3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Hey everyone, i have my 20 week scan this afternoon and i'm soo nervous! Hoping and wishing baby is healthy and has it's legs open!!

Is anyone else suffering from Symphysis pubis dysfunction? My pubic bone is starting to hurt more especially at night, I got this in my 3rd tri with my son but it seems to be coming earlier this time so i'm worried it will get worse.
Miniwilf - when you find out let us know what you're having :) Any ideas/preferences??

and Firerabbit - hope your 20 week scan goes ok!! :) You finding out the gender too?

The only pain I seem to get is if I walk my hips are so painful! and then I struggle to move off the sofa for the rest of the day - I know it;s only pregnancy related cause it disappeared after the first and reappeared now with the second ha ha!
Hey everyone, i have my 20 week scan this afternoon and i'm soo nervous! Hoping and wishing baby is healthy and has it's legs open!!

Is anyone else suffering from Symphysis pubis dysfunction? My pubic bone is starting to hurt more especially at night, I got this in my 3rd tri with my son but it seems to be coming earlier this time so i'm worried it will get worse.

I'm suffering really badly atm. I've had it basically from the start of this pregnancy and from about 10-11 weeks (I think) it's been really bad. On my crutches sometimes (although it's not too bad at times) but night time is AGONY! Turning over is like a job in itself! Hoping it eases soon, but I doubt it lol xxx
Ohh ouch!! :(
Yeah i'm desperate to know what i'm having but my son had his legs closed at his 20 week scan so i'm feeling pessimistic the same might happen this time. I have no preference to the sex but I just have this feeling it's a girl!
Hi Proudmummy

My gut says boy. I would dearly like a girl as it would be lovely to have one of each but I feel exactly as did during my first pregnancy so I am expecring her to say boy.

As long as the baby is healthy I don't mind either way. Just can't wait now, waited a whole 9 months last time and i hated it!

Ohh sorry Clairmuir123 that sounds really bad, I hope it does get better for you soon. I can almost guarantee mine will get bad as 3rd tri approaches. Ahh all worth it though :)
Good luck with your scan firerabbit!

Mine is only next week Tuesday, still feels sooooooo far away!
Good luck with the scans today!!! So exciting!!!

Sorry to all the ones in pain :( it is so terrible! Luckily for me baby Silas has moved a bit and I've had some relief this week, although working on my feet is still hurting my feet and legs, not having excruciating hip pain has def helped some! I just hope it continues and doesn't turn bad again! Is funny that our babies are still so young but they are already "getting on our nerves" literally haha I think we are carrying a bunch of mischevious little baba's!

Im Johanna

Not sure what bump is yet but am due 10th August , will be George/georgia will find out on 25th March
Please add me

Love and hugs
I was signed off work last week due to my SPD, its no fun. Still waiting to see a physio and ive told them im pg. GRR. It got me much earlier this time too. Sorry to every one else who is having to go through this pain on a daily basis too. :hugs:

Hope your scan goes well. :)

I was signed off work last week due to my SPD, its no fun. Still waiting to see a physio and ive told them im pg. GRR. It got me much earlier this time too. Sorry to every one else who is having to go through this pain on a daily basis too. :hugs:

Hope your scan goes well. :)


I've been off for about 5 weeks because of it. Been to physio but it was just a masterclass and didn't really do anything except show us some exercises. It's so painful isn't it? xxx
ok this is going to probably make me look silly. So sorry in advance. But I've been looking at my scan 'potty pic' the last few days and it has a line down the middle. Would this mean it's a girl? I know the line does seem to go on very long and further than the '#' but it's just making me curious. I have had one scan at 16 weeks, and he told us it looks like a boy. Then we payed for the gender scan at 16 weeks +4 and she was 99% sure it was a boy. But looking at the potty pic, it makes me think different, just because of that line. The strange thing is, I don't remember seeing a line on the screen when we was looking and the lady seemed sure. Sorrry for the rant but here's the pic:


I will be so happy with whatever we have. But we've paid a lot of money for the gender scan and am a little worried. Sorry to go on. We do have our 20 week scan in 3 weeks anyway so will know for sure then :) xxx
sciatica is giving me a really hard time today. Sucks! Rainy weather= slippery sneakers when we go out... Making getting around not so easy! On top of the regular hip pain people must think I'm crippled or something shuffling around like igor.

glad to see I'm not the only one unsure of movement - glad I mentioned it! Was beginning to think something might be wrong. Can't wait for those kicks to start so there will be no more guessing!!

I have bad sciatica too. The only problem is, I've only been having it in my bottom. So when I go out... I get some very strange looks when the pain comes on :haha: I'm showing a lot now, but nobody can tell yet as when I'm out I wear my long black coat which hides everything. Can't wait till the summer starts giving us the sun back. It's been so cold here!
I've been feeling the odd kicks/movement but sometimes I'm unsure if they are baby or not. They should start to get stronger though in the next few weeks, so we'll know for sure then :)

Can't wait til we know :) and the sciatica sucks. I have mine in my upper right hip. It's awful. I used to before i was pg= get it in the foot and it would shoot all the way up my leg into my hip. I then switched to new shoes- here i bought new balance because they are specifically for walking and the pain stopped. But the upper hip - that just restarted with the pregnancy. Hoping the shoes will help though.

Miniwilf - when you find out let us know what you're having :) Any ideas/preferences??

and Firerabbit - hope your 20 week scan goes ok!! :) You finding out the gender too?

The only pain I seem to get is if I walk my hips are so painful! and then I struggle to move off the sofa for the rest of the day - I know it;s only pregnancy related cause it disappeared after the first and reappeared now with the second ha ha!

Hun the hip pain could very well be sciatica. It runs from the foot to the hip- i would get some decent walking shoes to try to head it off a bit so it doesn't get worse. Because it can travel from hip to foot very quickly and telling you that it's a HORRIBLE pain. So, do what you can to stop that- if you can. Get shoes specifically made for walking.
Hi Proudmummy

I would say that is definitely a boy. If it is a girl you would see 3 lines that resemble a hamburger apparently. I reckon that is definitely a little willy you have there by the '#'.
it's so hard to tell. I'm worried they'll get mine wrong or baby won't cooperate.
it's so hard to tell. I'm worried they'll get mine wrong or baby won't cooperate.

Fingers crossed everything will be ok :) I'm just really confused with that line lol. 2 specialists have told me it's a boy so it probably is.

Thanks Miniwilf!!
I'd say that's def a boy. A girl looks sort of flat and the lines are right between the legs but that's an obvious appendage! And remember your tech had more to judge from than this picture! I had mine earlier and the boy bits looked a lot like that, not as obvious as a 20 wk scan, but my tech even turned on color mapping to make sure the appendage we saw did not have blood flow (which would mean it's the cord)... And u can cleary see the three bright white likes above your boys bits that are the cord. (it has 3 veins so when it's between the legs without using the color map technology a boy can sometimes be mistaken for a girl) our tech happened to get us a front on shot at the very end that had an obvious penis and scrotum (the turtle everyone looks for) otherwise I would have been unsure as well. But I'd be very shocked if your baby turned out to be a girl!
Hey ladies.

Have any of you thought about what type of birth you are going to be aiming for? I now we've got a while, but I've begun looking into all of the options now and I'm interested on what people's thoughts are right now. (and how newbies differ to mums!!!)
battynora. im not sure havent given it much thought, well tbh being my first i dont have much idea!!!

anyone heard from samira??
Hey ladies.

Have any of you thought about what type of birth you are going to be aiming for? I now we've got a while, but I've begun looking into all of the options now and I'm interested on what people's thoughts are right now. (and how newbies differ to mums!!!)

I like the idea of our local Midwife Led Centre. The only thing that concerns me is if there's any complications, it's 13 miles from the nearest hospital. Hubby isn't so keen on the idea as there's no doctors. I think we'll go for a look around & see what we think. My first impressions of the hospital weren't great when we went for our 12 week scan, & I've heard some horror stories from women that have given birth there. Plenty of time to decide though!

ps. What's SPD?

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