4 Leaf Clover IVF / ICSI Buddies

sammy just been reading choccis journal and shes had a medicated FET
sammy just been reading choccis journal and shes had a medicated FET

Thanks hun, maybe she will see this post and advise me... if not then i will contact her. Seems weird that i remember you were here when we were trying and then now im here again with you!!! Sods law eh?

But what can you do.... back to square one! :dohh:
i heard this too but i dont know if its true. I dont know anyone who has bd after transfer

will be good to see what people think..

We didn't, both clinic and my acupuncturist warned against it and anything else too physical too!

sammy - i was following you and i'm so sorry that you are back here again xxx
sammy - i was following you and i'm so sorry that you are back here again xxx

Hi yeah, i recognice some familiar faces.... :happydance:

I will never be able to relax again with a pregnancy, you take it all for granted that all will be ok and then the stories you read on here... jesus, problems at 25 weeks, 35 eeks, bad problems. I just thought if you got over 12 weeks you were fine but at 20 weeks we were diagnosed with Hydro and I read of a girl on here at 25 weeks and 35 weeks diagnosed with the same. I will never get through another pregnancy and be able to relax. I cant. Even then the people that have had stillbirths. You never think it will never happen to you but it does sometimes. I think sometimes I wished my knowledge of all of these problems didnt exist. I have worried myself stupid now. I always panicked through the whole pregnancy, went for amnios cos my friend told me about her friend that had the nuchal fold test and all was ok and then when the baby was born it was severely handicapped with Downs and was not detected, the baby was wheel chair bound and could not function, they gave her up unable to cope... I had every test going and all was clear and then this. We had every test going but it meant nothing... At any time anything can go wrong and this makes me so scared. I am scared to go through it again :wacko:
Has everyone on here had successful ivf? Is there anyone still going through it? I have had 4 IUI and tried a cylce with Lupron and developed cyst. Has been two months and watiing for the cyst to go down so I can finally continue treament. This is the most frustrating thing in the world!!
Hey sammy just wanted to say I was sorry to hear your news to. I also followed your thread in gestational and it broke my heart. I hope you have a speedy try again at it if that is what you're aiming for. As for the period question wouldn't you have to wait for your hcg to go down to 0? Or is it different when it's a birth and not a natural mc? In either case I wish you all the best!

Same to you to wrightywales. I hope that if you do the donor thing that it works first try for you!
Sammy so sorry to hear you story. I cant even imagine how it must feel.
Sammy so sorry to hear you story. I cant even imagine how it must feel.

Thanks everyone...

well i feel really gutted... i only wished if this pregnancy was not meant to be then to have let her go a lot earlier. You kind of get your hopes up by 24 weeks that all will be ok. Its cruel to just have them taken from you after all the time you have felt the movement and created that bond... watched the scans. I still cant believe I am back here really....:growlmad:
Hi Sammy - I'm so very sorry for all that has happened - I wish you lots of luck and best wishes for you FET :flower:
hi ladies,
back from my EC. It went well- got 10 eggs! I'm still feeling out of it because of the anesthesia. It was strange being under for 10 minutes- it felt like going into a really deep sleep. I'm trying to drink loads of water now to prevent OHSS, although they didn't mention that I'm at risk for it. Now I wait until tomorrow to hear the fertilization results and ET should be either saturday or monday.

That's strange about BD-ing during the tww...my clinic definitely says no sex until the blood test. I think it's because they don't want to risk an infection during that time.

Hey Brooklyn - 10 eggs thats fantastic :happydance: I really pleased all went well, waiting for the call to find out how many have fertilised can feel like forever - wishing you lots of luck :hugs:

My clinic gave me a lists of do's and don'ts after ET and bding is a don't until after test date - not sure why :shrug:

Well i guess im back here... we had IVF last year which was successful but unfortunately lost her at 24 weeks due to Hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain)

We had two frozen embryos from the first round of IVF which I think must be to blast stage since at day 3 they said they would check them the next day or the day after to see how they were doing since they were a bit slower than then rest of the embryos (that we had put back in). They said they would only freeze them if they were excellent and were lucky enough to receive a letter 2 weeks later to say two had been frozen so I guess they are really good. We have an appointment on 8th Feb to go back to the clinic and talk about having these thawed and put back in (FET) (depending if they thaw ok of course)

I gave birth on 10th Jan and i'm still waiting for my period which if on time I guess will be due around 6th Feb?

Can i ask a few questions?

Is it possible to have your first period after birth 28 days after?

When would they put the frosties back in... around ovulation time?

What medication do you have to take and for how long before FET?

What meds do you have to take after FET, progesterone?

Do you have to have had a period before they can do FET?

Would you do a fresh IVF cycle or try the FET?

If FET doesnt work, how long after can you start a fresh IVF cycle?

I would very much appreciate ANY help and advice... I know plenty about IVF but little about FET having never been through it!


So sorry to hear about your loss. Just can't imagine what you have been through. Sending lots of :hugs:

I have been doing some research and have spoken to my clinic about FET today so I thought i'd share with you what I have found out.

So, you can do FET medicated or natural. With medicated you down regulate, as for a fresh cycle, then take oestrogen tablets for about 10 days then have a scan. Once your lining is good they time FET depending on when your embies were frozen (mine are blastos so will be day 5 after ovulation). Then after the transfer you have progesterone pessaries and I think continue with the oestrogen tablets.

A natural cycle, they scan on day 10 then give you LH sticks (like OPK) and then you call them when you get the surge and they time transfer in with normal cycle. 1 think with a natural cycle is you mustn't BD during the cycle as you can ovulate and conceive naturally! Obviously ok if you have 1 embie out back, but potential for triplets or worse if you have 2 out back.

I am not sure how soon after giving birth that you will have a period. I think this is variable. I think you need to have one natural cycle before having FET. I am not sure about statistical sucess between FET and fresh cycle but would be interested to know. My clinic did tell me today that a medicated FET is about 5% more sucessful than a natural FET.

I have beem told that I may be able to book a FET after my period in Feb (my mc bleeding is counted as one normal period), however she did say they would want to scan my ovaries before the FET cycle as I had moderate OHSS after this cycle. If they are still enlarged then I'd be advised to wait another cycle before going ahead.

I think you would have to have one natural period so they could time down regulation correctly, but I think with a natural cycle this might not be the case.

I was also told today that after a frech cycle and a mc that my hormones would be high, and I have a higher than normal chance of conceiving this month. We do have DH's sperm count as an obstacle but that's not going to stop us trying this month.

Brooklyn, fantastic news about the eggs. Have you had your transfer? Sorry, I've lost track a bit :flower: I drank loads as was at risk of OHSS (I had 26 follicles!!), and still got it moderately but drinking and resting is the only treatment, so even if you are not at risk I would still be drinking tons.

MissMonty, you keep chillin and no guilty feelings about not being at work. I have everything crossed for your BFP XXXX
Has everyone on here had successful ivf? Is there anyone still going through it? I have had 4 IUI and tried a cylce with Lupron and developed cyst. Has been two months and watiing for the cyst to go down so I can finally continue treament. This is the most frustrating thing in the world!!


Check out the first page of the thread, there are some of us who have been incredibly lucky and are blessed to be pg.

Good luck
Hi Sammy, I followed your story from before. I'm so sorry about your loss.
Hope your stay here is going to be short. I don't know anything about FETs so can't help you there.

Hi NYCS79 - I'm only going to be starting my first cycle now. Down regging starts in 5 days.

Is anyone else starting IVF cycle roughly the same time as me? :flower:
I had my first appointment with my IVF doctor yesterday and had a hyterosonogram this morning. It's really fast, but after two failed IUI's and the dr's telling us that we are not going to get pregnant naturally (testicular cancer), we are ready to jump in all the way! I will be learning as I go, so any advice/input would be greatly appreciated. I go in on Monday to get my calendar and injection training. I think I'll be starting injections next Friday! I'm so excited, and a little scared too. Good luck everyone, and thanks for letting me join!!
You're right missmonty, the wait today to find out about fertilization was torture. But I got some good news- 9 out of 10 eggs fertilized! I'm so happy about that...still don't know about the quality of the embryos, but it's a start. They booked us in for a 3 day transfer on Saturday but said that they'd call us on Sat morning if they decide to do a 5 day transfer.
Hi all

Sammy I am so so sorry for your loss. Hope you get some positive results with a FET :hugs::hugs:

ladies here is an update of dates etc.. please send me any new dates or outcomes :hugs:

https://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1480/1480555ipgpdidffl.gif 4 Leaf Clover IVF & ICSI Buddies

June / July 09 Outcome

Akcher ICSI :yipee::baby::baby: :pink::blue: - twins are here at 34.5 weeks - all is well
RBaker ICSI :flow::angel:
Mendy ICSI :yipee::baby: :pink:
Lilly123 ICSI :yipee::baby: :pink: #
Beckic IVF :flow::angel:
Ena IVF :flow::angel:
MaryB IVF :flow::angel:

August / September 09 Outcome

Angelcakes - :flow::angel:

Sammy2009 - :flow::angel:

CupcakeQueen - :flow::angel:

Emerald Sarah - :flow::angel:

Brambletess - flow::angel:

Jane1972 - :yipee::baby:

Mrs G - :yipee::baby: :pink:

Wrightwhales - :flow::angel:

Snowdrop - :flow::angel:

October / November / December 09 Outcome

CupcakeQueen - :flow::angel:

Mrs F - :flow::angel:

aneageraussie - Natural BFP :happydance:

NeyNey - :yipee::baby:

lioness168 - :yipee::baby:

Snowdrop - :flow::angel:

Meli -

Bek74 - :yipee::baby::baby: Twins!

Beckic - :flow::angel:

Krissi - :hugs: cancelled cycle

Maz - :flow::angel:

Kelly9 - Natural BFP :yipee::baby:

January / February 2010 Outcome

Caline - :flow::angel:

Muncho - stimming Jan

Dilek - start stimms 13 Jan​

Rosie06 - start down regg 27th Dec

Trying4Ever - started down regg 30 December

Chocci - ET 25 Jan [-o<

Cupcake - FET cancelled :flow::angel:

MissMonty - ET 29th January [-o<

Noddysgirl - ttc on hold

Breeze - start down regg 11 Jan

Mrs R32 - start down regg 30 Jan

Brooklyn1 - start down regg 7 Jan

Peartree - start down regg 9 Feb

ihavefaith - waiting to start

WishtobMama - start IVF 25 April 2010

Doodar - on IVF waiting list

Lots and lots of luck to everyone xxx
Brooklyn - wow thats fantastic - great news :happydance:

Peartree - good luck starting down regging, I found the down regging part ok - although it did seem to take a long time, once the down regging stage is over things move really quickly :hugs:

Hopeforababy - wishing you good luck, and I hope all is ok with your DH - has he fully recovered? :hugs:

Caline - I'm still chillin to the max!! Go back to work on Monday, kind of looking forward to it - it will be nice to get back to normal and hopefully it will make the last week before testing go quicker.

Well I'm trying hard not to symptom spot, feeling more bloated today and boobies feeling heavy, getting some cramps too - basically everything I get before AF - so I don't know whats going on but still got over a week before I can test anyway.

CARE called me this morning - a nurse called just to make sure I was ok and behaving myself and to remind me to make contact with them if I have any questions - I thought that was really nice of them.

I'm looking forward to watching Lost tonight!
hji ladies

Not great news to report im afraid.
hormones and lining wa good . the 1 follicle had grown to 19mm, there is another one but its very small and they said it will not grow to be a mature egg.
Also the 1 follicle i have may not contain an egg!!!!!!!!!!!!

The doc said its up to us what we decide, we cant bd as the ovary that contains the follicle is blocked so either way we are screwed.

We had already thought about this and we have deicded to continue. If we stop now we have 0% chance ,if we carry on we may have a 1% chance.
So all this money is going on a 1% chance that we get pg.

so here we are , DH is very upset today. i think he has felt it more as he has been with me. Normally he gets a call from me with an update, today its different as he has heard everything the nurse and the doc has said
I got the feeling they thought we were brave but bonkers
At least this way we will know one way or another for sure and we will never look back ans say 'what if'

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