3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Natalie - I didn't have any classes! And, because I was in the birthing unit, the time that Stephen changed his nappy, the midwife was helping deliver another baby, so I just guessed how to do it and it was right :haha: I think once they get here it's sort of instinct to know what to do! :) (oh and p.s. I'm rather jealous you only have a few days to full term! :) ) Ooha nd why do you not like Watford hospital?

Batty - glad your hubby was taking care of you!! Just try and take it easy as much as you can!

Mum2Miller - ahh not long until you meet your baby!! :) :) Ooh it's getting exciting now!!!

Well.... my day's been random! Went to meet my brother for lunch - everything by that point was fine, but then we got up and I wanted to do some shopping for H and get Stephen some bits, but I literally managed about an hour.... with constant sitting down as my pelvis feels bruised, my lower back is KILLING me, and I kept getting really hot/dizzy/head rush! I was so much fun! Felt a bit sorry for him really! Joys of being heavily pregnant.... so instead of going out to shop for his bits.... I think I'll treat myself to some online retail therapy!! :D

How's everyone elses day been??
I didn't realise the hour long walk included shopping Charlie!! Now I understand :D Online is definately the way to go - I go a load of my hospital bag bits and the essential vest I'm missing online today...didn't even have to get off my bum! Bliss.

Natalie - don't worry about the classes. If babs comes and you are worried you have the midwifes to ask..and worst comes to worst, there are LOADS of help on the forum, websites or youtube videos to get info from. But I'm sure you'll just pick it up, you'll suddenly just be mummy natalie and know what you're doing (or rather, I hope thats what happens for me!!)
God..... walking for an hour with no motive! Don't be silly :haha: just don't know where to start looking! and yep... you'll give birth and all of a sudden you'll just 'know' what to do Batty :D

Samira's FB status got me thinking..... what are all you ladies wearing home from the hospital and bringing baby home in? :)
A sack most probably!

I'm thinking I'll most likely be taking my pregnancy leggings (aka, heaven in cotton form) and a loose tunic-type top and flip-flops! Oh, and hairbands to shove my hair up so I look semi preened! :D
ahhh fab thanks ladies ive had a quick read up online today!!!
charlie it wasnt that i didnt like watford so much more that i had got so used to the idea of other hosp and felt comfortable there and i could really see myself giving birth there whereas when looked at watford i couldnt see it at all basically had my heart set on stoke and to be told i couldnt go there with all the other changes i just broke down esp when my old mw had told me that i wouldnt have a problem staying on there it all just got too much!!!
hmmm clothes to go home in..... probs jeans/crop jeans if very hot a belt to hold them up.... at the min i am struggling with any trousers i have they just wont stay up!!!??? has anyone else found this??? probably one of hubbys tshirts as they are sooooo comfy and baggy :D
I haven't even thought about what I'm going in with nevermind going home in!!!!
Mumtomiller -glad the scan went well! Soo exciting that your LO will be here :) can't wait to see her!!!

Ttcnumbertwo- oh I don't really have time or energy for anything else... DH & I have been trying to get to bed a little early and just relax and hang out and talk together though and that's been nice :)

Batty- sorry you are hurting :( I hope you feel better! I don't have whatever u have so I Cant exactly relate but I do know the excruciating pain I'm in sometimes at work in my hips and lower back to the point of tears & where if I sit down for even a second I can't straighten back up or walk without horrible pain... And I know how aweful it is! I really hope you get some relief and rest and feel better! Take it easy girl!

Charlie - ugh I hate shopping now! DH is quite pleased bc I haven't spent much money in ages bc I am ready to leave before I make it through the parking lot to the inside lol!

My MIL has the outfit DH wore home from the hospital, I haven't seen it yet but it has a firetruck on it & we will prob put the baby in it regardless bc it means a lot to them! As for me I haven't a clue, haven't even started to packed a bag yet.

Batty when you said "a sack" It got me so tickled bc here a sack is like a plastic bag for groceries so I had this image of you carrying your baby out in one, although that's obviously not what u mean by it but I couldn't stop laughing! ;)
dare - they have her on 3 different tabs one is called cyclosporin then predx and imuran. they say its a auto immune mediated rhumatoid arthitis? we hate her being on tablets everyday she is always hungry and she doesnt like socialising with dogs she doesnt know anymore but without them she is in pain and has basically no symptoms on them. luckily the weeing isnt too bad and only happens once every now and again. still not nice but.

yee natalie i am on facebook. Teagan Ramage i have the same pic of Miller i have in my sig with a little green bow on it if you want to add me? anyone else can too if they like?
mum- the steroids could be why she doesn't want to socialize anymore :( it can make them grumpy to a point. My brother was NASTY when he was on them. Cyclosporine surprises me because we use that here for eye meds? I've honestly not heard of an immune arthritis but it's just so strange compared to what we are used to. Can't they ween the steroids so it's every other day at least?? Just thinking out loud.

And I would love to add anyone who is interested on fb as well. Just send me a private message and I'll share my name with you. I just ask that bnb not be mentioned on my fb! :)
Hi all! How is everyone?

Ive had a pooey week, me and chris have been having a hard time which is horrible as we have never had arguments before….:S , I think it has suddenly sunk in that our lives are about to change and he has been quite different and distant. Hes usually so caring and loving and now I feel like hes a thousand miles away. And hes been acting irresponsible too, he went fishing on Sunday and got drunk, n then drove home! I obviously showed I was angry coz we have a baby on the way…what if he hurt himself….or what if I went into labour…..how is he meant to take me to the hospital! And I think he thinks now im on maternity im gona be super woman cleaning the house and getting everything sorted in 1 day! Hes done the so what have you done all day…why couldn’t you of done this your at home all day…..correction…I still work from home that takes up half my day…I am meant to sit back and relax…which I do in the morning! Argh he just peed me off. So weve had the barney now and also the long chat about everything but we were still distant last night and I didn’t get a single wink of sleep. And he has sent me a long text this morning apologising saying he hates being like this and that he loves me and hayden more than anything in the world, hes just finding it hard to understand everything. So its not just us that go though the emotions ladies lol! Were gona go out for dinner this weekend to have some us time! And then its my baby shower Sunday eeeeek!

Got my friends coming over at 11 to pack my maternity bag and then just chill out in front of the tv (one is on maternity and one has a gorjus 5 month old!) so we just talk babies all avvo haha! And then its my 36 week MW apt at 3pm where ive got to take my birth plan!!!!

Ive just used the NHS one online? has anyone else used a better on from online? xx
Sorry to hear you and Chris are having a hard time at the moment - but it's good you've at least talked it out/he's text to let you know whats going on so you at least know where you're starting from to make it better. I'm sure you'll be fine, and just have to make some adjustments for each other while you're coping with coming to terms with what's about to happen. It's a massive, massive thing - it would probably be worrying if you didn't have some sort of freak out.

PS...I would have been SUPER pissed about the driving home drunk thing - so he should be blooming thankful that his bollocks haven't been made into earrings!

As for birth plan - I've attached my first draft. It's quite long - I used one I found on a "natural birthing" website and just adapted it to what we wanted....I think it covers almost everything. I didn't like the NHS one because I found it either didn't cover what I wanted or just kind of swept things that we important to me "under the carpet"...hidden somewhere else.

I'd actually be interested in the rest of your guys - help to make mine better (and shorter!)

EDIT - wouldn't let me attach so just pasting below. Wow, its long.:dohh:


We are aware this birth plan is more of a ‘wish list’, and are fully prepared that some of our wishes may not be possible. We want to work with the midwife to make sure we can get as close to our intended birth as possible – but respect their expertise and knowledge in getting our daughter here safely.
ABOUT US – Birth Partners
• My name is Emma and my husband’s name is Paul.
• We have one other birth partner – Nichola Parker who is a very close friend of ours.
• This is our first baby. I have had a smooth and uncomplicated pregnancy.
• I have been using a hypnobirthing CD for birth preparation and will be hoping to use this throughout labour.
• I would like to birth in a water pool, if one is available, with as little intervention as possible.
• I would like subdued lighting if possible, to be mobile, use a birth ball in early labour and listen to music on my speakers.
• We are happy for a student midwife to be present.
• I am hoping for a nice, relaxed atmosphere – so please do talk with us and feel free to keep the mood light - we will!
• I would like both of my birth partners present throughout the labour, even if there is a need for forceps or ventouse delivery.
• Unless in emergency circumstances, we would like each person attending me to read my birth preferences and introduce themselves.

FRIST STAGE – Thinning & Opening
• I will be hoping to stay at home as long as possible before going into hospital.
• I will give birth at the Lister hospital and use hypnobirthing techniques with my birth partners supporting me.

Pain Relief
• Our preference is for a water birth and so do not wish to have diamorphine, or an epidural.
• I would like to be offered Etonox and will use T.E.N.S when not in water(!), breathing, massage & relaxation techniques.

Monitoring & Examinations
• I do not wish to be ‘strapped down’ to a bed at any time.
• I would like baby to be monitored using a Doppler and to avoid continuous (CTG) or internal monitoring.

Positions for Labour
• I would like to use a birth pool – waiting until 5-6cm before entering the water and either remaining there until after the birth, or getting out if I feel it is necessary or a medical need arises.
• Use of bath in early labour, birthing ball and various birthing position. Trying to remain as upright and mobile as possible at all times.

Eating & Drinking
• We will take snacks and water for both birth partners and I. Please remind me to drink and use the bathroom.

I think it would be helpful if you would let me know if you see me showing signs of entering transition. I understand this is a common time for birthing women to lose some control and really feel that letting me know I am getting close will help with my progress, and to stop me panicking.

• I would like to birth in a pool, if possible.
• I am hoping to still be able to use natal hypnotherapy to remain calm during birth.
• I would like vocal support from our midwife and help in pushing effectively.
• I would be okay if an episiotomy is needed, but please let me know before making an incision.

Birthing Baby
• We already know the sex of our baby and would like her handed to us straight away.
• We would like skin to skin contact and time to bond with the baby, if possible, for a period long enough to attempt the first breastfeed.
• If possible, following the delivery of the placenta etc, myself and Paul would like some time on our own with our newborn baby. Even five minutes would be gratefully appreciated!

THIRD STAGE - Placenta Delivery
• I want a physiological third stage and would like to try breast feeding to assist natural delivery.
• We do not wish the cord to be cut until it stops pulsating naturally. Paul does not want to cut the cord, but please offer it to him in case he changes his mind!
• Please no cord traction, syntocinon or manual removal unless there is an emergency.
• I am going to breastfeed my baby so would like undisturbed skin to skin contact after the birth.
• I am happy for baby to be given the Vitamin K injection.
• I am keen to avoid a caesarean, but will of course if a medical need arises.
• We would ask for Paul to be able to come with me.
• If an emergency caesarean is required I would like to remain awake and request an epidural or spinal block.
• I would like to breastfeed the baby as soon after birth as possible.
• I would like to hold my baby straight away.
• I do not want baby taken out of theatre before we have held her unless it is an emergency.
• If my baby needs to go to special care then we would like my husband, Paul, will go with her.
• We would like to follow our birth preference to support a relaxed and natural birth.
• We appreciate that we must be flexible in our choices if things do not evolve in the way we wish.
• We request that all options are examined and that we are given accurate information.
• We gratefully respect that we are given sufficient time to discuss the proposed course of action.
• In the event of any emergency situation, then you will have our full co-operation.
• The safety of our baby and mum is paramount and we do not wish to put either in any danger.

Mumtomiller I've added u! I've tagged myself in the album for baby shower I'm cakes hahaha!! Those are all te photos that were taken!!
Oh samira!!! :hugs: I know my hubby is struggling to get his head round it at the min as well!!! It's hard for them too!!! Last few days I haven't had the energy to get anything done so when he gets in hes been saying oh so u have done nothing today lol I just look at him and say and??!! I hurt!! Yest he said I wasn't with it at all when he came in but then he is struggling to get anything done as well after work!! Other night he fell asleep reading a baby book bless him!!
Oh and I haven't done a birth plan yet I need to get hubby to print of the Nhs one I guess!!
I agree with batty I would have lost it if he had driven drunk!!!
WOW your birth plan is fab! so detailed! well today i will take my nhs one to the MW to discuss then when i get back i will do one more like yours!!!!! i cant put mine from nhs onto here it wont let me but il do my own one when i get back and then post it!

see with the drinking thing...i didnt even know when he got home!! he was acting fine...its just when he got a text on his phone and i saw it and it said "im still fragile" from his mate and i was like eh? whats that mean...and then he said oh we had a few drinks on sunday......grrr! luckily he was only a 2 min drive away but that doesnt make it ok!!!! i dont think he shud be getting pissed at all in these last 4 weeks - il let him off at our shower on sunday as my mum will be there LOL!

i cant waitfor our shower, be great to see all my friends and its not just a girls thing, fellas are coming too which is nice coz its involving chris!

so whos started with the RLT?? its not as bad as i expected it to be! i thought it was going to taste rank lol! x
Ahhhh rlt I keep forgetting about that!!! Eak!!!
Let us know how u get on with mw appoint! I haven't got mine till tues I'm dreading it a bit I will be full term hosp not booked and I gotta tell them I am not using their hospital!!! Could be interesting!!
I think im gonna say to hubby he is fine to go out with his wrk friends Friday night as a last chance to get pissed.... Prob is I want to go too!!! :0( I don't really know his work friends tho so I think he would rather I didn't go!! :0(
Oh and samira we had a mix of men and women it was lovely!!!! Hubby could do the man thing and do the BBQ (even if it did go wrong hahaha!!) but It meant all girls could bring their partners so everyone was at ease otherwise there would have been a few that wouldn't know anyone!!
Batty your birth plan is amazing!!! So detailed!! How did u know to include everything??
Ahh ! Hospital bags, birth plans, I'm starting to panic! I feel very behind! I'm still trying to finish his room up! :-/ I don't even know where to start with all the other stuff! It makes me nervous so I just put it off! Knowing me I'll be packing my bag on the way out the door bc I've been to busy to do it! ... Eek!

Samira, I think it's normal to go through what you and chris are, it's a big change (although drinking and driving would have angered me as well.. I just mean distance and bickering) ... We even went through it the first week or so we were married but I was the distant critical one bc I was terrified of the change taking place! Last weekend Jeremy and I seem to be in a fuss over everything and we aren't ever like that ... What we really needed was time together! It reminds you that change is coming but you aren't losing what you have you are adding to it ! Hopefully getting to spend some time together will make you both feel better! And share your fears ... It's easier for us when we both admit we are a bit afraid and nervous even if our fears are for different reasons we can still relate to one another and cling to each other instead of pushing the other away! I've learned /am learning this bc I am the worrier, I am the one who gets distant, I am the one who gets freaked out by change & let's it upset me... I'm the one who would find it easier to run away and hide from change haha, and the one who worries more
about what I'm losing than realizing what I am gaining! Jeremy
has been really great though bc he realized what I went through when we got married & he knows I am terrified a little now, but he doesn't let me run away or push him away, he always pulls me close and let's me know everything is going to be ok & so instead of pushing him away, I lean on him for support & we get closer..... But the biggest thing is having time together so you don't forget how important you are to one another & that you are on this journey together & WHY you are on it ... Bc you love each other! Hang in there things will get better!
Have any of u had random shooting pains down leg?? Doesn't feel like my usual sciatica??
Good luck with your midwide appointment - let us know how it goes.

RLT - I keep forgetting to buy it, off out to grab a few bits and bobs so I may have to pop into holland and barrett and grab some finally!

It's getting exciting with baby showers isn't it! Mine isn't for another month - and we're having girlies and then the men coming to join us later - so that should be nice! It's so weird though as I've never been to one.

Do you think the birthplan is too much? I'm worried I'm not conveying the right 'tone'. We want it to be just as normal as possible, as least medicalised as possible really. I don't want the midwife to feel we're these people that will not listen to them or ignore medical advice/thinks they know exactly that they will be like...it's just to me having a natural as possible birth is really important and I don't want them to underestimate the research we've done into it all.....
I think your birth plan is perfect Batty :) Definitely comes across that the ideal way is xxx, but you realise it may not happen like that for whatever reason, so in case of Plan B you'd prefer it to be handled like this xxxxx.

I haven't started mine yet - my midwife said she'll discuss it with me at my 34 week appointment. Should I have something prepared in advance?

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