3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

It seems in the us GTTs are done for every pregnant woman bu in the uk you only have it if your bmi is too high or if you're at risk (my father had type 1 diabetes and I was shown signs of hypoglaecemic episodes).

Am in a lot of pain with my pelvis :(
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!! HOW THE DEVIL IS EVERYONE! ive been so useless and not caught up for ages and keep going ok il catch up today and then dont!!!! just read a months worth of posts!!! i dont feel asssssss bad as have most of you on FB anyways so know what you are all upto muuuhahahah!

so much has happened since ive been gone! last time i posted i was going on my fishing trip with all those lovely bank holidays! camping was fab, was a bit difficult as had to bend down a lot to do things like cooking etc but the sleeping wasnt too bad considering!!!

Had my 28 week appt and all is ok, had my pregnancy shoot with the magazine and it was fab! had so much fun! its going to come out in the middle of june for the july issue but il let you know when its out! havent a clue how its going to look eek! Also had my 4d scan which was AMAZING! he was being a little monkey and hid so i had to go for walks and jogs n cuppa teas till he showed his face!!! got a pic of him on my avatar but im sure youve all seen the piccies on my facebook too :D i love him soooooooo much!!!!!! also had my 31 week appt on monday even tho im 31 weeks on fri....but all is ok! had some white blood cells in the urine so she is sending it off for testing and my weight hasnt changed which is odd but she said baby has grown so ive probs lost weight and balanced it with baba putting it on!

ive got my first antenatal class tonight too! cant wait! dont know what to expect though!!!cant believe we are coming into all our 30 weeks now!!!!!!! time is flying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seen lots of you have had GTT tests....does everyone get these? i havent had one?

Also welcome to all newbies!!! i have now added you on hehe! sorry i took so long!!!! yay so glad i managed to catch up finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xx
Wow I didn't realise quite how many baby clothes I had picked up!! Well not loads but enough!! All washed now just need them to hurry up and dry so can put in hosp bag gonna plan a shopping trip to get last few bits for my bag lol I can't believe how quickly time seems to be going technically 2 months or 8weeks 5days and a move in a week and half woweeeeeee!!!!
I don't think I have many of u on Facebook so hopefully link will work
Add me xx
Its scary how little time there is left!

But I cant wait for my baby girl to be here!
Samira! Good to see you here! .... Gtt is given routinely in the US like a lot of other preventative screening test. I am sure there are more cases of it here anyhow bc of the higher level of obesity & eating habits American are known for!

I am at my 3 hour gtt now ... I failed the fasting glucose prick so I have to pass all three if the next ones! I am sleepy and bored out of my mind! Lol
oh and Batty good luck today I hope you have a wonderful scan and enjoy seeing your baby & that all your fears are put to rest! :)
Good luck at your scan batty.

I haven't got many baby clothes yet. I can't wait to start shopping though.

I'm too in pain with my pelvis. I'm fed up of hobbling. Really hope that the acupuncture may help as the support belt isn't doing much. :( I didn't have SPD as bad as this with my first.

Samira it's lovely to see you back :hugs:

Natalie I just added you on fb :thumbup:

This is my fb for anyone who wants to add me

I hope that worked properly I'm on my iPhone xx

Am so annoyed I just found an ants nest in my living room. My landlord better sort this out - unlike the other problems he's neglected to fix :growlmad:
Well I failed the 1st stick too so I officially failed the test & so they didn't make me stay any longer .... But I have gestational diabetes :( I don't know how I get plenty of exercise I don't eat too bad & I haven't even gained a Full stone (by you all's measurement in the UK) I'm not worried just sad bc I feel like I failed or did something wrong :(
You have not done anything wrong Hun I'm sorry you've got gd xx
Batty how was the scan?

Krystal I am so sorry hun, but you have nothing to feel guilty for. What do you need to do now?

Sequeena your FB link did not work for me- but I am useless at these kind of things so it migth just be me.
Don't worry just search for Sarah woolcock my avatar will come up as my profile pic xx
Natalie your so organised! All my baby clothes are in boxes along with all my other baby stuff till we move hmoe! Then i will have a mass cleanathon hehe!

Sequeena i cant find you on FB, add me Samira Magrabi xx

Im so sorry Krystal!!!! And don’t be silly you did nothing wrong! These things just happen sometimes! What are they going to do now?

Im off to my 3 hour antenatal class now!! Will update 2moz eeek!! Love love xxx
Haha wouldn't say was that organised more freaked out that not ready if baby comes early!! We are moving at the end of the month but I couldn't wait!! I have run out of too
To hang clothes to dry eak!!!

Good luck with antenatal class!!! Can't wait to hear about it!!!
Classes sound fun Samira!!! Can't wait to hear!

They will just make me eat a special diet (like a diabetic), I'll have go eat 3 small meals and 3 small snacks a day, not go more than 3 hours between snacks and meals,' prick my finger & check my blood sugar 4 times a day (yipee for sore fingertips :(...) & exercise (although this is a joke bc I work my butt off at work & never stop when I am home ... I need rest not more exercise!)...they will keep an eye on baby's size so he doesn't get too large ... & as long as that keeps it level I'll be ok ... If that doesn't work I'll have to take insulin shots every day :-/ blah so I am hoping diet changes work! It sort of makes me angry bc I wasn't eating any sweets or big meals until about 10 weeks ago when my dr fussed bc I hadn't gained any weight at all & so I started eating more calories & more sweets which I obviously didn't need! I am just waiting on the diabetes dr to call and make an appt to go over my diet etc with me sometime.

It makes sense though. I drink 8 glasses of water AFTER I go to bed at night (& that makes for a lot of peeing!) an then I drink like a fish all day ... And I've been so exhausted, like to the point my eyes are burning and I just crash..(the same way I feel after glucose test) & it's always after I eat ESP the one big meal I eat a day! Just hoping I can manage it! Dh & I were both 8 lb babies so an even larger baby would be not good!
I just added you samira xx now I'm on the pc I can share the link to my fb properly! https://www.facebook.com/sarah.woolcock
Krystal surely your job will class as exercise as it's sooo active?!? I know I was told my job was classed as exercise as was so active!?!
Fingers crossed diet they've given u does the job!!!
Is the diabetes the reason that u have been so tired perhaps?!
Its scary how little time there is left!

But I cant wait for my baby girl to be here!

Right there with you Tanasha!!! can't wait!

Well I failed the 1st stick too so I officially failed the test & so they didn't make me stay any longer .... But I have gestational diabetes :( I don't know how I get plenty of exercise I don't eat too bad & I haven't even gained a Full stone (by you all's measurement in the UK) I'm not worried just sad bc I feel like I failed or did something wrong :(

Krystal- i'm so sorry about failing the test. Luckily for us we don't have that much time left. And i understand the feeling like you failed or did something wrong. i ALWAYS am like that. Was like that with the first test. I feel like i let her down or something- and got terribly depressed over all of it. But it's NOT our fault it's just something that happens! and it happens a LOT over here. :hugs: you and your baby are going to be fine. And it was caught early and i bet you won't have any trouble with it either. Fx'd for you love.

Krystal surely your job will class as exercise as it's sooo active?!? I know I was told my job was classed as exercise as was so active!?!
Fingers crossed diet they've given u does the job!!!
Is the diabetes the reason that u have been so tired perhaps?!

I was also told my job was very active so it was classified as exercise. I do try to take long walks on nice days too. Sometimes that's hard though because i want to take the dog, but it's better for me when DH goes, and he doesn't always want to.

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