3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

That sounds like movement to me Natalie!! (Ha, not that I'd know.....grrr!)
I'm glad to see so many people are wondering if what they are feeling is movement. I think I'm feeling baby, but not sure. You'd think I'd know since this is my second, but I'm just not sure!!! I have my 20 week scan on Tuesday (even though I'll only be 19 weeks). I can't wait, I swear its mesmerizing to see your baby on the screen! I have already been told its a boy at 15 weeks, but I'm looking forward to having confirmation at this scan! I wonder what to look forward to after the 20 week scan, there aren't any major milestones after that are there? Again, you think I'd remember but I don't! I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend, they go way too fast!
I guess you have 25 weeks where they're viable and then you get full on kicks and rolling around, then you can have a 4D scan, then you get to full term, then birth lol... :)
I am also not sure about movements! I feel something everyday, so I am assuming its baby!

My 20 week scan is on the 15th and then I will fly to South Africa to visit my mum, can´t wait!!
Yep - viability is the next milestone for me after 20 week scan.

First body part sticking out? First BH? First kick the makes you stop and go "oooff"?

i cant wait to actually see the baby move around!
Have any of you thought of having a waterbirth?

I am looking into this at the moment!
I'm considering a water birth. Going to have a look round our local midwife led centre soon :)
Have any of you thought of having a waterbirth?

I am looking into this at the moment!

Exactly what I'm doing right now...even though I should be working! Whoops!

I'm really leaning towards it as I love the water so much for relaxation anyway, and I've been looking into natural and even hypnobirthing. As much as personally (no mean to offend here lazy) I think it's a little bit too I think it has some key ideas that are great for someone like me that is hoping to have as natural as possible, but accepts it may not be possible, to have ways of coping.
glad not just me wondering if its movement im feeling or not :)
whats viability day?
also dont know if any of you may be interested in these tops
https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnancy-second-trimester/554592-maternity-tops-sale.html xxx
whats viability day?

It's bascally where your baby reaches they point that IF you were to go into labour and give birth the hospital would use medical intervention to help your bubs survive...I think the exact week can depend on your hospital but is generally around 23-25 weeks.

Wiki fact:

"20 to 35 percent of babies born at 23 weeks of gestation survive, while 50 to 70 percent of babies born at 24 to 25 weeks"
Haha...that is the question. As of right this moment yes (I know, I know!). Basically, OH now thinks I will regret it if we find out from what I've been saying and he doesn't want to make me. His quote was.."we're going to find out eventually, huh!?".

You should know me enough by now - I will probably change again 100 times! My gut agrees that I don't want to find out; but the side of me that HATES not knowing has other ideas.
ahhh noooo I thought we'd both caved together ha ha! ;)

I admire your will power! Keep strong lol!
I'm not holding out much hope - I'll get in the room and cave my little heart in! But you ladies shall be the first to know.

Odds are on that I'll change my mind the day after and book a gender scan?!?! Who fancies a flutter :D
sciatica is giving me a really hard time today. Sucks! Rainy weather= slippery sneakers when we go out... Making getting around not so easy! On top of the regular hip pain people must think I'm crippled or something shuffling around like igor.

glad to see I'm not the only one unsure of movement - glad I mentioned it! Was beginning to think something might be wrong. Can't wait for those kicks to start so there will be no more guessing!!
sciatica is giving me a really hard time today. Sucks! Rainy weather= slippery sneakers when we go out... Making getting around not so easy! On top of the regular hip pain people must think I'm crippled or something shuffling around like igor.

glad to see I'm not the only one unsure of movement - glad I mentioned it! Was beginning to think something might be wrong. Can't wait for those kicks to start so there will be no more guessing!!

I have bad sciatica too. The only problem is, I've only been having it in my bottom. So when I go out... I get some very strange looks when the pain comes on :haha: I'm showing a lot now, but nobody can tell yet as when I'm out I wear my long black coat which hides everything. Can't wait till the summer starts giving us the sun back. It's been so cold here!
I've been feeling the odd kicks/movement but sometimes I'm unsure if they are baby or not. They should start to get stronger though in the next few weeks, so we'll know for sure then :)
Morning everyone - it's far too early but for someone so little he sure does make a lot of noise so i'm up keeping him entertained!!

What's everyone doing today? I'm going to get him weighed then stay and chat with all the other mums, then need to clean up as my mum, stepdad and brothers are coming to visit tomorrow :D and then when he's in bed need to finish my two uni assignments! So probably gonna be a busy day!

What's sciatica?? :/
Hi Charlie

My three year old has his first dentist appointment this morning, then his football class. Then back home where I can do a few hours work and then we are off to have a gender scan tonight!!!!

Morning everyone - it's far too early but for someone so little he sure does make a lot of noise so i'm up keeping him entertained!!

What's everyone doing today? I'm going to get him weighed then stay and chat with all the other mums, then need to clean up as my mum, stepdad and brothers are coming to visit tomorrow :D and then when he's in bed need to finish my two uni assignments! So probably gonna be a busy day!

What's sciatica?? :/

Sciatica is inflammation of the sciatic nerve and it's really painful. You could be walking along one minute feeling fine and then the next you'll get a huge striking sharp pain in your leg. Ouch!! It's normal in pregnancy though.

Good luck for your scan tonight Miniwilf :D Any ideas what you think you might be having?

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