3rd Time Lucky Club

Thanks girls. dh and I had a long talk about things and we have decided we'll talk to midwife about how I'm feeling. I have had a bad weekend - but I think I am unwell at the moment which is not helping. I have a terrible headache that I can't shake and quite bad sickness so thinking I have something viral, but of course it could all just be pregnancy! I had a bit of a meltdown yesterday morning, couldn't stop crying but I have felt a bit better since. There's nothing I can do, I just have to wait but will speak to midwife about how I'm feeling because I can't go on like this. But I had counselling recently but it doesn't seem to have helped based on what a nutcase I still am!!

Omi, I'm really sorry you have had so much stress the last few days. I'm sure I should know, but why are you high risk for pre-eclapsia? I hope he turns. My friend recently had all that stress but gave birth naturally this morning to a beautiful little boy. She was so stressed about the turning but when they got there to attempt the turning he had done it on his own. Fingers crossed your baby does too. I'm sure it's very uncomfortable in the last stages - you moan away hun, that's what we're here for - an I certainly do my fair share!!

Missy Mojo - how are you doing? 8 weeks tomorrow. That's great!

Drazic - so no need for loose clothing then? Shame they seem a bit useless.
Schmoo - that's some shopping you've been doing girl!!
Still scared stiff....back to work, oh what fun.
And to top it off, my ticker now says about kicking. There's just no getting away from it. I just want to curl up and go to sleep until September is out the way. urggghh.
Hello ladies. I've had some catching up to do here, so bear with me.

Lol, I'm sorry you are feeling like this. Did you get offered counselling previously? I definitely agree with the others that you should talk to your midwife - she should be able to offer you some help. :hugs: I didn't feel any kicking at your stage hun. Mine didn't start til about 19 weeks.

Omi - you poor thing, I'm sorry you have been in and out of hospital. That is no fun for at all. I guess it's good it's not PE but worrying to have to keep having tests in case it turns into that. Hope baby turns around on his own so you don't have to have a manual turn or c-section.

BL - hope you enjoyed your stay in Cornwall and the weather wasn't too bad?

Missy - Happy 8 Weeks already, how are you feeling?

Drazic - Sounds like that appt wasn't quite as you were expecting. What is next?

Shmoo - good to hear from you. Sounds like you have been busy with baby things too!

There have been a few developments with me. Well not so much me as DH. He has had a Bell's palsy (partial facial paralysis for those who might not know). It came on suddenly last week and he's been on a high dose of steroids since. It was very scary when it happened because it was sudden and we thought it could be a stroke or brain tumour. Fortunately the chances are it's temporary, but not everyone recovers so we are anxiously waiting for improvement. It has effected the left side of his face, so he can't close his eye, or smile, or eat or taste properly. Not easy, especially when he has to deal with his patients every day :(

Other than that, we had a good weekend away at my sisters. Her boy is growing up fast and is currently teething. He had a very grizzly day on Saturday (very unlike him) but Sunday he was his usual happy self. Went to Mothercare and checked out the Bugaboo and Quinny which are both nice, but Q looking better value at £200 less. We are sooo lucky because we have inherited a load of stuff from my sister. We have sooo many baby blothes, mobiles, breast pads, bottles, towels, swinger, car seat etc. She even bought me a brand new changing bag complete with bits insdie, bless her.
Lol, I am glad that you are going to talk to your midwife about how you are feeling. :hugs:

Poshie, I hope that things improve for you DH soon. :flower:

I am high risk for getting pre-eclampsia because I have all the symptoms and hypertension, protein in urine and my Mum got it which make me a higher risk. I am not as convinced it will happen since it has gone on for so long and the blood tests keep coming back fine, I am sick of having to go in at least every other day. I am just starting to feel like refusing all care now, I won't but I am seriously feeling that way. I am always feeling physically unwell and and mentally drained all the time and I feel like I am losing the bond with the baby because I am just so sick of feeling like this. I feel so guilty for even thinking like that though.
im feeling terrible at 8w constant nausea lol but i'm re-assured by it too
im off to drs this am - work yesterday was hell, i feel asleep at work, spent ages in the loos, fell asleep on the bus home, yoghurts and water are not enough food to keep me going at work, ......
Oh girls :hugs: This pregnancy thing is hard isn't it? Why can't it be simple eh?

I don't blame you for being fed up with it all Omi, I would be the same. It must be stressful and worrying and you could do without it.

The tiredness/exhaustion was a killer for me Missy in those early days. It should pass at some point, hopefully sooner rather than later :hugs:
Hi All!!

Im back!, had a great weekend, weather was ok, not great but ok....lots of walking (waddling in my case) i cant seem to walk too far without getting a tight tummy!!

LOL and Omi, oh guys it seems yr both having a rough time one way or another, there really is light at the end of the tunnel and you have to focus on that. LOL i really would speak to yr MW im sure she will have a bit of advice.

Poshie, I know several people that have had bells palsy....it went in all of them after about 5/6 weeks completely, it rarely stays!!

Missy, the tiredness and sickness will go...just another month probably, that wont cheer you up but the signs are all great!!!

As for me my only ailment is that i DONT or should i say CANT go to the loo for a number 2!!!! i go about 2x a week, rabbit poos all the time....grrrrrrrr TMI i know. I tried bucket loads of water, prunes, prune yoghurt, fybogel and now im peed off so ill be reporting to my MW whom i finally see next week!! she better give me some good stuff or ill burst!!!!! ;-)

Oh yeah...and my cough is back!!!!! its driving me insane!!!!

Girlies hang in there, it will all be worth it in the end!!! xxx
PS if i go by my private scan dates (and they said they were more accurate) then im 24 weeks and 3 days!!!!! so Im VIABLE as they say...although I know it really doesnt mean that much this early! xxx
BL, I am glad you had a good weekend.

Today's trip to the hospital started out disappointing when I found out I was just seeing a midwife for the regular checks I have had to have twice a week and I am off to see my community midwife for tomorrow. They said my blood pressure was too high again so rolled out all the regular pre-eclampsia tests again and got me reviewed by a doctor. Basically the doctor wrote in my notes that the midwives should only send me in if my blood pressure and protein levels get REALLY high so it has made me so happy. After not spending more than a day out of the hospital in a long while I finally feel like I might not end up back in for a full two weeks (for my scan and breach birth planning on the 20th)! I physically feel dreadful still but today's visit went well and I was told exactly what I wanted to be and I genuinely feel less stressed out now. I was once again told not to really do anything and despite getting told this a lot my husband seems to realise he has to at least try to help out and attempted to do a bit of cleaning.
Gosh, so much is going on! It's lovely to hear from everyone.
Omi - I'm so glad you are getting a bit of a rest from the hospital, it can't help stress levels to be continually having to go and I know it's not an easy journey for you.
BL - Congrats on viability! It must feel reassuring to reach that milestone. Cornwall sounds lovely - all that waddling will have done you good!
Missy - hang in there! It's hard work those first few weeks (and the last few weeks are to by the sounds of things!!). The tiredness is a real killer but it will get better. Mind you, my sickness is only just going now.

Poshie - oh hun, what a nightmare. That must be very scary but it sounds hopeful that everything will be OK and he'll make a full recovery. I remember your sister being pregnant from when we were in TTC - that all seems a long time ago now!! Great that you can use loads of her stuff!!

I'm still the same. No movements yet - nearly 16 1/2 weeks. I don't think this is right. I'm really preparing for the worst tomorrow which probably sounds extreme but it's just how I feel. When people say "I didn't feel much until x weeks" what does it actually mean? Like Poshie, you didn't feel a kick until 19 weeks but then you felt movement before that, right? I don't know, it's all irrelevant. Even if I felt movement at 12 weeks it wouldn't mean it would be OK and I may not feel anything till much later and it all could be fine. But I just can't convince myself of that right now. I can only see the dark side. oooeerrr!! That sounds a bit strange. Anyway, just trying to get myself through until tomorrow although I don't know what happens if they can't find a heartbeat. They'll probably just say oh well, it's nothing to worry about, come back next week and spend all your weekend panicking about it.
Hiya ladies

sorry I havent popped in for a while :hugs: it seems i have missed loads since last time I was here & im sorry that so many of you are having a tough time of things :(

Lol - Please try not to worry babe (I know you WILL worry & its perfectly understandable but 16wks is very early to feel definate movements)

hope everyone else is ok :hugs: xx
Lol, I should clarify - I didn't feel 'movement' til 19 weeks hun. I don't believe I am feeling actual kicks yet, although DH thinks he did the other night. The movement thing is a strange sensation which could be mistaken for something else. We will all be thinking of you at your scan and wish you lots of luck :hugs:

Hi Nicky, thanks for dropping in :wave:
Thanks Poshie and Nicky. And thank you so much for the clarification Poshie. Seriously that will help me get through the day. Isn't it stupid how much you can put these things under a microscope?!! Ultimately, what does it matter to my pregnancy if you felt movement or not at 16 weeks. It makes no difference, but I guess it does help to know that this is normal. I am totally obsessing I know and I thank you all for listening to my insane ramblings like a bloody mad woman. I don't talk to people in my life about this because they would (rightly) call the men with the little white coats for me!!
Lol please dont worry, I certainly hadnt felt a thing i dont think at 16 weeks....even now the kicks are more nudges!!

Let us know how your appt goes xx
Lol, try to remember you are weeks off the average time to start feeling movements and ultimately it does not really matter if you feel them early or later. I felt movements and kicks early and still did not feel much more reassured and became panicked when I did not feel them for a few hours. Now I have not felt a kick for a long time and am back to feeling just a few movements a day (admittedly sometimes painful) because he is breach. :hugs:

I thought I would update my bump photo now I am looking and feeling massive. I know a lot of people are much bigger by now but my belly is measuring about right and my LO is measuring average and although my waters are not massive they are still in the lower end of average. So, here is my 35+1 bump.

View attachment 73926
Ok, I'm chilled. What ever will be will be. I can't keep this stress up. And shhh, don't tell anyone, but I think I felt movement a couple of times today - so I figure that the baby must have a heartbeat at least which will get me through the weekend at least until my scan on Monday. I've just got to silence that little devil now who keeps saying, but you didn't really feel movement and even if it's moving, it doesn't mean it's OK. Arrghhhh.... get lost devil!! My little devil speaks alot louder than the little angel on the other shoulder. Do I sound proper loopy to anyone? Yes, I thought so!!

Omi, I'm loving that bump. I keep saying once I get to this stage, I will take a picture, but then I don't. But right now I'm put off because mine is nearly as big as yours except alot less neat and tidy.
When my movements started I went days in-between feeling anything so don't start worrying if you don't feel much tomorrow. I am sure your scan will go fine and you will feel better then.

I started taking bump photos with my pregnancy bloating and then again at about 12, 16, 20, 26, 30 and 35 and I am sure the 20 week one was one of the bigger ones! If you feel more relaxed after your scan you should take one. The midwives have said the I have tight stomach muscles and I have no idea how since I am not the active type. :shrug: Also my waters are not low but are on the smaller end of normal and he is breach so I am not sure how much that all effects bump size. But I had a lot of worries for a few months because of people saying I looked too small.

I forgot to say that today my midwife said he has moved down! Now if he will just go head down I would feel much better.
Hello ladies :) It's 24 weeks and Viability Day for me today!

Anyway, loving the bump Omi. I think you have a nice neat bump, but I can only imagine how big you must feel. I feel big and I'm way behind you! Goodness knows what I'll be like at your stage...

Hoorah for the movements yesterday Lol. I bet they were you know. Mine are still very intermittent and as Omi says, everyone is different. There is no right or wrong time. Hey, we'd love to see a bump pic when you feel up to it?
Great bump omi!!! Very neat and trim!
Lol I'm certain they were movements..... But please don't be scared of they are still few and far between. Once I got my first wriggles I would go days without anything!! That's normal. It's only now over 24 weeks that I feel them daily, having said that I was walking all the time in Cornwall and it kept him really quiet!! So, anyway Great sign!!!!!

I'm on a team meeting today, the others have an assult course activity afternoon.....so I am chillin on the bed!!!! Easy days work for me:-) x

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