3rd trimester cloth nappy/diaper addicts?


Mum of two
Oct 28, 2009
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I have seen a few threads on the third trimester boards about cloth nappies so I was wondering if anyone else wanted a place to have a general chat about them. In the third trimester we might be getting addicted to buying them already so we need an outlet for our endless cloth nappy talk that might not fit quite into the natural parenting section since we are not actually using them yet.

I am hoping people might want to show off their nappy stash, talk about what they are buying/have coming in the post, any good deals they have seen, and I know that real nappy week is coming up in the UK and I think there might be something called festival of fluff coming up in Australia.

I am wondering how other peoples OH are finding the idea of using them too? DH want me to make a cheat sheet of how to use all the different types. :haha:

I tried cloth nappies with my first son but did not stick with them however not only are we determined to this time but we will have spent too much not to use them this time.

I never ever thought about cloth before getting pregnant, and then wandered into the natural parenting forum one day by accident and have kind of ever left!

I decided to get a whole load preloved on eBay, and then some new ones to take us through the first few months.

I've got about 25 tots bots bamboozles preloved, and then 14 little lamb fitteds as well, so will see how we get on with them! Got a whole load of different wraps to go with them :) and then got some itti bitti SIO as they were on sale!

I can't wait til LO gets here and I know the gender and can start buying more :haha: I think I'm going to be an AI2 girl, as long as they work for us, and cheap pockets for when LO is with my parents!
Oh we got caught up in the various itti bitti sales! :blush: I'm pretty annoyed they are pulling there UK warehouse out because I love two of the new prints coming out this year. We were all about AI2's with DS1 but thins time I am wanting AIO's and pockets for the day and AI2's for the night.

We have about just over half of what we want to buy but are waiting for real nappy week now in the hope of getting some good deals. I have a few more nappies coming this week but by the end of this week I should have;
  • 6x Bum Genius AIO newborn size
  • 4x Itti Bitti D'lish newborn size
  • 3x size 0 Totsbots wraps
  • 5x Totsbots flexitots size 1 (seconds)
  • 6x Totsbots Easyfit V2's
  • 6x Itti bitti Tutto's
  • 2x costom Weenotion's
  • 1x Pop-in new generation
  • 1x Bum Genius organic

What else I will get may depend on what deals I can find since all of the above bar the 2 Weenotions were a really good deal. Still high on my wishlist to get before the birth are;
  • 5x Totsbots Bamboozle Stretch size 1 (seconds)
  • 12x flat nappies and 3 Nappi Nippas
  • 1x Bum Genius organic or elemental
  • 5x Bum Genius freetime
  • 3-4x Totsbots Easyfit V3's
  • 3x Baba&Boo pockets
  • 1x Rumparooz G2 with a matching Rumparooz doll nappy for DS1's doll
  • 3-4x size 1 wraps
  • 9x cool baby printed nappies (so cheap to import I can't help but want to try them out)
  • 3x Tiny nippers pockets (I'm not 100% sure on these but I hear they are in RNW and there are 3 prints I love)

There are a few more cute nappies I want but will be more the sort of thing I would get when DS2 is crawling for a cute photo opportunity.
I really want to use cloth nappies. I just get so confused by it all and no matter how many times I read about it I can't seem to feel comfortable with the idea I know how to use them. I need an idiots step by step guide on pocket nappies as I think these seem the easiest to use. I've made a wish list of fuzzibunz and bum genius so if I can get to grips I know which to use. I might buy just a couple and try them one day. If its as easy as I think I'll buy the rest.
I am jealous of all the pictures of ppls cloth stashes I've seen though. They look so cute :)
I felt like that when reading up about them with DS1 and then there were no where near as many options as there are now. DH finds them all very confusing still and he likes totsbots the most, I think he still feels more comfortable with the two part systems which is what we mostly had with DS1.

I really, really recommend youtube tutorials if your finding it a bit confusing. :thumbup: I have looked up almost every nappy I have bought to see how it works on youtube. Also the natural parenting section on here is really useful for any general questions.

I think the easiest to use that I have so far are the newborn bum genius AIO's which I got in a sale. They are 3 for £10 in pink and since I don't mind putting a boy in a pink nappy so I got 6 of them since I want newborn sized nappies but won;t spend much on something that will not get much use. I just hope they work as well as they look.

I will have to try and get a half way point stash photo soon however I am still waiting on 9 nappies and 3 wraps to be delivered in the next few days.
OMG I am very very very much an addict! Keep meaning to take photos of my whole stash, but seeing the extent of it is a little worrying!

Here is how I'm storing the ones that should fit her quite soon:


You can see the full tower in this one:


In the tower I have (top to bottom):

2 Fuzzibunz in XS/S
2 Itti Bitti AIO Medium & 2 Itti Bitti SIO Medium
5 BG flip covers and 6 flip Newborn inserts (In top drawer of the dresser I have the bigger stay dry and organic inserts - about 15 of them altogether)
About 8 white muslins
2 Itti Bitti SIO small, 2 white OneLife Newborn Covers, 1 Weenotions NB Cover, 1 Little Joeys NB cover
2 Tb Teenyfits, 4 BumGenius XS
The next 2 holes are a bit empty in the photo, but as you can see there was lots on the radiator that night, but that's where my bamboo fitteds live, I have a lot of ME bamboo sandies as I love them, and also some Babeco and TB Bamboozle Stretchies.
Below that more ME Sandies in S
Below that are bigger covers, I have a TB nature Girl (my favourite) and a few ME Rikki Wraps.

Top drawer of the dresser has boosters, liners and prefolds.

And see that purple box on the bottom shelf? It's FULL of birth to potty pockets!

Cute nursery and I love your storage idea. I can't wait to have my full stash together to take a photo of it all but I won't be thinking about how much we spent on them when I do take it. :haha: I don't think we will have saved much if any money by using cloth.
Cupcake baby and omiomen way to make me feel underprepared :haha: your stashes are insane!!! And cupcake baby the organisation :shock: can you come round and do my house?!

Zfbaby, I get confused a lot when reading as well, there are so many options and brands its just crazy :wacko: that's why I started with just some preloved (aka cheap!) and then the little lambs and ittis I bought were in the sale, so not too expensive either. That way, if things don't work and I sell them on I won't lose much money.

I'm so excited for when LO is here though so I can start buying more! I have my eye on some
-Charlie bananas (love the prints!)
- grovia ai2
- fuzzibunz
- Alva for my parents to use
- itti Tuttos
- flips
- wizard duos

I doubt I'll get them all, I'll buy one of my favourites and if they work for now I'll keep going with them, then work down the list if they don't suit us.

I also got some prefolds just to make doubly sure we can use cloth from the get go! We are planning on using sposies in the hospital until we get to grips with the fact that WE HAVE A BABY:haha: then once our small pack (40 I think) of sposies is used up onto the cloth train we go!

Oh and my dh was really supportive about it all. He definitely needs some training in how to use them, but he's been right behind me, as we are both pretty Eco friendly :) it's my family who haven't been so great :(
I just got mine.... 4 x itti bitti dlish and 12 x itti bitti tuttos.

Going to look for some more pre loved ones I think.
Wow, look at you all! I never thought I would use cloth diapers, but my son got AWFUL rashes from every disposable we tried, and it was just so gross, bloody, and painful for him that I switched and haven't seen a rash since! I made my own inserts, we use Flips and BumGenius. Also, I live in the US, and I don't know ANYone else who uses cloth here! So this is a nice thread. :)
And cupcake baby the organisation :shock: can you come round and do my house?!

I hope you realise that this organisation is born of pregnancy boredom/impatience, and the second she is here they will probably be in a big heap on the floor! :haha:

My DH is pretty on board, now I've bought them all (all bought with PayPal funds I got from selling stuff on eBay, so haven't technically cost us anything) he can really see the benefit and money savigs, and often comments on the prices of nappies in the supermarket. I also told him about the rashes and chemicals etc, and now he's not even keen on the disposables I have for the hospital etc.

We're just really really hoping it works out well in practice!!
I only have those cloth nappies and some clothes, everything else we will be getting next month so I'm not vary prepared at all. I have just seen good deals on nappies that I couldn't pass up on.

I would like to use a Gbaby set for in the hospital but I won't pay full price for something that gets almost no use so unless one comes up pre-loved very cheap we will use disposables for a few days. I had to have a c-section with DS1 and am hoping for a VBAC this time but if it doesn't work out I'll be in hospital for a few days and can't bare the idea of using full-cloth under that pressure.

DH was really pro-cloth last time and to start with he was not sure this time because we didn't stick with it full time with DS1 but he has come around to the idea. I do think he likes the totsbots 2 part systems but it is not like he will be doing many nappy changes for it to matter.
Meee!! I just bought a bunch of new nappies (7 Tots Bots easy fits, a couple of Bum Genius and 3 Pop n Gro's) and DS decides he's ready to potty train :doh:. DH is not too impressed that we now have almost 100 nappies and potentially will only have 1 child in nappies :haha:.
My DH was very anti cloth, he thought it would be loads of work and not save much money (the environmental factors didn't interest him, tut tut). But now he likes it because a couple of times recently we've had to have DS in disposables when we were away from home and the price of disposables shocks him: "It costs HOW much for HOW many nappies??!!" :haha:. Also we use pockets and AIO's, I stuff them so literally all he has to do is put the nappy on DS and then put the liner down the toilet and stick the nappy in the bucket so he's fine with them :).
This is a bit embarrassing to admit but I have been collecting nappies since TTC :blush: just one or two a month. OH knew that it helped me with waiting and he became really interested in the different types of nappies. He talks about it to everyone! Our stash shot is below... Newborn nappies on top shelf, then the rest include some Issy Bears, Charlie Banana, Tots Bots Easyfits and also some stretchies and Little Lambs for night time, Baba+boo, Applecheeks, BumGenius Flips and pockets, a couple of Ebay cheapies and some Itti Bittis (although I'm not convinced by the Itti Bittis, might sell them on) - plus some nappy wraps from Etsy (though I've just realised that you can't see them in the pic) and extra bamboo inserts and fleece liners from Little Lamb. I haven't bought much for night as I want to see how much the stretchies suit baby as a landmark! We also have some Cheeky Wipes and Pop in wipes that I got free from the baby show last year when I went with my best friend. I feel done with the stash now after a couple of the new Frugi Easyfits :) now just to see what suits baby...

The newborn nappies have all been pre washed, but the others are awaiting washing which is why I haven't stuffed them yet! It will look a bit neater when they're all stuffed!

A bit obsessed with wraps at the moment though - having to rein myself in after buying two new Didymos and an preloved Oscha (in addition to the stretchy that I'd already bought for me and the Ergo for OH)... oh dear :haha:

Also, just to clarify, all the little pots except for the CJs were gifted to me - I didn't go out like a mad thing buying loads of samples!


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Oooh beautiful stash Kintenda!!

I've also been collecting since TTC (so over 18 months now!)
Oooh beautiful stash Kintenda!!

I've also been collecting since TTC (so over 18 months now!)

I was quite embarrassed about it, but after I went to the baby show with my best friend last year her OH asked if I'd bought anything, so I confessed and told him - he thought that it was a great idea and said that he wished they had done it too, as it would have spread the cost out massively for them :) love your stash too! Isn't it weird to think that all the time and love that we spent researching and buying nappies is going to come to fruition in just a couple of weeks?! Xx

P.S. I really need to get some of those radiator things that you have - we have a heated airer which will be awesome for nappies (won't get too hot for the natural fibres), but if we have the radiator on I might as well make the most of it :)
I was quite embarrassed about it, but after I went to the baby show with my best friend last year her OH asked if I'd bought anything, so I confessed and told him - he thought that it was a great idea and said that he wished they had done it too, as it would have spread the cost out massively for them :) love your stash too! Isn't it weird to think that all the time and love that we spent researching and buying nappies is going to come to fruition in just a couple of weeks?! Xx

P.S. I really need to get some of those radiator things that you have - we have a heated airer which will be awesome for nappies (won't get too hot for the natural fibres), but if we have the radiator on I might as well make the most of it :)
I know! I don't quite believe it - I've had them so long just to look at or put on a bear, that it all seems a bit surreal.

But I'm super glad I did it now, I could easy make do with never buying a nappy again (psh-yeah, like I'm going to resist that temptation!), so think of the money I've saved!
Well I don't have too many because I am registered for some and haven't had my showers yet so I don't want to buy too much. Recently I got bit by the DIY bug though and have been playing with making some!

I have made 3 NB fleece soakers, and have 2 more ready to sew the legs on, but it aggravated my carpal tunnel so I haven't finished them yet :( I have the fabric and materials to make 5 small size as well, in case I have a bigger baby!

I got some preloved infant prefolds, which I am going to turn into prefitteds. I also plan to make some fitteds from some flannel, towels, and other stuff I have lying around the house. If the pre-loved prefolds to prefitteds works out, I plan to make quite a few of those. The cost of a used prefold, the fit and benefits of a fitted!

I am registered for the following:
Charlie Banana OS
Fuzzibunz Elite OS
Thirsties Duo size 1 covers
Thirsties Duo size 2 covers
Charlie Banana inserts
Thirsties insters
Great stash kintenda. I really like one or two of the Frugi Easyfits and plan to get them next month. I LOVE the mushroom magic print Easyfit, I have 2 coming this week but had to get them pre-loved since no where sells them or the tutti frutti new any more.

I love the look of my Itti Bitti nappies although they do look like the will fit a tall and skinny baby the best so I just hope that DS2 is the same sort of build DS1 is. I think I like the Itti Bitti nappies the most. Although I can't wait for the crawling stage to get some really cute photos with my Weenotions.

We don't start buying until after the 20 week scan (first pregnancy MMC, second a MC, third a high risk pregnancy so we just feel better waiting) but the first thing I started collecting slowly was nappies. I can't wait to finish off the stash in real nappy week though.
Great stash kintenda. I really like one or two of the Frugi Easyfits and plan to get them next month. I LOVE the mushroom magic print Easyfit, I have 2 coming this week but had to get them pre-loved since no where sells them or the tutti frutti new any more.

I love the look of my Itti Bitti nappies although they do look like the will fit a tall and skinny baby the best so I just hope that DS2 is the same sort of build DS1 is. I think I like the Itti Bitti nappies the most. Although I can't wait for the crawling stage to get some really cute photos with my Weenotions.

We don't start buying until after the 20 week scan (first pregnancy MMC, second a MC, third a high risk pregnancy so we just feel better waiting) but the first thing I started collecting slowly was nappies. I can't wait to finish off the stash in real nappy week though.

The frugi ones are really cute, aren't they? I'd like the dinos too but OH only wants them if bump turns out to be a boy, despite my vehement protests! I might get a couple more newborn nappies, I am not too sure yet. Might have a look around later and in RNW and see what teeny fits are on offer - fancied getting some lil joeys but I have heard mixed reviews, so not sure! I def agree with you that baby will prob have to be a certain shape to fit in the Itti Bittis, I figured it was worth getting some to try as some people rave about them and others seem to hate them (same as all brands I guess!) - they feel lush though!

Glad that you've found some pleasure in collecting :) I have really enjoyed showing them off to friends, who seem a bit dubious at first but when they stroke them (!) realise how awesome it would be to have pants like that, haha! Xx

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