4 and 3 -- Graduating class of WTTer's

Puppymom its August!!! You know what that means dont you?????? Its September next month!!!! How fast did that go....I remember when you said you were going to hold out until September and end of summer and I remember thinking that it was ages away......and its nearly here!! EEK!! Has it gone fast for you? lol probably not
Kerry - I'm excited! It won't be until the end of September, but still... time has gone by fairly quickly, actually. I think because my cycles have been so out of whack that I have been focusing on that more than anything. It's been over 3 months without a proper AF, so I'm not sure how September will look in terms of TTC. We'll be trying anyways (not that we've really been preventing right now), and hopefully I can get my cycles back on track between now and then.
Hey ladies. I have missed 2 whole pages worth of stuff! You have been busy.

Jen - glad DH is feeling better and I'm very interested in finding out what you decide as far as the baby's sex. I think it would be cool to know and have it as a secret. But I also want to find out asap when we get pg.

Emma - super cute bump! I forgot you were so far a long. I'm also glad you are feeling better and your blood pressure is up.

Kerry - you also have a super cute, yet a tad larger, bump! Your nursery also looks awesome. I like the paint color.

Karen - You are a busy woman, and I hear the first trimester is when you are the most exhausted so you are really taking it out on yourself! Do you think you will find the gender of your baby at your scan or are you team yellow?

Puppy - I'm sorry your u/s results aren't back in. I hate waiting to hear results, is agonizing. I really hope everything works out as far as your cycles.

As for me, school started yesterday. I have about 150 students this year compared to 120 last year. Its a very big difference. They have been pretty good for me but I look very young so I start off very, very strict or they try to run all over me. However, I got much love from my kids from last year in the cafeteria this morning and it was so awesome. I miss them a lot and I think my new 7th graders saw how much they liked me so they kind of got a little glimpse of how I can be when they know how to behave properly.

Anyways my rash is gone and AF showed up. So I'm not pg. I'm actually really relieved because I did not want to get pg while on all those meds. However, now that schools started back I'm working about 12 hours a day. I don't know how I would handle all this and a baby. It would definitely be hard until work calmed down. We are still not sure what we are going to do about a baby. I think we are just going to take it one month at a time and see how we feel.

Well I'm off to grade some pre-tests!
Jess - there you are! I was starting to get worried, and then remembered it is the start of a new school year for you and I know how busy that can be. Glad to hear that you had a good start with your new students.
Hi Jess -- welcome back!

So ladies --- OH has stated that yes a baby is defo up for consideration as soon as he is in work again and it is no longer a straight no!!!

So, now he has said that, i'm all like -- huh? Am I sure this is what I want :dohh:

What is worng with me :nope:

I just wondered, those ladies that are currently preggars AND those of you still waiting -- is that even normal? Does it mean I don't want another after all?

My son and daugter were both fabulous surprises -- obviously vfery much wanted but I didn't have the roller coaster of the 'decision' to TTC to contend with --- is it normal tyo want to and have erm days too?

Baby D of course its normal I think you are just scared. Now you have time to think about it write down all your future dreams and goals and what you want to do with your lives, Is 3 kids going to fit in to what you and DH want to do, or is 2 kids enough, well yeah that is all I can think of really. And of course you need to think do I really want or be able to handle another LO

Can deffo handle another -- and ues I think I do want one!! Just sometimes I think I must be crazy lol --- plus Millie would make a fab big sister -- she loves babies and children and thrives when she has a playmate -- her big brother has little interest in playing with her as she is 12 and is far too cool! The age gap between them is nearly 9 years!
Your def not crazy:winkwink: Im one of three, got 2 younger brothers and I love it, My DH is an only child and it kind of sucks as he has alot of pressure from his parents (not saying all only children are like this) More the merrier I say!!!! lol Its was fun when we were younger growing up and playing, you might not have all the money in the world but you dont need it you make your own fun and if you get sick of playing with one sibling there as another to play with!!! lol
Awww sounds very much like my childhood! There were 3 of us and we had great fun -- and some big fall outs too! Always someone to play with though!
I'm reading along and keeping up but don't have much time to write as work has picked up...
Baby - I'm just THRILLED to bits for you, and I think if you didn't have second thoughts here or there you'd be very naive.
Puppy - results yet?
Jess - one day at a time is the only way to go!

I'll just copy this over from another thread I posted in:
Did our first attempt at creating the baby registry at Target last night. DH got bored so quickly...it was frustrating (he was in pain after a recent car accident, so that didn't help). He thought I was registering for so many "unnecessary" things, like an extra car seat base (we have 2 cars...was he planning to install and uninstall every time we change cars?) and a faucet cover for the tub (duh!). He also mentioned we can just microwave the bottles instead of using a bottle warmer :dohh:. It honestly made me a little worried that he's much more clueless than I thought. I got quite frustrated with him on the way home...shouldn't he be doing his own research on this crap? :growlmad:
Blah, okay ladies, just need a little support or just someone to cheer me up as I'm not usually someone who freaks out and whines about every little thing on the normal BnB boards and I try to stay out of all the panicking about pregnancy. But yesterday morning I was in the shower and reached down to wash 'down there' and when I pulled my hand back it was covered in blood. I just about passed out. It must have just started because I'd used the toilet not long before and there wasn't any in my underwear when I'd gotten undressed. I shut off the water and got out and sat on the toilet for about 5 minutes and just kept wiping it up. It wasn't like massively heavy with clots or anything, but it would have been like a good solid medium to heavy flow day of my period (I probably have pretty light periods compared to most people). I put on a panty liner and went and got dressed and sat down in the bedroom for a little bit. And went back to check in about 5-10 minutes. There was still bright red blood but it was slowing down. It all lasted for about 20 minutes, still no clots or anything, and it didn't even soak the panty liner, then changed to just brown spotting.

I had otherwise felt fine all morning before that and had no cramping, so being the optimistic and scientific person that I am, I figured it must be one of those things that just happens and probably everything is fine. I laid down on the sofa for pretty much the rest of the day (one of the benefits of working from home is that you can blow off work and nap when these sorts of things happen). I did have some mild cramping that started up maybe an hour or two later. It wasn't severe, but I did have the occasional sharp pain here and there. I only had a bit of spotting the rest of the day and a little tiny bit this morning, but it was old brown stuff, nothing red. I still feel kinda sore down there, like bruised, or like I've been punched in the pelvic area. It's definitely not like doubling over kinda pain and if it had happened without the bleeding it's probably something I wouldn't have thought twice about but just chalked up to my uterus stretching or whatnot.

I know bleeding happens all the time and it's not even necessarily a sign something is wrong. Obviously, it can be, but lots of women have bleeding and it's unexplained and they have perfectly healthy pregnancies. So at first, I really didn't stress about it and just thought I'd wait it out and see what happened the rest of this week. I'm realistic that if something is wrong, panicking and rushing to A&E isn't going to make it all better. But anyway, my husband convinced me that I probably should call my midwife, so I did this morning. The on-call midwife definitely kinda panicked me a bit because she sounded really concerned, and now they have been booked in for a scan first thing tomorrow morning. Now it all suddenly seems real that there could be something wrong. :cry: I really am one of those people who'd rather just leave it and see what happens and not freak out and run to the doctor (maybe I just prefer denial? I don't know). I know realistically I'd probably rather know and it will be good to just go in and get checked out and get an answer. Probably it's not a big deal, and especially because it was such a small amount of blood and only last a few minutes, I'm okay. But I know it could also be bad news too. I keep trying not to think about it, but every once in awhile I just cry thinking about it. I'm really hoping though it will be nice to have the reassurance that things are fine, and if nothing else, we get an extra scan in (I'm 11 weeks today, our first scan wasn't booked until 12 + 5). So anyway, sorry to be so depressing! I really don't want to be posting about this all over BnB until I know what's up, but I felt like I needed to tell someone. Any of you had this happen too?

Hope all you ladies are doing great. Thanks for listening. I just needed to write that all down somewhere. I'll post an update tomorrow after I get back. :flower:
baby D - I think what you're feeling is completely normal. It's a huge change in your life, but such a blessing!

Gen - no results yet, but I plan on calling today. I have a specialist appointment at the end of August, but I'd like to know if anything was found before then! Sorry the registry stuff didn't go as smoothly as we might like - I think that's the difference between men and women. We know (and want to know) everything there is about babies, and our DHs seem to just go with the flow, and learn as they need to!

Karen - I hope everything is okay this morning. Try not to worry, and let us know how your scan goes. I am sure it's just the baby settling in, like you said, as the bleeding has stopped now. For a little bit of reassurance, a friend of mine had recurrent bleeding on and off throughout her entire cycle. Each time they had her in the hospital just to keep an eye on her, and each time she was sent home again with no concerns. She now has a beautiful, healthy baby girl! You're in my thoughts!
Hey Karen, don't really have any advice for you but I'm the kind of person who would worry and call ob straight away. I guess it is a good thing that there were no clots and you totally did the right thing in resting. I will be thinking of you tomorrow and hope it all goes well. Hope you aren't too stressed, mrspeanut had some bleeding to I think so it is normal. As in it happens to alot of people for no reason whatsoever. Hugs and happy thoughts xoxo
You logical girl, you! You're right to think it is probably nothing, but you are also completely justified in feeling emotional and worried. That's okay! The best thing is that the bleeding stopped pretty quickly and then went to brown blood. The cervix is extremely prone to bleeding easily in pregnancy - I know I had some spotting right around 14 weeks and although I knew it was probably nothing, it felt sooo good to see my baby moving on a scan (luckily one of the girls in the office was able to quickly throw the probe on me between patients!). Embrace the opportunity for reassurance, I don't think it is silly to go get checked. Any midwife will get her hackles up at bright red blood, but she wasn't worried enough to have you come in right away so that should tell you a lot too :)
BTW - had you and DH had sex recently? That can definitely do it!

PS - Kerry, just noticed you're in double digits! Only 96 days!
Oh Karen xx Hugs - please listen to your rational self as I am sure all is fine with baby --- if it helps, I bled with my son and daughtr and everything was hust fine xx
Thanks ladies for all the support and reassuring words! *big sigh of relief* Thankfully, we went in this morning for our scan and everything looks perfect! We got to see baby kicking away in there. Heartbeat is good. Placenta looks fine. Baby measured perfectly on target for 11 + 1. There was no obvious sign of where bleeding could have even come from. I have been reading online and I found a lot of places that say that it's common to get some bleeding right around 11-12 weeks when the placenta takes over because your hormones get a little wacky. Oddly enough, I have felt less nauseous since then, so maybe my hormone levels have changed as the placenta took over, and that explains what happened. We didn't get a picture of the scan to take home this time (sad face), but my 'real' scan is in 10 days, so we'll get one then. Just so nice to see that little wiggle worm in there dancing away. :happydance:

How are you guys? I need to go back now and read all your updates properly now that I'm not freaking out. :thumbup:
Karen, wow wow wow fab news -- I was sure all would be fine but it's a relief to hear it! And you had a lovely little peek at bubba you wouldn't have had so all is good!

So MARK HAS A JOB!!!!! It is with a company called techonlogy city (or something along those lines) and it involves making safety equipment such as carbon monoxide monitors and such -- it is hands on and technical which is what he really wanted! So initial money is a bit pants whilst you train but it goes up after 4 weeks and then there is scope to move up further into different roles and wot not! So excited for him - well for us!
Karen, wow wow wow fab news -- I was sure all would be fine but it's a relief to hear it! And you had a lovely little peek at bubba you wouldn't have had so all is good!

So MARK HAS A JOB!!!!! It is with a company called techonlogy city (or something along those lines) and it involves making safety equipment such as carbon monoxide monitors and such -- it is hands on and technical which is what he really wanted! So initial money is a bit pants whilst you train but it goes up after 4 weeks and then there is scope to move up further into different roles and wot not! So excited for him - well for us!

Thanks! And CONGRATS!!! You must be so happy. And it's nice to know he has a job that has an opportunity to move up and do more as time goes on. That's so reassuring! Jobs are hard to come by these days, and that's cause to celebrate!! :happydance:
Good news all around! Mind - I'm so glad you got reassurance and got an extra peek at your little one! Baby - what a relief! That is fantastic news - everything really is on the up and up for your family!
You are right, Gen! It really feels that it is all coming together nicely!

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