4 and 3 -- Graduating class of WTTer's

Jess - the Medrol shouldn't interfere at all, especially as you will have been tapering your dose and should only be taking a very small dose the last couple of days. It breaks down in the body pretty darn quickly so by 2-3 days out there will barely be a trace of the steroids. How is the rash responding?

Puppy - did you end up POASing?

I got to talk to DH again last night and he was back at his hotel, awaiting room service and had managed to shower and brush his teeth. I slept SO long and SO hard last night after being exhausted from worry the night before! The poor man will be a bit of a cripple for the rest of the Summer, but I don't care one bit! I have rarely felt so grateful and thankful in my entire life. Plus, we get to celebrate his life and the life of our baby-to-be in 6 days .... we get our 20 week scan on Tuesday! Still team yellow!
Gen - glad your DH is on the mend, and beginning to feel a bit better. And, so exciting that you have your 20 week scan - I can't believe it's coming up already!

I did POAS this morning - BFN as expected. I just wish my temps would do something normal to show ovulation, or AF would show up. I haven't had a proper AF in ages... gah!

Jess - when this happened to you, did you end up getting progesterone to jump start things? Did it work?

Yey for the new thread!!! Finally got access to a proper computer to type!! Puppymom I only temped the month I got pregnant so I will put the pic up when I get home and show you not sure if it will help you or not. Xo

I had a good laugh reading back the posts of the last week Mind you are hilarious!!!! Australians drink alot of tea aswell as the English, but obviousy not so much in summer its cold drinks then. I would offer a 'drink' if someone came over, and we invite people into our homes over here thats pretty normal.

Glad to see everyone is in good places right now FXd for you this month Jess, hope you get pregnant and if not will you wait?xo

Jen you are so tiny and cute, your bump is adorable!!

MrsPeanut glad to hear you are feeling bubs already!! cant wait to see your bump pics

BabyD FXed hope OH comes around!! How is house going?

All good down here in cold rainy Oz. Well its not so bad, on break it was mostly sunny and on those days it was like 19 degrees (66.2 F)or something and only a few days of rain. So thats pretty darn good for the middle of winter. Im starting to get big and a bit uncomfortable. In bed it takes me ages to roll over, damn still got ages to go whats it going to be like then??lol Babies room is all done and set all the furniture etc up, I know its early still but got so excited painting and stuff on break and I want to relax and do nothing after 35 weeks so yeah Ill put a pic up when I get home. Getting a bit of heartburn and wind pain but other than that its all good. Baby kicks me all the time now and Mal can feel it, he loves it. Oh and he loves my body, he is really turned on by me hahahahahahaha Its changing alot!!!! I have just done my week of nights and crossing over to days now. Its 2am and gotta get up at 4am to go to work but cant sleep as usual cause Im used to nights now.

Well hope everyone has good weeks and weekends and enjoys there sunny english holidays for those who are on them!!

Kerry xoxo
Oh gosh Gen Your poor hubbie x Glad he is going to be ok x
Thanks Kerry - looking forward to comparing charts, but moreso the pictures of baby's room!

I have made an appointment to see my doctor on Monday. I am going to ask her about my cycles and what I can do to help them, and perhaps ask for some hormone tests to make sure everything is normal. I have been holding off on this for so long, as I thought my body would sort itself out, but I am ready for a baby, and apparently my body is not! Anyhow, I thought that if things appear to be normal, then maybe I could try vitex or something, but want to do this first. We shall see!
Puppy - I applaud your decision to get some preliminary testing done, it will feel good to take control of SOMETHING!

Baby - thanks for the wishes. I haven't spoken with him today but I just feel sooooo lucky. That man is my soulmate and best friend, and I cannot imagine life without him. I'll be happy as can be once he is back in my arms!

Kerry - Sorry to hear you're already uncomfortable -- it has started to hit me just now and again as well. I'm getting backaches here and there (need to work on my posture!) and it's definitely more difficult to bend over. Honestly the worse is the stupid ligament pains---some days it feels as though they are aching CONSTANTLY! And I CANNOT WAIT for a picture of baby's room. I think you're right to get it done early, while you're still feeling energetic(ish). Will you be having a baby shower?

I definitely have the nursery planned away in my head, but haven't gotten much for it! We already had a nice white Ikea 3 drawer dresser that we are going ot keep in there and put a changing table pad on top because it is the perfect height! I also got one of those 9 cubby hole white storage things (like this: https://www.staples.com/ClosetMaid-Cubeicals-9-Cube-Storage-Organizer-White/product-nr_923339) with some cute baskets to go inside. Plan on putting up some other shelving as well, just not quite sure where. And I definitely need to get some storage options for the closet as well!

I really want to order the crib (you guessed it, white) but I think DH's parents might want to pay for it...they mentioned they wanted to buy us SOMETHING....and it would be awesome if they did that (they are well off enough that it's a reasonable thought). Problem is, I don't want to wait much longer to order it because 1) I'm impatient and 2) It may take weeks to get delivered. Okay okay...it's more because I'm impatient. I just want to decorate and set up sooo badly! I'm not sure if it is nesting instinct so much as plain old impatience and wanting a project :haha:
Thanks for the info Jen! My rash is responding...slowly. The only real thing helping it is putting an ice pack on it. That stops the itching but it is going away to slowly for my liking. I'm so glad your DH is ok and feeling better. I bet you are as ready for him to be home as he is. And you are still team yellow? I thought you found out the baby was a girl, or at least mostly think its a girl? Don't forget we want pictures of that little baby!

Puppy - Yes I did use progesterone to jump start my cycles. My March cycle lasted 45 days and I had still not ovulated yet so I took progesterone for 12 days. A few days after I ran out AF showed up. I had a nice normal cycle after that and it seems like this cycle is right on track too. I hope that information helps you at your doctors appointment. Good luck and let us know what happens!

Kerry - glad you are doing well! I want to see a picture of this "huge" bump you have :haha: You were so tiny in your last picture I doubt you are huge now. I bet you have the perfect baby bump! It sounds like you are having decent winter weather! Sometimes its hard to fathom that different parts of the world are experiencing different seasons. As for TTC, I really want to try for a baby this month but DH is getting cold feet. However, if we do try this month and don't get pg then we will re-evaluate whether or not we want to try in August. If we decide not to then yes we will be waiting until next year. :( I will keep you guys posted as I should be OV'ing within the next week or so.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Sorry guys I only read the first page, didnt realise everyone had been posting lots.....stupid baby brain.

Jen you mustve been so worried!! Glad Dh is sounding better I bet you cant wait to get him home now poor thing :cry:

Jess Glad to hear your rash is getting better I get excema sometimes especially when it is hot, it sucks hey!
Hey ladies xx

Kerry, can't wait to see baby room pics and Gen, glad hubbie on the mend! Jbell, that rash must be driving you slowly bonkers!

Puppy my cycles are wackey too -- good plan with seeing the doctor! You'll have to update with what he says!

I still feel yuk todau -- just all off. My head hurts so much and am still knackered despite sleeping well last night and a 1.5 hr nap earlier -- deffo think I am coming down with something! OH being fab though -- he collected Millie from nursery, cooked the dinner, cleared up after, bathed her and read her a bedtime story! I am so lucky! He is an amazing daddy!
I was bored and surfing through different threads and found this. It was very informational!

Things You Wish You'd Known Before Going To The Hospital

As for my rash, it is still the same at the end of day 4. I've gotten a steroid shot, taken Benadryl every 4 hours and am on a medrol dose pack and nothing is working. I did start putting calamine lotion on about 2 hours ago and that is giving me some relief but the rashes and hives are not dissipating.

Edit: after 3 hours of sleep and waking up with my arms shaking from itching so badly I finally called the nurse line available through my insurance. As we were talking she asked me if I had started using anything new and it hit me! I switched shampoos! It all makes perfect sense. Last night it was getting better but I took a shower and now it's worse than ever. Thats got to be it. Oh please because I'm losing my mind and schools starts in 9 days!!!
Man logic sucks sometimes, especially when its working against you. I was looking over our finances and if we go ahead and get pregnant this year we will only have about $3000 in our savings account after the baby is born. However, if we wait another year we will have about $20,000 which is huge. Then I have my body screaming at me but my husband is trying to be logical, and yes it makes sense but I really want to have a baby. Ugh I hate this. The bright side is he is being so very understanding, he totally understands that I have baby fever because everyone is getting pregnant lol.
Aw Jess...isn't it all about the money with men?? Surely it would be nice to have more, but look at us? We were in a great spot, now maternity savings will be paying medical bills!!! We will still survive...life likes to laugh at our plans :). Be in the moment...feel like having unprotected sex? Do it. Get freaked out halfway through? Then that's ok too!!! You're ready regardless, now it's just about what feels right.

I'm sitting in the doc's office with a very whiny DH. Poor guy is in lots of pain, but it's just going to take time to heal up. He wants an easy answer but he just has to suffer through. Luckily he is getting a little better every day! Also lucky I go back to work tomorrow, I'm not as patient with him anymore!!!

Tomorrow is 20 week scan!! DH and my mon will be there - it's my mom's first ultrasound ever as she had none during her pregnancies! Then it's off to the beach (oregon coast) on Thursday for DH's annual family trip. Should be restful and his family are so excited to see the bump!

Baby moves a lot now! Especially after I eat :). Some days it moves much more than others, and I can't wait for DH to feel it - soon I hope!

Nothing else exciting here ... Ate like a pig all weekend with DH as he was laid up and craving comfort foods. Will have to hit the gym again tonight to try and pay my penance!
Jess - as Gen said, you can have all the money you ever wanted saved up, and something could happen. I am a person who likes to plan everything and be able to control my decisions, however as I am getting older, planning a family, etc. I have realized that I have to let more things happen on their own - everything can't be planned out as I would like. I think Gen gave great advice - just try when you feel comfortable, and go with it day by day! Easier said than done, right?!

Gen - Glad to hear your DH is beginning to feel better, and excited to hear about your 20 week scan! Time sure is flying by!

Baby was smiling! And it has my nose! We got to see everything - the brain, kidneys, a very close up view of the heart, etc! The only thing we didn't see was the potty shot! Yes! We are still team :yellow: (probably :pink:). My mom and DH both looked during the potty shot but neither could tell me what they were looking at, or even if they saw legs (?!!?). DH is now more convinced that it is a girl though because he didn't see an obvious wee-wee.

I'm so in love :cloud9:

Now what the hell do I do to pass the rest of this pregnancy?

OH, a bunch of DH's family came over last night (while my mom was there too, we had a big happy BBQ) and the MIL finally mentioned paying for the crib :)happydance:) so hopefully if I show it to her online this weekend while we are at the beach she will tell us to go ahead and order it!

The moms and DH's sister wanted to see how much we had in the nursery and I realized we actually have a lot left to buy, which is awesome because I love shopping. Too bad I'm completely broke after we installed air conditioning, but August 1st means a new paycheck :thumbup:
Love the new baby (and belly) shots! You look fabulous by the way!

Nice that MIL offered to pay for the crib, as that will be a big one out of the way once it is ordered. Are you having a baby shower (that you know of) beforehand? You'll get a lot of things from that as well, if you do have one. I bet now that you're getting bigger, your family will also start wanting to buy more for baby, as it's becoming more real.

Not sure what to say about passing the time though... haha! Maybe keep up with the gym, decorate, get your house clean and maybe make some freezer meals so that when baby comes you have easy stuff to cook. And rest - well that's what all the moms say anyway!
Super cute bump Jen - and look at the little baby! Awww! So awesome and wonderful and amazing. No wonder you're on :cloud9:! As for passing the time, I bet you'll find stuff to do. How is DH? Is he feeling better?

Well, I missed my O date. I think...honestly I don't even know if I O'd. But we weren't careful this month and now I'm worried because I'm not taking my vitamins but I'm on 3 different medications and all these meds and lack of vitamins can not be good for a baby. And I'm just so out of wack, I feel like a zombie. I have been to the doctor 3 times for this rash. Its a horrible allergic reaction to Tide laundry detergent...so we think. She put me on HEAVY steroids and its making me irritable, and she put me on Vistaril, an anti-histamine, knock you out drug. So I'm a grumpy zombie. I'm trying to type this and I can't even think straight so excuse me if this post is bizarre. Any ways, if the rash isn't better by Monday I have to call the doctor and go see a dermatologist and an allergist and it's just going to cost more money. But it seems to be getting a little better so there is some hope. Also, new student orientation is Monday and school starts Wednesday and I would like to not look like a rashy leper when I meet my new students. Everyone just stares at my arm when they see me. It's really mortifying. One of my teachers was like oh my gosh what happened to your arm? I was like dramatic much? Its just a rash. Uhh roid rage!

Well hope everyone is doing well! I am ready to get back to school and working out to feel like a human being again. I just want a routine and to feel normal. Ok done whining now!:dohh: Bye ladies
Ah Jess you poor thing!!!
Those Medrol dose packs are notorious for under-dosing the steroids...I like to blast away a rash with higher doses as well, but certainly the 'roid rage does kick in! And bloating, and sometimes a huge appetite! And Vistaril makes me feel stoned...it's amazing how a silly little bit of Tide laundry can bring you down! Have you re-washed all your clothes in something else? It's great to hear that you are improving, even if only slightly!

We leave today for the Oregon Coast and DH's annual family trip. It's not really warm enough to go in the ocean but we have walks on the beach and bonfires at night. Plus the town itself is really cute and touristy with an ice cream shop and excellent clam chowder!

I went shopping yesterday (again? WHAT is wrong with me this month...) and finally bought a pregnancy pillow.....but then I left it in my car and only remembered it as I was climbing into bed already. I was lazy and left it, but now it's 6am and I'm wide awake because I couldn't get comfortable....

DH is doing brilliantly. He is much more pleasant now that he is on strong enough pain meds, and his neck is healing up quite nicely - he should be able to start physical therapy soon! It's hard to believe he was even in an accident just looking at him!
And thank you for the compliments ladies...they really mean a lot. I still wish I hadn't gained so much weight in the first trimester but it seems to have collected mostly in spots that are well hidden by clothes (upper thighs, hips, and back). Seriously, who gets back fat all of a sudden?

I hope everyone's holidays are going well!
Jess - sorry to hear you are still dealing with the rash. I hope you can get rid of it and be more comfortable soon. Are you looking forward to going back to school and meeting your new kiddos? I wouldn't worry about the possibility of catching this month - just take your vitamins when you remember, and you won't be on the other meds much longer. I am sure you eat a decent enough diet to get most of the vitamins your body needs anyways, and you'll have folic acid built up in your system already from taking them. I'm a worrier as well, and would be feeling the same way, so just know you're not alone!

Gen - glad to hear DH is feeling better! I hope the pregnancy pillow helps you to get a better sleep. What style did you get?

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