3rd Time Lucky Club

Hi everyone glad you are all keeping well!!

Haven' been on too much but am hoping tiredness will be starting to ease and I will be staying up a bit later at nights lol

Well, an update from me I guess!! Had my scan on Thursday at 11wks 2. Everything was great and my first time in proper maternity rather than EPU so that can only be good!! Pics on my profile :-))

Just as an aside question. I used to exercise regularly but haven't in a few months. I rejoined the gym yesterday but only to do walking initially. Did 1 hour on the treadmill at a reasonable pace - not power walking but not slow. I have had pains in my lower abs all day today, kind of like I have done stomach crunches. Am hoping and assumingit's nothing. Has anyone else had/done this?

Picked our pram and nursery furniture too :-))
Hello everyone :wave:

I'm doing OK. I fell over today which shook me up - mentally more than physically. I know bubs is well protected but still. It's quite worrying.

Just a quick question... what's the score with swine flu vaccine? I have kind of missed all the hype and I'm not sure now whether to have the jab or not. As I have my midwife appointment tomorrow, I thought I'd ask. I'm also desperately trying to decide whether to have the triple test - we don't get nuchal fold scans here, but are offerred the blood test. I'm not sure whether to have it because I would never risk an amnio so it seems pointless, but then, if it's low, it's one less thing to worry about. But if it's high - one more thing to stress about. I don't know. We didn't go for it last time, but that is because it was sold as a test for downs syndrome. We would continue the pregnancy (I think) with that diagnosis, but now I know a bit more, I also know it can help diagnose more serious issues like Edwards or Patau syndrome. Oh God, ignorance is bliss. I wish I didn't know these things then I wouldn't stress so much.
minime, I am glad that the scan went well. I only exercised on the Wii fit (I am not a gym person) and did so to lose weight to get my BMI just into the healthy section before getting pregnant but stopped using it when I got pregnant. I think the general advice is to only do very gentle exercise once your in the second trimester but other than that I have no clue!

Lol, I had the swine flu jab a while back and decided on it after doing a lot of looking into it and because someone I knows sister caught it when giving birth in the hospital and was in intensive care for quite a while and obviously unable to look after her new baby. I do think it is a personal decision and would recommend looking into the relevant information rather that reading the tabloids and deciding if you feel comfortable having it or not. The issue with pregnant women getting it (other than a raised temperature) is actually the risk in the third trimester when the lungs are squashed up and it can turn into pneumonia. As for the downs syndrome testing I always think that if it is low then you will worry less and if it is high and you don't want farther tests you can look into it before hand to know what to expect if it turns out to be right. But like you said, it may just worry you more. Sorry, I guess I have to useful advice really.
Thanks Omi. I guess to both questions there are no right and wrong answers, but it's nice to know where people sit. I think I will probably get the jab and probably won't go for the test - stay blissfully ignorant perhaps. I think if there is anything SERIOUS, they should pick it up on the scans - I will have quite a few after 16 weeks. Thanks for your opinions. xx
Thanks - was only walking at the gym so not strenuous. Would walk outside but I live by the coast and it is freezing and very dark and poorly lit at night so thought a bit safer to walk on a treadmill!!

I too need to decide about my swine flu jab. My midwife recommended I get it.
Excellent news on your scan minime :happydance: that is great news and such a relief eh? My midwife mentioned the swine flu jab at my first appointment, but only because I asked her. It hasn’t come up since. She said at the time that I should receive a letter but it would be after 20 weeks I think it was. I need to decide whether to have it too.......I’m leaning towards having it because the problems seem to happen to those late in pregnancy/birth.

As for exercise – I can’t comment on the running side of things. I do alot of walking as my daily exercise (I have a dog). I am considering taking up swimming at some point in the future too. I am definitely going to get Wii Fit but mainly for after the birth to help lose weight in the privacy of my own home ;)

On the testing side Lol, we went for the combined test at 12 weeks (luckily its offered free here) and yes it was comforting to get those numbers back. But if you wouldn’t have an amnio then I don’t suppose there’s much point in going through the tests. Of course, the odds are on your side that everything is fine of course.

Oh yes, I fell over a couple of days ago too actually Lol. I was walking up my front path (which I know is slippy) and fell right over on my butt. If I’d been a neighbour looking out their window, I would have laughed! I was a bit worried at first because I twisted but I found heartbeat that day so that reassured me. As you say, pip is well protected in there ;)
Morning all! Yuk Monday:-)
minime...I was told to go easy on the gym til 16 weeks, I normally go lots but am only just starting back. The aches will just be a sign that it was maybe a bit much at this stage, nothing major and all will be fine. Any excuse to not exercise:-)
as for swine flu jab....I decided to not get it! I work in the medical industry and never hear anything about it these days. I'm not keen on taking paracetamol let alone an untested vaccine but that's just me, I also figured we are now headed out the flu season and so far it's been nothing like they predicted. If it comes back I'll be off to get jabbed though!

Testing is a very personal choice. I has the NT scan and combined bloods, but that's. Because I'll soon be 35 and I always prefer to know the risks and worry later. It's entirely up to you really, either way no one would judge. It really depends on if you will worry or not and do something with the result..... So many choices and they aren't even born yet!

Anymore news out there ?
Excellent news on your scan minime :happydance: that is great news and such a relief eh? My midwife mentioned the swine flu jab at my first appointment, but only because I asked her. It hasn’t come up since. She said at the time that I should receive a letter but it would be after 20 weeks I think it was. I need to decide whether to have it too.......I’m leaning towards having it because the problems seem to happen to those late in pregnancy/birth.

As for exercise – I can’t comment on the running side of things. I do alot of walking as my daily exercise (I have a dog). I am considering taking up swimming at some point in the future too. I am definitely going to get Wii Fit but mainly for after the birth to help lose weight in the privacy of my own home ;)

On the testing side Lol, we went for the combined test at 12 weeks (luckily its offered free here) and yes it was comforting to get those numbers back. But if you wouldn’t have an amnio then I don’t suppose there’s much point in going through the tests. Of course, the odds are on your side that everything is fine of course.

Oh yes, I fell over a couple of days ago too actually Lol. I was walking up my front path (which I know is slippy) and fell right over on my butt. If I’d been a neighbour looking out their window, I would have laughed! I was a bit worried at first because I twisted but I found heartbeat that day so that reassured me. As you say, pip is well protected in there ;)

Yeah I think I'll go for the jab too.

Have only been walking on the treadmill, defo no running after last times just to be on the safe side! Thing is, family are making such a fuss about it but do you know they wouldn't say a thing if I just went for a walk outside. I think it's just because I walked at the gym. Bit overprotective lol
Morning all! Yuk Monday:-)
minime...I was told to go easy on the gym til 16 weeks, I normally go lots but am only just starting back. The aches will just be a sign that it was maybe a bit much at this stage, nothing major and all will be fine. Any excuse to not exercise:-)
as for swine flu jab....I decided to not get it! I work in the medical industry and never hear anything about it these days. I'm not keen on taking paracetamol let alone an untested vaccine but that's just me, I also figured we are now headed out the flu season and so far it's been nothing like they predicted. If it comes back I'll be off to get jabbed though!

Testing is a very personal choice. I has the NT scan and combined bloods, but that's. Because I'll soon be 35 and I always prefer to know the risks and worry later. It's entirely up to you really, either way no one would judge. It really depends on if you will worry or not and do something with the result..... So many choices and they aren't even born yet!

Anymore news out there ?

That's interesting about the jab - maybe I will wait a bit and see what happens. Am only 12 weeks so still have time to think about it I guess.

Was going to go and walk at the gym tonight but have decided not to. I feel fine today but just to be on the safe side. I will go walking tomorrow and maybe just do 45 mins instead of an hour and see how I feel on Wednesday :-) Can't be too careful!!

It's fab though - this is the furthest I have ever been and love each week ticking over!!
I got offered the jab not long after my 12 week scan and a lot of people were getting swine flu at the time so I have to admit that was one of the reasons for wanting it, plus if you breastfeed it will protect the baby too. My DH was fully against the jab though until someone caught it from the labour ward at our hospital (funnily enough it is supposed to be one of the hospitals driving the standards up of maternity wards!) and became very ill. I do wonder what I would have done if we did not end up agreeing about it though.

I forgot to say that I managed to book my hospital tour and it is when I will be 36 weeks! I can not help but wonder what the point is by then since if I am not happy with the place it will be a bit too late to get a home birth. I tried to book some antenatal classes but the doctors office where they do them said they was not sure it was for the whole area rather than just them (my MW said if covered the whole area though) and I also think they got confused by MW appointments and the classes so no luck booking anything. I took my 30 week bump photo today, I think he is laying a bit flat today because some days I look a tiny bit bigger.

View attachment 66035
I got offered the jab not long after my 12 week scan and a lot of people were getting swine flu at the time so I have to admit that was one of the reasons for wanting it, plus if you breastfeed it will protect the baby too. My DH was fully against the jab though until someone caught it from the labour ward at our hospital (funnily enough it is supposed to be one of the hospitals driving the standards up of maternity wards!) and became very ill. I do wonder what I would have done if we did not end up agreeing about it though.

I forgot to say that I managed to book my hospital tour and it is when I will be 36 weeks! I can not help but wonder what the point is by then since if I am not happy with the place it will be a bit too late to get a home birth. I tried to book some antenatal classes but the doctors office where they do them said they was not sure it was for the whole area rather than just them (my MW said if covered the whole area though) and I also think they got confused by MW appointments and the classes so no luck booking anything. I took my 30 week bump photo today, I think he is laying a bit flat today because some days I look a tiny bit bigger.

View attachment 66035

Oh you look lovely :-) Very neat!!
Lovely bump you have there Omi :D :yipee: for the hosptial tour - better late than never eh! We don't have to make an appointment for a tour....apparently you just turn up at the maternity unit at 3pm on any Saturday, which is quite good.

Not alot to report from me today ladies. Feeling pretty much okay - pretty tired but hey, what's new. I can see me getting the old doppler out tonight for another stint.

10 days til 20 week scan! 9 days for BL (I think) ;)
Omi, you look fab!

Glad to hear good news from everyone! Poshie, arn't dopplers great? I have to really fight myself not to use mine everyday!

Been a stressful few days for me, I accidently ate mold on cheese (listeria freakout) I have an infected toe nail (blood infection freak out) and we couldn't find the heart one time (MMC freak out) - I need to CHILL, but I don't think that's happening anytime soon :dohh:

Otherwise, I am fine. I have the most AMAZING nails, I have never been able to grow them before as they are always too weak but they look GORGEOUS! It almost makes up for all the spots and farting :rofl:

Minime - I get that too, quite often. Especially did around the 12 week mark - it will most likely be your uterus moving above your public bone. That happened to me around that stage and it was sore, and then one day my belly changed shape! :)
Omi, you look fab!

Glad to hear good news from everyone! Poshie, arn't dopplers great? I have to really fight myself not to use mine everyday!

Been a stressful few days for me, I accidently ate mold on cheese (listeria freakout) I have an infected toe nail (blood infection freak out) and we couldn't find the heart one time (MMC freak out) - I need to CHILL, but I don't think that's happening anytime soon :dohh:

Otherwise, I am fine. I have the most AMAZING nails, I have never been able to grow them before as they are always too weak but they look GORGEOUS! It almost makes up for all the spots and farting :rofl:

Minime - I get that too, quite often. Especially did around the 12 week mark - it will most likely be your uterus moving above your public bone. That happened to me around that stage and it was sore, and then one day my belly changed shape! :)

Oh really? Maybe I will get a bump soon!!

Here's hoping for my nails getting nice as I'm a dirty spotty farter too. Its rubbish lol
Here's hoping for my nails getting nice as I'm a dirty spotty farter too. Its rubbish lol

That made me laugh minime! :rofl: I must admit, my nails are doing nicely too Drazic. I always say to DH that it's his genes that are causing the extra wind, of course. ;)

Didn't Lol have a midwife appointment on Monday? (need to have a look back at important events for this week)........Omi's birthday tomorrow too :D
Hi All

Drazic...hope you got that reply I sent about mold!! not an issue to worry about....more importantly...cheese strings!! SICKO!!!! ;-)

Poshie...my scan is the 9th now. I had to change it coz of bloody work crap!!...its closer now though ;-) 7 more days!!!!! im starting to feel nervous are you?? Have you felt any movements yet? When/if I do (still might be wind other than that kick I got) its VERY few and far between.....

Omi....nice bump!!! neat and cute ;-)

LOL, Minime, hello!! xx

I have to book a hospital tour at some point, though I thought id wait til after my 20 weeker.

Hee hee I went to Next to buy some maternity suit trousers today....I walked in and was peering around to see the maternity section....the assisitant came up and said "can I help are you looking for maternity?" YES!!!!!!!! he saw my bump!!.... good job ive not simply got a big belly, how insulting!!!

feel fine today, work doing head in but hey 4 months to go!!

talking of farting....i wish I could!! I have bad trapped wind some days and since I only go for a number 2 twice a week (and thats a struggle) theres no way any air is escaping!!! grrrrrrrrr

Oh and my nails are awesome....pity the rest of me is not "glowing" anyone else looking pale and tired? Where this this thick, lush hair everyone talks about ;-)

Hello BL :) OOo scan brought forward eh :yipee: Did you say you are going to find out flavour? How exciting :happydance:

I must admit my hair is pretty good as well as my nails. I've even had a comment about it at work!

Aww that's nice that your bump got noticed in Next! My coat still hides mine, so I don 't think anyone outside can notice yet. The material hasn't got much more room left though, as it isn't stretchy. I haven't been maternity clothes shopping as I am managing fine with my donated ones atm.

I'm still not convinced I've felt movements - maybe, maybe not. Thank goodness I can use the doppler to give me reassurance there is a baby living in there ;) I have heard that it isn't all that unusal not to feel movements, even at this stage. My MW 'heard' a movement at my 16 wk appointment, but I'm pretty sure I didn't feel it.

I have a headache today and feeling pretty blah tbh.
Hi all sorry I have been awol but, am sneaking on whilst at work as, boss is off sick:happydance: I'm good a part from the occasional heartburn like I have now just goes all the way up my throat. I also fart lots(I also blame my OH:haha:)as for number 2's well, one day its a real effort where it looks like pebbles and, other days(like last week!)I have what I call bum explosions!!!!Sorry if TMI but, when you are preggers all dignity goes out the window!! Been getting flutters(wind or beanie not sure)also been getting pains when I move or stand to quickly goes away after a couple of seconds but, I just need to learn to slow down as I can't do everything like normal!

Glad to hear everyone is ok and there are some scans and things coming up. Omi I must say that is a very nice neat bump for 30wks I look like that now and I am 11wks behind you!!!

I have thought about hiring a doppler but, my worry is as my little beanie ran away from the doppler when the mw tried on the 11/02 I am scared I wont be able to find it and then major panic will ensue as a result. I think I will wait until my next mw appointment which is on 08/04 @1pm if she can find the hb easily enough then, then I might be tempted to hire one for a month.

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