4 dpo crampy on chlomid?

Frisbee - maybe you should use OPK's so you can find out when you're ovulating hun? I would hate not to know what CD I am on & would get bored of too much :sex:! Ha ha.

Babyteach - my FS just said that temping was a waste of time as so many people have fluctuating temps and just cos you got a temp spike it doesn't mean you've definitely ovulated as there could be other reasons for the spikes. A friend of mine also was told by her Dr that she should stop temping, but also to stop using OPK's (totally disagree.) I'm not really sure I agree with him re the temping, but I guess I have to listen to him as he's the qualified one lol. I do feel that sometimes we know what's going on more than the specialists! :haha:.

30&ready, I mean I assume you've been put on clomid as you're not ovulating, so if you've never had a progesterone test how do they know for sure?

THAT is a darn good question. I've had some bad midcycle bleeding in the past, and endometriosis symptoms. But besides that I'm normally regular between 25-30 day cycles. I used to be MORE regular (every 28 days on the dot!) but then I guess age started catching up with my ovaries. lol

I think you ladies are helping me to compile a list of Q's for my OB/GYN. At the moment, I feel she has not done her job properly to either diagnose the problem or take the right steps to get to a working solution. She proscribed me Clomid but has only attempted (and failed) at one u/s pre-O (it wasn't the right time of cycle for my O). She's never suggested a progest test so technically we STILL don't know if I O properly- and yet she wants to up my Clomid to 100mg... Seems a bit off.

Sadly, I am a military spouse located in a remote area of the world (only one hospital in the area that services Americans) and I do NOT have the convenience of being able to pick another OB/GYN. sigh. And yet I do not have confidence that mine knows what she is doing...

DPO 15 and BFN... thinking I might have a luteal cyst or general ovarian cyst on the L ovary... we'll see more when AF comes...
Glad to be of help hun. I have to say its a bit worrying she's put you on clomid without any evidence you're not ovulating! Have you had a HSG or blood test to check your FSH, prolactin (the one you have cd 2/3, can't remember what its called)? x
Glad to be of help hun. I have to say its a bit worrying she's put you on clomid without any evidence you're not ovulating! Have you had a HSG or blood test to check your FSH, prolactin (the one you have cd 2/3, can't remember what its called)? x

Yes (I forgot to mention those) I did have an HSG because of some fibroids and the blood test you are mentioning. Those came back okay.

Babyteach- an HSG is a "hysterosalpingogram". Its a fairly quick procedure where they inject dye into the uterus and take x-rays of the uterus and Fallopian tubes to determine if tubes are blocked, somethings abnormal with the shape or layout of the uterus, etc. Mine took about 20 minutes and was done with my OB, an x-ray tech, and an assistant down in our radiology department...
So who's left pre-AF? Any BFPs we don't know about?

I am going to be an AF-er this month :witch:... temps just dropped at CD27- just waiting for it to start. That's okay. This next month is going to be interesting. We are going on holiday the last week (for DH's birthday/ our anniversary :cake: ) so that should actually HELP me not to obsess about 2ww.

Getting my prescription filled today for my 100mg Clomid. Plan on doing that CD2-6, using mucinex/pre-seed/EPO pre-O, then using progest cream post-O. I am using the Ovacue FM this cycle so I probably won't temp regularly and I will do a 7 DPO progest test at the docs office. Also I'm cutting back on my caffeine :coffee: .

Did I miss anything?? You ladies have really helped me nail down what I want to be trying to help ttc. Thank you! :hugs::hugs:

Also- I love these smilies! LOL- I'm getting such a kick out of em! :) Like this one: :holly: I mean- whaaaat in the world?!... lol
So who's left pre-AF? Any BFPs we don't know about?

I am going to be an AF-er this month :witch:... temps just dropped at CD27- just waiting for it to start. That's okay. This next month is going to be interesting. We are going on holiday the last week (for DH's birthday/ our anniversary :cake: ) so that should actually HELP me not to obsess about 2ww.

Getting my prescription filled today for my 100mg Clomid. Plan on doing that CD2-6, using mucinex/pre-seed/EPO pre-O, then using progest cream post-O. I am using the Ovacue FM this cycle so I probably won't temp regularly and I will do a 7 DPO progest test at the docs office. Also I'm cutting back on my caffeine :coffee: .

Did I miss anything?? You ladies have really helped me nail down what I want to be trying to help ttc. Thank you! :hugs::hugs:

Also- I love these smilies! LOL- I'm getting such a kick out of em! :) Like this one: :holly: I mean- whaaaat in the world?!... lol

goodl luck to u and enjoy your holiday when you travel
I am on clomid 50mg days 2-6... am now 8DPO and i have felt no symptom at all well save for the blue veins which i am certain are a clomid side effefct noted from the past two cycles i used clomid (pregnant in one ending in a MC),. Is there anyone feeling nothing. I have only started to feel some mild below pelvic line pressure after some brief and strong cramps. I dont want to get my hopes high. any one in same boat or with an idea
Good luck Lubuto! Sometimes no signs are a good thing!!

30 - yes I love that smiley - and she even has a name - Holly!

I've just emailed my FS to ask him for a progesterone test. As I ovulated last month it was just going to be a case of keep trying for another 5 cycles & if no BFP to go back. But because of my early spotting I want to see what an ovulatory progesterone test looks like! I've also asked him about my light AF's. We'll see what he says :coffee:

30: Thanks for the info on the HSG, my doctor has never mentioned it but I have a few things to ask when she calls with my progesterone test results hopefully today!! No AF signs for me yet but no signs of anything so who knows... Sorry to hear you think AF is coming but at least you have something nice planned for next month to occupy some time :), good luck!!

lubto: I had cramps/twinges for one day and then they were gone and now I have not symptoms so maybe it's a good thing... I had a friend say she did not have any symptoms until the day AF was suppose to show her bb were a little tender and that's it so here's hopping!!
CD #1 for me ladies - I had a feeling this wasn't my month:cry: Good luck to all of those still wishing! Hope you get your BFP's!
So my doctor called today and my progesterone test results came back low that I did not really ovualte even though I got a positive OPK?!?! I am really getting frustrated!!! I did not ovualte on 50mg and now 100mg. I thought my PCOS was not that bad b/c I don't have any of the normal symptoms; I am not overweight (I run and lift weights 4 times a wk), do not have abnormal body hair, no ance, etc. the only thing is my no AF's, hence the no ovualtion!! I cried today for an hour, I have been really good about not letting all of this get to me but today I lost it b/c I was really just hopping for a chance. My doctor wants me to take a pregnancy test Friday just in case (she says it's not likely) and if it's negative I will take provera again for 10 days to induce AF. This time I will add metformin, starting right away, and then clomid 5-9 100mg. I don't even know what to think anymore I feel like nothing will work!!

Sorry ladies to hear the witch showed up, but I will say I am a little jealous b/c at least you ovulated and that's why AF came and you will get to start trying again soon. I will have another 2 wks till I even get AF. Booo, sorry I am ranting I just had a horrible day :(.

I sure hope we get the best christmas present ever a BPF!!!
I'm sorry babyteach. Clomid can actually do the opposite for some people- maybe you are one of those people? Or maybe you will just respond to a higher dose (or maybe you are pregnant and you will surprise the hell out of your doc). Don't give up- we each have our issues and obstacles to overcome. Besides- when your kid gets older you can guilt trip him to the max by saying ALL you had to go through just to GET him here and THEN to get him out! :flower:

Currently DPO 17 and CD 28. Last three cycles have been CD26... I guess I am in the beginning of the overtime waiting game... (who knows- maybe I didn't O either?...)

I'm still hopeful, although slightly irritated because the delayed AF interfers with being able to u/s for O and the thanksgiving holiday (ob/gyn office closed for 4 days) and then the vacation... grr. AF come :witch: or give me a +++++ :bfp:...
30: Oh Oh Oh I sure hope you get a BFP!!! I am crossing my fingers for you!!!

I would love to be prego and shock myself! But I am really feeling like I did not ovualte again :(.

That's funny you say that about guilting my kid, my DH and I joke about that all the time. We will say "you know what we had to go though to get you..., lol"

My DH said tonight everything will be fine, we will get our baby and at least we get to BD a lot more! He is so great through all of this I just feel so bad b/c he has wanted a baby longer than I have. Well I hope if I get a BFN that adding metformin to my clomid does the trick, like I have said I just want a chance!!
Hi ladies, I've been a little MIA. AF is here full blown, I feel as if I'm bleeding to death.

Spoke to nurse at the FS office today who said IUI may not work this cycle because they are off for Thanksgiving and that's when I'm due to inseminate. :growlmad:
I'm sorry sunshine. That has happened to me this past month where my O happened on a 4 day weekend and (maybe) will happen to me again this month (with thanksgiving)... I haven't done an IUI but man it sure would be nice to be able to do an u/s followed by the trigger shot and actually SEE that I have some big follicles... So frustrating!
Hugs to you... hang in there... :hugs:
lubto: I had cramps/twinges for one day and then they were gone and now I have not symptoms so maybe it's a good thing... I had a friend say she did not have any symptoms until the day AF was suppose to show her bb were a little tender and that's it so here's hopping!![/QUOTE]

Hi yes i have also heard that no symptoms can be a good thing. Lets hold on to that and stay positive. I am 9DPO today and woke up very tired after an action packed vivid dream. Then spent half the night praying for some sleep as i was so sleepless. A bit of more saliva and a strong shooting cramp that did not last long this morning. Good luck to all us ladies especially on Clomid.

I am also very veiny especially on the hands, i can see teh world map on my hands but i seem to have this reaction from clomid because it happened even in cycles that i ended up not pregnant and and even on a cycle i did not use clomid. anyone else with veins related to clomid?

F'xed for us this month.
Lubto- that all sounds very promising! When are you testing?

I'm sorry the witch got some of you ladies :( but hopefully it's given you some ideas of things to ask your OB or extra things you want to do next month. Just a word on the mucinex- I took it all the way to Ov day, as that's the day you need the CM to be nice and thin. I so hope that next month you all get your BFPs! :D
Temps went back up a bit... this is annoying- i wish AF would come or (really wish) I could get a BFP...
Still BFNs on the tests but same mild crampiness, sore boobs, burping, emotional... I hate waiting. The 3ww continues. and the crampiness is still not like my AF crampiness...

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