4 and 3 -- Graduating class of WTTer's

We decided that we wanted to find out because we were both getting set on baby being a girl and didn't want to 'disappointed' at the birth if it wasn't. I also remember us talking to Henry in the womb and calling him by his name was lovely, I felt it was bonding. We have decided to keep it a secret for now though, just the three of us know as long as me and dh don't slip up, I'm sure Henry won't tell! Baby's scan pic shows his back and back of his head so we've just said we couldn't tell as he was camera shy. I'm pleased we know now and I'm looking forward to being even more outnumbered!

Kerry you're bumps really grown! Hopefully it's just a big bump and not a huge baby! I'm sure you'll be fine, good luck for the gtt results.
I never got a call so I'm guessing my results came back good.

Mrspeanut have you thought of any names yet? Are you going to keep it a secret? I bet Henry is looking forward to having a brother and being a big brother!
Kerry - Awesome bump! Wow, I can't believe you're 28 weeks now. Almost 3rd trimester, right? And yay for almost being done work! Do you still have to fly up to your work? That will be nice to not have to be away from home so much. Do you have plans for once you start maternity leave?

How is everyone else? What are you weekend plans, especially for those in the UK with the holiday weekend?
Hey Ladies!

Mind I flew up to work on Wednesday for the last time, currently on night shift, I have never felt so tired in all my life, the first few are the worst then it gets better.Then do a week of days then no more work!!! Because I am up here I dont get to clean my house or anything so when I finish work Im going to sort out all the cupboards,draws/fridge/pantry etc and do some gardening. I have one antenatal class and Im going to read this hypnobirthing book with CD that I got from Ebay, you inspired me!!! Also going to do a belly cast (I did one on my friend and it was awesome!) maybe get some photos done and go for daily walks.

Baby moves so much now cant wait for you guys to feel it when you have your bubbas

Hope everyone has great weekends :hugs::hugs::hugs:
What is everyone up to?

GenY have you started babies room yet? Cant wait to see photos!
Well funny you should ask about names Kerry, I would like your opinions ladies!

Dh has suggested he would like to call little one Dennis after his grandad. At first I thought 'no way' as its an old persons name but actually I'm coming round to it now. I was at the park today with Henry and listening to other kids names such as Noah, Ava and James, it wouldn't sound strange as I think those traditional names are trendy again. Henry is an old fashioned name too so it fits with that and there's a character just appeared on a soap (Eastenders for you Brits!) who has a little blond boy called Dennis who is a little sweetie so that's given me a different opinion on the name.

What do you ladies think? Our other suggestions are Jack, Rowan, Arthur, Tobias, Christopher and John (we are more keen on traditional names). Xx
I think that UK is alot different to Australia, you guys definately use traditional names as I have noticed on this website, Jack is a really popular name in Australia. Dennis in my opinion I would never use but I can see where your coming from, it is cute for a little boy but not many people would use it in Aus. But it's not about what other people think or what country your in, it's what you like and your DH. They also say pick a name you wouldn't mind being called. The traditional names that are popular in Aus are James, Oliver, Joshua, Thomas, William, and some other ones are Ethan, Lucas, cooper, Jacob, Riley, Noah, liam, Levi, Samuel, Tyler, mason,

I like jake, riley, cooper, Kai, Eli.

I suppose you don't want a traditional name that alot of people use to. Hope this helps
Haha I just looked at uk top names and Aus top names and there pretty much the same so what the f**k do I know :) :blush::blush::blush: Dennis wasn't on there though so if you wanted to be traditional and original it would be a good name to have
LOL @ Kerry!

I like Dennis, though would likely use the nickname Denny, myself. I think that it isn't too common! :flower:

DH and I have decided on names, but if he knew I was telling you girls he'd be furious, as we are still telling everyone we have no clue (we don't want anyone else's opinion to sway us).

If we have a girl, she will be Summer Navani (Navani is his grandmother's middle name, she was from Papua New Guinea...he wanted this as a first name, so middle name was a compromise). If it is a boy, it will be Sean Chris (DH is the third in a line of "Chris John's," which I didn't want to continue. Sean is the Irish version of John, so it's honoring my Irish heritage and his family's tradition at the same time).

I realize it's a bit weird having a girl (I'm still 90% sure it is a girl!) in December and calling her Summer, but it just sounds so lively, positive and happy to us! I've always liked it and DH has too, so it was an instant agreement.

My LO is moving around like CRAAAAZY since last week or so. It feels like heart palpitations but in my belly! DH can now regularly feel them as well (when he is patient enough), and once I was able to see my stomach shaking a bit when s/he was really going mad! It's nuts because baby definitely has sleep/wake patterns already, and I can predict what times of day s/he will be the most active :)

Our nursery is coming together...we got the crib assembled this week as well as one of those 9 cube storage shelfs. We are using a dresser we already had and will put the changing pad on top of that. We added some stacking wire drawers from Ikea in the closet and now I just need a small shelf above the dresser and furniture will be complete. No decorating done yet as we are waiting for the baby showers...we've registered for the mattress, crib set and a cutesy little lamp. I'm getting some cute nursery art off etsy.com and we are going to blow up pictures of ourselves, the family and the dog for the rest of the decor. The room was already painted a bright, fun blue when we moved it, so we've decided to keep it, as the child will likely want it painted a color of their own choice in 3 years! The furniture is all white and the decor/accents will be yellow and green. I've added a pic we took of the doggy when we had just built the crib...she gets to try everything first :haha:

Kerry - I can't believe this is your last little bit of work!!! How time has flown! I remember being so surprised when I came on here and read that you were pregnant all of a sudden...and now it is so real! Have you and DH narrowed down names?

Emma - Are you feeling well and getting your energy back? You sound great!

How is everyone else?

I'm just happy it's the weekend...though this week hasn't been bad at all! It was my 29th birthday yesterday so I left work a little early to go to a midwife appt (was 24 and 3 days, measured at 25 weeks, HR 140, picked up my glucose drink for the next visit!) then we had a lovely dinner out with another couple, stopped on the way home for frozen yogurt and got loads of birthday wishes that made me feel incredibly loved.

Tonight I'd like to get a workout in (it's been over a week)...but we had a very loooong case today that had me standing for 3 1/2 hours straight so I'm not sure how motivated I'll be once I get home and see our lovely, comfy couch.

Anyway, enough of my blabberings....here is my (first) baby in the crib:

GenY my best friend had a girl in December last year and her name is Summer Ann. Its summer in Aus in December :thumbup: And my brothers name is Shaun. And I love your first baby in your cib!! So you said 'showers' are you having more than one? that would be cool. Mine is on September 30th. Ladybug black and red theme. We promise we wont tell your DH we know your names hahaha

I am having a hard time with names I dont have any, its too hard to decide :cry: maybe Ill be one of those people that have to look at the baby to decide and it wont have a name for a while lol

p.s Im measuring over 30 weeks so I might have less time to go than you think!!
Hey ladies!

It's been awhile! I've been checking in but I've been too busy to write or to tired. We have about 150 kids on team this year and I'm head of 7th grade math and I've been studying for a 6-12 math certification test and it's been non-stop. I went to sleep at 9:30 last night and got a good 12 hours and I feel much better. But I'm in for a long day. I have two football games to go watch today, my 7th grade boys this year and the 8th grade boys who I taught last year. But we are having gorgeous weather so it will be nice to sit outside. Then I have grading and lesson prep and need to make a unit test. And lastly I'm going to a concert tonight! I'm tired already.

Anyways, I'm so glad to hear/read that you all are doing wonderful! I can't believe it's name time already. And you all have some awesome name choices.

Kerry - don't worry you will find the right name. And yay for almost being done with work! How do you feel about measuring ahead of schedule?

Jen- your names are so sweet. Especially your girls name. How unique. I love the irony if it's a girl and she is born in December. How is DH doing? Also your nursery looks so good.

Emma - I like Dennis and your other name options as well. I too like traditional names. I especially love Samuel and Matthew. Whatever you choose I'm sure it will be great!

Karen - I'm so glad baby is ok and I hope you are still doing well. Are you team yellow? If not when do you find out?

Puppy - how are you? When is the next step as far as doctors appts, treatment, etc?

D - December isn't to far away. How exiting!

Well I'm off to eat some breakfast. I think I will be able to keep up a little better now. Hope all is well and hugs!!
Ok, so girls, I can officially declare, that as of today's discussions we are indeed just 3 months from OFFICIALLY TTC! I can'tbelieve he has changed his mind! I never really thought he would but he says he realises how much I want it and whilst he is happy as we are he would love another child as equally as the two we have!

Oo -- YAY!

Just offr for catch up on everyone's news!
Yey Baby D so excited for you!!!!:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

So you decided you are ready and do want another?:thumbup::thumbup:
It's officially college football time!!! Woohoo!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: Also we are off to West Palm Beach, FL tomorrow at 8am for Labor Day weekend. Its been a long month and I'm ready for a break. I hope you ladies are doing wonderfully and congrats D on the decision!!!
I have not been a good poster lately! I am glad everyone is doing well, and yay for baby D! I am so excited for you!

Jess, enjoy Labour Day Weekend - I am not doing much for it, but trying to relax as much as I can. Trying to get some house and yard work done :S

I was told at my last appointment that I needed to get a couple more tests done to ensure that things are normal (i.e. clear tubes) and then will likely be put on a round of clomid to see if it works. I was also given some progesterone to jump start my period - haven't begun it yet, but will soon.
Gen - I love your names! They are really different and thoughtful (like you didn't just pick them out of a book, which is what I fear we might end up doing if we can't decide on middle names! lol). And your nursery sounds great!

Jess - I can't believe you've already started back to school. Well, I mean, I can because it's September, but I just can't believe it's really September already. Where did this summer go? Are you still coaching soccer this year?

Baby D - Yay!! A TTC date and it's not far away at all! I remember being 3 months away from starting and then....whooosh! It was time to TTC! It goes fast and will be here before you know it.

Puppymom - Glad to hear they seem to be getting to the bottom of things. FX the Clomid does the trick. I'm not too keen on taking medicine in general, but I've heard that stuff can work wonders for people!

So it's been an eventful week or two as always around here. I really do forget where I left off last time. I think I told you we finally told my husband's family? Well, last week we finally told our friends and made our Facebook announcement. I told Tim originally when I found out by placing the test in a flower pot in our greenhouse (frankly, for lack of a better idea at the time because I was a little freaked out it actually worked!). So since we like to garden, we decided to announce it with the photo below. It turned out to be really cute and a fairly subtle way to tell people (I actually had a few people thank me for not just posting another scan photo! lol). So now everyone knows and it's so nice to not have to keep a secret anymore. It feels like I'm really officially pregnant now!

I also bought a car the other day. My first car in England, so now I'm officially an adult again who can take herself to the store without asking her husband for a ride. It's been great and I've been able to do so much that I couldn't do before (it's also meant I don't have to just be stuck at home working all day, I can go all kinds of interesting places to work, which has been a real boost to my productivity). Plus, now I can take myself to my midwife appointments without us worrying about trading off the other car, and I have my second appt next week so perfect timing.

We went camping this past weekend too. Our holiday weekend in the UK was the weekend before, but it was rainy and we couldn't find a campsite that had room for us. So we decided to go this past weekend instead, which was appropriately Labor Day in the U.S., so I felt like I was still celebrating with someone. We went to the New Forest in Hampshire and did some hiking and BBQed and I even enjoyed a few non-alcoholic beers (which was actually more tasty than I'd anticipated). It was nice to feel like a big girl drinking a beer again. On the way home, we stopped in Bournemouth to go to our favorite South Indian/Sri Lankan restaurant. It's an hour away from us so we only get there every couple months, but it's sooooo good. It's like real Indian food, not the crap you get at most Indian restaurants in the UK. It just made my soul happy! So a great way to top off the weekend.

Also, this past week, and mostly since maybe Friday, I've been having little flutters down there. At first I just assumed I was gassy! But I've never had gas feel that low down in my pelvis before. It's just like little pops or tickles and I notice it more when I sit certain ways, like with one leg crossed over the other (which kinda crushes my uterus a bit), or like right now at the computer desk leaning forward a bit. I am a little gassy, but it doesn't quite feel like gas and more just like something (or someone) pinging around in there. I'm 15 + 1 today by my scan date (which is 4 days ahead of my LMP) so it's possible. I've actually felt it a lot this afternoon since I got home. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but I think maybe it might be our baby! I'm going to see how the next few days go and hope the movements get stronger and more obvious. :happydance:


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Mind, what a FAB picture! Bet you recieved some wonderfull comments following that! x
I love that picture you used for FB - so cute and creative!

I'm not a huge fan of taking meds, either, but right now really want to ensure I can get pregnant sooner rather than later, and it just isn't going to happen without ovulating! We'll see how it goes - I thought about trying soy or vitex, but have also heard how they can mess things up even more. So, I figured, it can't hurt to give it a go once or twice, especially seeing it's only a couple of pills each time around. That's how I've accepted it, anyways!
Karen super cute picture, and yes I am coaching soccer this year.

Puppy, I really hope everything works out!

Hope all the other ladies are doing well!
Puppy - I'm so excited for you!!! A diagnosis, and a clear plan! It's wonderful -- I bet the Clomid will work wonders! Fingers crossed that all the other tests come back normal and you can get started on baby-making!

Mind - I love the way you posted it on FB ... it really does feel so much more real once everyone knows! And OMG YAY for the car!!!! It must feel so awesome to have that independence back!!!! Have the flutters gotten any stronger? I started to feel mine around 15 weeks as well, but they got VERY noticeable at 18 weeks.

Jess - YAAAAY football! We are going to the Oregon Ducks game today :) It sounds like you're settling into the school year well...how was your mini-vacay?

Baby -- I'm still so excited! Is the house ready for another baby or is it time to do some decorating/fixing up?

Things here are mostly wonderful...I'm getting big enough now that sleep is an issue- - I wake up to toss and turn a lot - I find it very hard to stay sleeping on my left side. And I almost always have some low back pain now. Still, compared to the constant nausea, this is a breeze!

Last weekend I drove up to Seattle and had a great time with some friends I hadn't seen for a while. I went to a burlesque show to see one of my friends perform (I've got quite a diverse group of girls!) then spent the next day at a music festival with my bestie from college....we haven't had good quality catch-up time in a while, and we just spent the whole day gabbing, it was awesome! Plus got to see AWOLNATION perform and they were better than expected! I was knackered after staying out late two nights in a row and felt like a wreck for a few days after, but it was so worth it.

Work is keeping me busy, as usual, and it's getting more tiring to be on my feet so much, but I'm not about to let it show. I've got 12 more weeks to go at work and 13w2d until the EDD so I REFUSE to start feeling too pregnant just yet. I'm quite weirded out that I am hitting third trimester right about now...in one way it feels too soon, in another, I can't belive I have a whole trimester to go...mostly because I can't imaging getting 13 weeks bigger!!! It's already hard to put my shoes and socks on (It pushes all the air out of me to bend over).

Anyway, sorry for the long-ish update but it's been a while since I've had enough time to get on here and not just read and run. Thinking of you all and sending wonderful wishes for the weekend!!


PS - baby kicked so hard yesterday that it actually hurt for the first time! Fiesty little one....

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