Hi All!!...or should i say you bunch of farters!!!
Sassy!! hello...really hope yr ok, not long til yr results.
Omi Happy Birthday!!!!!! anything fun on the agenda??
I have 0+2 in my notes too, I dont like it but I hate roughly translated "elderly mother more"...coz ill be 35!!
had a crap day, up at 5am drove 4.5 hours to furthest point of west wales to do a hip operation as i arrived in the bloomin carpark they call to say its cancelled so i turned round and drove home....9 hours later im home YUK!!! what a waste!
OMG just went for a number 2....they are rare i have to say....it absolutely killed!!!! if that hurt I can bare to imagine a baby coming out ;-)
Lol...good to hear the MW appt went well....not long now til our scans! yikes xx