3wks no period, BFNs - Symptoms - What is going on???


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2012
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Ok so......

It has been a long time since I have posted on here. I have a little boy who will be 2 in December.....not sure where that time has gone My partner and I are not trying, not preventing.

I remember you all being such a helpful bunch last time I came here so thought I'd try and get some advice/support from others.

I was supposed to have my period on the 25th/26th July and we are now knocking on for a 3rd week with no AF. I've done about 5 tests now at various intervals - all coming back as BFN's :BFN:

It is really unusual for me to miss a period or to go longer than a few days without AF. I haven't been particularly stressed out or anything.

Done a bit of reading up and seen that sometimes people get negative tests for weeks and then all of a sudden get positive tests, or only ever show positive on a blood test at Dr's.

I have some symptoms - feeling sickly first thing morning & last thing at night, sense of smell is through the roof, tingling boobs - boobs getting bigger too, bloating esp after eating, hot flushes, tiredness etc etc. Also had a weird thing where I had really bad cramps & er tummy troubles (sorry TMI!!) about 2 weeks ago and I just put it down to my period coming but it never did. The strange thing is that I feel pregnant - womans intuition or whatever but the POAS tell me otherwise. Should I follow my instinct???

Im planning to wait another week and then head to see my GP to see if they can shed any light & do some bloods.

Anybody here had a BFN for ages that suddenly turned positive??

Thanks ladies.
T28 x
Hi Hun,

Welcome back. I was on here a couple of years ago too, my little boy turned two in July though so a little bit before you maybe?

Aww I so feel for you.. I'm going crazy getting bfns and I'm only 11dpo - not even missed my period yet!

Your symptoms are almost textbook pregnancy symptoms aren't they! They sound very promising to me... I think it must be a case that you're going to get a bfp anytime...

How many dpo were you when you got your first bfp?

Have you used FRER, think they're supposed to be the most sensitive? Xxxx
Hi there,

Thanks for replying :) - yeah i would have come here a bit after you as I had my Son on 4th December.... it has flown SO quickly.

Do you know what I can't remember how long it took first time round - I remember it not being as long as 3 weeks though.... I am beginning to wonder though if it was closer to 2 weeks.....I had a few months of trying and getting lots of BFNs so I think by the time I did actually get pregnant then I thought my missed period was down to stress or something.

Maybe this time round if I am pregnant then maybe I ovulated late or something? Or maybe I am one of these who doesn't show up quickly - I dunno, maybe I'm just being a bit mental.

I just have this niggling feeling - you know how people say that they just 'knew' well that's kinda how I feel. Until AF shows then I'll have to assume that's the case - the pee sticks are just lying ;-)

I shall keep updated though. Nothing more annoying than reading a thread and wondering what the outcome was.

:) xxx
With my first I didn't show bfp till I was 9 weeks! Took several at 4 and 6 weeks because something felt off even though I was still having light af's so I brushed of my feeling as I was just thinking too much on it. Took one again at 9 because thats when I didnt have any blood or spotting and thats when it showed so when I went in to say the least I was supprised!
Hi Tallulah! I'm not as late as you for AF, but I am 10 days late today and still testing neg. I too 'feel' pregnant. This would be my 4th pregnancy and it just feels like I am again.

With Finley last year I 'knew' I was pregnant, I took a test and lo and behold - +tive at around AF was due. Well, I have that same feeling, but all negative. hmm.

God knows what's going on. Been testing with ICs - a brand I haven't used before, but if still no AF by Fri, I will test first thing Sat morning. It's head doing isn't it.

Good luck hun. x
I've basically given myself until next week and then heading to the Dr's.....

With my last pregnancy my 'symptoms' didn't go into full throttle until around the 8wk mark and I couldnt keep my head out of the loo! So i cant really rely on that one this time round.

Keep thinking I'm going to wake up and AF is going to show but nothing, not a sign.

I keep getting more symptoms - been feeling a bit sickly, super sensitive to smells and I have got a strange thing which I had last pregnancy where my ears felt like they were blocked up & I was under water - well that has returned so I am extra suspicious! Wah.

Well until AF shows I have to just assume that I am.....

LisaaLove, cant believe you were 9 weeks and u didn't get BFP until then - what did your GP say? I have been reading all sorts of forums and it seems to be quite common (!)

Anyway - thanks for the support ladies, you are keeping me sane!
Hi Tallulah! My little boy has just turned two and we are ttc, I didn't find out until 7 weeks with him so I think there is a good chance you are! Esp with your symptoms. Are you always regular and how long are your cycles?

When I was pregnant I took a clearblue test at 6 weeks 6 days negative then did a conte rent cheapy the very next day and positive!!! ....and this time I am now 12 days late and all tests are negative!! I am trying not to get too excited but my symptoms are really tired, tingly nipples and crying at the telly haha! I watched Frozen and sobbed my heart out! Fingers crossed!

Well the truth of the matter with my cycles are that I don't really know exactly how long they are but I am always regular, as in I will always have a period around 25th of each month give or take a day or two, So, maybe a 28/30 day cycle? I am fairly regular. Don't have long cycles or wonky periods - in fact they seem to be better since I had my DS.

It sounds crazy that I don't really know how long cycles are etc.

I started charting when I was TTC with DS and I actually became so obsessed to the point of making myself ill that I had to stop!! I have a rough idea of when I'm due each month and usually get some bad PMT & Cramps a few days before.

Time will tell I suppose. Our bodies are such cruel things sometimes. Trying not to get too worked up about it. Eeeek xx
With my daughter who is almost 7 now( AHHH crazy) I didn't test positive on a HPT until I was 6 months, but tested positive on the blood work.

I am not three days late on my period and I had a BFN, monday I am going to the doctors to ask for blood work. Really weird that this happens to me LOL. I have the sore breasts, fatigue and nausea.... scratch that, I am just EXHAUSTED and my boobs really hurt to touch.
We were not trying either but also not preventing, also not stressed. My last period was in July 22nd and I am super regular, to the point where I keep track of my periods and when I ovulate to [mostly] prevent pregnancy.

I hope you find the answers you are looking for :)
Apparently I cannot edit on my post. Sorry for the spelling mistakes. I meant to say that I am now three days late.

I also meant to add in that I took a HPT the day I went and got blood work done for my daughter and it showed negative. I found out with the blood work that I was 4 weeks pregnant :thumbup:

I, like you am just going to assume I am pregnant until the blood work tells me otherwise, however I hope I am just because these symptoms quite frankly, suck without something cooking in there ;)
Let us know what the blood test says, I think my doctor wouldn't let me have a blood test to confirm pregnancy, think they would make me wait longer 'to see' :wacko:

I know what you mean about tracking and charting the last time I got pregnant it was the month I didn't pee on any ov sticks and chilled. I am trying to be more relaxed this time but don't have as much energy to Dtd as I did first time round hehe
Hi everyone, Fingers crossed for all of you.

This is quite interesting as I have also been wondering if It's possible that I am pregnant even though I got a BFN yesteday, I feel as funky as I did with DD minus the

I just got off nuristerate injectable, my next shot was to be on 25 July. I would be happy either way but wanted to start trying January 2015.
Well another stick down and another BFP..... No AF either......not even a sign of it coming.

Ill have a day or two where I feel fine and then I feel symptoms again - my boobs wont stop growing and I am bloated all the time. Maybe my body is just confused and cant work out what is going on!!!

Arrrgh!! Doing my head in. Going to head to Dr's this week to get some answers.

Feeling a bit meh today :-(

Tallulah, I'm now 14 days late and still BFN too - I have one test left, I will leave it til next Saturday and if still not on then I will test. But tbh, I reckon I've just for skipped a period for some reason (even tho this has never happened before!)

Good luck. Hope u get some answers at the docs. x
Yeah I am beginning to think the same that I have skipped a month too. Be interesting to see what the docs have to say. Wonder how I'll get on at new Dr's as not been there yet since I registered when I moved house :-/

I tell you what though - I will be keeping a close eye on my cycles from here on in ;-) might come in handy trying to work things out in the future. And cut out on a whole bunch of uncertainty.

Keep me posted! Good luck to you too xx ♡
Well spoke to Dr today - no blood test. Told me to get in touch again in 6 WEEKS time if I still havent had AF.

so just have to wait it out now.... will keep testing intermittently in the mean time but I hope that either way I find out for sure soon as it is making me slightly crazy!
Just thought I'd pop back to update.

I started spotting at 17 days late. Light bleeding-medium bleeding at 18-19 days late...Assumed AF.

Today at what would be 19 days late...I passed embryo sac. I was pregnant, and have miscarried.

I don't know why it never showed a BFP. :( I KNEW something wasn't quite right with my body.

GL Tallulah!
+tive thoughts. ..... so sorry to hear that... hugs for you xxx
Hi! I had a super light AF - basically spotting, on Aug 11th and nothing since, although I'm cramping like I'm about to start AF any moment. I've also been absolutely EXHAUSTED and have globby/stretchy CM for the past 2 weeks-month now.
Going by the AF before this spotting, I'd be 6+2 today. I have NOT tested in like 2 weeks or so (can't rem when exactly and pretty sure BFN) OH is making me wait until next AF is due (Sept 7th I am testing, although on the early side of expected AF :haha:)
I will come back to update!!
I'm wishing you the best too Tallulah! Waiting another 6 weeks?! That's insane!! Why no blood tests? I'd be finding a new doctor for sure!

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