Have any of you thought of having a waterbirth?
I am looking into this at the moment!
whats viability day?
sciatica is giving me a really hard time today. Sucks! Rainy weather= slippery sneakers when we go out... Making getting around not so easy! On top of the regular hip pain people must think I'm crippled or something shuffling around like igor.
glad to see I'm not the only one unsure of movement - glad I mentioned it! Was beginning to think something might be wrong. Can't wait for those kicks to start so there will be no more guessing!!
Morning everyone - it's far too early but for someone so little he sure does make a lot of noise so i'm up keeping him entertained!!
What's everyone doing today? I'm going to get him weighed then stay and chat with all the other mums, then need to clean up as my mum, stepdad and brothers are coming to visit tomorrow and then when he's in bed need to finish my two uni assignments! So probably gonna be a busy day!
What's sciatica?? :/