3rd Time Lucky Club

Hi Schmoo...nice to hear from you!!! glad all is going well!! xx
Hehe glad it's not just me. Am sitting here laughing away. I did one in my sleep in bed the other night and other half woke me up wafting the covers and tutting really loudly so I would know it was so stinky it woke him up LMAO

Pay back!! :happydance:
Hello everyone!
I had my midwife appointment (well remembered Poshie). It was fine - like I was warned just lots of questions. And I don't like the fact that I'm classed as 0+2 (as in 2 pregnancies, 0 living babies :cry: )- did anyone else see that? Horrible.

But I'm actually getting really excited now. I know it's really early but I'm getting my head in a much better place now and I'm actually beginning to look forward to giving birth!! I never thought I'd say that. I just so want to hold my little baby. Please, please let the scan go OK next week.

I hope everyone is well. I'm also farting like a trooper and they STINK!! At least dh is getting a taste of his own medicine right now!! Glad I'm not alone though.

Omi, that bump is so cute. I am far too embarrassed to put one of mine up. 11 weeks and I seriously look 20+. But I don't care, I'm happy with my bump, I'm just so glad it's there.

Take care girlies. :hugs:
Hello lovely 3 time lucky ladies,
Not sure if you remember me :(

I've finally just caught up with all your updates, so glad everythings going well for you all.

Lol - Have you had your scan yet? I cant wait to see your pics.

Nothing to update with me, still WTT, cant believe its only 1 month until my results, its gone sooo fast already.
Morning all :) 19 weeks today!

Hello shmoo, glad all going well with you, good to hear from you :hugs:

Hello Sassy, yes of course I remember you. Thanks for dropping by and best of luck with those results. Do let us know how you get on :hugs:

Lol, YES, I have the same thing written in my notes - 0+2 :( But, glad your appointment went well and :happydance: for looking forward to the birth. I haven't got to that point yet, but of course I can't wait to hold my baby :D

:rofl: there have been a couple of ocassions when I fart in bed and wake both of us up! You got to laugh eh ;)

Oh and...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY OMI!! :cake: :happydance:
Do you have anything nice planned?
It's only a week today since my scan and I am already thinking "is everything ok". It seems like forever to my next one!

Anyone else worry? I just can't wait to either have a bump or feel movement. I have been using my doppler and don't think I have found the heartbeat yet. Can hear mine and sometimes think I find baby but not sure.
Hi All!!...or should i say you bunch of farters!!!

Sassy!! hello...really hope yr ok, not long til yr results.

Omi Happy Birthday!!!!!! anything fun on the agenda??

I have 0+2 in my notes too, I dont like it but I hate roughly translated "elderly mother more"...coz ill be 35!!

had a crap day, up at 5am drove 4.5 hours to furthest point of west wales to do a hip operation as i arrived in the bloomin carpark they call to say its cancelled so i turned round and drove home....9 hours later im home YUK!!! what a waste!

OMG just went for a number 2....they are rare i have to say....it absolutely killed!!!! if that hurt I can bare to imagine a baby coming out ;-)

Lol...good to hear the MW appt went well....not long now til our scans! yikes xx

heya ladies, hope your all doing well

:hugs: to you girls xxxxxxxxxx
Oh goodness BL, what a nightmare!! You must have been livid :hissy: I take it you can chill out now for the rest of what's left of the day? Ouchie on the no. 2! I have some like that. Can't remember the last time I had a soft/or normal one even..... Hey, what do you mean 'elderly mother' surely that's not in your notes?! :shock:

Minime, I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say, yes, we all worried in betwen scans/appointments. At 16 weeks your mw will likely try and find heartbeat for you, which is reassuring. I didn't get a doppler til 17 weeks so likely easier for me to find a hb than at your stage. Don't forget baby is still very small at 12 weeks and not everyone can find hb every time :hugs:
Hey everyone! Sorry I took so long to get back to you and i'm glad everything is going well :). Minime2009 I found it really difficult to find baby's hb at 12 weeks so don't worry :hugs: know it's easier said than done!

Well here's my third time lucky story. I had my first m/c when I was 16. I knew i'd missed a couple of periods but I was really skinny so it sometimes happened anyway. I was at work and I thought my period had come so I rushed to the toilet and by the time I got there I was covered in blood. I thought it might be because i'd missed a couple of periods and that was why this one was worse but I was so weak I couldn't stand up and had to get my mum to pick me up. I stayed at home and that's where I passed the baby. I hadn't even known I was pregnant so was really distraught and shocked. I didn't tell anyone at the time, not even my boyfriend and just had a few days off saying I was having a bad period. It really put me off having children and was really awkward around them. I have lots of little cousins and always felt bad that I didn't play with them much. I met my OH when I was 18 and two years later on NYE 08 I realised I was 10 days late. We were staying in London and took a test in our hotel room. It was definately positive but I had to buy a clear blue test so my OH could actually see the word 'pregnant' as he didn't believe it. We were both a bit shocked but actually came around to the idea quicker than I thought. We were both living with friends at the time but we found a really nice little house and started saving. By the time of our 12 week scan we were really excited. As soon as our baby came up on the screen I knew something was wrong. I'd been reading up on what I should see and knew that there was no flickering heartbeat. The sonographer confirmed that our baby had died and I started to bleed that day. It all happened naturally and I was shocked at how much it hurt. I ended up having to go into hospital because my blood pressure was dangerously low. I got almost no sympathy from the hospital staff and I think it was because of how young I look. When the ambulance arrived, the paramedic passed a baby blanket to the other one and the woman paramedic said 'she won't be needing that now' and laughed. She also got rid of my baby without even asking me and told me to stop moaning. I've since tried to complain about this and been told that there's nothing they can do because it was a miscarriage and she just got 'reminded to be sympathetic' so I didn't even get to bury my baby and that's one of the things that traumatised me the most and I don't trust hospital staff anymore as a result which is terrifying me about the birth of this baby. As horrible as that experience was, me and OH knew that we definately wanted to try again. We decided to give me time to heal and to not try but not prevent either. Well what should have been our angel's due date came along and me and OH were going to plant some forget me nots in the garden and I had an overwhelming feeling that I was pregnant. I almost didn't want to take a test because I knew that if it was negative it would make the day even worse but I think I just knew. I told OH and we almost ran to the sainsburys around the corner. OH waited downstairs while I took the test and the second line appeared really quickly. I took another two tests with the same result and OH couldn't argue with them this time, the lines were too dark. It was like a gift from our angel :). As i'm sure you can all relate to, this pregnancy has been hell worry-wise and I still wake up panicking that my waters have gone or that she's not moving but here I am at nearly 32 weeks. I never thought i'd get here and I still find it hard to get excited because I think something will go wrong but i'm getting there even though this pregnancy feels like it's lasting FOREVER! Just want her here now! Well that's my story, so sorry for the essay! I wish you all the best of luck with your pregnancies x x x
Thanks for sharing your story Jellyt and congratuations on this pregnancy, it must be amazing and not to mention surrel that you will soon have your baby in your arms :D
BL - IM the sicko?! Your the nutjob eating moldy jam :rofl:

Glad your appointment went well Lol, it is very tedious, question and question!

I have been feeling a bit mental today. I had a horrible dream last night about losing the baby and the medical things after. Really upset me. I am alright though, spotty and farty too. The PAIN that trapped wind brings?! I had no idea, I always thought it was funny in the past. Karma's a bitch hey?!

One thing with dopplers, how often do you all use yours? Do you worry about overusing it?
JellyT, I got treated a lot differently with my first pregnancy just after I got married at the age of 22 when DH was only 18 because of my age so I know they do it. Now I am 25 and have been married longer they treat me with a lot more respect which makes me angry that some people think a few years makes such a difference. I am really sorry to hear about how the you got treated and what was said.

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes and bump comments. I was starting to get worried about my bump size again but after spending time in hospital (which I will tell the story on the next post as it may be a bit long) and so many people feeling my bump and not mentioning the size I feel better about it. It is just worrying when everyone says how much smaller than them I look when they were at the same stage and seeing photos of them looking 5 times the size!
I am home now but I spent the night in hospital. I was feeling a bit off for about a week and thought it was a slight change in blood pressure (headache, stars in eyes, light headed, out of it feeling and pins and needles) and then yesterday started to get chest pains too so I wanted to check it was not a drastic shift in my blood pressure or pre-eclampsia. So I called the GP's and they said to call an ambulance which seemed far too dramatic so I went to the local hospital thinking they would check my blood pressure and urine and they did a few checks but called an ambulance to take me to A&E anyway! The ambulance tried to offer my gas and air but I told them I was fine and not even sure why I was off to the hospital. At A&E they did a massive amount of tests and when I thought they was going to send me home they said the gynaecologist wanted to see me at the labour ward. So at the labour ward they hooked me up to the monitor and said "Didn't you just feel that contraction?" which confused me because I thought I just felt him move a bit and that was all and non of the doctors or midwives could understand why I was not noticing them. They said they wanted to see if and/or how dilated I was and I said "I'm not, surly I would notice" but apparent some people don't but I was fine thankfully. So they was worried about early labour and eventually tested me for it and it came back fine but the test made me bleed a bit so I was worried they had accidentally broke my waters or something but they said a bit of blood after so many tests was normal. So apparently they are just strong and frequent Braxton Hicks which I was not even noticing. The worry was still about my blood pressure and I had to stay over night.

So basically to cut the story a bit shorter they switched me from midwife care to consultant care and I have to see the midwife twice a week to check my blood pressure from now on. I just have to wait for her to call to arrange for her to come see me at the weekend. Plus, have another scan and have to see the consultant on April the 1st and I think as standard on consultant care they talk about the possibility of induction too. So with any luck it will not get any worse and I will not need to be in hospital over night again. They kept talking like early labour was likely to happen but I am hoping they were just saying they hope it doesn't rather than it could be likely. The midwives kept saying things like I hope he stays happy in there for 6 more weeks for you.

The good news is I no longer need a hospital tour and the hospital and staff are all really nice. The bad news is the consultant care is more likely to give me intervention than the midwife led team and I now have more to worry about. Plus, I feel extra under prepared by all the midwives saying they hope he stays happy in there for another six weeks! But it all could be much worse so I can not complain too much. I can now tell what the Braxton Hicks are and they are quite frequent but I have no idea why they had to point them out for me to realise it was not just him moving.

One thing that has come from it is a bit of advise to give though...pack a small over night bag just in case you need to stay over night in hospital. Sending you partner home for things even with a list is no use! My husband forgot and PJ bottoms or any comfortable trousers despite me overly stressing I needed them and where they were. :dohh:
Oh Omi you poor love :hugs: waking up in hospital on your your birthday morning can't have been fun. So glad you and bubs are all ok, but quite a fright you had there. So is the diagnosis high or low blood pressure? Sorry you have had to go through this and it must have been scary when they told you it could be early labour! How are you feeling now? Hope you're taking it easy :hug:
Oh god omi what a nightmare! Keep those legs crossed and at least yr being kept an eye on! Take care of yourself, not much longer to go!

Jelly thanks for sharing your story, it's not long now and you will finally have yr lo. Xx

poshie it doesn't say elderly mother :-) it's something else in Latin I think in my hospital notes from before.... I think it means first time elderly mother.... Anyone 35 or over when they deliver:-) granny pants!!!
I have had low blood pressure throughout pregnancy so far and it shot up to high, so not only is is high now but much higher than it has been so far. I actually was not too worried at first when they said they thought it may be early labour because I was so sure I would know I was in labour, even when they said they were going to go ahead with the early labour tests which they said they would only do if they really thought it was labour after monitoring. It was only when the test made me bleed a bit and waiting for the results that my legs started to shake and I began picturing the next few weeks playing out so differently. I just think that the whole thing could have been much worse and at least I knew when I needed to seek out advice even if I did not go full on dramatic like I was originally told to. My antenatal care is very different now and I dare say so will my labour be but at least they are taking it all seriously and I remember with my second m/c they didn't at all and would not give me a scan quick enough through EPU so I do feel more reassured by the NHS as a whole. Plus the hospital is nice, the labour rooms have freeview and the staff were great except for the doctors treating me like I was mad for not knowing my bump was tightening (which I now realise has happened on and off for a month or two)! So I just feel quite thankful right now.

I have to say being on the labour ward expecting early labour at 30 weeks was scary but not as scary as the sound of the women giving birth. The noise was terrifying. :shock:
I have to say being on the labour ward expecting early labour at 30 weeks was scary but not as scary as the sound of the women giving birth. The noise was terrifying. :shock:

YIKES im scared again now:wacko:
evening all....yey its Friday Night!!!!!!!

All i have to report today is that I think I have a very active slug racing around my tummy today ;-) loads or wriggles and one very obvious feeling kick...the rest feel like a wiggly slug

Hows all today? any news??

....whats the story with wearing underwired bras?? yesterday I went to the jewellers to spend a voucher DH had got me. She knows me in there after our million wedding ring visits. She said if yr planning on BF then dont wear an underwired bra from now on...she did and her milk ducts blocked and she couldnt feed!

Whats everyone thinK??
Sorry, I did not mean to scare you. It just made me feel like I can't do it at all and the time is getting closer now and I am getting scared.

Congratulations on the movement Poshie!

It is said you should avoid under-wired bras but it is hard to find a supportive one without it. I very occasionally wear a under-wired one but mostly sports top-bra things. I have to be careful because some bra's make me leak a lot more than others. Basically the wrong bra can make the breasts permanently sag and/or block the milk ducts.

Not much news here, I feel a bit rubbish but I guess that is to be expected. I got a call about my weekend check-up and I have to go to my local hospital on Sunday to the postnatal clinic so I will feel a bit odd going to that. I still need to call and cancel my hospital tour because I don't need to see it now I have stayed in the labour room and the postnatal ward (same floor but different room to the antenatal one). I made up an overnight bag so if any of my check ups come back bad and they send me to hospital my DH just has to pick up the bag and not try and gather things for it. So between my overnight bag (that hopefully will not be needed) and the baby things I have ready my hospital bag is about done but just not all in the same bag yet.

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