4 and 3 -- Graduating class of WTTer's

Hi ladies :wave: Had a great holiday and enjoyed my friends wedding while there but now back to reality! At least school is still out for another 5 weeks or so! :thumbup:

Jen so sorry to read about your hubbys accident. I'm really glad he's ok and on the mend. Great bump photos too!

Puppy have you had your docs appointment yet?

Baby D are you feeling any better yet than you were in your last post?

Kerry can't wait to see your nursery photos! My oh says he really loves my pregnant body, but unfortunately for him I am so uninterested it's untrue! :laugh2:

Jess don't stress about prenatals, I'm sure as you seem to be good anyway with food (an observation as you look fit & workout!) that you'll be getting all the vitamins you need from your diet. Hope your rash is responding well now to the steroids.

In other news, my sister has announced she is pregnant too! A little....let's say....surprising....as she is about 7 weeks, the same length of time as she has been with her new boyf. It was an "accident" but they are going to give the relationship a go and she has our family's full backing. It is quite exciting our lo will have a cousin so close in age. As she is diabetic she'll be induced at 38 weeks so they could be as little at 6 weeks apart!

Got another midwife appointment tomorrow. Hopefully will get to hear popcorns heartbeat again. I feel really out of touch with her/him as this is such a quiet stage and other life events have taken my focus off being pregnant. I'm really looking forward to the 20 week scan in 3 1/2 weeks.

mrspeanut - what a surprise about your sister's pregnancy! I am glad that she has the family support behind her.

I did have my appointment - bloodwork has been done, as has an ultrasound. I am still awaiting the results of the bloods, and will be told about the ultrasound at that point as well. So, unfortunately, I do not know anything new yet! I will also be referred to an OB/GYN once I get the results. Right now it's just a waiting game... still no AF though.
Gen gorgeous bump and even more gorgeous bubba you cooking there! Well done on staying team yellow -- I is couldn't!

Jbell, soundsl like you are going through it with the rash n all, Try not to worry as am sure baby would be fine if you had got preggo this month!

As for me OH admitted that the only reason he is hesitant about a baby is because he is worried about money :dohh: I understand that what with just buying a house n all. He is looking out for better paid jobs though and I am due a pay rise when back at school after summer hols so hopefully those things will come together and ease his worries --- please send good luck wishes for this please ladies xx
babyD, I hope that can ease DH's mind - thoughts for you and his turnaround! Have you discussed that with him? Remind him that you don't have to buy all new things for baby, and you can do things on a low budget, if need be :)
Thanks puppy x We have had the chat About reusing much of Millie's baby things which would be a huge help!

Peanut, how are you feeling? 20 week scan so soon! How exciting! And congratulations to your sister -- another bump buddy!
Thanks girls :)

D sending you loads of good luck wishes with working on your dh. Course you can reuse loads of dd's things, we are going to reuse as much as we can of Henry's.

Puppy hope you're not being driven too crazy with waiting for your blood and u/s results. Xx
MrsPeanut Wow thats exciting news about your sister!! You all must have been so surprised!! Including her! Great how your all supporting her and that your LO's will be the same age and you have someone to go through your pregnancy with!! Good luck for your scan, not that you will need it!

Jess Wow your rash sounds super evil is it any better yet? I so know what you mean about the money thing, We put off starting a family for two years and Im glad I did as we got to do heaps of things and buy nice things and have my own money, but now that Im 29 its all about starting the family now!! You will make the right decision, maybe you and DH could go talk to someone about your fears etc as you said you both kinda keep getting cold feet?? Maybe? Or you might both be genuinely not ready

Jen you have the cutest bump!!, And your baby is actually smiling!!!!! What the crap!!! your baby was smiling! that is so amazing I have never seen an ultrasound photo like that!! Im blown away...Yey your baby is so happy you must be looking after her/him good! Yey for team yellow and great to hear hubby is on the mend and you can start having a break!

BabyD Sounds like hubby is warming to the idea!! My fingers are crossed! I will definately be reusing everything whenever we have another baby not that that is anytime soon, but that is a great idea so you wont have to buy much new stuff, hope he finds another job has he applied for any yet?

Puppymom when is your ultrasound and when do you get your results? Cant wait!! here is a pic of my cycle. So I couldnt go back and change it as it is in the past but take no notice of the cross hairs or the positive O test. I put that in there to see if it changed when I O'd and it put it back. So just look at the temps. I mustve O'd later as I put in when we did the deed.


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here is the latest bump pic, i feel huge!! lol And the nursery pics as promised
Im back at work on Wednesday, filled all my paper work out I got 2 swings left then no more work, so Ill be 30 weeks when I finish up which is appropriate for the type of envionment I am working in.


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Kerry - your nursery looks so calming, I really like the bedding! Are your walls a green or blue colour?

As for my ultrasound, I have already had it, but the technician was not allowed to tell me what she saw. I am waiting to hear when by blood work comes back and hopefully then I will be able to go in and figure out what is going on. I was told it could take 3-4 weeks for the blood work to come back, but if I don't hear back by Friday, I will call Monday. Can't hurt to call early!
Great looking nursery kerry, you look ready to go!

Puppy I hope it's not going to take that long to get your results :(

I'm struggling with morning sickness again and it's been worse today. Hardly eaten as every time i try I feel worse. Even a macdonalds disgreed with me which is most unusual! Every time I stand up I go dizzy. I know my blood pressure is quite low but don't know what I can do about it? Any tips welcome... Xx
Peanut - for the dizziness, try adding some salt to your diet (surely the McDonald's helped with that) and keep hydrating yourself. Otherwise - take it easy. I never found that "cure" for morning sickness, and honestly, I've woken up today to nausea for the first time in weeks! I don't understand it myself! So when do we get a bump picture from you!? Surely you're looking adorable at this point! Also, so glad to hear you enjoyed your holidays!

Baby D - sounds like DH is communicating beautifully with you - a great sign! Can't wait to see how things go once you get your pay raise!

Kerry - that nursery is gorgeous and I agree, very calming! Makes me want to crawl right in and take a nap. And your belly is gorgeous too - perfectly all bump and nothing else! You must be getting excited to start your leave! How is your energy? Have/will you take a birth class?

Jess - any word on the rash and ttc?

Puppy - good for you for getting the ball rolling with the doctor's visits. I'm excited to see if we can't stimulate some little eggies to come out and get fertilized soon!

I'm rolling along here -- had a beach weekend with DH and his family (the whooole lot of them). By the end we were both ready to kill them all, but managed to get along with each other wonderfully! We took some looooong strolls on the beach and really just enjoyed spending time with each other in a new environment - I had no idea how badly we needed it!
DH is healing up nicely, still gets grumpy if he doesn't take his pain medication regularly and can't work out, but is getting through life's daily tasks without much difficulty.
I, on the other hand, desperately need to work out! I ate sooo many sweets while we were away on our weekend vacation. Then, of course, we came home with extra marshmallows from making all of those S'mores, and I had to use them up and make Rice Krispie treats! Delish! I'm thinking I'll try swimming tonight, or maybe an aqua aerobics class (never done one). My joints are getting a bit achy and I've heard the water feels heavenly.
DH now keeps referring to our baby as a girl. I think we are both 90% sure it is a pink bundle, but we are really struggling with whether or not to confirm it. On the one hand, we pledged to stay team yellow, and it feels like we are going back on our word, but we didn't choose to have the tech at my work accidentally call it a she! On the other hand, if we *knew* it was a girl, we could just start calling it as such, and it would be our special secret, we wouldn't tell family we knew.
It feels really awkward to be team yellow/pink. What does that make us? Team Coral??
Hi ladies,

Sorry for the long absence! Traveling is certainly taking it out of me, as is my work schedule at the moment (which sucks extra 'cause this is obviously a mostly work-related trip). Even after nearly 3 weeks away, I still feel so super jet lagged, which I guess isn't really jet lag, it's just my current state of exhausted pregnant lady being.

I promise a longer, more thorough post eventually and to do a better job of catching up with all your updates (I only just skimmed through - Jen, so sorry to hear about your hubby, but glad he is doing better, if just a bit grumpy, as is to be expected. Poor guy!). I'm doing good though. I'm in San Francisco at the moment on the last leg of my trip and fly home on Friday. I told my mom when I saw her and she is very excited! She pretty much hyperventilated. Of course, the first thing out of her mouth was, 'is this planned? are you okay?'. I was like, "um, mom, seriously I'm about to turn 32, I got the whole not accidentally getting knocked up thing worked out by now. So yes, it was planned!' Haha, she makes me laugh. I think it took her awhile to come to terms with it because I guess she didn't think it would happen yet, despite the fact that all of my friends from school that she is close to as well have like 3 kids already and all her friends have grandchildren. Not sure when she thought it would happen, considering how old I'm getting though! But she's super excited now that the shock has worn off. And keeps checking up on me and making sure I'm okay, which is really sweet. She also said she actually had trouble getting pregnant with me and that it took her over a year, so it was actually a relief to her that I didn't have to go through that as well. She said she'd been concerned about that. Fortunately, I think I'm much healthier and much less stressed out than she was at that point in life (my dad was a dumbass, so not the easiest person to live with!). But it did make me feel really good about our decision to not put off TTC any longer than we did.

I'm feeling good. Morning sickness comes and goes, but still haven't thrown up (mom said she never puked either, so maybe it runs in the family). The main thing is that I'm just exhausted! Like so, so, so tired. I really can't function much past 6pm, which is less than ideal as I really need to work some evenings, but I'm managing. I thought I would tell a few friends when I saw them here, but I actually haven't felt like I wanted to yet. We've met up for drinks and I've managed to either order my drinks before they got there or when they went to the bathroom, or told them I couldn't drink because I had to get back to work right after. So far, it's worked and no one has acted like it was strange. Though I was at a conference last week and bumped into a friend and was having a particularly massive/bloated day and she did keep staring at my stomach! But the good news is while I've been away, we got our scan date and it's the 20th of August. So only a couple more weeks and we get to have a look in there. I think after that, we'll tell our close friends and family. And then eventually we'll tell everyone else. I am suddenly in no rush, maybe because the scan is getting so much closer. Or maybe I'm just too tired to act excited at the moment (probably also a likely explanation!).

Oh wow, I love that I said this would be a 'brief' update. I guess I have more energy than I think I do when I'm trying to avoid getting back to my work. Anyway, I head home on Friday (arriving Saturday morning - straight into Olympics chaos at Heathrow, I can imagine). Then Sunday, despite being ridiculously jet lagged, Tim and I are off to the Great Dorset Chili Festival (as in the spicy pepper, not the spicy stew), which is one of our favorite events of the year (I actually planned my trip dates in order to be home in time for it!). I'll update more when I get back to normal life. Hope you ladies are doing great though!! I promise to keep up on all your updates better soon.

Karen :flower:
Kerry - I completely missed your bump pictures! You look great - all belly! What kind of stroller is that you got? I like the big wheels on it.

mrspeanut - I hope you're feeling a bit better. Hopefully you can get your blood pressure up enough to avoid the dizziness, as that is not a fun feeling to have all the time.

Gen - glad you had a nice little vacation, even if you were ready for it to be over by the end! I am still impressed with you going to the gym, and really need to get my own butt in gear (how many times have I said that now?!). Maybe tomorrow!

Karen - glad that you're not getting much morning sickness. It's nice that you could talk to your mom about your pregnancy. I don't blame you for not really wanting to/feeling like telling everyone yet. enjoy it for now, while you can, and then share it with the world when you're really ready!

As for me... still waiting on the results. Although, I didn't expect to hear anything yet, it would be nice to at least know what was found with the ultrasound (if anything). I suppose I could call just to talk to them about that, but I'd likely have to go in for an appointment, so might as well just wait and get all the information at once.
puppymom I put my chart pics up to, for you if you want to look at my temps!! Dont take any notice of the cross hairs or the positive O test as I put that in there afterwards to see if it changed when I O'd. And that is crap about her not telling you about your ultrasound!!! Hope you dont have to wait too much longer. The pram is a Strider plus....in black, a four wheeler, see we are excited set the pram and bouncer/toys up already!!! It comes with a bassinett that you can click on there aswell which we have got to use when its a newborn. Its green the feature wall to match the cot quilt and toys on the shelf. Very team yellow!!!

Mrspeanut Dont have any advice about the low blood pressure or morning sickness really, pretzels maybe?? they are dried and have salt on them

Jen glad hubby is on the mend and you have time together after his bromance holiday that didnt turn out so good

Mind have fun with the crazy olympic stff when you get home, were kind of watching it on TV Aussies arent doing too good lol
Kerry, thanks for posting the charts! They look similar to what mine looked like before my cycle decided to go haywire! I am hoping they'll return like that again soon.
Just a quick one today - feeling 100% better after eating higher salt foods and drinking energy drinks and staying in bed for nearly 2 days! Tested blood pressure and it's back up to my normal again. Hooray!

Here's my 16 week bump (it looks bigger from above to me!)

You look great! Do you find you've popped more quickly this time, as it's your second child? I have heard that around the boards!
I don't really know as I'm at least a stone lighter on my starting weight than I was last time and I've been much more controlled with my eating (last few days excepted!) I think I could see it earlier this time as a proper bump rather than bloating and weight gain. I don't need to wear maternity clothes fully just yet which is later than last time!
MrsPeanut you are soooooo cute!!!!! you look amazing!!!!.......I always think it looks bigger too from when your looking down at it!

Glad the hear your feeling much better xo

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