3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Yay for baby showers! How was it Natalie? You get lots of goodies?

Congrats on 35 weeks samira!

I'm having the opposite problem with movement, my LO moves almost constantly all day and night either kicking or poking or rolling around, he is so big now it feels so weird! It catches me off guard sometimes! :)

Sorry I haven't updated after my appt my life is insanely busy, I am so give out! Everyone and everything is so demanding of me and it's been fine but I'm
to the point now I've almost had enough, I almost can't handle it! My appts went ok. The non stress test was good, no problems there, but I hve to have one every week to make sure all stays well. The scan was fun, the tech wasn't really very good but she was nice and even put it in 4D for a few minutes even though Silas was completely uncooperative and moving way too much! Silas had lots of little hair on the back of his head (we couldn't see the top it was in my pelvis!) ... So it was fun but the techs measurements seemed haphazard and a little off to me, I think she measured a little bigger than he actually is. But based on her measurements he already weighs 6lbs +\- 14 oz. That means he is on track to be 8-9 lbs at term. DH & I were both big babies so it doesn't alarm me but the doctor is adamant that it's big. So we have another scan in 4 weeks on the 15th, after they check his size etc that day she will decide when she is going to induce... So for now I'm just waiting it out and getting things done... My baby shower isn't until the 17th so I hope he doesn't come too early!

I have been so irritable today ESP, I know I am exhausted bc I helped my parents work at their house til late last night then got up at 6 am bc I had a work meeting from
8-11, then went back and worked at my parents then got ready & now we are taking Dh's dad out for fathers day... All I Want is a nap! DH is even irritating the fire out of me and he is a great guy I usually have nothing to complain about...

Anyways on a positive note this will be my last week with long shifts, I'll only be working 4 short shifts a week, then I put in that Ive decided to take maternity leave starting after July 14th, so at the most I have 4 weeks or 16 shifts left .. Which I feel good about bc I am getting worn out!
Wow, it took me a while, but I read everything I missed over the last week. I had a wonderful vacation but it was so short- I usually stay about 3 weeks. I can't believe that next year I will be taking two kids to the beach, that seems so scary!!

Funny story about my drive home... Its about a 10 hour drive and I was about 2 hours from home when I was pulled over. The cop told me I was doing 85 in a 55 which is crazy, but I wasn't paying attention (oops), anyhow, he looked at me and asked if I was pregnant, I said yes, and he said "I can't give a pregnant lady with a baby in the back seat a ticket, just slow down please!" I can't believe I got out of that ticket, it would have been so expensive... Guess it pays to be pregnant sometimes!

I have to say that I have been sleeping horribly!! I have the pain in my hips and back and turning over is so painful. Plus, there's the getting up to use the bathroom about 100 times! Thank goodness DH is a very heavy sleeper, he says I never wake him up!

Well, I officially have nothing to do now until LO decides to join us.... what are you guys who are off work doing to pass the time?
LOL im a stay at home mom. So im home full time. Pretty much I jjust stay bored. I clean
alot lol. thats pretty much how i stay busy.
hey ladies 34 weeks today to me and krystal! Was on "vacation" all weekend- and I'll discuss that later just checking in to say hi! :wave: hope you all are well.
Yay for baby showers! How was it Natalie? You get lots of goodies?

Congrats on 35 weeks samira!

I'm having the opposite problem with movement, my LO moves almost constantly all day and night either kicking or poking or rolling around, he is so big now it feels so weird! It catches me off guard sometimes! :)

Sorry I haven't updated after my appt my life is insanely busy, I am so give out! Everyone and everything is so demanding of me and it's been fine but I'm
to the point now I've almost had enough, I almost can't handle it! My appts went ok. The non stress test was good, no problems there, but I hve to have one every week to make sure all stays well. The scan was fun, the tech wasn't really very good but she was nice and even put it in 4D for a few minutes even though Silas was completely uncooperative and moving way too much! Silas had lots of little hair on the back of his head (we couldn't see the top it was in my pelvis!) ... So it was fun but the techs measurements seemed haphazard and a little off to me, I think she measured a little bigger than he actually is. But based on her measurements he already weighs 6lbs +\- 14 oz. That means he is on track to be 8-9 lbs at term. DH & I were both big babies so it doesn't alarm me but the doctor is adamant that it's big. So we have another scan in 4 weeks on the 15th, after they check his size etc that day she will decide when she is going to induce... So for now I'm just waiting it out and getting things done... My baby shower isn't until the 17th so I hope he doesn't come too early!

I have been so irritable today ESP, I know I am exhausted bc I helped my parents work at their house til late last night then got up at 6 am bc I had a work meeting from
8-11, then went back and worked at my parents then got ready & now we are taking Dh's dad out for fathers day... All I Want is a nap! DH is even irritating the fire out of me and he is a great guy I usually have nothing to complain about...

Anyways on a positive note this will be my last week with long shifts, I'll only be working 4 short shifts a week, then I put in that Ive decided to take maternity leave starting after July 14th, so at the most I have 4 weeks or 16 shifts left .. Which I feel good about bc I am getting worn out!

What was your bump measurement at 34 weeks? just curious as I think I'm heading for a big baby, it had grown 5cm since my 31 week appointment 3 weeks earlier. Thanks :)
happy 34 weeks dare and krystal!!
and sorry for the lateness happy 35 weeks samira!!!
krystal im glad your appt went well!!! naughty little man moving too much hehehe glad he is measuring ok!! sounds like a good weight they are estimating!!!
TTC glad u had a nice break!! thats funny with being pulled over for driving too fast (tut tut hehehe) i've been finding i pass the time much like mrstacportlotser9, lots of cleaning and as we are still unpacking (i didnt realise how much stuff we had!!!!!) still sorting all that out and building storage units, online shopping... i'm soooo naughty!!! finally got round to ordering our nursery set!!! shame think takes up to 6 weeks to arrive!!!! that and actually having lie ins and afternoon naps hehehe!!
samira how fab finding a load of clothes u had forgotten about!!!!

wow what a busy weekend!!!! the baby shower was amazing!!! we had 20 people turn up, it was mad.... im glad that quite a few couldnt make it in the end, cos would have been too much!!! i was on my feet the whole time running round sorting food and talking to everyone!!! it was soooooo lovely seeing so many people though!!! had some turn up that i hadnt seen in ages so that was lovely!!! quite a mix of diff people as well!!! i am still suffering with my cold so had to constantly go and blow my nose hahaha!! the BBQ didnt go sooooo well... the weather was absolute madness!!! one min was lovely and sunny, so i went outside and helped hubby put up gazebo, 2 mins later as we were doing it, it poured down sooooo heaviely we were drenched!!! then massive flash of lightening and thunder!!! thoughout the whole afternoon was on and off with these downpours and the wind was strong too so the BBQ's didnt really light too well so we had to finally give up and cook bits inside.... oh my days the state of my lovely kitchen i was mortified!!! ive got it looking better than ever now though!!!
yes charlie she stayed away :D we popped over there this afternoon to give fil card etc she didnt even ask about it!! fil was saying about popping over to look at our drainage at some point this week.... so i made a point of saying i was very busy this week and would be in and out and wasnt sure what days i may be at home so he has said he will pop over when hubby is at home!!! so thats very good!!!! :D she however just took the mickey but i virtually ignored her!!!
we were very lucky with gifts people are so generous!!! a couple of friends asked what i wanted said they wanted to get us something big and they were going to chip in... they got me a highchair!! it was over £100 the one i was after so felt a bit guilty but got clothes, some toys, photo frames, giftcards, my dad is getting us a baby sling, again i felt guilty about asking as its £90!!!! one of my friends made me a bag of essentials!! sooo handy!!! another is knitting as a cardigan in style of cath kidston!! i also got few bottles of wine!!??!! hahaha oh and a disney changing bag full of goodies!!! a few people have said they have got us something but waiting for it to be delivered!!!
my aunt took some pics and put them on fb but i had to ask her to take the ones of me out as oh my days i look awful!!! i look ill and looks like my bra offers no support i was horrified!!!! we also went out to a gig in the evening, this little girl is going to be very musical we think at some songs (more ones that i think she must have recognised from previous gigs) but she was kicking in time and made me think about how where i have perhaps tapped along on my tummy that she may have picked up on that as well!! how incredable to think i may have imparted some musical knowledge on to her already!!! i am amazed!!
today has been busy as well!! hubby had no idea when i gave him his fathers day card he loved it!! it was one of those keep calm ones, i'd done it on funky pigeion and it had 'daddy, keep calm have a beer!!!' he loved it!!
we have been busy cleaning up after yest, saw my bro, his parents and went for dinner and brought more storage units!!
i've only just sat down!!!
sorry ive gone on loads hahahahahaha
Why was she taking the mick? Silly woman!!

Ahh I'm glad you had a nice baby shower!! :) and you got loaaaaaaaaads of stuff!! I bet you're planning of taking one of those bottles of wine into hospital with you :haha:
Thats great you had such a good shower! I wouldn't feel guilty about getting expensive gifts- people love to give baby gifts!!!
wow krystal!! silas is gona be a big boy hehehe! mine is deffo gona be small, everyone comments on how small by bump is!

YAYYYY TTC that is amazing! the pregnancy card worked!!!!!!!!!! that will be one to tell baby when its older hehehe! the same thing happened to my mum once when i was about 5 years old i was sat in the front of the car but was sat on my legs so it looked like i had no bottom limbs!! she got pulled over he was about to give her a ticket and looked down at me and apparently had a look of horron on his face and just gave her a warning! how id love to see that lol!

Even though im on maternity im still doing some work from home for extra cash (doing accounts for a restaurant) so that can take up some of my time and then I have 2 best friends who are on maternity - one is due 2 weeks after me and one has a 5 months old so the rest of my time will be with them haha!

Awwww your baby shower sounds amazing! mine is on sunday eeek! i havent had anything to do with thee organisation though so havent a clue what is going on! all i know is the date eeek!

well off to work i go!! back at about 2 ish byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! xx
Hi everyone, i havent had a chance to read thru the previous posts in a few days but i am now officially in hospital till the little one arrives which we are guessing now will be sooner rather than later after a scan today. i ended up in hospital on friday with contractions while i was here i had a scan after reviewing my scan this morning i got a phone call to say come straight in.... of course i panicked and raced in for another scan turns out the cord blood flow is too high. apparently it can be a sign of the placenta starting to not work so well and bub is instead of storing sugar in the liver now sending it straight to the heart around the body something called centralised distribution (will be googling tonight) so i am having daily ctg, just had steroids in anticipation of her needing to be delivered early and will have regular repeat scans this week to keep a close eye on her. My Ob says i shouldnt be worried as delievery fixes the issue and that finding it is the main thing, easier said than done though. So im in here now for at least a week and will have plenty of time to catch up on the thread and see how everyone is doing. How is everyone doing?
Marie - my bump measurements have been normal maybe up a cm
but nothing abnormally large. My bump is huge but I think it's just the way I carry him.

Natalie- sounds exciting!! Like a really nice shower! & Yay for all the goodies!!

Samira- hope your shower goes well as well :)

Dare- yay for 34 weeks... We are getting closer... I can't wait!

Mumtomiller- great to see you back! Sorry you are laid up in the hospital, but as long as it makes It where they can watch baby and keep her safe then that's good! We will keep you company til she arrives :) kind of exciting that she will be here soon! I will be praying she is safe and healthy :)

Back to work today for me! My long weekend has been nice although until yesterday all we did was run and work! Poor DH & I have argued and been ill with one another all weekend. We were just give out & peopl. (my parents mostly) kept asking us to do more and more plus we had fathers day dinners with both our dads etc...we've just not had anytime together and been taking our frustration out on one another bc we just missed each other! Yesterday was nice though, relaxing & we went to church wth my dad, then had pasta mom made, & swam with my nephews, then DH & I just went home and relaxed together, something rare, since we are usually getting in bed at 1030 or 11 exhausted then back up at 430 am going again! We looked through all the little baby clothes I've got on hangers waiting to go in the closet bc He hasn't seen all of them yet. Then we just layed there and cuddled and talked about the baby coming :) it was a really nice fathers day! We made a pact that we were not doing any more projects or work for anyone else, that we were going to work on everything we need to finish up here a our house (the nursery most importantly) and to attempt to find some time to enjoy some quiet moments together before our world changes forever! :)

How was everyone's weekend?
Mumtomiller -hope everything works out ok for you! I hope you can hold on for another week or two - cause you're so close to full term!! At least you're in the right place being monitored so they will give you and baby the best care!!

Krystal - did it feel odd just doing nothing? Everytime I see your posts about what you do I actually am like WOW - she must be superwoman!! If I'm not at baby groups, I just end up lounging around with Stephen :haha: I'm so tired all the time and I get a decent nights sleep!! You say you don't sleep well but you still do all this stuff! :) Glad to see you're both finally relaxing :) and quality time with each other is always important. :)
Hey guys.

so friday we left for the beach in my car it then overheated. Had to turn around to switch cars. Dog got cae aick vomited twice on the way to switch. Laid in it. Got home. Washed the dog ( he had gotten a bath that morning already) then got in dh's car. Drove down. Another dog vomit on the way. His colitis is now acting up because he doesn't travel well.

too hot for me at the beach saturday so stayed in- shopped for a moment with mom but hot and miserable so then went home. Fished last night- for the first time in my life I caught NOTHING. Then yesterday came home- he vomited in car (even though didn't feed him to avoid it) and now home doing laundry from the weekend. Keeping an eye on the dog and was so glad cats didn't destroy anything while gone.

now this week we have to get my car fixed and find out what's wrong. I'm exhausted.

AND my back hurts, i feel massive all of the sudden, and my nerves on the inside near the groin on my left leg has been pulling randomly- which HURTS really bad. i'm just starting to be real uncomfy.
Mum2Miller- Wow, I can't believe it will be so soon for you, you must have a mix of emotions.... I have to say I'm a little jealous you will be meeting your baby soon, I'll be keeping you in my prayers!!!

Love_Krystal- Thank heavens you finally got to slow down and relax! I have trouble saying no to people too, but sometimes you have to for your sake, and for baby too!

Dare- Sorry for such a horrible trip, poor doggie!

My laptop died this morning, it must know that I am getting a new laptop in July so it had to show me it was upset that I"m replacing it! I can't decide to try to get it fixed for the next month, or just wait it out and use the desktop. I'm so lazy though and I hate sitting in the office at the computer, I'd rather be lounging on the sofa, ugh!
Wow, I just got a butload of baby close from another army wife. Im so thrilled. We got a bassinet, bed decor, carseat and 8 BOXES of clothes from preemie all the way up to 5 years. Just bought a new glider/rocker yesterday with the ottoman and 11 new outifits for the baby, so weve have a pretty productive weekend. :) Dare im so sorry you had car trouble and i bet the dog getting sick didnt help your tummy at all either. Yuck. and I hope everyone week has started off well. ^^
charlie... i dont know she does it all the time to hubby makes me sad!!! i didnt want to go over but think hubby wanted support or something!!
it was lovely thank u!! samira bet u cant wait till yours!! that would drive me insane not having anything to do with it!!
mumtomiller!!! wow!!!! eak!!! how exciting and scary at same time!!! glad u are in the right place and best they keep u in for monitoring!!! keep us updated!!!
dare what a nightmare!! hmm ive had similar pain i think baby sits on sciatic nerve has it eased now?
i went on my tour of the hospital.... i kept compairing it to the one i should have been at before the move i ended up making myself very upset and now i dont think there is anything i can do about what hosp i go into?? anyone else had this prob??
Oh Charlie, my fb & here don't say the half of all I do & I don't know how bc I have no energy, I wish I could just relax! This was my weeks schedule last week: Monday: up @ 430 with DH, fix his coffee & lunch, say by to him @ 5:20, eat breakfast, start laundry, & lay back down at 6, text from him at 630 saying he made it to work, back to sleep from 630-730, get up, do laundry, housework, etc, get ready for work, leave at 10 am, work from 1045-3:30 on my feet, no sitting at all, eat lunch & drive home, change clothes, bathe, cook dinner, clean house, sort Baby things, wait for DH to get home from helping my parents lay flooring, he gets home at 10 pm, we eat dinner & go to bed about 11 pm, Tues: same morning routine, then leave for work at 9:30 am work from
10 am-5 pm straight, extremely busy shift, no meals no sitting etc, eat lunch finally drive
home, (630 pm by this point) change clothes and go to my parents with DH to help. Have dinner with them late get home and in bed about 1030/11 pm again. WEdnesday: same morning routine, laundry, housework, etc, then leave for work at 10 am, work from 10:45-3:30, eat lunch, drive home, shower, study lesson to teach at church, go to church, teach, get home 845 pm, have dinner with DH, clean up, bed around 10 pm, Thursday: Same morning routine, I was off work which was amazing! Thursday are usually another longer work day, I did a lot of deep cleaning, vaccuuming, etc of the house & organizing, sorting, washing baby things trying to get his room in order, I went to town at lunch time & paid bills, then went on a dress hunt for my uncle to find a dress for my 5 yr old cousin to wear in my brothers wedding this weekend!, then went to the craft store, then home. Knit a hat for the baby, then cooked homemade chicken & dumplings (DH's fav) for dinner, it was our 8 mos anniversary of being married :), only to find out he had to help my parents again, (insert meltdown!) so I brought dinner to him and my parents at their house, then I helped scrub the excess glue off the new flooring, bc I could crawl on my hands and knees and do that & no chemicals were involved. Decided to call it quits about 10 pm or so, headed home, showered, in bed at 11:30, (like every other night can't sleep, prob average 3-5 hours broken into bits), Friday: DH is off on Fridays so sleep in til 6 am & then up to get ready for dr appts, 3 dr appts in town from 8-11 am, then lunch, then to the home improvement store to get shingles for the roof of his new building, they didn't have them at the 1st store, so we had to drive across town to the next one, we get home, go to my parents & help clean up and put furniture and stuff back, sweep and mop floors etc, there til really late again, in bed about 10:30 or so. Saturday: up at 6 am for work meeting from 8 am- 11 am, get home about 12, change clothes, go to my parents, meet my uncle there with dress, hang up all of the pictures and art back on the walls at my parents & attempt to get everything cleaned and finished before Dad gets back from picking my sister and nephews up from out of state, leave at 3pm go home & shower & leave with DH at 4 to go pick up a table my mom bought an hour away, then straight to dinner at 630 with the FIL, MIL, BIL, SIL & niece for fathers day, left restaurant at 9 pm, went home and in bed again about 1030, was sick from eating too much food then going to bed, so no sleep for me til about 3:30 am, but then Sunday was church & time with my family & my nephews & swimming, not exactly slow but still relaxing compared to my week! & I finalllllllly got some relaxing time with DH so it was nice! Then back up yesterday morning to start the routine all over again! Except my evenings aren't near as hectic this week, I get to play with my nephews and work on getting my
house ready for company for the wedding this coming weekend. My work schedule is much more hectic though! :-/ hopefully not after this week though! This has been a continual cycle Of activity my entire pregnancy, it's actualy gotten less hectic and I do less work now than before bc I work less hours & don't cook every day etc. It makes me tired and wanna cry just thinking about my schedule for the week most of time so I just don't think about it & like Dori in Finding Nemo, I tell myself "just keep swimming, just keep swimming" I'm beginning to wonder if having the baby here and being off work is going to feel like vacation! Haha :)
Hi ladies.. havent had a chance to read through the old posts.. just the ones on this page! been a busy busy week..
MumToMiller.. its so good that they found this issue and can now monitor it properly.. take care of yourself and try not to worry too much! Thinking of you! xox

I had a growth and wellbeing scan of the twinkles yesterday (have them every 2 weeks until birth now)... The babies are weighing about 1700g each and are within 10% weight of each other (which is what they look for).. and they have grown at the perfect rate since last scan 4 weeks ago so the doctors were all very happy :) Placenta's both look good.. and fluid levels are nice and steady.. my god they look cramped in there tho! i feel sorry for them ha ha.. 6 weeks today until my c-section (if i make it that long).. Start my antenatal classes tomorrow.. my sister is coming along coz DH is away at work (which upset me but we need the money) and she seems more excited than me ha ha..

Sorry if i have missed any important updates! i will go back through and read up when i get a chance.. just wanted to update while i had a few minutes... been spending a lot of time in bed.. my back is excruciating, my ribs feel like they are gonna snap, braxton hicks are getting painful at times now, ankles are swollen, i waddle like a duck.. and to top it off... my nausea is making a come back... i am just hoping it stays at a few vomits a day and my hyperemesis doesnt return... dont think i could handle that on top of these other aches and pains (dont know how i handled it before to be honest)

Ttc - glad the twins are doing well :) :) is it non stop moving having two in there?

Dare - sorry your dog was sick everywhere - poor thing :( I've never heard of a dog who gets car sick before though! Bet it was a nice break away though!!

Krystal - Ahh you put most of us women to shame I think :haha: and how good of a housewife are you!! Ahh Steve is lucky to have an ironed shirt when he needs one :dohh: and there's no way I'd be up at that time making him breakfast -just glad he's not a morning eater lol! Even though you said it's less hetic - I am amazed at how much you do get done in a week on no energy! :) I think I might have to buck my ideas up and def not let steve read what you do :haha:

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