3rd Time Lucky Club

Well hello Girlies!!

Im now officially a mummy to Freddie James Lines, and hes the most adorable thing i ever saw!!

You know the story, I had no choice but to have a section on Friday 2nd July. I eventually went to theatre at 3pm and was shitting myself. Anyway Freddie was born at 3.56 pm weighing 5.8lbs. His teeny weeny! We are home now and i love him dearly! I cant stop staring at him. Hes still sleepy which is a nightmare for feeding, as a preemie he wont latch on at all, waking him every 3 hours for a feed is a total palava...ie he never wants to wake up! they say its coz he was a section and a preemie, and one of these days all hell will break loose but it do find it a little worrying. Once he gets sucking his bottle he is away!!...then falls asleep ;-)

I am expressing at the mo, i have a weeny bit of milk but its bloody agony!! Im hoping the "letting down" of milk will happen tonight as my boobs are huge and sooooooooooooooo sore!!

Other than the feeding issue i adore being a mum, I love hime more than I ever thought posssible...but its a mare at night going to bed as I just worry constantly and cant stop checking him

Ill keep you posted, you guys have soooo much to look forward to, its amazing. Im just glad he is here safe....bollocks to having a natural v a Csection!!

Hey BL that is fabulous news, many congratulations :yipee: Freddie sounds adorable. It would be great to see a picture if you can some time. You came home quite quickly didn't you, so you and baby must be doing well. So was it the placenta previa that was the cause of the bleed?

They do say that it can take longer for the milk to come through when you've had a c-section, rather than an natural birth. I'm sure you're doing a great job though and it won't be long til the milkers are in full swing!

Thanks for letting us know. I hope to hear some more from you about how it's all going, when you get the chance.

You have done it, graduate no. 2, you have your baby in your arms at last! :happydance:
Congratulations! Joshua's middle name is James too, lol. He must seem so tiny, I though Joshua was tiny at 6lbs 14oz! :dohh: I am glad it went well, I know you would not have wanted a c-section but sometimes they are just unavoidable and I am still a bit upset I never got to go through labour and a natural birth but once I saw him it did not seem to matter any more. I do feel a bit bitter about people who manage to have a home birth (I know I shouldn't) and part of me is still expecting to go into labour over 2 months on which makes no sense at all. I'm not going to lie, the first few days/weeks of breastfeeding is really hard and expressing will make that easier. I felt like giving up so many times but it was made easier on week 3 when we gave him expressed milk and now he has expressed milk from a bottle everyday alongside direct feeding a bit in the day and fully on a night. I feel so much less stress from giving some expressed feeds and he is still getting the good milk. Your supply of milk should pick up in a few days as long as you stick with it and before you know it you will feel like a cow (I honestly can not believe how much milk I make now). On day three when my milk really started to come in it I expressed 10ml in hospital and now I can get about 250ml in the same amount of time!

I look forward to a photo when you have time too. Make sure you take plenty, I can't believe how fast they grow. Joshua would have fit in early baby wear when he was born (although we put him in newborn which looked far too big and just invested in early baby booties) and now he is into 3-6 months already. :huh:
Congratulations BL
Thats fab news! I look forward to see a picture when you get one uploaded!

Wow four weeks left Poshie! That will soon fly over! Is there anyone else due around the same time on this thread?

I have my 20 week scan on the 3rd Aug, & already counting the days down! I had a dream the other night i was holding a little girl in my arms so who knows might be a sign!

How is eveyone then any news?
Hi Omi, good to hear from you. How are things going with young Joshua? How are you feeling? Has motherhood been as you expected?

Zoe, I am actually due 3 weeks tomorrow, so even less time (well potentially) ;) BL was due just a couple of days before me, so it's quite scary that's she's already had her baby now! I think I'm next then possibly Lol78, but I haven't heard from her for AGES.

It's my last day of work on Friday, well I will actually be leaving at 1.30pm so half a day really. Can't wait now :happydance: Quite pleased that I've managed to stick out work for this long. This means longer off work with baby of course ;)

OOO 20 week scan coming up then........very exciting. I remember I was fine up until the day when I suddenly got very nervous. Didn't help that we had a 'matronly' sonographer. I'm sure all will be fine (odds are very much on your side at this stage) and you will enjoy seeing your little baby on the screen.
hi All

dont really know how to introduce myself.
my partner is 6 weeks pregnant for the 3rd time.
1st time she lost her (louise) at 6 months i think in 2004
miscarriage at 9 weeks in November 2009.
found out we are pregnant around the same time the last one would of been due.
i'm so petrified even though im not showing it.
these pains and spotting just make me feel sick and i get so emotional on my own.
so excited on the other hand just want it to work.
signs are good i think.
extreme tiredness, having naps in the day and around 9-10 hours sleep at night but restless sleep as boobs wreck, tummy pains, dizzyness.
moody which she wont admit.
just rough in general.
fingers crossed for everyone.
Hello kns and welcome to our thread.

I think the early days of pregnancy are scary at the best of times, let alone when you've had multiple mc. So is she suffering from some spotting right now? How long has this been for?

This pregnancy, I too felt 'rough' at your partner's stage. I didn't have morning sickness,
just very tired (in bed after work) from about 6- 10 weeks.

Feel free to come by here for support - we've all been in similar situations and know how tough it can be :hugs:

We had our first graduation a few months back and have had our second last week. I'm next on the list and getting excited! So there's plenty of positive stories here too.

Best of luck for third time lucky for you and your partner x
no she hasn't spotted since saturday but over weekend she had really bad thrush so think it was that, midwife says she has a few concerns but doesnt want to discuss just yet but if pain continues of if any other symptom appears then call emergency doctor who will get her booked into EPU in North Staff Hospital.
thanks x
I'm not really on her now but keep sneaking back but welcome kns. I don't think the worrying stops but the first few months are the hardest.

I think we have had a few graduates now, Samzi, me, JellyT (I know she did not use this thread much but she had her daughter a few days after me), beachlover and Poshie should be joining the list in a few weeks. So quite a few positive stories so far. We will have to make a thread in the group section in the lounge area of the site soon!

Good luck on the 20 week scan Zoe, I did not realise how good the scan pictures can be at that stage until Joshua was born and he had the same nose and mouth I could see on the scan. I hope it all goes well and if you are finding out the gender that your little one gives you a nice clear view.

You had done really well Poshie staying at work so long. They automatically presumed I would have the full amount and then stuck the holiday hours I had to use up on top of it which I went along with as I felt rubbish, it turned out best that they did that though as by the end of the second trimester the doctors said they would have signed me off if I was still there. The last few weeks went really fast for me so with any luck they will for you too. You must be getting really excited now, are you prepared for everything?

Everything is good here, Joshua slept all day yesterday and kept me up almost all night so I am exhausted again though. We had our 8 week check on Monday (even though it was almost 9 weeks) and I am finally starting to heal from the c-section and Joshua is doing well. He had his first set of immunisations which made me feel evil when he cried and he did his real upset cry too which is quieter than the regular one but more upset but he was fine other than being a bit tiered once they were done. Motherhood is great other than having to look for childcare for September for 3 or so days a week and I can't imagine how I will cope leaving him. :cry: I know all parents say this But Joshua is just so perfect, smart, cute and I just love him so much. :cloud9:
I'm also praying for 3 rd time lucky. I had 2 mmc in last 10 months ( one was our honeymoon baby) and here I am preg again early scan showed 2 sacs one empty the other a fetal pole which was too early to tell if viable ( I thought I was 10 days further on) so I got a torturous wait until my next scan. I'm 32 yrs old and what makes it harder is I'm a midwife and see others through their pregnancy and joy of their babies when I'm so desperate to experience that joy myself. So I'm praying lots and have all my friends praying for this baby too. God bless all those in the same situation and I hope you get that joy I am also chasing x
Hello all and welcome thismonth :)

Wow, I can imagine it must be particularly tough for you working with pregnant ladies for a living. Really hope you will be third time lucky :hugs: This group has a great graduation rate and has been great support for me and others in similar position. When is your next scan? How many weeks pg are you?

Kns-how's things with your partner's pregnancy? Hope all progressing well?

Omi - good to hear from you and glad to hear Joshua is doing well. Must be horrible making them have their jabs, I'm going to be rubbish at that!

I had my presentation scan yesterday and baby is cephalic so that's good news. I'm booked in at the birth centre. I'm nervous about how it will all turn out...best laid plans and all that ;) Feeling very uncomfortable in this weather and I just can't physically do much.
My scan is Thursday half of me wants to get it over with but the other half of me doesn't as I'm not ready for this to be over. We have family friends and colleagues praying for us so its in gods hands now. I never thought starting a family for us would be so hard! I'm also worried I don't know if I'm looking into it too much but I feel my boobs aren't as sore anymore and sickness not been so bad last few days. I'm completely tortured.
Hi all, just popping in quickly to say hi! a fewnewbies i see...welcome! Not long now Poshie, its such a great feeling finishing work....although I worked one day and then went to hospital!!!! Freddie is doing well, still a mare to feed being so sleepy. I have looked alot into it and its a commom preemie thing. Although he was 36+3 and only just still prem, he essentially should be in my tum! its a worrying time having a prem but hes getting there. He can fit newborn clothes too so I am trying to dress him in proper day clothes and proper night clothes instead of babygrows all the time to try to get his body clock reversed...he sleeps all day and wakes 3 hourly at night!!!

Anyway i hit the dreaded brick wall of tiredness today....i have been running on adrenalin for a week...until today when i woke up and could hardly move!! but i have had long naps with freddie so feeling a bit more awake this evening!!

Ill keep popping back, i did upload a photo yesterday....then it crashed so ill get another on on asap. xxx
Thismonth - totally understand your nervousness......as you know, every pregnancy is different and I didn't really get sore boobs at any time during pregnancy. I also didn't get sick, just felt exhausted for a few weeks around 6-10 week mark.

We're the same-never thought starting a family would be so difficult. We're taught how not to get pg, not how to deal with any problems when we actually want to!

I think the waiting is the hardest bit.....waiting for scans/appts etc is so tough in those early days. I bet Thursday seems like an eternity. I'll be thinking of you and wish you lots and lots of luck-pls let us know how you get on :hugs:

BL - hello and it's good to hear from you. Hope you manage to get Freddie's body clock sorted soon. I've been told how you have to sleep when they do, but that can't be easy when it's during the day....although I guess if you're tired enough you will ;) Can't wait to see pic! X
beachlover, Joshua did not fit into newborn cloths to start with, but we only got early baby booties and it did not take long for him to fit into the newborn clothes. I found that romper suits were really good (still are in the in-between sizes) even when they are too big they still sort of work. Joshua had issues with not latching on right to start with and it is so stressful when they don't seem to be feeding right, I was so scared when he had crystals in his urine the first few day. I hope that Freddie starts to feed and sleep better for you soon. I found that one Joshua was eating right his sleep got better so hopefully it will be the same for you too. :hugs:

I must start a graduates group soon so I can stop invading yours, lol. :dohh:
ended up in a and e on friday suspected ectopic prepped for surgery then went for scan and everything perfect, saw our blob beating away.
so may of been burst cyst.
What a traumatic Friday you had! So glad everything turned out fine for you in the end :D
What's next? A booking in appt with midwife maybe?

Omi - I have heard lots of stories about how stressful bf can be in the early days.....perserverence seems to be the key. Hope I can do it! How are you feeling these days?

I'm having a relatively lazy day today after a couple of busyish ones. I picked up my travel system yesterday which is cool. Feeling knackered today so chilling out for a bit ;) I wonder when pip will arrive?
Hi all...
I'm Leah, and I'm 19.

Thought this might be the best place for me, seeing as I'm hoping this one is the third time lucky.

Me and my OH have 2 angel babies, one MMC, and one MC, and we're hoping this one is a sticky one! :thumbup: :bunny: :thumbup:
we had booking in appointment at 5 weeks so next will be dating scan at 12 weeks yay x
heulyn - good luck will have fingers crossed for you.
we know the feeling but you just have a feeling when things are going to be ok.

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