3rd Time Lucky Club

NO NO NO Missymojo....I just saw your other post (and your lines!!!!!!!!) congrats to you lovely!!!!

Hang in there, great lines, real dark too!!!! xxx
Hi everyone! Sorry only just got around to reading all of your updates! Congrats on the good scans :hugs: and Omi, I hope you manage to get switched to low risk! How's everything going? Seems congrats are in order for MissyMojo too :happydance:.

We have our nursery set up but we won't be using it for a while so it is still kind of OH's study too...we're not getting rid of the big desk until July so baba will be in with us until at least then!

I've got a busy week pregnancy related this week. I had antenatal yesterday morning, physio in the afternoon, the midwife this afternoon and I have antenatal again on Thursday. Antenatal didn't really tell me much I didn't already know but we got to try out different labour positions and relaxation techniques which was nice. Then Physio in the afternoon was actually a group session with about 15 other pregnant ladies. Again, I didn't really learn anything new. I ended up leaving with just a tubigrip support. I asked about a pelvic support and crutches and they said they don't provide pelvic supports i'd have to buy one and i'd have to make a seperate appointment for crutches. Well I went to the front desk and tried to make an appointment and the next one was in two weeks...well i'll be almost 35 weeks which is frustrating! Had a good chat with some other pregnant ladies though which was nice! Will update after my midwife appointment this afternoon. I've been really panicky for the past two weeks about movements. I know that my baby is never very active in the morning but i'm still stressing every day until i've felt her so hopefully i'll have some nice reassurance this afternoon. Hope everyone is good x x x
Congratulations MissyMojo.

JellyT, are you really sad like me and keep going in the nursery for no apparent reason? Lol. I thought I had too many appointments with two a week, you must be getting sick of having so many.

I have realised that my pelvis is better because once they started hurting I started doing less. It was at it's worst when we was doing Xmas shopping and buying the nursery so I was doing a lot of walking. After cleaning quite a bit yesterday my pelvis was hurting again. :growlmad:

I can't remember if I said but I decided to cancel my hospital tour since spending the night there allowed me to see everything. I thought I should call and tell them so someone else can use the space up. I will not be off to antenatal classes now, it is too late to book them and I had a problem trying to find out where and when they were.

We ordered the travel system today so should have it tomorrow! :happydance: I am just looking at slings/carriers now as I want to get one soon. I can not wait to have the cot bedding and be done. :thumbup:
congrats on the bfp missy :happydance: :hugs:

Hope everyone else is doing well. Issy is now 3 weeks old (and 1 day!) cant believe how fast the time goes!!
That three weeks has gone very fast! How is life as a new mummy?
Afternoon ladies :)

Congrats to our favourite stalker MissyMojo on her :bfp: We all wish you a very happy and healthy 9 months and extra sticky :dust: is on it's way! :hugs:

Samzi - 3 weeks already, wow! Whenever I go to your parenting journal, you seem to be doing so well. So you are liking being a mummy then eh? Is it as you imagined it would be?

JellyT - you have a busy week don't you! Best of luck with all your appts, keep us updated won't you.

It's good to hear that I'm not the only one not having a full on nursery for the first few months. I was feeling guilty! But logically speaking, a newborn baby isn't interested in whether it has it's own room or not, just so long as it is loved and looked after eh ;)

I start my NCT classes at the end of May. Is anyone else having NCT ones, or is it just moi? I'm hoping to meet/make friends with other pg ladies in the area - that is one of the main reasons for doing them for me.
Its wonderful :) Very tiring but worth every minute. Its amazing how much love you can feel - i never thought id feel anything like i do. so inlove its untrue :cloud9:
Awww Samzi :hugs:

Missy, you know I am over the moon for you babes, truly :hugs:

I have my midwife heartbeat check on Thursday. NERVOUS!

:hugs: to everyone -x-
Hi everyone!
Congrats MissyMojo!
Poshie - I want to book NCT classes, mainly for the same reason - to meet people.
Drazic - good luck tomorrow!

I'm not doing too good right now. I don't know what's changed but I've had two nights of really bad dreams. Last night I dreamt we had a scan and there was no heartbeat. The night before it was worse, but I don't really want to talk about it. I just feel so overwhelmed and I'm not sure how I'm going to make it through. Sorry to whinge, but I feel like I'm loosing it right now. I just want to curl up in bed and not do anything but I know that's not an option. I'm aware that dh is also worried and I don't want to worry him more. Urggh. I just feel horrible.
Oh lol darling, I have felt exactly the same. I had very graphic nightmares and it knocked my PMA down to zero. But don't forget babes, they are only dreams. They are magnifying what is in your subconcious, all your worries - they are not predicting the future. Sending :hugs:
Drazic is right. Your dreams are reflecting your worries Lol. I went through that stage of nightmares about the baby. I am fortunate now that my dreams have progressed onto much cheerier things ;) It's all part and parcel of the journey of pregnancy hun and it will pass :hugs:

So big day for you tomorrow Drazic! It only seems like a couple of weeks ago that I had my 16 week mw appt........time flies eh. I'm sure you will be fine and it is so reassuring to hear that heartbeat. Having said that, have you already heard it with a home doppler? At the time of my appt, I didn't have a doppler, that didn't come til the week after. Best of luck :hugs:
Thanks Drazic and Poshie, I know you are right, I just have to keep reminding myself of that.

It just seems to more pregnant I get the more it reminds me of my little boy and the more hurt I feel. I'm just so sad right now and miss him so much. I'm also so grateful to be pregnant again because I know how many people would love to be in this situation but it doesn't make this any easier. It's good to know I'm not alone in how I feel though. thankyou. xx
Ahh LOL, you definately are not alone...hey I dont even have dreams as I cant sleep ;-)....seriously you are not alone i your worries. We will all worry till our little ones are screaming in that hospital. BUT we all have to be positive, we are all doing really well considering our histories!!

be brave hun, you have come so far!! and remember dreams are just that....a dream they reallly arent reality and only reflect our daily worries. xx
Drazic....all the best tomorrow!! even though I had a doppler at 16 weeks it was awesome for a pro to hear the HB and confirm it was actually a HB!! xx
Thanks BL, that is what I really want, some confirmation I am listening to the right thing :)

Hope the dreams are giving you a break LOL sweetheart - I had them worst around 13 weeks and they have eased up now. :hugs:

Off to the midwife soon. I am fine, but SO full of a cold. Feel RUBBISH and look majorly rubbish too. Off sick from work, dreading walking down to the doctors.

:hugs: to everyone -x-
Hi Drazic :wave: Colds are just horrible aren’t they – hope it doesn’t stick around long :hugs: It’s definitely good to get a second opinion on baby’s heartbeat, best of luck with your appt – let us know how it goes!
Yep, was just coming to post that, thanks missy! Was lovely thanks, she found the heartbeat quickly and then told me to get my phone out and film it! So, the vid in on my journal :)
Congrats Drazic :D It's a great, great sound eh? Another milestone - can't believe you are 17 weeks tomorrow! Feels like you are catching me up ;)

So it was quiet on here at the weekend eh. Hope everyone had a good weekend? Mine was pretty good and quite productive. I've decided we won't bother looking at travel systems and major things til about May time. I don't want to spend the money just yet and it'll give us time to save.

Feeling more movements now, particularly at night. Goodness, I hope we don't have a night owl on our hands! :shock:

Any important events for this week ladies?

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