3rd Time Lucky Club

Hey Samzi :wave: how are you doing? What a lovely due date you have btw ;) Do you remember when you had your first scan with Izzy?

Thanks for that Nicky. So you had your first scan a bit later than I'm planning to. Of course we all have different situations and mine is really to see if I actually have a baby growing this time or not. I am sooo dreading it though!

So you're suffering with tiredness badly too then Nicky? What about you Samzi? I feel silly for feeling so tired so soon tbh!:shrug:

im doing okay thanks :)

aye i do. i was having old blood around the same time i miscarried in dec(7w2d), i was worrying like i dont know what, as you can imagine!!! So off i went to drs who sent me for an early scan just to be on the safe side. Got in the scanning room and couldnt dare look at the screen at first, i was terrified at what i might see (or not see!!!) My mum was with me and was holding my hand :blush: she smiled so i turned to look at the screen and there was Issy, well pip as my nickname was for her :happydance:

I was OVER the moon. So so happy. Best day of my life...until the 12 week scan date came...and then when my 20 week scan came. I still find it hard to believe sometimes that this is happening, i was so devastated last year i never thought this would happen to me
Wow thanks for that Samzi. That must have been a roller coast of emotions for you - the terrifying worry then the elation when you saw the heart beat :D At what point did you go to the doctor to get the scan arranged? I take it you had that scan before you had your first mw appt? Sorry for all the questions!

:rofl: swinging from the chandliers eh, do you live in some sort of stately home or something lady :shock:
First i went to the drs and got told to see how it went. I was still getting it a few days later so saw a different dr...he called the epau and got me in for a scan the following day i think it was. Or maybe it was the day after that...anyway yeah. he was great really and all was fine. but it is worrying especially when you have been through it before and you cant help but think the worse!
now you have got me all thinking....maybe i should tell my GP and get my appt booked with MW. They like to see us about 8 weeks she said last time. Im thinking they will be on reduced appts over xmas!

I am going to book a scan after the results of my HCG tomorrow.....aghhhhh please let it have doubled!!!!!!

Poshie, I paid for them privately. im up in the midlands, uk. I couldnt bare to wait, i needed a weenie bit of reassurance!! Got some CB digis off ebay a few days ago...they bloody well better be here tomorrow! im gaging for that 3+ at last!

No more dreams, crap sleep, sore left boob, right one still catching up, feel mildly sick 24 hours a day...or maybe its nerves???? feel hungry too, so i eat and promptly feel sick. hoping its all a good sign but ill know more tomorrow!!!

PMA PMA PMA and goodluck please girlies.........xx
Good luck for your test results tomorrow Beachlover :hugs: xx
Loads of luck with those results tomorrow beachlover :hugs: I'll be doing my last digi in the morning, also hoping for a 3+ ;) be sure to let us know how you get on-what time is your appt?

I'm hoping to get all appts done before Xmas. We'll be 9 weeks come Xmas day. We need tobknow where we stand before the Xmas break don't we :hug:
watcha ladies!

I'm super jealous of all our Orgasmic dreams. although that 2nd tri lady can totally keep her 'Springer moment' :sick: and BARF 'cos :sick: doesnt quite cut it !!!

I do O in my sleep sometimes but bring it on - preggo land sounds like LOTS of fun.
but then my friend was sick in Tescos the other day- properly - on the aisle and everything :shock:

now ladies... I just want to say that 3rd time lucky must be an absolute nightmare.
are you all still waiting to pass that 'date' - when finally you might actaully be preggo for GOOD. Or is the scan date the milestone where after that you can kind of relax a bit?
I'm peed off that I'm stuck TTC with no :bfp: but my heart goes out to you guys where the 1st tri is more stressful than anything you've had before.

Just wanted to give you some BIG HUGS and I've never done it before but I really want to spread some good luck for everyone... :dust:
Hi Caz :hi:

its funny you should say that coz today is my "date" that I need to get past so its been a weird day TBH...

I went into labour with my little girl at 18+3 and they didnt do anything to help her as it was before 24wks :(

My whole pregnancy so far has been a bit surreal as ive just tried to put it out of my head and not accept it until after ive safely made it past this stage

I wonder if i'll wake up tomorrow & suddenly feel properly pregnant? :shrug: xx
Hey thanks Caz :hugs:

We all have our own stories I know, but for me, the first step will be having an early scan and seeing a baby. I've never seen that before. My 1st pg and 1st and only scan showed no baby, just empty sac. 2nd pg didn't even get that far. So in my case, I don't know if there's anything there. The waiting and not knowing is the hardest part....I will be a wreck on the day of the scan. So for me and some other ladies, getting a :bfp: is just a small step on the journey. It's getting beyond that that is the tricky bit. It's all very well getting a bfp, but if it doesn't result in a healthy pregnancy, then you're no better off iyswim. Doctor on Monday and hopefully scan date through within 2 weeks. I desparately want to know before Xmas ;)

Hope you aren't feeling too sore Hun :hugs:
:hugs: to all you ladies,

sending you all much love and wish you the best for the future, - i'll keep tabs on you all and send u sticky dust, xxxx
4wks+2days for me!

Hi:wave: fellow 3rd luckiers!!! Finally managed to get up early enough to come on here before getting ready for work! Been sooooooooo tired! My symptoms were:

Sat 21/11: Had couple spots of fresh looking blood but, was alot fainter iykwim, lots of milky/lotiony cm, @@'s sore/aching/over sensitive and peeing loads
Sun 22/11: milky/lotiony cm & tired(that might have something to do with me not getting to bed until 2am after dancing all night on the Sat:blush:), @@'s getting worse and still peeing loads
Mon 23/11: still really tired, mood swings with OH only. Did an OPK and was only a shade or 2 away from being a +!!! Did a IC HPT and, even OH could see that elusive 2nd line! it was quite faint seeing as it was the evening and a couple of days before AF was due:blush: @@'s still as bad and peeing for England!
Tue 24/11: :bfp:!!! CB digi said Pregnant 1-2!!! OH now believes me:rofl:@@'s still as bad and peeing every 45mins-1hr at work sure they will suss any day now just hope they have the sense to not ask me if I am as, don't want to tell everyone just yet
my 1st milestone date to get past is Wed 09/12 as, I have started bleeding 8wk my after LMP twice before so, if/when I get to this day and bleeding I will start to feel happy and hopeful. Next date will be the scan and seeing a HB as, like you Poshie I have never seen this before either. Even my OH is dreading this day coming round as, he is scared that they wont see anything!

Oh Poshie all I can say about No 2's is............ Fybergel is a pregnant womans best friend!!!!!! Last 2 pg's constipation hit me hard straight away and, as I didn't want the straining and all that when I fell pg again the last couple of 2ww's I have been taking it and, touch wood I seem to be ok this time round. Would recommend you buy some hun.
5+1 (or 5w)

Welcome Schmoo and Congratulations again! :hugs: Thanks for the tip on the constipation, I may well invest in some.

I didn't do a test in the end this morning......I decided it would be better to step away from the tests otherwise I will only stress. So I have one digi left which I may or may not do at some point in the future. For now, I must accept I am pregnant and get on with it.

Boobs hurting much more today actually. It's like they are 'bruised', like I've been hit in the chest with a football or something. It hurt last night to take bra off I must admit. I already have a couple of maternity bras waiting in the wings from my first pg. They aren't very sexy though.

I've dedided I'm going to ring doc on Monday and so should get appointment the same day.

Best of luck with your hcg today beach lover :hug:
Morning ladies :hi:

I remember the sore boobies in early preg... ouchie! but also reassuring at the same time hey?

best of luck today beachlover :kiss: xx
I rang the doctors :yipee::yipee::yipee: I'm such a brave little chicken :rofl:

Midwife isn't in till Tuesday so she has left all my details for her, has also given me the switchboard number at the hospital if I want to speak to her before then :thumbup:

OK so next milestone is scan day, TWICE, bloody twice this year (actually 3 times as I was scanned twice over 2 weeks in July) I have had to sit in that fecking scan room & be told terrible, terrible news, can you all come & hold my hand please :blush:

Managed to drag myself round Tesco's this morning (the joys of food shopping when you are feeling as sick as a dog!!)
(oYo) are so agonising this last week, they were sore before but at nights now they are SOLID- made Paul run his hand down from my collarbone last night- suddenly it's solid rock hard boobage country!

Poshie I don't blame you for stepping away from the hpt's, I haven't bought any digi's this time around, these first few weeks are stressful enough for us without adding to it :hugs:

Good luck Beachlover, hope your HCG brings good news!:flower:

& Nicky, well you are my inspiration my sweetheart, one of the bravest ladies I know & I hope that you did indeed wake up this morning with a smile properly believing that you are going to give birth to a gorgeous bouncing full term little man!:hugs:

Shmoo, loving the symptoms sweetie- but isn't the exhaustion a killer :sleep:

Lots of love to you all my 3rd time luckies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Ladies,

Just swinging by to see how you all are and good hear that all is going well! :hugs:
Mum2Joe - that's great news!! well done for taking that step.
Wish I could come give you some support for that scan - it must be just gut wrenching to wait for them to call you in - not knowing if the news is gonna be good or bad.
But well done you for sorting it out.

And as for Tescos - my preggo friend was sick in the aisle last week !!!!
yup - barfed from m/s and couldn't stop wretching to tell everyone it's cos she was pregnant!
thankfully they were really nice to her but OMG - I swear I'm gonna carry a plastic bag around with me if I ever get m/s!!!

Posheroo - well done you! It sounds like you've turned a corner here...
bravo on stepping away from the sticks... you've DONE IT ! you're PREGNANT!!!!
now call those docs and book a scan !


ha - sooooooo much easier said than done !
Oooh Cazd, yes good tip! Do carry a small plastic bag around when you're feeling sick! I always have a small bag ready, just in case! After my one episode in the taxi when I literally had to hold my vomit in (sorry TMI) coz I didn't have any bags with me!
:rofl: ewww nice B!!! Thanks for dropping in ladies, your visits make me feel at home :hugs:

I'm feeling pretty ok tonight. Very fat/bloated and nips still sore, and I'm tired, so nothing new.

No work tomorrow but we are painting our spare room ;)

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