3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Natalie- as a nurse I can tell you that it was nothing you did, GD diabetes is just one of those things some ppl get. Yes it's more common in multiples, obesity etc. But at the end of the day it unfortunately just happens sometimes. Good thing is that almost always it goes away after bubs is out. You'll feel better after meeting with the diabetes nurse.

Dare- glad you got the teeth thing sorted. Here in aus they don't let you have any x rays during pregnancy.. Infact they won't let you have any kind of dental work done anyway..

Samira- that's so exciting you've started your classes! How many do you do? Here we have 3 x 3 hour sessions I think. I'm a bit worried coz at my first ever appt, I was told to book my classes then and there so I did. They new I was having twins buy I still don't have my first class until I'm 32 weeks... I'm worried I'll go into labour before I finish the classes lol as 50% of twins are born prior to 37 weeks.. I really really hope mine hang in there as long as possible tho! They will either c section or induce me (depending on baby 1 position) at 37 weeks if labour hasn't started on it's own.. So 10 week eek! Also as DH works away, he is only home for two of the classes :( hate him missing out, but we need all the money we can get!

Hope every one else is doing well! Xoxo
Some of u might find this link useful about what to have in your hospital bag xx

Hi ladies.

I went to a breastfeeding clinic after college on wednesday night, i felt a little awkward as I was the only one that didnt take their partner a friend or family member and I got some strange stares when I went in on my own. Any way, if any one is thinking of going to one of these them id recommend it, it was really useful & i got alot of good info.

The only thing I feel apprehensive about is although ill be on mat leave from work I also go to college part time & im still going to be going to college after the birth & I plan to breastfeed but LO will only be a few weeks old by time I go back, one night im there 4 hours and another night 2 hours, i was planning on expressing for when i go but she said it wasnt a good idea and that I should ask college for me to be allowed to take LO in with me, I dont really feel comfortable with that at all so im a little worried now :(

Well ive a full weekend off work and i fully intend to relax, im going 'home' to visit family so will be setting off there later today takes just over 2 hours, I do have some college work I need to take with me but im at least in a handy position where my mum can watch Olivia whilst I get on with it.

Hi ladies!

Its Friday!!!!

For the hospitalbag do you need to pack everything for the baby- like nappies and creams or do you get some at the hospital?

I also got a package from my health insurance with everything you will need during labour and afterwards (most women in Holland give birth at home, so thats what all the supplies are for). And it had 3 packs of maternity pads in aswell- those things are HUGE! I am going to have to find some oversized knickers to fit them into! Do any of you know how long I will have to use the huge things? I thought just normal maxi pads would do?
Stef, u could express so while at college someone else can feed baby!?!
Tanasha I know I've packed nappys wipes etc and went to primark to get some big knickers!!! I believe u need the pads for a little while after I'm not sure how long for tho!!! I was also told some times u need to double up on the pads!?!
argg I am not looking forward to that part! I hate pads!

Have any of you started to panic? I feel abit stressed thinking there is not so much time left. Especially about the birth, I am trying my best to prepare myself on what to expect with our baby having a cleft, but I am still so scared that I might be shocked or might even thing she is ugly when they give her to me. I know this sounds abit selfish or superficial, but it is a real fear. I have been reading alot about other women with cleft babies, and theya ll say when they 1st see their baby they dont even notice the cleft because the baby is perfect in every other way. I think that this is how I will feel, but I cant be sure, I just hope with all my heart I will!

I think I will also start with my hospital bag this weekend- just to be prepared! I have been having horrible braxton hicks and the midwife said that this might be a sign that baby will come early. I will also start working 2.5 hours less per day from next week. Work was not very happy, but I am listening to my body and doing what is best for my baby!
r). And it had 3 packs of maternity pads in aswell- those things are HUGE! I am going to have to find some oversized knickers to fit them into! Do any of you know how long I will have to use the huge things? I thought just normal maxi pads would do?

About 6 weeks, I know they are like door wedges but i'd recommend buying maternity ones as i thought normal ones would be ok too **TMI Alert** and had a few leaks.

I also bought some disposable knickers from boots too which was handy for the first week or so when it was very heavy and then i just bought some big pants from matalan and just threw the lot once i was back to normal

6weeks!!!??? Ahhhhhh
I'm also freaking out tanasha!! I've started packing hosp bag already I had to go shopping yest to get mini travel bits for bag and nighties etc!! If u go to primark I saw was a 2pack nighties for £7 bargain got home I was only charged £3!!!! Wish I'd noticed would have picked up few more!!! Also got some shorts to wear under as I figured if wearing pads I wanted to make sure had that extra bit of reassurance!!!
I've also been worrying about this clear out that people
Get before labour?! Who knows anything about this as I would appreciate help my number 2's have changed...
I dont know anything about that Natalie. I never went into labour. I had 5 failed inductions before being taken from an emergency c-section last time. Felt like a complete failure at the time.

I am still undecided about going for an elective c-section or not. Im classed as high risk and I think if I had a C-Section again id prefer it to be my choice after the way i was left feeling last time, at least if i went for an elective id be prepared and i dont think it would be as much as a shock.

Hmmm requires a lot of thought would u want to go through inductions again and those feelings if it didn't work? To me sounds like it could trigger post natal depression, but then can u allow yourself the recovery time with going back to college and 2 little ones to look after?
Yuk hot flushes and feel sick :0( what is wrong with me these days ahhhh
I'm not allowed to be induced unless they can break my waters with out having to use any suppositories and then they can put me on a drip but i have to be on constant monitoring, I just feel like I wont have any control over what happens in labour at all. Not sure I like that idea.

Im going to speak to my mum about it this weekend and see what she says.

This is so exciting that we're talking about labor and packing bags- makes it feel like its finally getting close!!!
Natalie- I had the clear out, for about two days before I went into labor I started having really loose bowel movements. That was my only sign, I never had a show or lost my plug or anything else.
Stef- I hear ya on the labor- I'm going for a VBAC too and I'm really nervous!
TaNasha- I'm sure you're little girl will be beautiful, babies all are!
Dare- glad you got the teeth thing sorted. Here in aus they don't let you have any x rays during pregnancy.. Infact they won't let you have any kind of dental work done anyway..

It's so weird! They are very strong here about getting dental work done if you are due for it. They say it's incredibly important! I don't get that but... what do i know. They were saying that most dentist's continue to do their xrays and our obgyn drs say that it's really ok to do them anyway as long as you aren't in your first trimester. But i feel so much better not having it done, and the cleaning was very fast so i guess all is well.

Hi ladies.

I went to a breastfeeding clinic after college on wednesday night, i felt a little awkward as I was the only one that didnt take their partner a friend or family member and I got some strange stares when I went in on my own. Any way, if any one is thinking of going to one of these them id recommend it, it was really useful & i got alot of good info.

The only thing I feel apprehensive about is although ill be on mat leave from work I also go to college part time & im still going to be going to college after the birth & I plan to breastfeed but LO will only be a few weeks old by time I go back, one night im there 4 hours and another night 2 hours, i was planning on expressing for when i go but she said it wasnt a good idea and that I should ask college for me to be allowed to take LO in with me, I dont really feel comfortable with that at all so im a little worried now :(

I think we are going to combi feed- using some formula sometimes so i CAN go out if there is something i'm going to need to do. DH is already planning it sounds to kick me out so that he has some special him and daughter bonding. He was like 'if there are any classes you want to take in the fall i can take care of her!" and obviously i'm not going to leave my boob behind so, since they don't want you to express until at LEAST 6 weeks, might not be a bad idea to have SOME formula? And this way he can help you at night sometimes in the beginning? Not sure how well this really works out.

Hi ladies!

Its Friday!!!!

For the hospitalbag do you need to pack everything for the baby- like nappies and creams or do you get some at the hospital?

I also got a package from my health insurance with everything you will need during labour and afterwards (most women in Holland give birth at home, so thats what all the supplies are for). And it had 3 packs of maternity pads in aswell- those things are HUGE! I am going to have to find some oversized knickers to fit them into! Do any of you know how long I will have to use the huge things? I thought just normal maxi pads would do?

I don't think we need nappies and creams? You should contact wherever you are giving birth and see what they give you. Our birthing center gives us everything we need in the beginning for the sanitary things- like baby will get diapers and creams and WE get creams for our bbs- which they said we should ask for an extra tube when we are leaving and that'll be all we need- and that they give us the pads we need. My birthing class instructor was telling us about how we use those HUGE pads for like a day or more? and then they change to a bit smaller and smaller until it's a bit lighter? I wish i heard the exact times. But i got distracted by the size of the maxi pad. And i know each of us are different- i've heard some ladies need HUGE ones, and some need some smaller ones. And they also provide pants to get you to keep those pads on in the beginning too. They are insane!

argg I am not looking forward to that part! I hate pads!

Have any of you started to panic? I feel abit stressed thinking there is not so much time left. Especially about the birth, I am trying my best to prepare myself on what to expect with our baby having a cleft, but I am still so scared that I might be shocked or might even thing she is ugly when they give her to me. I know this sounds abit selfish or superficial, but it is a real fear. I have been reading alot about other women with cleft babies, and theya ll say when they 1st see their baby they dont even notice the cleft because the baby is perfect in every other way. I think that this is how I will feel, but I cant be sure, I just hope with all my heart I will!

I think I will also start with my hospital bag this weekend- just to be prepared! I have been having horrible braxton hicks and the midwife said that this might be a sign that baby will come early. I will also start working 2.5 hours less per day from next week. Work was not very happy, but I am listening to my body and doing what is best for my baby!

I understand the fears!!! Don't be scared or upset though, it's perfectly natural right? We all are afraid. I'm afraid that baby will come out and i won't fall in love with her and have that moment that so many mommies have. What if i DONT think she's beautiful? I know they say that's next to impossible so we just have to have faith in that. Think that look at this beautiful person that WE created!!!! She was growing in your belly, and i think we will love our babies, no matter what :)

I am starting to think more about it- but the scared nervous hasn't hit me exactly yet. But i'm a panic person so i know it's coming.

Yuk hot flushes and feel sick :0( what is wrong with me these days ahhhh

I know they also say that we sometimes will start feeling ill in the third tri- and i think our bodies are getting ready to eject a baby out! there is so much going on in there. I hope you are feeling better soon hun.
Urgh long hot sweaty tiring day!!!!!!!!! on the plus side just posted my job online, makes it more real im leaving this place!!! 3 weeks baby!!!!!!!!!

Charlie il def keep an open mind.....i do miss feeling wasted anyways hehe!

Natalie - gawd bank hol cant come soon enough! its gona be super busy but amazing! plus its OH bday so we are celebrating with a party on the saturday and then il have sunday and monday to get started....with a mingin chris im sure so he wont be too happy hehe!

TTC we have 2 x 3 hour sessions and then 3 x relaxation sessions which i am guessing is breathing?!!! i dont know lol! im sure your babas will hold in there till after your classes hehe!!!

Stef i know how you feel about going in alone...well kind of! at my class the other day i went in on my own as chris was eating a sandwich so i looked like i was there alone!! the stares i got!!!!!!

im not freaking out yet! i most probably will do when i get home and realise how much i have to do!!! im gona do a list in my organised freak manner! and then sort out finances to figure out what we will spending against what chris has to earn to cover my half wages!!! hes self employed so its hard for us to know what we have coming in each month!

off to the MIL's after work to say bye bye as she is off to florida tomorrow ! lucky them...but not so lucky we are going to hijack their house till we move home LOL already planned bbqs this weekend and next weekend hehehe! its OH's bday next week but i had a wedding to go to so we planned this week to partay for it (sooo annoyed, everyone will be hot tubbing and i cant ) but the wedding has been called off now!!! :O they have broken up a week before their wedding so we are having a party next weekend too now yay! i duna why i sound excited, il probs be asleep by 10 when usually id be up on the sambuca till the next morning LOL! i must say i do miss getting a bit messy sometimes but oh well, those days are over lol!

Any weekend plansies? xx
This is so exciting that we're talking about labor and packing bags- makes it feel like its finally getting close!!!
Natalie- I had the clear out, for about two days before I went into labor I started having really loose bowel movements. That was my only sign, I never had a show or lost my plug or anything else.

Is the clear out anything like this:
Thank u xx
Thanks dare it seems to keep coming in waves if that makes sense?! What with that and number 2's being odd ahhhhh

Samira how are u planning your move we plan to get the keys paint as much as we can then move stuff in on the sat I think hubby doesnt understand wanting to get the nursery painted 1st grrr!!!
Natalie- it wasn't anything like that... it was average diarrhea, and it didn't matter what I ate, that was kinda gross!
Aww thank u thats put my mind at rest I was freaking out lol!!! Thank u!!
:haha: Natalie just to confuse matters... I got constipation 4 days before having him and then one day after - no clearout for me! :)

and with bleeding - everyone differs, I bled for about a week maybe a week and a half max, used maternity pads for 4 days, then was on normal ones! So here's hoping you all get this lol rather than the 8-9 weeks some women get! :)

Tanasha - you'll find her beautiful no matter what, you'll just be so happy to finally meet her that you'll not even notice the cleft! :)

Samira - why won't you be able to hot-tub it? I hate it wehn OH drinks and everyone else is drinking and I'm just sat there being the sober one... and then they start talking about stuff they think is hilarious and you're just like WTF???!!! ha ha but sounds like you have one busy time ahead with all these parties ;)

Weekend plans.... urm not a lot, though I am going to see my mum on Sunday with my brother and Stephen so can't wait!! Haven't seen her for nearly 3 weeks :(

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