Hi Zoe! :wave: We are all there with you - we know how scary it is (and continues to be!!). I hope you get a scan soon for a bit of reassurance. How great is that that it all happened at the last possible time!! It's meant to be.
BL - you are hardcore! I still enjoy getting out for a nice walk but going to the gym?!

Good luck to you though, I'm very impressed. You and Poshie make me feel like such a lazy lump! I'm certainly not massive, but when you talk about putting on a stone? I go up and down by a stone regularly - I'm one of these up and down people - I wish I could just stay the same (at the bottom end of course!). At least I don't mind going up a stone during pregnancy though - it doesn't mean anything to me! But I could do with not putting on too much because I'm borderline of being OK and not.
Poshie - I think it's also good to try them out with a baby in them. I get a bit carried away in the shops, pushing them fast and turning quickly - dh is always looking at me like I'm a bit of a nutter. I guess I'm thinking of loosing all the baby weight after. I'm a bit more subdued when I have someone else's baby in it! Funny that.
Omi - take it easy hun - hope dh gives you a hand this weekend and you get the chance to put your feet up a bit.
So I'm sitting at home at the moment waiting for delivery of a doppler. I wasn't going to get one but i'm really struggling with this lack of movement and would like the reassurance. Hopefully I can find the heartbeat cos I'll be a nightmare if not. I just have to keep telling myself that baby was looking happy and healthy on Monday, there is no reason anything should have changed. I'll let you know how it goes.
Anyone know how Drazic is doing? We haven't heard from her in a while, hope she's OK.
Anyway, I'll post a bump picture this weekend