3rd Time Lucky Club

Oh Drazic, please try not to worry :hugs: I have moments like that too, when I worry if I feel ok. The general consensus seems to be that it's normal for symptoms to come and go. I lost my breast tenderness at about 7 weeks which worried me, but then a week or so later we saw pip on u/s. You have another scan next week and I'm sure your mind will be put at ease. :hug:
oh drazic.....I have replied to you in another thread of yours, but ill say it again......its so normal to get symptoms coming and going!! remember you hormone doubling rate decreases so yr body gets used to the hormones and your symptoms slack...then it doubles again and you have a few more rubbish days and so on, until finally about now when the placenta kicks in when im feeling a wee bit more normal....sometimes ;-)

As i said, I didnt even begin to be sick til 8 weeks or so! all i had was one sore boob at 6 weeks. My sickness has come and gone since then, some days i feel SHOCKING, 2 days on hols over xmas...i suddenly felt revived and bricked myself!! the next i was gagging my guts up and really chuffed!! EVERYONE is different, some feel rough, some feel great, each day is different. Worry is not good!! think positive!!! xx
Thanks girls. Feeling better today, was just such a bag of hormones yesterday. Thanks so much for all your support :hugs: :kiss:
its what we are here for....replied to yr forum post about yr CM!! ;-) xx
HI Everyone

Hope you are all well!

Have been manic at work so haven't been online as much as normal.

Had my docs appointment on Wednesday who said there is no reason why this time shouldn't work out and I had two different types of miscarriage before. Chemical and MMC.

Am still feeling positive and it definitely just feels different this time.

Told my family last night who are all over the moon (again, bless them lol) and can't wait until September although it does seem ages away!

Symptoms, well not too many but more than the first two which is great! Have had nausea but at night time when I get into bed - very annoying lol. Heartburn and tired and sore boobs on occasion. Other than that I feel grand!!

Hope you are all well! :hugs:
sounding really positive minime!!!!! fingers crossed for you, you really deserve it! i had the MMc, then chemical then this little bean if you remember and so far things are good! long way to go yet but looking good so far!! x
sounding really positive minime!!!!! fingers crossed for you, you really deserve it! i had the MMc, then chemical then this little bean if you remember and so far things are good! long way to go yet but looking good so far!! x

I know, you're doing really well!! I can't wait to get past 12 weeks! :hugs:
hey ladies.

its scan day tomorrow :happydance: i cant wait to see bubs again! also im 36 weeks today according to all my scans ive had :happydance: and 37 weeks on tuesday by my Ov dates :lol:
good luck with the scan Samzi...hope LO is all ready in the right position to get moving!! ;-)
Hello ladies :) it's a big week for scans! Samzi tomorrow, me Tuesday -anyone else?

Minime, I feel the same about this pregnancy, it 'feels different'. I didn't truly feel pg though til about 7 weeks when my nausea started (never had that before). Then if course seeing pip at first scan helped make it feel more real too. Can't believe I'm going to see pip again in 2 days :happydance:

hope everyones had a nice weekend. I worked half a day yesterday and have been out with dh and dog for nice walk in the sunshine today :D
Helo everyone.....yep ive been scanned today, my first official scan from the hospital i hope to give birth at. SO, my official due date is 27th July according to them....13 weeks tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poshie, your turn tomorrow...fingers crossed, i know its yr nuchal!!!!

Samzi...how was yours? all good and ready to go i hope!!! xx

Other than that, very un eventful...im in Edinburgh from weds on conference so thats good! few days off work really.

Hope everyone is well...x
Hello all :)
Sorry BL, I got all confused as I know about 3 ladies having scans today and forgot you! Oh so you've been moved forward a couple of days then....I wonder if my date will change after tomorrow.

Feeling quite ill today (after hoping last week that it may be in it's way out-typical!). Had a horrid dream last night that I had my scan and there was 'a problem' and I had the oh ended there and then-wasn't very nice feeling to wake up with :cry: still, that was just a dream and reflects my worries I suppose. Feeling hopeful and excited now ;) Appt is at 10.20am and I've taken the morning off work.

I hope your scan went well Samzi :D
Good luck for the scans girls. I have one on Thursday to see if the MC threat is over and bubs is still growing. I am feeling better today which made me panic like Friday then I read back through your comments and remembered this isn't the first time! Roll on September! :hugs:
Morning all :)

I'm back from my scan with good news. All looks perfect :cloud9: Pip was very active, strong heartbeat, limbs, brain, abdomen, hands and feet all present and correct :D nuchal fold measurement fine at 1.5mm. Had blood test too and I'll get my result from my midwife, by phone, in 1 week. Pip has grown alot since last scan and moving around so much that my pics aren't great! Looked perfect on the screen though and I can't believe that baby is inside me :D
so glad the scan went well hun :happydance: :hugs: its amazing how much they grow in the space of a few weeks isnt it :cloud9:

my scan went well yday, the placenta has moved and baby is in the best position for delivery i got told!!!. so its just a matter of time.
Hi Samzi and thanks :) That's great to hear everything looking good with you and now the countdown begins! :happydance:

Oh and the midwife said my placenta is sitting nice and high (not that that means much at this stage I suppose).

Yes it is amazing how much they grown. This time pip has arms, legs, feet and hands! :D
Yey Poshie with that great nuchal fold scan!!!...mine was 1.7mm, so very similar. My placenta is now posterior they say (i was tols it was anterior???) so im happier with that whatever it means...ill feel bean kick quicker than anterior. ;-)
And Yey Samzi....little one is ready to rock and roll, pack those bags.....im jealous!!!xx

All good here, nothing to report, not much nausea now...how about you Poshie?? the bin made me heave my guts up and so does coughing, but no morning wretching anymore.

THINK im 13 weeks today...ill check my ticker!!

Drazic....not long to go til that reassurance!!!!

Excellent news about the scans girls, I am over the moon for all of you. Send some of that happy scan vibes my way for Thursday! :hugs:
bags all done! except i need to put a few drinks in one but other than that :yipee:

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