3rd Time Lucky Club

Hi all!

I love weekends! so, my bump has grown, its noticable and sticks straight out infront! Last night it felt like my skin was stretching, today it feels more flabby ;-)

no important dates for me this week...anyone else?

My hubby is never that romantic, but today he said "get in the car we are going for your valentines surprise" anyway we arrived at Toys r us!!!! he said " we are here to buy beany its first toy" ....so we got this cute bunny knitted bunny rabbit for the cot. I know its AGES away, and i dont intend buying anything yet im way too supersticious, but I thought it was kind of cute that he actually showed his soppy side over LO ;-)

Thats all for now.xxxx
Important Events w/c 15 Feb

Tues 16 Feb - Poshie's 16 Week midwife appointment (praying for heartbeat)

Wednesday 17 Feb - Omi's 28 week appt

Anyone else?

How are you doing minime?

Hello BL. Ahh how sweet of DH :D When do you think you'll start seriously looking at stuff for baby?

Had a good weekend, quite quiet really. We should make the most of these times I suppose eh ;)
Amos2009, I am so sorry. :hugs:

BL, what a cute valentines day surprise. :thumbup:

Samzi, it can not be too long now but I am guessing it feels like forever for you.

Well, my computer mouse broke so I have not got on the computer for a few days but I got a new one today. I am not doing too bad if you ignore the pain in my back and ribs, I defiantly feel like the third trimester has caught up with me now. People are always asking me when I am due now so I guess I am looking fairly big now too. My HIP grant has come through so we are going to get the re-usable nappies and cot bedding very soon! I got a baby pack from work today which was really nice, it had nappies, wipes, a tommy-tippie dummy, 5 muslin squares, washing powder and fabric softener, toiletries and things like that in. A few things from the baby pack went straight in the hospital bag so that is looking much fuller, well it is all in the cot and we need to buy the actual bag still. I have a midwife appointment on Wednesday and have more blood tests. I have read from now on I you get appointments every two weeks but I am not sure if that will be the case or not.
Hi all!!

BIG day tomorrow then Poshie!! good luck...im sure all will be fine ;-) they dont do alot at the 16 weeker so dont be too dissapointed, i was like "is that it??"" BUT they will check HB if you ask....thats the important bit ;-) they might even offer ;-)

youre so organised Omi!! i think you do get 2 weekly appts now, my leaflet says you do....although that means nothing round here. I work for Johnson & Johnson so before long ill be ordering the free baby hampers we have for employees...they are bursting with J&J products ;-)

I think ill start looking at prams etc in ernest, about 26 weeks...I want the quinny Buzz racoon though ;-) with maxi cosi seat and dreami carry cot....REALLY pricy though ;-(

My sister islending me a cot and moses...both almost brand new, ill just get new mattresses. Saves a few ££££

Well, good luck tomorrow Poshie.....let us know how you go xxx
Well, I have a feeling your work hamper will be a lot better than mine. Lol. I think it is nice when companies give you a baby pack or hamper though because not all do.

I don't feel organised, I feel like I have so much left to do! It is funny because I think the travel system will work out as one of the last things we will get and I expected my DH to buy it as soon as we had the 20 week scan. DH picked a system that is not a bad price for everything you get and I thought he might have gone a bit crazy with it so am quite happy. I am excited about finally getting the nappies but at the same time the choice of re-usable nappies now is massive and it is a bit over-whelming. I would say the nappies will be the hardest decision when it comes to the things we bought/buying.
It does feel like forever.

and reading about other people popping when its not even their edd yet is getting to me and im feeling so sodding jealous. stepping away for a few days till i have some new/updates cos i cant stand reading about other people going and me still waiting.

/end rant
It won't be long now Samzi.........she can't keep you waiting much longer! :D

I doubt I'll get anything from work until baby is born. That's what's happened with other people here anyway. Anything will be nice of course.

I am feeling nervous this morning. It doesn't help when I go to second tri board and someone posts about not being able to find hb at 16 week appt. Only hour and a half til appt. Need to fill up my pee pot before I go ;)

Omi - that's interesting you went for the re-usable nappy option. Is that a system where you get them laundered elsewhere or will you be doing all the washing yourself?
Good luck Poshie, hope she can find it for you.

We will be washing them ourselves, the newer nappies are not too much more work than flushing the disposable liners down the loo or rising the re-usable ones and then sticking them in the washing machine so I think if we use them from the start we will not really notice the little bit more effort. Although we are taking the disposable nappies we have from baby packs and things to the hospital with us to make it all a bit easier. We just don't have enough room in the bin for nappies and I don't want baby poo smelling the bin up in summer after them sitting there for two weeks. Plus, they are cheaper in the long run, we will not run out and/or have to rush out to buy more and are supposed to be more comfortable for the baby and I don't know how true it is but they also say it makes potty training faster. I am really looking forward to buying the nappies now, it is just a bit of a worry about which brand to buy because I can sort of tell which systems will suit us best and I can tell which ones I like the most and look the cutest but I still worry about absorbency.
I’m back and feeling :cloud9: heard our baby’s heartbeat........only took a couple of seconds to find it and it was very strong and fast (around 160bpm) and we even heard baby move (mw said, that was a movement, did you feel that, but I didnt'). It was so reassuring. My blood screening results all came back fine. Iron level is okay but on the low side at 11.9 (should be over 11) so I am going to try and work on that. She wasn’t worried about it and said they’d keep an eye on it. She felt my tummy and my womb is about 2 inches below tummy button now. Can you believe I forgot to take my pregnancy notes – didn’t even cross my mind, even though I managed to remember them for my 12 week scan. So another milestone reached and I’ll be 17 weeks in two days :D

Omi - I will have to have a think about the nappy thing at some point. Thanks for your comments, they are useful.
:thumbup: Congratulations Poshie! Hearing the heartbeat is always such a relief even when you feel movements everyday it still feels so much better to hear it. My iron levels came back fine from the booking in appointment but then I started to get tiered a lot and the midwife said that it could be a lack of iron because the baby starts to take more and more, so she suggested cereal with added iron in it in a morning and now I feel better. She also suggested dark chocolate, lol! I do hope the blood tests I am having tomorrow will come back ok now though.

Poshie and BL you are both getting close to the 20 week scan now, are either of you planning on finding out the sex or having a surprise at the end?

I was put off by re-usables to start with because I can remember having them as a baby and the pins sticking in me but they are totally different now. My mum really could not seem to understand the concept of dry paling and then sticking them in the washer. :shrug: I really like the idea of bamboo nappies as they are supposed to be a lot better than cotton in most ways but they take longer to dry but I think I will end up with a bit of a mix. Unfortunately, the choice is massive and some are so cute that I could end up spending a fortune on them.
Hey Omi. Yes I strongly suspect we will ask the sex at the 20 week scan. I just can't see us on the day saying 'nahh we don't want to know'. Did/does anyone have suspicions about what flavour their baby is? I have none at all, no idea what it will be.

I do have some bran flakes, but I only tend to eat those at weekends. I really need to make the effort to eat them each morning I think.

So what's dry paling then? I've not heard of that before :shrug: Gosh, I have so much to learn ;)
Well, everyone told me I would be having a girl and my Mum had three girls so was positive I had a pink bump but I am having a boy so a lot of people were surprised (not in an unhappy way though). We knew we would ask and said that if they could not find out we would have probably paid for a privet gender scan, we could not wait to find out the sex even though it didn't matter either way.

:blush: I am not even going to try and lie, I actually eat kids cereal! Lol. But I do think it was the added iron that stopped me from getting exhausted for no reason and the fibre is actually helping with the whole pregnancy constipation thing too.

Dry paling is basically sticking the nappies in a nappy bin with no cleaner in it or water and then doing a wash every day or two. You can get flushable liners to get rid of the really gross stuff or re-usable ones that you rinse off first. We are going for nappies that have the nappies, a inside liner and an outer layer that are in sizes but you can get all-in-ones and birth-to-potty ones too. I have had to do so much reading up on them because the choice is mind-blowing and there are so many ways to deal with things like cleaning them. We have made a start and got 15 tots bots Bamboozles nappies and they are so cute and fluffy looking. We will need some liners and outers still and about 5-10 (apparently you need 20-25 if you do a wash every other day) nappies which I want to get in a different brand. I know it is crazy posting a photo but the nappies are actually turning out to be one of the most exciting things I am buying. :happydance:

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What lovely colours they are Omi :D I will definitely be asking you for feedback on how you get on with them, when the time comes. You have done alot of research by the sound of it and that will be very useful to us ladies who know nothing ;)

So to increase my iron level a bit I'm going to try (I'm veggie): breakfast cereal (with iron), dried apricots, raisins, as well as my usual veggies.
Hopefully I have not picked a dreadful brand. I am excited about buying more but I don't think DH gets it at all and just wants to got for plain and heap and practical. I if your considering using re-usable nappies I would really suggest looking at the natural parenting forum, they have so much good advice.

I am a veggie too and have never had a problem before because I eat plenty of green leafy veg (I LOVE spinach) and have a glass of fresh orange juice at breakfast and the vitamin C helps you absorb the iron. So I was a bit surprised to be feeling tiered after the first lot of tests came back fine but the cereal has seemed to make such a difference to how I am feeling which really surprised me. So I am guessing a small difference in what you eat in a day can actually make a big difference, although I am not a big fan of cereal so I buy chocolate hoops which makes my husband make fun of me every time we shop now. :blush:
Great news poshie!!!!!! thats such a relief for you! Now we count down to our 20 week scans ;-)

Im a bit like you poshie, Im sure we will end up asking the sex on the day....I dont really want to know but DH does, so we shall see....I see the plus sides to both!! But i bet I wont resist ;-)

Omi, your are sooooo super researched on nappies! my DH wants to use re useables so ill be interested to see how you get on!

Pancake time now ;-) xx
I fond that knowing the sex was useful for picking out names since we could not agree and it helped us by at least arguing over the right gender. Plus, I think it is nice for men if they want to know because it must be really hard for them to feel like anything is happening for them.

I still feel confused about the whole re-usable nappies thing but I shall tell you how I get on. The brand I got today get good reviews and seem to win awards so I am hoping that I have picked wisely.
Morning all :)

3 weeks Friday til my 20 week scan, so not really that long to wait! When's yours again BL? Feeling more excited (and relieved) now, after yesterday.

Good luck with those nappies Omi, I'll look forward to your considered opinion! ;)
It seems like the time has gone so fast already, with any luck the next three weeks will go fast for you both.

I had my midwife appointment today. I technically live in a village that is attached to a small town and the town part is about 1 mile away so I normally walk to my doctors with no problem but today I got so breathless! I just can not believe how much effort walking to my GP's was. I had a stand in midwife who was nice, she was going to test for my iron levels anyway when I said how I was feeling but then realised she was going to be doing it anyway. I am actually now thinking my results may not come back as good so I am guessing they will just give me iron tablets if it doesn't. I asked if I should bring my birth plan in at the next appointment with my MW and she said it was a good idea and that if everything is normal things like waiting for the cord to stop pulsating, a natural third stage and tearing naturally should not be a problem. She said I really should get my hospital tour booked soon and asked if I had thought about hypno-birthing classes since I wanted to try a natural birth. I also found out that they do the antenatal classes in my local town so I am considering going to them now, but have not made my mind up. She listened to the heartbeat for longer than my normal MW does and said he sounds happy in there and said my bump measurements are fine. So all in all it was quite a good appointment and I have one booked for 4 weeks away not 2. :thumbup:
poshie, my 20 weeker is 11th March...day before you!! I keep pondering changing it to the week before as according to the private scan dates ill be 20+6 on that day, (they said they trust their dates s the equip is a bit more advanced than the NHS) but then I thought,whats a week for a better detailed scan eh!!

I am now pondering over anti natal classes, MW said to book them by 20 weeks as they fill up WAY WAY fast!!

Hows everyone today? any news? scans? MW appts coming up? xx

Omi, my friend paid a fortune for hypno birthing classes, with some guru hypno birth lady....they were TOTALLY useless and forgotten about during labour ;-) xx

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