3rd Time Lucky Club

Morning all!!!

Great news Poshie....it will be good news PMA GIRLS!!!!

I read that itchy skin is normal, its hormones apparently. Yeah my boobs arent as sore at the mo, still sore though but really only running up stairs....i did notice a TINY stretch mark on one of them though WTF.....i slapped on the palmers instantly!!!

Is it normal for them to feel ok in the morning, then once yr up and away they get progressively sorer? thats what mine seem to be like....like they hate being cooped in a bra!! (Tough s**t boobies)

Water makes me gag! I have to have lemon cordial in it, cant bare it on its own now days! try that method Poshie, might work.

OMI and Nicky, yr hips etc sound really sore, im sorry you guys get SPD.....I thought it was rare....thats 2 i know of already!!

Have a good day all xx
Poshie: I am glad that your scan date is sorted. My 20 week scan in next Wednesday too, I could have got it on the Monday or Tuesday too but my husband is also off work that day. :thumbup:

NickyT75: Hopefully we will be lucky and it will go right after birth!

Beachlover: My breasts are really sore now, I am shocked at how much they hurt and are leaking. It seems that a lot of people on the forum have SPD, I had never heard of it until I wondered what on earth was going on at about 13/14 weeks when my pelvis hurt when I walked (I hoped it would not get worse).
Oo so we have a scan on the same day then Omi :happydance:

Is anyone else having a hard time with smells/food? It seems that all smells are horrible to me and I can seem to smell everything all the time, especially when I'm walking through town.

I've got my usual nausea and bleurgh feeling now. Every day after lunch it seems to strike. Someone is eating something at a desk close by and the smell is making me feel :sick:
:thumbup: Yep, mine is at 10am (I get home from work about 1am that day and will only get a few hours sleep). I feel less worried after hearing the heartbeat again last week but am still worried about any abnormality's getting picked up. I feel like I can't wait until next week now though, I should to see if everything is ok and hopefully find out the sex, I am off work on boxing day and will get to enjoy Christmas (and really can not wait for Christmas tea) and it will be that bit closer to January when we start getting baby things! :happydance:

I am fine with smells now but was really bad in the first trimester. I could smell everything from a mile away and everything made me feel sick. Every time I have being pregnant washing powder really sets me off too. Hopefully it should get better in the second trimester though.
Poshie - :happydance: for your scan on 23/12 I will keep my FX that it is good news and you and OH can have a lovely Christmas.

Omi - Wow 20wks half way there hun scary thought.

Nicky - Hopefully the physio will help you hun.

I am just really tired and can't get enough sleep!:haha: I am fine with drinking water its my bloody cold that is making me feel sick! Its all the catargh stuff I keep swallowing that makes me feel ill(surely this would have the same effect even if I wasn't preggers as, its really disgusting!) I suffer with terrible trapped wind somedays on Mon by the time I got home I was in pain and my belly looked like I was 4mths gone already! Needless to say once it had left my belly the pain went, belly was deflated and, I felt alot better. OH keeps muttering something about class! I can't help it part of it is his fault too!:haha: My appetite is abit strange one day it feels like I could eat all day but, the next day feels like one mouthful and I am full up! My one constant symptom is peeing loads! My boobs still hurt everyday at somepoint but, nothing I can't handle seeing as, they are rather large(34FF-34H depending on make and style of bra!)so, been putting up with boob pain for along time! Me and OH have decided we are either going to have a really great New Year celebration or, we wont celebrate because we would of got shit news the day before! It will be one or the other for us no inbetween! FX for the really good news just like I hope it is for you Poshie on 23/12
:kiss:will be thinking of you next week when you have your scan huni x x x x
Reedy, thanks Hun :hugs: x I'll hopefully get to start my pg journal after that ;)

Good to hear from you Schmoo! Sounds like you are definitely having some symptoms eh ;) the tiredness is a nightmare eh, especially when I'm at work desparately trying to keep my eyes open!

Girls, this afternoon/evening has been the worst I have felt so far. Very bad nausea, very tired and no energy. I traisped around Waitrose feeling so unwell it was amazing. I used to do food shopping and it would make me so hungry, now it just makes me feel ill. I've so far managed not to throw up, but it's come very close. I wonder how long this will go on for.....
Glad to read you've all got major symptoms going on. They can only be good news.

Good luck gals with your scans next Wednesday. I can't believe next Wednesday is the 23rd too. Nearly Christmas! I really, really hope that your scans are fantastic and make very happy Christmas's for you.:happydance:

FX gals

Morning all :)

I decided not to go into work today. Had a bad night and feeling blah thus morning. I'm lying in bed, on here with my iPod, gmtv on in the background. I usually feel worse as the day goes on but we will see. Told work I have a headache and possible ear infection. This fits in quite nicely because it's the office Xmas do tomorrow and there's my excuse for not drinking ;)

So I don't have anything planned and will likely be on here more than usual.

How's everyone else doing today?
afternoon all, my heaving started before I had my shower today ;-)
Had a shocker of a nights sleep, I have pure insomnia at the mo....my head is so busy when i hit the pillow!

I then spent the morning in operating theatre helping with a knee replacement, when I sOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO had to swallow back the sickness at the smell!! oh god man, yuk!!!

Now im home for a wee snooze as the afternoon sicky shift is about to start...I love being a medical rep sometimes ;-)

Got my bloods this afternoon, and thats me til tomorrow!

Hows everyone else today? Poshie, sorry yr feeling rubbish!! x
Afternoon ladies

sorry to hear you are feeling yukky Poshie & Beachlover :hugs: there must be something in the air? coz im currently in bed feeling :sick: too :( xx
I wish I could recommend something to help with the "morning" sickness but nothing seemed to help me at all.

Well, I managed to sell some old text books on e-bay and used the money to get a bundle of baby clothes. Unfortunately, it is for a boy and I don't know the sex yet! Lol. However I think it is mostly unisex and that only 2 tops and a pair of jeans are for boys and maybe one baby grow which I would probably use in the house anyway if it is a girl. I don't want to get too many newborn sizes partly because they don't last long and partly in case the baby is big, I would have been in early baby sizes (because my mum smoked not because I was early) and my husband would have gone straight into 3-6 months clothes so you can never tell. Anyway, I was so pleased that I had to share. :happydance:
Morning :D How are we all today?

Well it's snowing down here in Sussex. Took the dog for a walk in it earlier and she loves it!

Back at work today. It's office xmas do later. I'm saying I've got an ear infection (hence day of yesterday) so that's my excuse for not drinking (on anti-biotics) ;) I'm feeling okay at the moment, but then it doesn't normally kick in til later. Still, I'll be driving so I won't be staying late. Working in the morning too.

D-Day (weds) is drawing nearer.........
Hey Ladies :wave:

Not 3rd time lucky for me but just stopping by to check on a couple of the girls if thats ok.

Hay Poshie :flower:
glad your doing ok and :happydance: for scan next week hope the week goes quick for you. sure all will be fine.
sorry you been feelin pants - fx it passes soon :hugs:
Hope you have fun tonight.

Shmoo - Hey lovely.
Missing you lots - fx to see you mon - glad your scan was all good and roll on the 30th dec.
fx to be seeing you monday

All you other lovely ladies :hugs: & :dust: to you all
Poshie: I know, I can't believe how fast Wednesday is coming round (the past 8 weeks of waiting didn't though). The snow did not really settle here in Derby so it is more like a slight frost but one of my two dogs managed to somehow get it all over her face on their walk today. I hope you have fun at the works party tonight and I hope the ear infection gets better quickly.

I am still so excited about starting to finally buy things, it is about all I think about! My Mum and her boyfriend are coming up to visit for two days tomorrow so I finally had to get round to tidying the second bedroom out for them to stay in. So come January all I will have to do is get the double bed to the tip and move the canvas storage into my bedroom and then my husband can re-decorate a bit and the new furniture can go in! :happydance:

While we was out today me and my husband was talking about nursery furniture and an older lady started giving me a dirty look and gossiping to the guy next to her about us. I think she thought we were teenagers which I expected (although more later on when I am bigger) because I look younger than I am but I was a bit ticked off by it. It is just annoying since I am in my mid-twenty's, have been married for 2 and a half years and am starting a family that was planned and we have worked out we can afford and getting judged by the age people think I am gets a bit grating in this situation. :(
Hi all, u all ok?

I feel like dogs balls today. Heaving all day, sick twice. Knackered beyond belief, but all is good!!! ;-)

2 more days of work, and thats a pooie 2 day meeting, then off to Barbados for me!!!!! YEY!!!!

Omi, ignore people! you know what this nation can be like!! ;-) its awesome to look younger anyway. x

hope you are all fine and dandy and looking forward to the weekend! xx
Hey girls :) back from my works do, feeling like I've been drinking alot but I haven't touched a drop of course. Think I'm just tired a blah. It actually went ok and I didn't feel too bad.

Thanks for checking in Su, good to hear from you Hun :hugs:

Schmoo, how are you doing? I don't hear from you so much since your :bfp: hope all ok? :hugs:

Omi, yeah I know what you mean about these first few weeks taking an age! Suddenly it's nearly time ;) as for those people on town....how rude!! People will jump to conclusions and get it wrong I'm afraid. Still, you know the truth ;)

BL, sounds like you're suffering good and proper! Hope it doesn't last too long.

Have a good weekend all. I'll be on tomorrow morning from work; then I'll be chillaxing for the rest of the weekend :D
OMI - that's awful - you should've started talking about your 30th birthday - really loudly - thatd shut them up.

Poshia - is that your scan on Weds? oh - it can't come quickly enough!
As for the snow - our dog loved it - but wouldn't stop eating it :haha:
:hugs: to you all, in a small way :happydance: for you all feeling ick but I hope that you all feel better to have a nice Christmas - Poshie, it seems time is flying by for you...whether it is or not for you ???

:kiss: to all xxx
hi ladies.

good god i feel absolutely SHITE!!! crap nights sleep, sneezing my head off for hours, now ive got a damn cough as well as a runny nose :cry: Woke up at half 5, couldnt sleep any longer so went downstairs, took my pillow with me, turned the tv on cos i couldnt sleep, watched a bit of crap kids tv. i SWEAR it was better in my day :rofl: then decided right i best try to sleep some more..managed about 2 hours on and off..more tv..an hour-3 hours sleeping then awake again at half 10.

on the PLUS side, going pram shopping today, going out for a curry tonight (hope i feel better!) and after yesterdays midwife appt and her chasing the hospital re scan, i got a letter this morning :yipee: re-scan to check the placenta has moved etc on 18th jan at 1.15 :happydance:

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