shmoo75: I have my fingers crossed for you. Not long until the scan now!
I had a good Christmas, not much happened Christmas day other than eating way too much and my husband falling asleep all day. We went to my farther in-laws boxing day and some other family from that side were round there and it was a pleasant evening. Everyone kept saying how much pregnancy suited me which I found very funny since it has made my hair greasy, my face spotty and I looked like I was just overweight and waring dress that resembled a tent!
We have started to buy clothes now and they all look so cute and we are getting the nursery sorted in the next few weeks so I can't wait for that. My farther in-law has kindly offered to buy the travel system and I think now the 20 week scan is out of the way that people are finally taking the whole thing seriously and getting excited. It just seems so odd that my scans are done now and I am waiting for the big day.