3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

So glad your appt went well krystal! Congrats on 34 weeks batty 6 weeks to go!! Dare my bbs started leaking 2 nights ago also. I was just laying in my hospital bed fast asleep then all of a sudden my top was soaked, i freaked out a little and called the midwife, i just didnt expect so much so quickly. They havent stopped since then!! Crazy BBS!! heres hoping it will mean feeding will be easier, i was worried having her just past 35 weeks that it may take a while to come in so fingers crossed this is a good sign.
Good luck mum2miller!! So excited for you! I bet Amelia is just beautiful and will be so happy to finally meet you! Look forward to seeing piccys.. All the best

heyyy the midwife appt went well! went thought my BP and the only thing i missed was about the vitamin K - if i want it injected or orally to baby. hes not engageed yet but hes still head down which is fab!

mum to miller you look fantastic!!!!!!!!! they are absolutly stunning!!!!

I agree with OBEM USA - i dont really like it compared to uk one but il still watch it! still gets me every time i see a baby born :cry:!

MUM TO MILLER - 4 days!!!!!!!!!!! well 3 days now!!!!! our first midsummer baby eeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!! oh wow you must be so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ive got my baby shower tomorrow woooo!!! im so excited! i have no idea whats going on as my friend planned it with my mum n MIL but im still excited! i dont care about gifts, its just gona be amazing to have all of my friends and all of my OH's friends together celebrating our baby!!! its meant to be AMAZING weather here tomorrow too, clear skies, 25 degrees. im not sure how my body will take the heat but it has been so wet and miserable for over a week now, and it is today but tomorrow the sun is shining!!!! yay!!!!

whats everyones weekend plansies :D xx
So glad your appt went well krystal! Congrats on 34 weeks batty 6 weeks to go!! Dare my bbs started leaking 2 nights ago also. I was just laying in my hospital bed fast asleep then all of a sudden my top was soaked, i freaked out a little and called the midwife, i just didnt expect so much so quickly. They havent stopped since then!! Crazy BBS!! heres hoping it will mean feeding will be easier, i was worried having her just past 35 weeks that it may take a while to come in so fingers crossed this is a good sign.

Fx'd hun! definitely crossed! I think you're going to do just fine- just the fact that they were leaking is awesome right? means something is working right in the bbs dept!!! I think everything is going to go just fine for you love :) I know it!!!! I haven't had mine leak that much- just like a drop and that got me happy and excited but yours sound like they are totally ready for baby!!! :flower:

heyyy the midwife appt went well! went thought my BP and the only thing i missed was about the vitamin K - if i want it injected or orally to baby. hes not engageed yet but hes still head down which is fab!

mum to miller you look fantastic!!!!!!!!! they are absolutly stunning!!!!

I agree with OBEM USA - i dont really like it compared to uk one but il still watch it! still gets me every time i see a baby born :cry:!

MUM TO MILLER - 4 days!!!!!!!!!!! well 3 days now!!!!! our first midsummer baby eeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!! oh wow you must be so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ive got my baby shower tomorrow woooo!!! im so excited! i have no idea whats going on as my friend planned it with my mum n MIL but im still excited! i dont care about gifts, its just gona be amazing to have all of my friends and all of my OH's friends together celebrating our baby!!! its meant to be AMAZING weather here tomorrow too, clear skies, 25 degrees. im not sure how my body will take the heat but it has been so wet and miserable for over a week now, and it is today but tomorrow the sun is shining!!!! yay!!!!

whats everyones weekend plansies :D xx

WOOO HOO on your shower hun!!!!! i hope that all goes great!!!!!! I don't know if i have a shower today or NEXT saturday. someone mentioned it was today and then i just got real confused - because it's supposed to be a surprise. But i just don't like walking into a place and not knowing. DH says it's not today but he is in cahoots with my mom. So, i can't get anything out of him either!

Planning (if no shower) to swim today at moms and enjoy a nice lunch.

I JUST got a text message while writing that last sentence- saying 'today is the shower right? At your mom's?"

So.... i guess it's today. DH still wont' answer me. Telling me no. And he's mad at everyone for saying things like it might be today- I think it is. I just wish he'd freaking answer me so i don't go in there looking ridiculous. So, i'm either having a baby shower today or swimming. Either way, going to moms.

How about the rest of you ladies? Anything exciting?
As for me ladies i am also going in for my mw appt today, going to go over the fetal movement chart and so forth, pay in advance for our hospital stay (part of it anyway they are making me do that) and hand in my birth plan. Nervous. very nervous. for some reason i just got super nervous? I don't know why

Also today i found my bbs are leaking- i don't know why but that made me real excited. I was so happy to see SOMETHING from them- being all they've done is grow and be real warm all the time. Bout time they did something. sheeeesh. Gives me hope i'll be ready for bf! how are all of you this lovely day?

It's HOT here already ! and it's not even noon.

Yay for milk! :haha: I would be the same, very excited. I'm still yet to leak, but looking forward for when I do, if I do. (Sounds silly I know)
lol proud- it's not silly- because i'm right there with you! how exciting to be leaking! HAHAHA. people will think i'm nuts thats why i have to confine in YOU ladies who understand!
Wow Mum2Miller, how exciting that you get to have your baby in 4 days- I can't wait to hear all about it!!!

My bbs only leaked one time so far, my DH rolled over on me in bed and I guess the pressure made me leak, he thought it was hysterical!

How exciting about your shower Samira, hope you have a lovely time!

Hope everyone has a nice weekend, getting ready to go have some hard shells, yummy!!!
Yay for your shower Samira hope the weather is good for you! are you having a mixed shower being girls and boys?

Did you have your shower today dream? it sounds like you are, its dissapointing a few ppl have tried to tell you when its suppose to be a surprise though. I hope either way swimming or shower you have a good day!

As for my wkend plans well im stuck in hospital obviously and very bored, i have chicken pot pie for lunch today. The exciting part of my day is going through the menu and picking what i will have for my next 3 meals. Thats so sad but true.

TTC what are hard shells?
Ha ha mum2miller that's so true about the highlight if the day when your in hospital being picking the menu items for the next day lol
lol proud- it's not silly- because i'm right there with you! how exciting to be leaking! HAHAHA. people will think i'm nuts thats why i have to confine in YOU ladies who understand!

Haha! I'm pretty sure I'm going to scream for joy when I start leaking. I'm getting a little bit of water (sorry tmi) But not actual leaking yet. Fingers crossed!! :)
I don't think I leaked with my last pregnancy and I managed to breastfeed then, so not worrying too much. But would be nice if I had a sign telling me that my body is ready.
Hey ladies- yes there was a shower! Mom went all out- which was pretty darn amazing if you ask me- and it was small but we all knew each other very well- these were mostly people i had worked with for like 4 &1/2 years- so it was easy and light and i loved it. Best shower i've ever had, or been too personally. And my mom hates showers- but she really had fun with this one.

I was so shocked at the amount of love that poured out from the guests- one of them being my old boss- i figured she wasn't so happy with me for leaving although i left on good terms with her- but when i quit the new place i took one of her people and they replaced me at the new job.

But it was great- and then i woke up this am super early :/ and couldn't get back to sleep thinking about the stupid nursery!!! Oh boy. I'm exhausted but can't sleep. So i'm out in the living room sitting here. On my husband's computer- with the cats looking out the back window and trying to be decently quiet. oh boy.
im glad you had such a lovely shower dare, sounds like your mum really went all out. Have you not started the nursery?
mum I started but there was a fish tank in there that literally took me months to convince dh we needed to get rid of. Because space wasn't really good. Now that it is FINALLY gone- I can begin really working in there. And since the shower.... You can't see much floor so I have a lot to do!!!!
is that from all the pressies!! have you got an idea in mind, bought the furniture and what not?
mum- yes it's from all the gifts! There is no clear path in the room now. As for the furniture we've had it since february- so we have everything we really need :) crib, changing table, dresser- all together and actually the dresser is FULL of clothes and we have a bunch of diapers and wipes as well. It's just oragnizing that really needs to be done. :) how about you?
yeah everything is done, we actually had it all done when i was pregnant with out little boy and ended up just adding a few pink things this time around. However Dh is at home panicing a little or a lot really! we have a very large yard that needed to be done plus putting some doors on rooms and painting the office so he has gone in to crazy mode trying to get it all done this weekend. Everything baby related is done though so whatever else he does will just be a bonus. I cant wait to get home, DH sends me photos all day of him and the dogs and what they are up too, it makes me soo sad to be away from them.
Does anyone else have dogs that are 100% little babies. My dogs would think they are human and the next time i see them i am going to have my baby. Im worried how they are going to react, anyone else feel like this have idea on how to introduce them??
mum- i have 2 cats and one dog. They are ALLLLLL little babies. My schnauzer is actually the head case- he's insane so they actually had told me to put him down because of his anxiety mixed with all his other issues. But he adores children. So, i know once everything is settled, he'll be great but i have to say i'm a bit nervous as well with the intro. I think he'll get it but because of his anxiety/colitis issue i'm afraid he'll make himself sick at first and hard to work with. I expect accidents in the house out of spite (he does that kind of thing) but we are prepared for it. I think being prepared for the worst is the best bet.

My cats- the one will be fine, but the second is a behavioral problem- if she's upset she pees on things, and i'm scared- because if she pees on any baby stuff she's out of here. Peeing on my things is one thing, but my baby's? you're out. but she seems to be doing well with my hormones so i think she'll be ok too.

But you can never really tell- animals are hard to judge sometimes. Everyone is getting a chance- but we know that the dog MIGHT have to go if he becomes too much of an issue- and the cat might have to if she pees on everything in sight. As much as i hate that it's true.

I know they say you should have like something that smells like a baby and introduce the smell into the house? The one cat loves the smell of the diapers and keeps rolling on them so i'm hopeful she'll be ok with the baby? I've seen it happen where things were fantastic- and i've seen a lot of animals get re-homed. sometimes... unfortunately, it's hit or miss.

I plan on sitting on the couch with the baby, and letting them come and sniff her. Of course with my husband right there to be able to grab and move them if he needs too. And we'll just have to do it like that. See what happens. Since the baby won't be chasing any of them... i think it should be ok.
aww glad you had a lovely shower Dare!!!! :) I bet it was nice to see your mum have a nice time too! :)

I can't really help with the pet thing... but I do know when I was born my mum had 2 dogs and they just let the dogs come and see what seh was doing, and let them smell me/my clothes etc and they just got used to me and apparently one of the dogs would sleep by my cot all night!

I've had such a lovely weekend! Went to see my mum yesterday as she was taking my brothers, their g/fs, my nan, stepdad and me, Steve & Stephen out for my brother's 21st, so we went to this lovely little place where they live. The chef's even did a 'special menu' just for us so it was really nice and it was lovely to get all my family together, as my Nan lives 4 hours away and she hasn't seen Stephen since he was about 3 months old, and we never really all get together that often! We see each other, but not all at once iykwim! Stephen was so well behaved as well, considering he missed out on his afternoon nap, but when we got home, he was so over-stimulated he refused to go to sleep until 2am!!!!!!!

Then today, we've just been lazing around as it's been so hot! Apparently it got to 32oC at one point and it's now half 9 and it's still 25oC!!!! OH's work was dead today because of the weather, so he managed to get off at 5, we went out for dinner and at 8pm he's gone in to do a 'beer count' (whatever that is!) so, just chilling out.... moaning on FB about how hot it is! :haha: And I've just been told it's even hotter tomorrow!! ahhhh! Steve's going out for a staff day out, so mil, sil and loads of people I know are all comign from their branches of Toby Carvery and running this one for the day, so I get to sit downstairs, whilst they 'work' (which will be dead) and play with Stephen and I get to eat and drink whatever I want :D

How's everyone else coping with the hot weather??
oh man! No sleep til 2am ?! Overtired!!!! When I was a kid I used toget overtired all the time and I was awful!!!!! My dog gets like that too. He really is like a special needs child- I'm hoping that with everything we've been through (and cleaned up-ick) with all three animals we will be a bit more prepared for our baby.

and here charlie it was actually lovely today! Nice and cool out!!
oh btw- does anyone else feel like baby dropped a bit? Terribly uncomfy now. Actually it feels so heavy all the time down there sometimes I think I have to pee and I don't yet. So now I have unnecessary trips to pee now too. Mw said that's probably where the nerve pain in the groin is coming feom too- she thinks she's dropping too.

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