Welcome SShylady, Leanbh, Chloezilla, Mom2Hope and Starry Night, you have all been added! (Mom2Hope I put you for the 9th for now)
Hi tublet! Do you have a estimated due date so I can add you on the front page? Maybe going of LMP... I'm super nervous too, also my first time pregnant. I wish I had more symptoms, I've had cramping/pulling and bloating, but nothing that screams "pregnant" to me yet....
Leanbh: I have a countdown on my iPad to my first scan ever on April 30th when I'm 7 weeks, so you are definitely not the only one counting down!!
Chloezilla: I agree, it is really scary! I hate these cramps/pulling I have, makes me feel like af is coming. I REALLY wish they gave me a blood test to see my levels. I may ask in a week or so if I can get them done, just to help ease my mind.
GalvanBaby: I'm sorry