4 Leaf Clover IVF / ICSI Buddies

Chocci - you are right. The pressure to 'succeed' is always going to be there - in a few months, it's not going to be any different - just more expensive! And I think a w/end spent coming to terms with it all (albeit alone) has actually given me some peace.
Good for you hun...ding ding, next round, bring it on eh?!?! What doesnt kill us makes us stronger!!!! I will be just behind you in November.......actually quite looking forward to taking diazipam again before egg collection again hahaha XX
Ladies I need some advice. I have been thinking all day about our way forward.

DH thinks I am going crazy (which I am at the moment, but it will pass) and that I am not emotionally stable enough at the moment to continue with another round of ICSI straight away (ie next week).

Now, normally I would agree - but we have a bit of a problem. As of 1 Jan 2010, ICSI will cost us $10K a pop. At the moment, it's about $3K a pop due to government rebate. So if I go straight into another cycle - we get to have another go at the lower cost. We could even potentially have some embies to freeze, which means that if Round 2 doesn't work, we could have FET before Xmas. So this effectively gives us 2 goes before the government funding cuts out.

My only concern with starting Round 2 straight away, is that I don't feel like I am physically in top shape. I have put on 6 kg since wedding (1 stone) and although I am still within normal BMI range, I just feel a bit blah. I have been comfort eating big time since m/c last year. I have not exercised much this year and 1st round of ICSI didn't help with that. So I wonder given I have PCOS, if this weight gain is causing me to be insulin resistant and hence egg quality is low. So if I go straight into ICSI again, will my eggs just be yuck again and will it be a waste of time?

If we decide to give it a few months to try work on emotional and physical health (for both of us) - we will effectively be 'experimenting' (ie Round 2) at a much larger cost ($10K) and also I will be turning 33 in Feb 2010. However, we both may be in better physical shape, which can only be a good thing.


I don't think 1 stone is much to be worried about.... I can see your point hun as i have put some weight on over the weeks and feel blah as well (before the IVF) but really 10k is a lot of money. I would chance it if i were you and go for it now. I think your healthy enough to go for all this again although i can imagine how emotionally you might not feel up to it... if anything happened to this pregnancy i don't think i could go through it all again to be honest. 7 weeks seems like 7 months already and i can't imagine starting again from scratch so i do sympathise with you there hun. Even so i think you should try once more before they change the funding.... maybe leave it to the last minute so that you have maximumamount of time to feel ready? Whatever you decide i wish you all the best of luck chick :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Yes good luck cupcake, I wish you all the best to. My DH and I are in a shitty situation now cause if IUI doesn't work then we have to do ICSI and we have zero dollars for it so our only hope is to be accepted for funding through the Charity fund they have for couple who can't afford it. We'll have to cover the full 7 to 12 thousand ourselves right from the start.
Kelly - I hope you get your BFP this month so you don't have to worry about getting funding for IVF!

Sammy - yes I've decided to start straight away - I can't be throwing away $10K a pop next year.

AF has arrived - so I farewell my LO :cry:

Will go to the clinic today and get my plan for next round. Start down regg'n tomorrow and stims on Tuesday.
Awwwwwwwwwww hun, remember be strong, have a cry then get ready to have anoterh go, you can do it and you little LO would want you to!!! x
Oh cupcake so sorry that it didn't work out this time its so crushing and my heart goes out to you x x

after my miscarriage I just wanted to get on with IVF ASAP but you have to feel ready for it as we all know how draining it is. Also the money issue is a big factor. Good luck with what you decide.

Well I have just had trigger shot ready for Monday. In at 730 so early night for me tomorrow. Had massive panic attack just after trigger, shaking and trouble swallowing, not sure why. Think I find all the drugs a bit scary. Feel better now. But very thirsty and lots of twinges

Hope every one else is well.

good luck for monday hope it all goes well and they get lots of good quality eggs :hug::hugs:xxxxxxxxxxx

Good luck for TODAY!!!!! Hope you get loads of lovely eggies!!! :hugs:
You are so lucky you can start so soon!!!! Huge amounts of super duper good luck to you cupcake.... speaking of which I still haven't gotten my cupcake yet....
Well today is CD2 so due for my baseline scan today and start the pill, nasal sprays in 2 weeks time!
Kelly - yes I am lucky to start again (bank balance is fading fast though!!). And here is a little something for you :cake:

Krissi - hope scan goes well today - all moving forward.
Good luck Cupcake and krissi xo

I was wondering if anyone is able to give me some advice on the following....On the 30/09 I will be starting either Lucrin or Synarel. I was leaning towards the lucrin as I only need to inject once a day...does anyone know the side effects or preferability of either of these drugs? Then when I start sims on 07/10 I will either be on Purgeon or Gonal F....any recommendations on which one here?

Thanks in advance :)
Hey Lioness

I am on Synarel - no side effects for me. And I am also going to be taking Gonal F like I did last round. No side effects either - only thing that affects me is the trigger injection when I go a bit cranky and crazy! :devil:

Overall you will get bloated and have a feeling of 'heaviness' in your pelvis - so just make sure you drink lots of water when you are stimming.

For your first round it's a bit of trial and error - but I think you will be fine with whatever you get.

Good luck!
Given a choice I'd opt for injections for down regging - I took suprefact for both my previous cycles - and I'd go for gonal-f as it's in a pre-filled syringe, so it's easy to administer first thing on a morning ...

Good luck with whatever drugs you take ... let's hope you get your :bfp: at the end of it all ...
Sorry to hear your news Cupcake :hugs: but great that you have the next cycle to focus your energies on. Got everything crossed for this one for you hun.

Brambletess, any news hun??

:kiss: to all.

glad to hear you are starting again so soon cupcake xx fx for you.

mrs g- not long till egg collection.

how is everyone else doing?
i'm still in 2 ww, serious loss of pma. normally mimic pg symptoms the last two weeks due to injections. but nope this month, no sore boobs, nothing.
only symptoms i've got are usually AF symptoms, spot on chin, sore lower back oh man!!!
11 dpo - 6 days till testing

sending everyone else loads of good luck x
Hello everyone

Gum, you can't read anything into symptoms right now, think only the test will tell you so hope the next six days does fast for you and wishing you loads of luck.

Thanks for asking Mrs G, I can report that I got 10 good mature eggs today at egg collection so i am happy with that as it gives me a few to play with. Felt quite rough all afternoon and slept loads but feel much brighter now. I feel like I have strong period pains but other than thats its all ok. So i will get my fertalisation report on wednesday at about 9.30, will try not to obsess about it in the meantime.

Cupcake - its a good thing to have another cycle to focus on, after my miscarriage I didn't have long to prepare for ICSI so I increased my acupuncture and took chinese herbs to prepare and i think they did me a lot of good. Try not to diet too heavily as your body needs lots of protein to get strong again and too much hardcore excersise is not great either as it depletes you. Traditional chinese medicine does not beleive in running at all for example as it is too much stress on the body. And of course look after your emotional health too, I understand what Maz is saying as i felt it was not really long enough mentally to prepare but feeling desperate and nothing in the pipeline felt harder than dealing with the ups and downs of IVF. I a
great news brambletess. sounds like a good number of eggs.
fx for the fertilisation report
do you guys mind me asking, how long were you ttc before you were referred to for IVF.
great news brambletess. sounds like a good number of eggs.
fx for the fertilisation report
do you guys mind me asking, how long were you ttc before you were referred to for IVF.

We weren't trying very long at all, only about 8 months but because of very poor SA results, they decided it was our only option and ttc naturally was most probably a waste of time. I'm 34 (nearly 35) so this prob was a factor too.

Good eggs bramble well done!!! Fingers crossed for fert report XX

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