3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Well I don't cook breakfast I make his lunch for work and coffee and honestly I enjoy it bc it the few quiet moments of the day where even tho we aren't really spending time together we are in close proximity & I like watching him
get ready & just being around him :)

I'm miserable though. I'm absolutely dreading today to the point I'm
almost in tears & I am still in bed and need to leave in 20 minutes! I still can't believe they scheduled me for what they did today ESP since I've talked to them. I dread the excruciating pain I'll be in, in a few hours & still have to work through for several more, & the fact that I won't sleep tonight bc being on my feet gives me the leg cramps and restless legs that mess with my sleep... Then the cycle is messed up for the entire week! I just have too much work ethic. I keep pushing myself harder and harder to keep up the pace & still do my job as well as I did when I wasn't very far along so my bosses think I can do whatever. Maybe if I was more of a slacker or worked at my pace then I'd get behind and they wouldn't rely on me so much, but as it stands, 8 mos pregnant I can run circles around the college kids who work there! :-/ blah! Well I've got to suck it up & get dressed and go before I'm late!

Ttc- how exciting about your LO's :) so glad they are looking good and growing well!!! :) hope you feel better! Take it easy & keep those babys safe! :) 6 weeks is getting so close!
Dare - sorry you're dog was sick everywhere - poor thing :( I've never heard of a dog who gets car sick before though! Bet it was a nice break away though!!

Hi charlie- actually car sickness is VERY common in puppies. But they usually grow out of it. Because our dog, Ben, doesn't go very far normally he is not used to long drives. So with rides to the parks or around the corner- anything under 40 minutes he's fine. Anything longer- so not fine. He always vomits on a long trip.

I've met several dogs that have car sickness- but never thought i'd be lucky enough to have one. He has a lot wrong with him though. the car sick thing is easy because when the car stops- he's fine- with the vomiting. BUT he also has a condition called Colitis (which i didn't know dogs could get) where the intestines get inflamed and he literally will poop blood (tmi i know) and have diarrhea- and get seriously ill to the point he has to go on iv fluids. SO if he is car sick- it stresses out his system- causing it to react poorly on his WHOLE immune system- so while the vomiting stops, the diarrhea starts, and it takes sometimes a whole week to get him back on track. He also has a severe anxiety disorder (which my pregnancy hormones have NOT helped one bit) so he already has meds every day for that, now on the meds for his colitis which i should be able to stop tomorrow, so the poor dog takes like right now, 4 pills twice a day. But the anxiety disorder with the car sickness = really bad insides. My vet recommends not traveling with him ever. :cry:

So it's like ok- we go on vacation- but the whole time i'm worried about how the dog is so it's not really a vacation for me. Because he easily could need to be rushed to a hospital and hooked up to fluids if not managed properly. :cry: So it really sucks.

He is truly the result of bad breeding.
Hi ladies

I hope you don't mind me popping in. I was part of Midsummer Dreamers until December when I lost my baby at 10w at Christmas because of swine flu.

I just wanted to wish you all well as your due dates approach. I hope you have a straightforward delivery and happy, healthy babies.

Take care.

Pip x
aww pip! Hi there! Glad you have picked up again on the journey!!! So happy for you and your little one!!!
Hi ladies, all. How has everyone been, Not so long to go now. its getting exciting.

Anyone been having signs or as we have been calling them lately "teases",
Its gotten to the point where DD is having dreams of baby being born, and my OH is getting up in panics in the middle of the night and starts getting ready to go to the hospital.

Had MW appointment today, still have trace of protein in the ole urine checks, MW just dismisses it now. slack I know. Got asked if I feel as though baby is growing bigger, I said NO but only because baby has dropped and I dont feel that weight of him anymore and it seems my stomach appears smaller because its lower. So going for a scan 2 moro to check. Hopefully my last scan before I get to hold him in my arms.

Anyway my signs lately:
* stringy mucous started yesterday, hoping it is my show
* dropped and heavy low pressure feelings
* waking up to mild BH pains, only had painless tightening's up to now.

and thats me, hope to hear from you all, been trying to keep the mind active.
Great to see you Pip! Happy to see your expecting again! Congrats! :)

Dare, my parents and I both have a yorkie and they get car sick, not as much as when they were puppies but we also take long trips to Texas which are 10-12 hours so that's rough on them, they are almost used to it though! My yorkie gets colitis so bad she bleeds and Throws up and won't eat etc for a week if I board her or take her to be groomed. She is so spoiled that I think being caged is extremely traumatic for her. I learned to groom her how I like, and have family or friends watch her when we go out of town.. It's really so much better! Now she gets excite when she sees our bags packed bc she knows she gets to go stay at my parents house with her "boyfriend" their yorkie :)
sorry you had to spend your vacay worrying about your doggy! I hope he is getting better now!
Hey Pip! Congrats on expecting again :)

Jaydalee - Yes H is teasing me :( I've been getting the mucuous stuff, he's so low down my pelvis feels constantly bruised, and I've been getting horrible BH... though last night I did actually think I was contracting as it was just how I remembered the early contractions from last time. I just need him to hold on for another 3 weeks :haha:
Ladies-- for all of that pressure-- DOWN THERE- i have found relief. A birthing ball works wonders! I just got mine in yesterday and OMG, it feels wonderful to sit on. It really does work. Im thrilled about it, I cant wait to use it for labor. :)
Pip- congrats on your baby!!!
Jaydalee- You sound like your getting close~

Guys, I cant even walk normal cause of hip/pelvic pain.I hate going out in public for fear im gonna break a hip. Its awful. Even turning in the bed I can hear my bones popping and my joints making noises. Anyone else?

I feel so far behind everyone else. :D

Anyone familiar with Lamaze? I ordered a buttload of books on Lamaze and Lamaze techniques to help me through labor. I know its still slightly early but im planning my birth to be all natural with no meds and such so I know I need to make sure I learn how to breath through contractions.
Any advice and/or tips on preparing for a drug free labor?

Im a little nervous about doing it this way, but I really want this birth experience to not be traumatic like my last. I doubt myself alot, wondering if I am strong enough to deal with the pain.
Hi everyone!!!
Krystal u do sound like a superwoman!!! Put me to shame!!!
I can't believe I'm nearly full term!!! How scary!!!! I've got my Moses basket all set up and ready and all clothes washed now!! I'm going to set up temp thingy and monitor so it's all ready need to tidy bedroom up first!!! I've got a really achey bump today struggled to get comfy with it last night I think I've dropped a bit more!!!
I'm also happier than my last post as I spoke to my old mw and she said they cannot make me go to the nearest hosp and if I get any probs she will do a sweep on me few days before I get to 40weeks and book me into the hosp I want even tho I'm not her patient any more so I am thrilled!! And that will mean this lo won't be late!!! Well depending on what current mw says anyway!!! Eak!!
Haha nah Natalie I'm just super tired and a super sucker that doesn't know how to say no and just sit still! No more scheduled long shifts for me though!! Woo hoo!

Wow! Almost term! So exciting!!! I still have soooooo much to do! How exciting for you!!

I feel behind everyone, I haven't noticed any more pain than usual or pressure than usual & I don't think baby has dropped even though his head is in my pelvis I think it's more off to the side ... I don't even know if I'd know what a BH felt like if I had one & I don't know if I have had any? I have lots of achy bump pains & my bump gets really tight a lot of the time ESP when I am working/standing! I mean I still have 5 or 6 weeks if I go to term so hopefully my body/baby will do what they should...

Last night Baby boy had his feet right under my breastbone under my rib cage & it was the most severe pain .. Like a heart attack! I finally managed to be still and fall asleep and this morning his feet are still up high (they hurt me when I sneezed and squished them this morning) but I am hoping the stay out from under my ribs!

My hands and arms keep getting all tingly and falling asleep even when I am not laying on them ... Like when I am playing on my phone or driving ... It's so weird! Anyone else had this?
ahhh krystal i dont know if i've had any bh either and doubt i would know if one hit me unless it really hurt.... knowing me i would end up in hospital thinking she was on her way just to find out it was a bh!!!
i wish i had your energy i have none these days!! i've had what you are describing with your hands!! its weird isnt it!!! i think its just to do with blood flow!!
i am now panicking because i havent had any classes on what to expect and what u do with baby once she is here i dont know about baths or nappies or anything!!! i remember my mw giving me a phone number to call and i completly forgot and didnt think anything of it till people kept asking if i had done them or not now i am in a right panic cos i think im too late to do one!!! eak!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't worry Natalie, it isn't so complicated and nothing beats hands on experience! Lots of people can help you or tell you anything you need to know! Don't freak out! Plus your instinct will kick in and you will do whatever you need to, to take care of her :) you could prob read online the kind of stuff they teach in classes but it's still different than actual hands on experience! You will do fine! Don't worry!
aww thank you!!! will definatley look online now!! i have a book on what to expect in the 1st year and dh has the haynes manual (they normally do haynes manuals for different types of cars so its really a mans way of looking at babies!!!) really going to have a read up!! i mean nappies i can get my head round and the labour is fine i know what to expect but i dont know what else they teach u!!??
Hi pip, lovely to see you. Hope all is going well with little one x

well i have some what caught up on the thread. my laptop screen is rather little so its a little harder than at home but it has definitely been my saviour while in here.

would love to see some baby shower photos Natalie and samira? not sure if anyone else has had there’s?

my dog doesn’t get car sick but she is on steroids for arthritis and they make her bladder weak. so only every now and again she accidentally does a little wee and the poor thing gets so embarrassed and goes and hides. we would never get angry at her but she still gets so upset.

Sorry for the disjointed post i started writing it this morning before my scan, then again in the middle of the day now its 11 at night.

I also have tinggling hands and legs it almost feels as if they are restless though and that they have a mind of their own if that makes any sense?

So AFM i had my scan this morning to check on how things are going with the cord flow and it is staying stable which is good but they are still concerned that it may get worse so they have decided that i will continue to have my scans every 2 - 3 days and even if they stay how they are they are going to deliver her next friday or saturday either the 1st or 2nd of JULY OMG i will have my little one in just over a week!! i am freaking out now that i dont know what im doing and that i will make mistakes. i guess thats normal though and it will just come naturally.. i hope!
Love Krystal- when your bump tightens and gets real hard--- those are contractions. Braxtons hicks are more like only the tightening and not really the severe pressuure that accompany real contractions, but the tightening is there. So yes, your feeling BH...
Wow mum2miller!! So soon and you'll get to meet your little one! I am sure you will just instinctly know what to do when the lo is in your arms (that's what I'm counting on anyway! Lol)
Natalie- I wouldn't worry about not having done any classes. I had my first antenatal class today and the midwife said that after baby is born and were in hosp that the midwife shows mum and dad how to wrap, bath etc so I'm sure your hosp will explain all of this too! Just ask lots of questions before you are discharged :)
Pip - so nice to hear from you and glad you're doing well in your pregnancy. You'll have to make sure to keep popping in and updating us all!

Mum2Miller - WOW! That's so close, how exciting. Obviously, I guess you wish it maybe wasn't under these circumstances, but I'm so pleased to hear they are looking after you both well. Just think.....in 10 days you'll have her in your arms! Keep nice and rested hun..make sure you do!! :D

:dohh: Am afraid I'm having a bit of a ME and EDS relapse at the moment and not coping well. I was up most of last night in agony with my hips..and really bad lower back pain that I've never felt before. This morning I could hardly move, have been in tears since yesterday pm and hubby even took the day off work to "care for me". :nope:

I think LO have engaged even more..I can feel so much more pressure down there...and it's literally like she's tickling my cervix sometimes. I think it's why my hips have suddenly deteriorated so much...I've not really had a pain-free day in over two years but can normally manage, but today it's just feels like that little bit too much. :cry: I don't know why my shoulders, wrists and ankles have decided to join in...I just hope its not going to be like this for the next six weeks.

It's made me worry about how I'll cope with babs when I have flare-ups when she's here.... :shrug:
Dare, my parents and I both have a yorkie and they get car sick, not as much as when they were puppies but we also take long trips to Texas which are 10-12 hours so that's rough on them, they are almost used to it though! My yorkie gets colitis so bad she bleeds and Throws up and won't eat etc for a week if I board her or take her to be groomed. She is so spoiled that I think being caged is extremely traumatic for her. I learned to groom her how I like, and have family or friends watch her when we go out of town.. It's really so much better! Now she gets excite when she sees our bags packed bc she knows she gets to go stay at my parents house with her "boyfriend" their yorkie :)
sorry you had to spend your vacay worrying about your doggy! I hope he is getting better now!

He is getting much better now thanks! almost normal. One more day of pills. poor thing. You understand then with the colitis. It's a mess! I still can't believe he has it. I mean my brother has had it for the past 11 years of his life, he almost died from it. And then we have our first dog that's ours, and HE has it too?! What are the freaking odds?! He does very well in his crate though luckily, and does well with the grooming and so forth- i could never do it myself. He'd probably bite me for that. Just doing his nails is annoying enough but i refuse to give in to him- so i muzzle him and get the job done. And yeah, we usually leave him with family here instead of taking him with us which is amazing- and he does very well, but they were with us this time, so he had to come. :(

my dog doesn’t get car sick but she is on steroids for arthritis and they make her bladder weak. so only every now and again she accidentally does a little wee and the poor thing gets so embarrassed and goes and hides. we would never get angry at her but she still gets so upset.

So AFM i had my scan this morning to check on how things are going with the cord flow and it is staying stable which is good but they are still concerned that it may get worse so they have decided that i will continue to have my scans every 2 - 3 days and even if they stay how they are they are going to deliver her next friday or saturday either the 1st or 2nd of JULY OMG i will have my little one in just over a week!! i am freaking out now that i dont know what im doing and that i will make mistakes. i guess thats normal though and it will just come naturally.. i hope!

your vet has her on steroids for arthritis? I would demand something other than steroids because of how horrible they are to the pet. I don't think in either clinic i worked in they ever recommended steroids- we did anti-inflammatories and glucosamine and things like that- never steroids! i have a personal problem with them because i saw what they did when my brother was put on steroids. They can cause attitude adjustments- and yeah they make them eat more, gain weight like crazy, drink more, and pee all over the place.

And that's insane that you're going to have your baby the first weekend in july!!!!! how awesome!!!!! Oh my gosh! it's not long for any of us now!!!!
Mumtomiller wow!!! A week!!! That's madness!! Do u feel ready?? How are u coping being in hospital?? I would love to show u some pics there was only a few taken and the 2 of me were soooo awful they were taken off fb!! (at my request!!) are u on my fb?
Aww batty I feel for u!! Will your Eds be better once baby is here?
TTC I will be asking loads of questions!!!

Wow I have no energy today!! I've literally done nothing and felt awful all day really coldy and almost sicky so tired as well and bump still achey!! Thrush is back with avengence as well!!
Wow, I feel like there is so much to read every time I get on here! I have great news, at my appointment yesterday the baby has switched to head down, which is great because if he was still breech they were going to push me to schedule a c-section!!! I just bought tickets for A Day Out with THomas (the train), I can't believe my 2 year old's ticket cost $18- he better like riding Thomas!!!

Love_Krystal- I've been thinking about you and your crazy schedule, I hope things will start to calm down... have you thought of pre-natal yoga to help you relax (I know, one more thing to fit in the schedule!!!)

Dare- sorry about your dog, my lab is like one of my babies and I know how badly it can make you worry when they're sick!

Pip- Congratulations and keep us posted!

Batty- sorry to hear that you are struggling, I really don't know much about what you're dealing with, but Good luck!

Mum2Miller- glad the scan went well

Natalie- HOpe your feeling better soon

Everyone else- I"m sorry if I forgot you, but there really is so much to read, hope everyone is doing well!

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