Helloooo fellow 3rd time lucky-ers
Well I've reached my 1st big milestone today of 8 weeks (ignore stoooopid ticker

I had either lost or started bleeding & cramping with my previous losses by now so this is a big day for me today

& I just feel so pregnant, so sick & tired & (oYo) are HUUUUUGE & so so painful!
Am going to be brave & ring the midwife tomorrow-eep!
Poshie when I rang the last time I was pg she passed my details on to the scan dept & they rang me direct the same day, I'm sure it was only a few days later that they arranged for me to go in for a dating scan. But I know every area is different, so maybe it's best getting in early, we should synchronise watches & call together!!
So nice to see so many ladies on here, here's to us all helping each other through the madness, I'm going to really need you all on the dreaded scan day. Brings me out in a cold sweat just thinking about it.
Sending out

to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx