3rd Time Lucky Club

I was thinking more about the hypno-birthing classes today and think that if I go to antenatal classes then they cover breathing techniques which was the thing I was most interested in. The MW today said I should get a move on with antenatal classes because although I may think I have a lot of time left (which I don't think that at all) but that it will go by fast now. I did not realise they did the classes in my local town and the surrounding ones too, I though it was just at the city hospital. :dohh:

I am really starting to feel the size of a whale and my belly button is getting bigger and ready to pop out! I can barely sit without my bump hurting from resting on my legs too much. I also CONSTANTLY feel him move which is nice in some ways but I sort of miss him sleeping occasionally now and now he has less room it can actually hurt when he boots me. As for sleeping myself, I am about ready to give up even trying! I just toss and turn on a night getting moodier and moodier and the past two nights once I got to sleep I managed to stay asleep for a few hours (without even having to get up and pee) because my DH was letting the dogs out but he is back at work tonight so I have no idea how I will get on. It almost seems hard to believe I am only going to feel more gross and uncomfortable over the next 3 months. :nope: I then feel really guilty when I complain about the pain in my back and things like that because at leasts everything is going well this time. Sorry for the rant!

Plus,the MW said I need to see the GP about my back and see about painkillers and physio. But even though I am in pain I don't want to take painkillers (other than the occasional paracetamol) while pregnant and I had physio before because I get a bad back not due to pregnancy and did not find it helpful so am not convinced by it. :shrug:

My husband has said that he is going to start getting nervous at about 30-32 weeks and then really nervous by 35. I am hoping that means he will start getting things like DIY and de-cluttering sorted. [-o<
Hello girls. 17 weeks today :D

We will have to have a poll nearer the time on the outcome of our baby gender BL ;)

Omi, it's weird enough for me having a little bump, let alone what it must be like with a big one! I am rubbish at the best of times with no sleep, but I think that will just get worse in 3rd tri.

I was brave and booked my antenatal classes after my 12 week scan. I went for the NCT ones as they are supposed to be very good. My first one is on 26 May when I'll be 31 weeks. They send me newsletters and brochures now which is quite useful. Are you girls doing that or going for the parentcraft nhs ones?

I am lucky because my dh is a chiropractor, so he will be on hand to give me any treatment I might need later on when back issues could become a problem. He treats quite a few pg women with good results.

We haven't had any updates from some of the girls lately have we - ie. drazic, minime, Lol. I will see if I can track them down ;)
Aww, thanks for thinking of me hun. I have been OUT with migranes recently - never had them before pregnancy so hoping it's a good sign.

Got my NT scan in 4 days, and I am 12 weeks today! I cannot believe it really, never dreamed I would get this far. I am just wishing, hoping...well, you know. I just need it to be okay. Honestly, I am terrified, just want to get on with it now!

Glad to here you are all doing well. Hopefully I will have healthy babe piccis by Monday afternoon :hugs:
Hello D, good to hear from you. Glad everything is going as well as it can be. Totally understand your concern, I was exactly the same for my nt scan. Remember (as my DH kept telling me) that the odds are on your side hun. Best of luck, don't forget to update us with some pics :hugs:
I am thinking of going to the two types of NHS classes now, one thing that sways me is that they are held at my husbands doctors office (which is a big new build just up the road) rather than the NCT ones which are a few towns away. Lazy, I know but I don't want too much extra hassle if I am off to them. Plus, I don't really want to pay extra money for something I can get for free when I am not overly excited by the idea in the first place. But am still not 100% decided yet, I really need to make up my mind soon as I would be starting them soon. I tried to book my hospital tour but they did not answer the phone so I will have to try again tomorrow.

I woke up with a bad hip today, it feels like the same problem I get when not pregnant but I am not happy about it. Poshie, you are so lucky that your DH is a chiropractor!

Drazic, I had dreadful migraines in my 3rd and 4th month and nothing helped them at all. I hope they get better for you soon. :hugs: I too felt dreadful at the NT scan (I did not get an early scan though so the worry of another mmc was very high) and felt worse once I was in the waiting room so I think it is normal to worry. I hope it all goes well and you get some good pictures.
Thanks girls. Not much longer to wait now. I am just so paranoid as last time we had an 8 week scan everything was fine then at the 10 week it was all over. I haven't seen bubs since 8 weeks and just hoping this time everything will be different. I guess because I have never got this far before it just seems to new and terrifying! Hopefully will be bringing good news on Monday :hugs:
It will be different this time :hugs: cant wait to see pics!!

well, issy is being evicted on the 28th (a week sunday) unless she pops out on her own accord before then.
I guess because I have never got this far before it just seems to new and terrifying!:

If I am totally honest I still fell a bit like that now. I will have my fingers crossed for you and look forward to seeing some photos! :flower:

samzi, I bet she will pop out before then but at least you know you will not have to wait much more over a week. :thumbup:

My nappies arrived today and I am supper happy with them because they are so soft and they don't look bulky like some re-usables do and even have attached liners.
Ah Drazic, Not long now.....all will be fine on Monday, fingers and toes are crossed and looking forward to seeing a pic!!!

Samzi....one more week max!!! OMG!!!!! lifes about to get crazy ;-)

Hope all are well?

Yey its the weekend xxx
OMG, I am so greedy! I have just eaten THREE salad and bean burger wraps (made up of 2 burgers). Now I really fancy some ice cream with chocolate sprinkles for some odd reason, not that I have any in. :munch: It is hard to believe now that I had dreadful "morning" sickness for 4 months. I guess it is easy to see how once you have had a baby you start to forget how awful the pregnancy felt.

I really just want to buy the rest of the nappies, the travel system, some 3-6 month clothes and the bits left I need for the hospital bag right now but DH did not get paid right this week after getting his wage put up. Poshie and BL, are you going to start buying things after the 20 week scan?

Has anyone got any plans for the weekend?

We are thinking of buying a new sofa because the one we got last year is a mess because I stupidly picked a light colour with 2 dogs and now they have stopped making it so don't sell the dark covers for it any more and my husband now hates everything about it. I have seen two I like but I think one might last longer as far of DH getting sick of it which he always does and we are going for brown and I am not sure the second sofa I like will look right in that colour. We have a large corner sofa now and are going to go for a 3 seater sofa and a 2 seater sofa-bed I think, I am sure I'll make the wrong choice though. :wacko:
Hi Girls

Yesterday morning I had some bleeding :-((

Of course, after two miscarriages in the summer, I was completely hysterical. Called the EPU who asked me to come up due to previous history.

I couldn't believe it was happening again but when we got there the little one had a heartbeat and was doing somersaults!! I honestly can't describe the relief. Just goes to show all bleeding doesn't mean it's something bad. Saying that, the bleeding was light and did stop fairly quickly whereas last time it kept on. Don't think I was in any state at the time to notice that though :-/

Anyhoo alls good so have been told to rest for a couple of days and take it easy. Sunds good to me :-)))

Oh, and it was the first time I had seen the baby move! :-))

Hope you all having a good weekend xx
I am so glad everything is alright darling, excellent news.

Omi, I want ice cream now! WELLLLLL bad ;)

Samzi, stop posting messages and start getting that little lady born :p

Scan tomorrow :wacko: Hoping and wishing and dreaming I am showing off a beautiful pic tomorrow :hugs:
Minime, I am sorry you must have being so worried but I am glad that everything is ok.

Drazic, good luck at the scan tomorrow!

I can not seem to stop eating the past few days and after not much weight gain I can see how it will start to pile on from now on.
Wow that was scary minime, so glad little bean is doing fine though. :happydance:

You know what, I've not had any icecream for ages & you've reminded me how much I like it ;)

Best of luck tomorrow Drazic, do let us know how you get on. Sending positive vibes your way and won't it be great to see your little bean :D
Hello everyone, sorry for not popping by in a while - I just find I'm less stressed when I keep away from the computer. I'm 10 +1 today. It all "seems" normal - still sick and tired and the headaches -ahhhhh! Drazic, I'm so sympathising with you right now.

I have a scan in just over 2 week and I'm already dreading it. Scans will just never be something I look forward to after what happened, something I know most of us can appreciate. But I want to see the baby and I'm praying that it's moving around and healthy.

I want to book up NCT classes. I have been speaking to my counsellor (who I started seeing early this year after loosing our little one). I was talking about how scared I was of giving birth again - she told me I have to make sure it's different. Last time I had no idea about it - no chance to learn about breathing or pain relief, it was just a case of find out as it happened. She reckons if I take control a bit more that I may be less scared for the next time. Please don't let me worry you guys who haven't given birth yet, it's just that my experience of giving birth it is just very different to most. I think it must be so different when you are expecting a positive outcome rather than knowing your baby is going to die. I'm sure just that positivity is enough to make it more bearable. I hope I haven't upset anyone, I just didn't know whether to mention it because it I didn't want to scare anyone but it's something I'm thinking about alot at them moment.

Drazic, good luck tomorrow, will be thinking of you.
Poshie, thanks for giving me a nudge - I'm just crap but it's lovely to know you are still thinking of me.
Minime OMG! I would have be so scared, I'm so glad it's all OK though.
Samzi - You really are keeping us hanging on here! Or rather your laid back little lady is!!
Omi - I just think you need to eat when you are hungry. What a great excuse!
Hi all,

Minime....nightmare!! glad all is looking good though!! xx

Drazic...postive vibes right at you, all will be super im sure,,,,you really deserve it!!! Please do let us know how you get on!! GOOD LUCK xxx

Poshie....hows the bump coming on? I was googling "18 week pregnancy bumps" on images the other day, OMG my bump is minute compare to some of them....WTF where is my bump? I do have one but some people wouldn t notice yet? what about you?? ALSO how much weight have you put on so far?? I weighed myself yesterday, I have only put on about 3-4 LBs and got worried it wasnt enough??? not too sure!!!

LOL.....I think it would be a good idea to have the classes, Poshie and I just booked some. Mine arent NCT as I dont have one that local to me sadly, mine are still private ones though run by an ex midwife locally, groups of 6 couples. Should be ok. Im sure you will feel better if you feel prepared and can be in some control.

Omi...Just eat!! I am now I am paranoid i havent put enough weight on! ;-)

Other than Drazic, anyone else got a big week coming up?

My best friiend called today....yey shes 10 weeks pregnant!!!!!! im first to know and sooo excited that we are going to be so close together, We always joked at uni that we would....and now we are!!

Im starting to get really nervous about my 20 weeker now!! yikes....please let all be good!!!!

Been decorating the lounge today.....more nesting ;-) xxx
Thanks girls. My scan is at 1:30pm, will let you all know.

Lol78, sending huge hugs hun, it must be so hard. I think your councillor is right, knowledge can make us feel better. You are along way off giving birth to that healthy, screaming baby darling, but if something will help then go for it :hugs:

Huge :hugs: all round and hope you are all feeling alright :hugs:
Hello ladies :)

Important Events w/c 22.2.10

The Birth of Issy - not sure what day yet! Loads of luck Samzi :D UPDATE: Baby Issy born 6lbs 13 oz on Monday 22 Feburary, CONGRATULATIONS Samzi! :yipee:

Monday 22 Feb - Drazic NT Scan - good luck D :hugs:

Just wanted to add that our friend Samzi is in hospital! I'm hoping for another update (in her journal) again this morning, as she spent the night in due to a fast pulse. Looks like baby Issy could be with us very soon. Best of luck to her x

Hey, good to hear from you Lol. Glad all is well. As BL mentioned, I have booked NCT classes, in the hope of meeting people, even making friends and learning about this pregnancy and birth malarkey ;) They are supposed to be very good.

BL....bump. I have googled bump pics previously and worried myself how everyone seemed so much bigger. BUT, some pics will actually be a different getstation and some will be 2nd + time preggers, so will look bigger. Having said that I feel like I have grown some this weekend. I am not big by any means, just bigger than I have ever been before. As for weight gain, I think I've only put on 2-3lbs....from what I understand, most of it will go on later this trimester so I'm trying not to worry. I will post a pic of my bump for you here, as I took one at the weekend. Just need to edit and upload it. ;)
Fingers crossed Drazic!!!

Oh Samzi has gone in.........

THanks Poshie, made me feel better about my bump. Mine is biggest at night ;-), glad you have put same weight on as me too...makes me feel normal! Lookforward to your pic!! I said to OH last night we need a to take a pic, so i will later too.

Poshie...can you feel any movements yet? I occasionaly think i feel a pop feeling but then I assume its bubbles ;-0

Yuk Monday!!!! xx
Not sure about movement BL......as I said to midwife when she asked me last week, I think maybe I do (a fluttering type thing) but I can't be sure. When she was listening to the heartbeat there was a movement and she asked if I felt it but I didn't. So not certain on that one.

My bump is defo bigger at night, but this morning, it's looking bigger than normal which is strange. I have some tights on and I think they are digging in to bump a bit.

Yes, do post a bump pic BL, it would be good to compare!

Oh yes and talking of 'bubbles' boy am I gassy these days :blush:

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