3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Ive been having a weird problem lately. I dont remember having this when I was pregnant with my son either. Sometimes ill be sitting on the couch and Ill have this weird sharp tingly pain inside my Hooha. Its like the very bottom of my cervix or something. It really hurts and stifles me for a moment. I cant tell if its from the baby moving or what exactly. I dont go back to DR for another 2 weeks.I just hope im not dialating already.:/
Anyone know what this is??
And congrats on all of your new baby items! I bet a baby shower would be soo fun!

Also yes about the dogs. We have a husky and an american bulldog/boxer mix and OMG they are big babies. Also a bit of advice, when my son was born we had two other dogs, and they were with us for years, but when we brought the baby home, Jealousy struck and bad. They were always very very friendly dogs, but the jealousy issue did cause a problem. If your dog continuously moves away from the baby and avoids eye contact, i suggest just keeping an eye on them. You dont want the baby to get nipped. :) but im sure your dogs will do fine! And good luck on that.
I wish I was farther along, lol. Im ready to meet my little girl.
dare glad u had a lovely shower!!!!
samira i swee on fb u had a lovely shower too!!!
oooh mumtomiller how is hospital food?
i cant help on the pet front either!!!
wow i am soooooo hot been sweating like a pig all day i hardly have any nice summery clothes :( i figured we would probs have a late summer even wearing a tshirt i feel hot in!!
other than the heat and heartburn i had a lovely weekend!!
eak 37 weeks tomorrow ahhhhhh
last week the heat here was so unbearable but we have had alot of bad storms this week so weather has been around 86 degrees and upper 60s at night but its still hot lol.
Dare- glad you had a good shower!
Mum2Miller- I actually started a thread in one of the forums (the multiples one maybe- i forget exactly lol) about introducing the boys to my little princess of a dog lol. My dog is my little baby and always will be.. she is our first child and we love her to bits! she does everything with us and comes everywhere with us.. she is also spoilt rotten!
Anyway.. someone posted on my thread that she was a dog psychologist and she suggested getting DH to bring home a blanket that the baby has been wrapped in at the hospital or some clothing bubs has worn and let the dog sniff it so they kinda know what to expect.. someone also suggested that when you arrive home from hospital. you sstay in the car with baby while DH greets the doggie, then you greet the doggie and DH stays with baby and THEN bring baby in once the dog has had his/her attention.
Thats what we plan to do and then just let our little girl sniff the boys.. i think she will love them to bits and know they are part of the family straight away.. she LOVES babies when we see them playin at the park. and she spent a lot of time around my godson since a young age.

Had a bit of a scare last night... when I layed down to go to bed I had severe stomach pain accross my mid belly.. when i stood up the pain got better but i has Soooooo much pressure down there i thought the babies were gonna fall out!.. managed to get some sleep but this morning twin B seemed like he was being a bit quieter than usual so i called the hosp and they got me to come in for monitoring... he was definitely moving alright ha ha the monitor kept stuffing up coz they were both kicking the sensors so much ha ha... but the doctor was like "you need to take it easy coz you are having a lot of braxton hicks".. I was like huh?? i didnt think id had any.. she said i was having heaps while she was just sitting there with her hand on my stomach.. she even got a second doctor to feel coz she as unsure if it was in fact real contractions... when she showed me what was braxton hicks i realised i have been getting those for months and months and do get a lot of them.. i just never new thats what they were lol

Hope everyone is doing well!

So glad you had a lovely shower Dare! Mine isn't until the 17th! Hopefully I won't have a baby before then lol! I am in the same place with getting his room done, his furniture is together but at the in laws house we are waiting on my dad to finish cutting in the carpet then we can put in the closet system and furniture and decorate! My uncle is painting the big craftsman tool sign for his room and I am really excited about that!

We have a yorkie inside who is like a baby, it's a long story but she isn't house trained for various reasons and actually wears diapers that I change lol it's really terrible trying to break her of it! She is so spoiled! Yorkies are known for their impatience with children so I have spent a LOT of time socializing her with small children and my nephews etc since I got her. Once I was keeping the little boy I used to nanny for, and dog sitting my best friends yorkie who hates kids and her yorkie snapped at the little boy, well when she did my yorkie got between them and snapped at her and barked at her and protected him, so I have high hopes that she will do well with the baby, although I am sure some jealousy will ensue!

Oh Natalie 37 weekksss!!! Eek so close!!!!

I was 35 yesterday!!! I'm getting nervous and excited! This weekend I am not sure if it was bc I was so busy with my brothers wedding and all of our guest and family from
out of town or if it was the dancing/standing on my feet etc, but I realized I am A LOT more uncomfortable & easily exhausted! I don't think he's dropped too low yet although he's been head down for weeks and his head is in my pelvis, but I def feel a lot more weight and pressure from him! And I've just been so exhausted all weekend! ... To the point I wish I could unstrap my belly, take it off, have a nice nap, then put it back lol... I am really ready for him to be here though!

Mum- are you getting excited? I am so excited for you!!! :) glad your DH is getting everything in order for you! I can't wait to see pics of your LO :) hope the hospital hasn't Been too bad on you! Other than them not letting you sleep!
thanks for the advice on the dogs. I have a feeling one of my dogs will be totally obsessed with her and sleep next to her everynight but my little chihuahau will be the jealous one. He has never done anything naughty before and is great with kids but i think he will really feel a difference in his attention so i do worry a little. Hopefully everything will be ok. Also i had that cramp the other day and i think its just baby moving funny on a nerve, i had a scan after and i am not dialated at all so hopeully its the same for you.

Nat - Congrats on 37 weeks nat you are now officially TERM!! not long! I actually like hospital food, apparantly the public food here isnt good and you dont get to choose but im a private patient so i get 4 options every meal plus entree, desert, fruit, juice, cereal and more plus a tea lady with milo and cake 3 times a day so im pretty spoilt, amazingly i have lost weight being in here.

TTC - great advice i will definetly do that next week (crazy saying next week) when we bring her home. My big girl will just be such a big sister to her and very protective she already is with other babies. Being that you are having twins when are they planning on delivery? how many weeks will you be?

Krystal - does she look funny in little diapers?? that made me chuckle not in a mean way just in a cute way. its good she is used to babies, sounds like she will be a good big sister too.

PS sorry for spelling errors, no spell check on here!
awwww wow mutomiller sounds good!!! hmmm cake!!! and u have lost weight??!!
how many days now??
Hi ladies! We are all getting so close now :) I have been keeping up on the posts for the most part, but never taking the time to reply! I just wanted to say how much I appreciate all of you, and I can't wait till we start off with birth stories! Much love and wishing everyone a happy and safe final few weeks. xoxo
Awwww estar what a lovely post!!!!
Thank u for everything tooooo!!! Xx
Hello ladies- i forgot i am 35 weeks as of yesterday too! yeah! Hurrah krystal! We've made it so far! Can't believe it.

Congrats to you Natalie on 37!!

mum- just curious- are you saying it was a good thing you weren't dilated? I was told it's fantastic if you are dilated before we come in because there is that much less time in the hospital waiting. I'm hoping i'm pretty dilated before i go in!
Congrats on 35 weeks dare and Krystal.. And Congrats on 37 weeks Natalie! Sorry if I have forgotten anyone..

Mum2miller- I am booked in for a c-section on 2nd of august.. I will be 37+5.. but there is some debate as to whether or not I will actually go that long... 37 weeks is full term for twins but only 50% of twins make it that far so it's likely I will go into labour before my scheduled date.. I can't believe you get to meet your little girl so soon! I can't wait to see pics of the first baby to be born in this board!
Where abouts in aus are you btw? I am in Perth

ahh girls I can't believe we're all getting so close!!! Just seeing you get to 35 - 37 weeks is so odd considering we've been chatting since FIRST TRI!!!!!

and what's even scarier is by the time I get to full term - Natalie you might already have had your little girl!!! Actually a lot of you might have had you're little ones!!!! :) Cannot wait to see pictures and birth stories!!!!

Ahh the heat here today has been horrible!! Apparently we've been hotter than Miami and Barbados!!!!! I just sat down in the restaurant all day today - they have air con, so I was enjoying that... came back upstairs and it's literally like a sauna in here! ahhhh!! Though tomorrow it's supposed to cool down a lot :) If it's like this in July/August I feel so sorry for all us having to give birth in these temperatures! Maybe it's time to invest in a fan to take to the hospital? :haha:
Dare- i guess i was saying that but i dont think i have a normal perspective on pregnancy with my history. For me last time dialting meant labour and that meant my son wouldnt make it (not that i overlly knew that) so in my mind even still this time the idea of labour scares me. For you it would be a great thing fingers crossed. hope it didnt come out wrong? and congrats on 35 weeks!

TTC - i am in brisbane. I didnt realise you were in Aus. There are 2 woman on my floor expecting twins this week. Both are only about 35 weeks though thats why when i saw your c section date i wondered when they were thinking you might habe them. If you go into labour will you still have a c section or go natural?

That sucks charlie, we are in winter here but its only about 20 ish degrees in the middle of the day and gets down to about 8 in the mornings so its actually really quite nice for us (sorry to rub it in). Our summers here are awful so i can imagine how uncomfortable you are in that heat. hope it gets better today
I can't believe how quick it's gone!!! Feels like yest we were anxiously in 1st tri and were so scared about getting to 12 weeks now I don't know about anyone else I'm now scared about being a mummy!!!! Oh and if people are right I'll be a mummy sooner than in 3weeks time... Wait and see!!!
is this like a pshycic prediction? or medical signs saying your going to go into labour soon?
Dare- i guess i was saying that but i dont think i have a normal perspective on pregnancy with my history. For me last time dialting meant labour and that meant my son wouldnt make it (not that i overlly knew that) so in my mind even still this time the idea of labour scares me. For you it would be a great thing fingers crossed. hope it didnt come out wrong? and congrats on 35 weeks!

Hun it didn't come out wrong at all! was merely comparing notes- i know hospitals and drs and things tell people different things- so i was curious? I don't know what happened with your son- and i think labor in general is a little scary. I mean, i'm more worried about being a mom- but, that's because i'm not really thinking about the labor part yet. I'm sure when i'm there i'll have a panic attack.
its getting close for everyone! I am excited and cannot wait. :)

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