3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Going to the dentist today ladies- and was wondering if you guys think i'm a fool- i'm going to decline the xrays i usually have done this time of year and try to have it in october with my next check instead. Anyone else feel that way? I feel like i'm being silly but i'd be so afraid- what if something DOES go wrong- and then i'd probably blame the xrays forever and hate myself for it. I'd rather be safe than sorry. Even if i am being ridiculously cautious...

Then, baby girl has been SUPER active lately- which is lovely. But the last few days i've developed a new thing? On the left side of my belly button (where my placenta is supposed to be) when she is VERY active, sometimes a small area hurts- for a few seconds, and i feel like she is pushing on the other side against it. And then it goes away. I get it sporadically in the evening usually- and then it's just gone. I called the mw and waiting to hear back. Hoping it's nothing to be alarmed about. It's only been the past 2 days i've had it. And everything else seems perfectly normal. Just felt i should ask and see if any of you have had it?
Aww dare I'm sure xray would be ok, Is it usually only on your mouth?
I'm not sure about the pain u described!?! My placenta is at the front I get tightenings but I think that's the braxton hicks!? Let us know what your midwife says though
They say xrays would be fine, and they are supposed to double cover you- but i don't know i'm just worried. I mean i can just do them in october being they are always once a year and i've NEVER had a problem with my teeth ever. No cavities or anything so really- i think the dentist will be ok. Heading out now- and still haven't heard from the mw.
Well if it makes u more comfortable tell the u want to wait till October!! No point causing yourself additional worry or stress!!
Did they say how long it will take for midwife to call back? I would say if they agent called back straight away it's not much to worry about I think they call back on urgency!?!
Natalie- sick from too much food! I do that all the time and so does my husband!!! :haha: he does it more than me, which is funny as he is SOOOO thin and he always eats soooo very much!

Ok dentist doesn't do xrays (mine anyway) as a rule on pregnant ladies- just to be safe! :) so i didn't have to worry.

Nurse from the office called back and said probably just movement pains, because of the placenta they think i'm on the right track, it's just tighter or causing pain due to location. :) Feel much better. They said if it changes any to call them again.
hahaha oh no hubby is trying to cut down on food as he has put on loads of weight over years so he isnt happy in himself we cant wait to move so he can plan to loose weight im hoping to get back to my pre preg, pre fat size :rofl:
ahh thats good you didnt have to worry about the xrays and good they called back and put your mind at rest!!??!!
Natalie - lol yeah i know i'm thinking about the pre pregnancy pounds too! hope i make it back there!!!

Dh doesn't EVER gain weight. He eats and eats and eats and nothing!!!! He has to work to gain weight. Seriously. He's like a bottomless pit, and even during all the pregnancy- he has def. been able to put more away than me and still nothing. i'm afraid by the end we'll weight the same!!! He's only in at like 150 on a good day- most of the time less than that! And i'm 138 right now!!!!!!!

I'm so glad they called back- i think the same nurse calls me everytime, she must think i'm a loon! i don't call often but when i do, she is always the one to call me back. I bet she's thinking 'oh lordy not her again!' hahaha it's always something kind of silly- and i think i've called maybe twice and then calling about the gtt results a few times because they weren't in and i was worried- and i know the mw always says any questions you call right away. But i can't help feeling silly calling!
He is so lucky I'm very jealous!!!!
I can't wait to get into some form of better shape!!! I feel like a whale :(
Awww I'm sure they don't think your a loon I'm being quite good at phoning up I shock myself I must say I thought I'd be on the phone once a week lol only phoned my midwife twice in tears and a few other times on top of that!!!
Hi ladies, I missed alot in a day!!! Krystal- sorry you failed your glucose test, but some of the healthiest people I know had gestational diabetes- its definitely not your fault! Dare- my dentist didn't do an exray at my last exam either, I guess its probably policy! Samira- welcome back, and hi to everyone else!!!!
hellooooo! finally on lunch so can catch up!!!!!!! just to make you hate me, dad bought me fishcake n chips from the chippy for lunch mmmmmmmmm! he forgot the vinegar but il let him off coz he got them lool!

Antenatal class was fab! Learnt a lot and look forward to the next one which is breast feeding! It also made me decide that I don’t want any drugs other than gas and air! She went through the pros and cons of epidural and pethadin and the cons are enough to make me know I 100% don’t want them! Luckily Bournemouth hospital don’t offer epis anyway so I don’t have the choice, if I wanted an epi it would class me as a high risk birth (!!) so would have to be transferred to the sister hospital which deals with all the c sections and high risk births! All the resy was about giving birth, placeneta, the cord etc and all the different stages, what to expect, how to know when contractions are starting, signs of labour etc!

Nat im the same moving at the end of the month! Hopefully over the bank hol weekend!!

Dare I don’t think your being silly! If you don’t feel comfortable don’t do it! October isn’t that far away so I would wait!

My OH has done the same with weight over the past year, put on about 2 stone bless him and he hates it! We are going on mega healthy when we move home, is a bit hard at the mo! Will be so much easier when on maternity as I can make his lunches and plan yummy healthy dinners!

Urgh to work today! I just want the weekend to be here! Is the OH’s bday next week but we are at a wedding so celebrating this weekend with a bbq! Lookin forward to socializing!! I mean I go to poubs with friends for drinkies and stuff but we haven’t had a party since being pregs! Wonder how long I will manage to stay alive!!!
Dare glad your dentist visit went well & everything worked out! I always say "if at all in doubt, then just don't" ... No sense in worrying !

I still haven't heard from the nutritionist. It's annoying bc they are just going to let me sit here and worry. So yesterday I went and bought a glucose monitor & read as much as I could about what sort of diet to eat .... So I am trying to work out a schedule for eating & taking my blood sugar etc that will work with my work schedule... It's very difficult since I waitress and go to work at 10 am and can eat a snack but don't get a full meal until 4 or 5 pm, which doesn't work for me now! I ate no sugar/low carb yesterday and this morning my fasting glucose was 95 which is the highest in the normal range, & much better than the 118 from the day before. I'm
hoping this won't be as miserable as I feel like it will be... I can't imagine not having any sweets and limiting bread and carbs since carbs and veggies are mainly what I eat bc I am not a fan of meat. But I shall give it my best effort for the sake of little man! :)
Krystal you should call them again! i sure would. i hate when they make me wait!!

Thanks for the support ladies about the xrays. So glad i didn't even have to go that far. They did tell me my gums were a mess due to the pregnancy because they touched me and i bled. :( BUT other than that everything was great.

Can't believe next week is my last week of work. Don't know what i'm going to do with myself. Now i have to go give the dog a bath before work today- he needs it!!!
Krystal - Sorry about your GTT :( At least you know now nad can do whatever you have too until he gets here :)

Batty - how'd the scan go?

Samira - Just keep an open mind, I went in only wanting g&a but in the end I was in so much pain and fighting contractions that I was offered pethidine and it was the best thing I did :haha: I was in my own little world :) P.s..... you've made me want chips with salt and onion vinegar!!
Samira we are going to be very busy over bank holiday I think!! We are having a paint party lol getting few friends over to help with all the painting then move the stuff in over the weekend!! Going to be busy :-S
God... feels like there's loads! Isn't it half term at schools soon as well? Teacher's have it easy this year :haha:
I know!!! I didn't realise till earlier there's a half term aswell!!! Madness!!!
They called this morning once I got to work & I got permission to call them back. The lady was super nice and tried to allay most of my fears right then & she is meeting me at 8:30 in the morning to go over planning meals and how to spread the carbs throughout the day :) she said the average weight for babies in their program is 7 lbs (1/2 stone I think) and that big babies are only when it isn't caught and handled!

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