby.

Does anyone have any experience of HCG levels?

Thanks so much :hugs:

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