4 Leaf Clover IVF / ICSI Buddies

Hi Girls, I've decided I'm going to take my mind off the fact that I was meant to be starting DR on Saturday and now have to wait for a stupid colposcopy by following your every post and living the IVF experience through all of you for now!

Caline - the fact that your HCG levels have done what they should must be a good sign, like someone else said, you can bleed at this stage without it being a MC. Fingers crossed for you that this is the last stressful part you have to go through and that it's a sticky bean xx

Brooklyn1 - hope you're feeling better after your headaches, etc. The bloating has to be a good sign though xx

MissMonty - good luck for EC tomorrow, fingers crossed for lots of lovely eggies xx

I hope everyone else is ok too xx
Hi ladies

Can i ask a question regarding follicles. I have 9 follicles (in Dec) will this increase during IVF, im starting stimms tom and wondered if it was likely to increase

Caline, Congrats! What a journey you have had, im dreading that stage..
More fresh bleeding and bad cramps. My hope is dwindling very rapidly.:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

MissMonty, I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Let us know how it all went.

Muncho, I think your number of follicles will increase, but everyone will respond differently to the drugs, so fingers crossed for lots of follicles.
Caline... i really feel for you sweety... if it is a miscarriage... at least you have your frosties to look forward to... but hoping that your bean sticks through all of this!!!

Trying4ever... i started down regg on CD21 ... i still have one more week to go!!! ill be down regg for just over three weeks then!!! Got a scan booked in for next tuesday... i just hope that i can start stimms then..... seems like both of us stuck with down regg....

Brooklyn1.. hows stimm going?

Good luck for EC MissMonty... hope it goes well for you tomorrow!
hi everyone,
Caline, I'm so sorry you are going through all of these ups and downs. I can't believe your clinic would be so cold about the whole thing, it just seems unfair given what you're going through. :hugs:

Breeze- you're almost done with down regging, you'll be stimming soon! Are you having any side effects at this point?

Muncho- I'm wondering the same thing about antral follicles and whether you can end up with more follicles after stimulation. It seems like you can, but probably not much more than the original count. I'll let you know what happens with me- I think they counted 13 follicles at baseline.

I've done three nights of stims injections, and things are getting better. Those first two nights were not easy with all of the mixing and transferring liquid between four different vials. But last night was easier, and I'm also feeling better than I was a few days ago. I think the down regg drugs were really getting to me and now that I'm at a lower dose of those, I'm starting to feel a bit better. Tomorrow I have my first scan to see what's going on with the eggs!
Hello everyone,

Caline, I'm so sorry you're going through this, I wish there was something we could do to make everything better, this must be a total nightmare for you. Thinking of you and praying all is going to be ok :hugs:

Breeze and Trying4ever, I was down regging for 3 weeks, this part seems to take forever, I hope you are both able to move onto stims very soon.

Brooklyn, I hope all goes well tomorrow at your scan, its great you're starting to feel better, I found my down regging side effects started to go after starting stims.

Muncho, I had 24 follicles at my pre treatment scan, because of this they put me on a lower dose of stims as they thought I would be at risk of developing OHSS but they ended up increasing the dose. At my last stims scan on Friday I had 12 follicles and only 6 of these are big enough, so it seems I went to other way.

Actually I'm worried about this, I really hope they get some good eggs out of these [-o<
Hi girls

Sorry not been catching up with everyone's news but just wanted to send lots of :hugs: to you all, whatever stage you are at! :kiss:

Caline, lots of sticky dust and and :hugs: to you hun. Got everything crossed.

Kath xxx
Thanks everyone for your help. i have my 1st stimm scan next tues..
Miss Monty: hopefully your 12 will grow by EC, when is EC?
I had lots of pain last night, took paracetamol in the end, and also clots. One clot looked like a bit of tissue with a clear kinda bogey attached. Do you think this was my blasto?
I am accepting now that the pregnancy is not going to proceed, and want this bit to end so we can look forward to having one of our frosties put back. We are so lucky we have some in the freezer, so no more fresh cycles for me just yet. Gotta look on the bright side.

MissMonty, thinking of you today xxxx
Hi Everyone, hope you don't mind me posting here. I have been on stims since last Thursday (6 days) I had my scan on Monday and everything looked fine and I was told to continue the dose but at today's scan I had to see the Doctor and was told that I am not responding to the stims and my womb lining has got less and follicles got smaller. I have to up my drugs from today and go back saturday but if I still have no response it will be abandoned. I am devastated as I was told I would be at risk of over stimulating so today's news has been a shock. Has anyone had the same experience? I need some positives to keep me going! :cry:
Hi Lynseology,
Thats very frustrating for you, especially given that you were told you may over stimulate. I was only scanned on day 10 following stimming so not sure how quickly I responded. Its better that you have been scanned at this stage as you now have chance to up your doses. Maybe you are just going to need that extra boost of stimms to get your follicles growing.

Good luck with the Saturday scan. Sorry I can't offer any better reassurance.
lynseyology, I'm sorry you're going through this, but I do think that things can change with a higher dose of the meds. I've got my fingers crossed that you've got a bunch of nice follies at next scan.

I just got back from my first scan (day 5 of stims), and I think it went ok. I'm feeling anxious, but I'm not sure why, probably just because it's starting to seem very real now. I had a bunch of follicles in the right ovary (I think 5 larger ones at 11-12mm and then three 10mm) and two or three in the left. So the left side is not responding as well. Is this common? Also, does anyone remember if a 10mm follicle can catch up to the 11 and 12's after day 5? They are keeping my medication dose the same.

Muncho- it looks like an ovary can produce more follicles than were counted in the baseline scan because my right ovary had 6 antral follicles I think, and today there were 8 growing. Unfortunately, all the antral follicles in the left ovary did not grow so it ends up being fewer follicles than the baseline anyway...
Hi there ladies! Hope you all ok... Hanging on tight to the rollecoater ride of ivf!! I'm still on down regg.the side effects are getting to me now!sleep is totally disrupted,tired in the day with headaches.have been drinking loads of water which helps but I find that I'm still moody and tired!! Not long now till my scan on tuesday. Caline I'm so sorry that the lil bean didn't stick!! Thanku 4 sharing ur experiences. It helps to know what others have Been thru.
Hello everyone,

I had EC yesturday - it wasn't great, they only found 3 eggs, they tried to get more but my other follicles were empty or the eggs wouldn't come out. EC procedure wasn't great either, I was sedated but felt quite a bit of pain, they had to give me more drugs on two occasions and the consultant kept telling me off for tensing my bum and legs but I coundn't help it.

Anyways they called this morning and I have 2 fertilised eggs which is great and will have ET tomorrow all being well, I feel happy I've got these 2 but dissapointed I don't have any more to freeze. I'm having this cycle NHS funded and they only allow 1 to be transfered at a time.

Trying to stay positive and I'm so happy I have 2 that have fertilitsed, but feeling really down today maybe its all the drugs still in my system.
Why do they bother with the flippin sedation at all!!?!! Makes me so angry, and your experience sounds similar to mine. I found it quite upsetting that I was telling them it hurt but they just carried on.

Think positive, it only takes one embie, and you have 2. So, you will have 1 put back tomorrow and 1 frozen? Wishing you loads of luck for a BFP!

I'm off to work in a bit. I need distraction and to think about something else. I am still bleeding, but its lighter now.
Caline - have you done another test since you called your clinic? I don't know what the chances are now but it might give you an answer one way or the other? Hope work's not too stressful for you and just provided a good distraction xx

Brooklyn1 - sounds like you've got a nice lot of follicles growing, fingers crossed it's the start of a good cycle for you xx

Breeze - you poor thing, distrupted sleep is the worst thing - are you allowed to take Nytol or anything? xx

Miss Monty - I can understand you're dissapointed, if only the NHS weren't so prescriptive about how many you're allowed to have transfered. But you've got two potential babies growing now! Good luck for tomorrow xx
Caline, I'm sending lots of good thoughts your way.

Missmonty, I'm sorry EC was such a negative experience. But remember that it does take only one good one, so I've got my fingers crossed that you got three.

Breeze, ugh, all those side effects. I think they really start to get bad after the second week. But you're almost there!

Did anyone get extra hungry and thirsty while stimming? I've been consuming large amounts of protein and eating really healthy, and still I seem to be hungry within an hour or two of a (for me) big meal. I keep thinking my eggs are growing and needing lots of nurishment, but I could be just eating from all of the anticipation and stress of this. :shrug:
I haven't done another test. Just think the HCG can still be in my system and I don't want any false hope. Clinic told me to test Monday, so I am going to send HCG levels then.

Brooklyn, I was soooo thirsty while stimming. I think you need extra fluid to fill all those juicy follicles. I was advised to drink 3 litres a day, and found myself doing that anyway as my mouth was so dry.

Also had the poor sleep but think that was down to getting so hungry. I was getting up in the night for toast most nights!

Thinking of you today MIssMonty. Hope your transfer goes well xxxx

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