3rd Time Lucky Club

Hello all.
Glad to hear you are all doing well. Drazic, so pleased your scan went well - a girl - yey!!

BL, you did well - I would have never managed till 3am.
Omi - so good that they found that out. Why don't they test as routine? I've often wondered that.

Poshie - I thought you weren't doing the nursery thing yet?! But you have bought a chest - no stopping you!! Or perhaps I have missed a change in plans.

I'm sorry girls that I haven't been online the last few weeks. To be honest, you really wouldn't want to hear from me right now, I'm a nightmare. I'm properly, seriously scared. No movements (although I could have sworn I felt something between 13-14 weeks). Still feeling sick (somtimes). Belly is getting bigger but I'm convinced there is a problem. I just don't know how to relax about it. I literally dream all night about scans and terrible problems and wake up feeling so stressed. I just don't know how I'm going to get through the next few weeks. I have a mw appointment next week Thursday and a scan on the 12th but right now I think I might just loose it well before then. dh is stressed with work and I don't want to stress him even more, but he's worried about the baby too. Why can't I just relax and enjoy this? I feel so awful.
Oh Lol, try not to stress, your last 2 scans have been great...your belly is growing and signs are all good! I know its yr second pregnancy BUT its really early to feel movements yet even for a second timer. I would not worry about movements in the slightest. Its only now at 23 weeks that im feeling movements daily, and even then they are not frequent!! Whats more, do you know where your placenta is?? mine is posterior low...so alot of my kicks are to my back so I dont feel them!! If yr placenta is anterior and not high you will feel even less....please dont worry yourself. Baby will pick up on stress and they respond to it. Not long til the MW appt...she will get the doppler out too. hang in there yr doing great! x
pointless thread but hey....only 19 days to go and in into double figures!!!!!!! xx
Thanks BL. I know what you say is right but I can't seem to get my head around it. I'm sitting here in floods of tears. Not sure how I'm going to go to work today. It's not like me to feel like this - I'm usually quite a "get on with it" sort of person but I'm not during this pregnancy. I'm really not coping at all. I can't take any time off work because I have so much to do but I feel like I can't go in right now - well I couldn't at the moment because I'm crying too much. I want to call a friend or someone but I know they will just tell me to relax and I can't so there is no point. See, I told you that you wouldn't want to talk to me right now!
I'm sorry you are feeing like this Lol. I know there's nothing anyone can say to make you feel any better. It is so hard when we have been through trauma before, because we are always going to be on the edge. All you an do is wait til your appts and scans and take each day as it comes. On a positive note, the odds do remain on your side. The chances are, everything is okay and you have had no prior indication in this pregnancy that it is not. I wish it was easy but it just isn't. I don't think we can truly relax until our healthy baby is in our arms. You have got this far and I believe you will get to the end this time, I really do :hugs:
I'm sorry, I feel like everytime I post in this thread it's when I'm having a bad time. To the outside world, I'm fine, no problems. I guess I come here to let off a bit of steam so you girls bear the brunt of my miserable moods. I've pulled myself together and I'm off to get a shower. Now seriously late for work (although I don't really have an official start time, so that's not a problem) but I will go in.

Just one question. When did you all start feeling movement? Just so I can panic myself some more! And did you go through the I can't be pregnant stage around 15 weeks?!
Just found this - it's sort of reassuring. Posted by Bl ages ago!!

"Hello all,

well my 15 weeks appt went well...all looking good, she got the doppler out and found LOs HB right away, was nice and loud, good and strong. I dont see her now til 28 WEEKS!!!!!!! thats rubbish and ages away!

Poshie, its normal to not feel sick now. I never feel sick anymore, and told my MW this today, she said..."normal, infact there will be times you forget yr pregnant for the next few weeks or so"

so dont worry, it fine to not feel sick, I feel absolutely back to normal now, bar being tired!!"
There you go you see! I went through the not feeling pregnant stage too ;) Please don't apologise for how you are feeling ok - it is understandable :hugs:

I didn't start feeling movement til around 19 weeks and it was just very occasional. This has increased now and I feel movement (what I assume to be movement) several times a day. I have an anterior placenta which is likely cushioning much of the movements, but as the baby grows bigger, they become more noticeable. Unlike BL, I can't feel kicks from the outside yet so DH hasn't felt anything yet.

Hope work goes okay for you and you feel in better spirits soon :hugs:
Oh LOL glad you found my 15 weeks post!! yeah its a weird limbo stage 15-17 weeks....no belly really, feel fine, no kicks etc etc. I used to forget i was prego. Dont even worry about movement yet, its too early....some people on here are like "I felt it i felt it" at 12 weeks or so WTF!!!!!! not normal!! my MW and book both say 20 weeks is average sometimes later!!! so please dont worry! i think i felt my first rumble of a wriggle at 17 weeks, but i cant remember & after that it was only every few days. Even now its every day but some days a few times, some days all day!!

Im off to see The Editors tonight in Brum....give my little fella a bit of a blasting of music, poor wee thing!!! thats sure to get him kicking!!


We are happy to listen xxx
Thanks girls! Your support is fantastic. I promise to try to update every now and then when I'm not feeling so depressed - really it isn't all the time!!

I think the reason movement is so important to me is that that is how I knew things had gone wrong last time, my baby was moving then all but stopped. I went to the midwife twice to tell them that there was a problem and I was told it was too early to feel consistent movement and I was worrying over nothing. But the reason he couldn't move is because he had no amniotic fluid - so much so that his limbs fused because he couldn't move. So I'm probably a bit neurotic about movement and also as it's my second, I'm kind of assuming it will happen earlier - but I know that is not always the case.

Having said that, I think yesterday afternoon and this morning I started to feel the smallest of flutters - so I'm feeling happier now. I think I just had a bit of a "moment" yesterday - thank you for helping me through.

BL - Editors are great live - I saw them last year. Pappillon was brilliant - I didn't know any of the newer stuff when I went but it was still great. I hope you had a great time and baby enjoys it.

Poshie - thank hun. I promise to come on here when I'm cheery a bit more often!!
Thanks girls :) I posted loads of pics in my preggo journal if you fancy a nose!

Oh BL! You are hardcore. Midnight is my complete limit about now! Why is it that drunk people lose all concept of time?!

Just about to get ready for my first consultants appointment. Not sure what to expect, it says to wear loose clothing which worries me slightly that I am going to be poked about somewhere I haven't been poked about since conception, but other than that I am alright! :rofl:
morning!! Well with a crazy late night on Sat then a Gig last night.....which was ace!!! not sure the wee fella liked it too much....hypercative at the start then went into hiding ;-), im now bushed!! thats me for late nights for a while!! off to a cottage we rented by the sea in Cornwall tomorrow, weather looks RUBBISH but hey its a bank hol what else could we expect!!

LOL, I cant imagine the awful time you went through last time, no wonder youre paranoid and no one could blame you for being that way. Just keep remembering each time is different and this one WILL be perfect!!!!

Last day of the week for me today ;-) yey!!!!! xx
All the best with the poking drazic....I expect loose clothes is to feel bump!!! not bits ;-)

I only think this as on yr smear letters it never says wear loose clothing.....wouldnt make a difference then....drop yr pants whatever!!

let us know how you get on xx
Hello all,
BL I hope you are having a great time in Cornwall - it sounds really lovely - despite the weather!!

Drazic, how was your appointment?

I think I have to finally admit that I might be depressed. I don't know what to do about it, whether to see someone or just keep going. For the first time in my life, I am really struggling to get out of bed in the morning. I think obsessively about the baby, waiting for any movements (which I haven't felt since I thought I felt them on Tuesday). It's literally taking all my energy and I'm at a loss as to where to go from here. I dream all night and wake up thinking about things so I feel like I'm not getting any rest at all. When we are with other people dh is constantly on at me that I'm coming across rude because I'm not really with it and contributing to the conversation. And I can't cope with small things - like being in a busy supermarket, it's too much to see babies everywhere. I find I'm crying over tiny things. I just didn't realise it would be this hard, perhaps it was too soon to start trying again.

For now I just have to think about getting through until Thursday when I have my midwife appoinment. I'm sure they won't find a heartbeat. I've been trying to tell myself that's paranoia but I'm not sure now.

I'm doing it again I know, I'm sorry. I just feel I need to write it down. I know there is nothing you guys can do or say so don't worry about replying! Just thanks for listening. :hugs:
Hi Girls:waves:

Sorry i have been MIA but I've, been so busy at work and knackered in the evening only get a chance to get one at here at weekends now really.

Glad you have all had good scan results as, I know we keep being scared and anxious but, under the circumstances I think its understandable.

I went to MotherCare at Basildon as, the one at Lakeside is soooooo small and doesn't have much choice its crazy. I wnt with MIL and checked some prams out(they don't stock the Surf:nope:)I bought: pack of 5 pairs of white ankle socks, pack of 10 white bibs, pack of 7 short sleeve vests and, a pack of 3 pairs of scratch mits:thumbup: My MIL bought me a pack of 3 white sleepsuits:thumbup: I think I will list in my Preggo Journal all that I know for def that I have.

Hope you all have a great Easter Weekend even if the weather is rubbish we have in total 4 days off work:happydance::happydance:
Lol78, I would talk to your midwife about how you are feeling.

I have not got on here for a while because I was in hospital from Sunday morning and did not get home until about midnight on Wednesday. I was not feeling right and they told me to come in and then they found protein in my urine so wanted to do some tests and keep me in for a while. My blood tests came back to say I did not have pre-eclampsia thankfully but they still would not let me go because of the hypertension. I ended up having quite a few tests and despite my begging could not get out until after a few days. The protein in the urine only seemed to last a day! :shrug:

My scan was on Thursday and he is measuring fine and the placenta is in good condition. He is still breach so I have another scan on the 20th to see if he is moved by then. If he is still breach at the next scan they will talk about turning him or c-section, I don't like either option but I have heard so many horror stories about babies getting turned and things going wrong I am really put off by it and I don't want to risk putting him in danger (after hearing about a babies neck getting snapped in the procedure). I hope he turns by himself so I can at least attempt a natural birth.

I am feeling really rubbish at the moment because of my hypertension, my SPD is really acting up, the general third trimester discomforts, my belly actually hurts, my sickness has returned (washing powder smells are making me feel sick for the first time since the first trimester) and despite just getting rid of a urine infection I think I have another infection. I feel bad complaining but I am really ready for him to be here already. I really can not believe it is possible to get any bigger, hurt and more or become any more uncomfortable. I used to wonder why people complained about going over due and thought they should just be happy they did not go into early labour but I finally understand why.
LOL definately have a chat with your mw or gp, its not good that your feeling this way - perhaps some counselling would help??

Omi - big big hugs, not long left now tho hunni xxxx

Shmoo - whoop for shopping

I'm sending you alll some big big :hug: xxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks for asking, the appointment was rubbish, they didn't do anything. Didn't feel baby, my tummy, nothing. Just took my blood pressure and a wee sample. I went to the doctors a few days later feeling unwell and they found protein in my wee, waiting to see the midwife next week but she seems to think it will be nothing to worry about.
Drazic, I am guessing your blood pressure is fine and you have no other symptoms? If the expect pre-eclampsia they will do a blood test and get the results back VERY quickly (a few hours at most) because of how quickly it can get worse if you do have it. So I would try not to worry too much about it but do read up on the symptoms are and call your labour ward if you get any.

I was sent back into hospital by the midwife again yesterday! At the labour ward the urine test showed more protein and some blood so as always they rushed the blood tests through which once again came back with no pre-eclampsia. The doctor said the blood was fine as I have being loseing tiny drops (VERY small amount, barely dots) but at this stage it is ok since things are probably just opening up and getting ready for the birth. They basically think the hypertension and symptoms will turn into pre-eclampsia so keep making me go in and have constant tests. They are making out like they are waiting for a bad blood test result so they can do a c-section but I am still not convinced it will even turn into it. But since I am high risk for developing pre-eclampsia they are really careful. I am getting really sick of going in now though, but am glad they did not keep me in over night and they were going to give me another 24 hour test but he let me off from the last time I did it a few days ago. But I am back in to see a consultant tomorrow and I may end up having to go into hospital to see a consultant twice a week instead of a midwife which is really out of the way and inconvenient.

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