3rd Time Lucky Club

hi all, been away with work and just got back and now the internet is down and i have to use my phone which is rubbish.....and i cant do paragraphs! Sounds like all is well with everyone which is good. I am fine, other than a bit sleepy. Sickness easing a bit now too! Hey....Welcome minime. Great that youre here, such good news! fingers crossed for you. One more day til my nuchal....getting a bit nervous! X
Welcome and congratulations on the BFP minime! How is the pregnancy treating you so far? Good luck with the appointment.

Beachlover, I hope the nuchal stuff all goes well. :thumbup: I did not even get my numbers back, just a letter saying low risk.

I have not long since got back from work and am so tiered and achy, I don't have to get up particularly early for work tomorrow but I feel like I could sleep for a day! Did I say that on my two days off I slept for 19 hours and only woke up to pee and for an hour to eat!?! :blush: I don't know whats wrong with me. :shy:
Hello girls.

Drove to a meeting for work today only to be told no-one could make it so it's postponed! So wasted a morning.

Got a letter from the NCT offering my antenatal classes. I have been recommended them as opposed to the free nhs ones. Anyone else done / considering doing these? It's going to cost £200 so not cheap. That includes a years subscription to the NCT. DH thinks we should and it should be good for meeting other couples.

Had a major nosebleed about an hour ago! I didn't know until DH told me :rolleyes: It's over now but I now feel bleurgh.

Best of luck BL, we are thinking of you and waiting for your update :hugs:

Looking forward to hearing how your doc appt goes MM :D
Hey girls,

Good to see smiles all round :) I am still counting down the days (and wishing away!) my next scan next Thursday. I have my booking in with the midwife today which is positive and I am trying to keep looking forward rather than back. So, reached my second milestone at least! Third milestone will be the scan the week after and can't really see past there right now, but it's little steps of progress.

Love and :hugs: to you all -x-
Afternoon all, computer connection working for now anyway!

Drazic, hang in there....every day is another day down!!

Poshie, are you finding the sickness is easing slightly now? mine was yesterday and day before. First thing this am it was awful but gone now thank god!! Im thinking about paying for anti natal classes, hubbys not keen to go at all....I think maybe for number 1 it might be a good idea!

Nuchal scan tomorrow at 9am, the bloods were done the other week so I will know by 10am......all cross your fingers for me!!!!!

Hey guys, I was thinking.....wheres Schmoo these days?? not been here in ages has she? hope all is ok!!!

Hi BL. Yes I was thinking the exact same thing about Schmoo. As it happens, I know another lady on here who knows her so I will try and get some info from her I think. Hope all's okay.

Not long til scan now! Part exciting, part scary eh?

Funnily enough BL I was contemplating my nausea only yesterday. I would say it probably is easing up a bit (I still suffer pm not am) but my appetite has improved this past week. I will worry though when I feel okay for a whole day!

Yes, I was quite surprised actually, but DH said he'd come to a couple of antenatals. The first and one of the last I think he said. That's fine by me. To be fair, he's away for a couple of them anyway.

That's some sleeping session you got in there Omi!
Hi all:wave:

Sorry I have been AWOL recently but, where you guys are suffering big time with m/s I am suffering from major tiredness!!! Get home, eat, wash up/stick in dishwasher, shower and then off to bed! Hardly watch any TV in the evenings now and, weekends have to have an afternoon kip or, i am falling asleep by 9pm:haha: Roll on 2nd Tri when, FX should get some energy back.
Aha, hello Schmoo, good to hear from you :D I posted in Su's journal just now asking if she knew where you were!

Sounds like things are going well. I've been drinking loads of water this afternoon and feel really fat. I'm getting a bit paranoid that people at work might start to notice.....

I'm in bed earlier than I used to I must admit. 1030pm for me, whereas I used to go about 12. I find if I've had a knackering day (walking the dog and shopping for example) then I am ready for bed when I get home. It really doesn't take much to knacker me out these days :rolleyes:

So Schmoo, when's your next scan?
I hope everyones morning sickness starts to go soon, I thought mine never would and now I can't stop eating. It seem like a few scans are coming up, so I have my fingers crossed for all of you. :thumbup:

I thought about the antenatal classes that include preparing for early parenthood, but decided not to go for them since me and my husband work different hours so it would be hard for us both to attend them and they would have to be close (in our village/small town) rather than in the city center for me to bother going regularly. Plus DH thinks that the 4D scans are a waste of money so I don't want to push my luck, lol. If you go to them keep us updates as to what they are like.

I have not long since got back from work and am about ready to go to sleep! I am not at work tomorrow so I dare say I will sleep too much and not get up until late. I thought I was supposed to have more energy now, not less! :sleep:
SCHMOO!!!! good to see you back, I was wondering where you were. looks like all is well....GREAT!!

Well, only the night to go now......ill report back tomorrow! cross yr fingers xxx
morning all....and its good news from me. Had the nt scan and blood results. Risk came back as 1 in 8186 so im pleased with that. All other bits and pieces looking good so far too :-) ill relax a bit now....until the next time! They put me at 12+4! Got my nhs booking scan on monday so ill get an official date then. Hope yr all good today....at last the snow is going! X
Ahh that's excellent news BL, so pleased for you :happydance: A sigh of relief there definitely and another scan to look forward to soon :D
:happydance: I am glad to hear you got good results. I also noticed you both are at 12 weeks today! :thumbup: I know this board says 13-14 weeks is the second trimester but I always think of it at 12 weeks.
How is everyone feeling?

My breasts are now leaking a LOT and I feel like a cow. I can decide if I need to wear breast pads at work tomorrow at work or if I will be fine. :shrug: Plus, when it had started a while back it was only a tiny amount every now and again and was either really thick white dots or a tiny amount of clear ish liquid and now it is becoming a gloppy milky substance. Sorry for TMI, I just feel gross and did not expect for it to be flowing out of me to this extent until after the birth.
great news bl!

im feeling ok now, but earlier when i was out i was getting heart palpitations and my chest hurt. all gone now though thank god!
Oh Omi that doesn't sound pleasant Hun. I can't imagine what it's like to leak milk. Sorry I can't offer advice, just support :hugs: are breast pads disposable? Do the sit inside your bra? I've heard the 'feeling like a cow' expression before actually. Hope it doesn't carry on all the way til birth?

Hi samzi. I've had a few palpitations, maybe heart working harder I guess. Oh the joys of pregnancy eh? ;)

I'm feeling pretty pants tonight...I have got a cold for the first time in ages and it's making me feel bleurgh :hissy:

I've been studying my tummy and I'm pretty sure I have the start of a baby bump now (started this week). When did you girls start yours?
Thank god im near the end, i cant wait now. ive had enough :rofl:
I'm not sure if my milk is just coming in super early and will carry on or if it is just a lot tonight and will come only every now and again. Yeah, the breast pads are disposables that you stick in your bra (lucky I have some that were set aside to go in my hospital bag) but if this carry's on I think I will invest in some of the ones you wash. It seems like tonight there is enough to feed a newborn.

Glad they did not last too long Samzi. I had some a few times and put it down to the heart working faster too.
So pleased for you BL :hugs:

I have got myself in a terrible state today ladies! I have been feeling so sick everyday and today, hardly feel sick at all. It's over isn't it? It's going wrong again. :cry:

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