4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)

We had Lucas in our room for a while.... He slept in a moses basket/bassinet for the first 6 weeks or so as he grew out of it THAT quickly! But he was a big boy (long mainly). Then we just put the cot next to our bed, though we had a big bedroom so it fit (wouldn't be able to do that now, but if Logan is big and I don't want to put him in his own room yet I'll be able to put the cot at the end of our bed). Lucas slept in his own room from about 8 weeks, because he was noisy and kept me awake - just cause you're so sensitive to the noises they make when your a new mum! At least, that's what I found! His bedroom was basically attached to ours though, like ensuite with double doors so I guess you could say he was still in our room, if we had the doors open, just further away!

I wouldn't have a problem putting Logan in his own room though I don't think, especially now we've got the angelcare baby monitor which has a movement & breathing sensorpad.
Well for the most part Rowan is still in our room so I guess I don't have much say... lol. Never thought I'd be the baby wearing, extended breastfeeding, cloth diapering, co sleeping type until he was born lol... Had a crib and everything set up... just... didn't feel right for me. And we tried the moses basket, the Pea Pod and a transition crib in our room as well as a crib in his... the Pea Pod was handy for when we wanted our own space in the bed. I'd use that again for sure. And ifhe is still in bed with us which I am trying to transition him again after his bit of sickness and then night weaning that led him back to our bed... but if he hasn't made it back to his for whatever reason before new baby, they will sleep in the moses bed until they are big enough, maybe the travel crib/playpen. But I am thinking Rowan will be on his own by then.
haha.... that reminds me of a post someone put up in our FB group.... she said she made a thread on here about people's lists of baby gear and someone apparently commented saying: you don't need a cot/crib cause baby can sleep in your bed, you don't need a pram/stroller cause you can use a baby carrier, you don't need a bouncy chair or swing because you can put baby on your lap and you don't need toys cause your baby has your boob! :dohh: I'm really not one for being attached to my child every minute of every day! I love having some time without him or at least being able to put him down and do something like cross stitching and ofcourse all the necessary housework that needs doing. I wouldn't be able to do that with a baby strapped to me every second of the day! Also I will have a 3 year old that needs attention aswell so I wouldn't be able to have my baby on me all the time, wouldn't be able to deal with Lucas' tantrums in the middle of the street or in the shops if my hands are full with a baby! :haha:
Ya I guess it is kind of a wait and see. I have no clue.. But in my eyes a Moses type basket is good for one thing and not for long, even if we end of co sleeping a fair bit the playpen is still good for the living room for a few mins or when travelling. I was also just thinking of a small extra cheap crib from ikea but again, it only has one use. It's daunting not knowing the things you'll 'swear by' or the things that will be a waste lol!

I've started piecing together a registry and its tough! I saw the other post you're talking about Ella and its so true you don't need all the gadgets that's for sure. But still even with carriers you don't know if it'll be practical or comfortable or if bub will even like it! Lol

Caitlyn, remind me again of that cloth diaper company?

Oh and ps. Check out myregistry.com, that's what I'm using, you add a button to your toolbar and you can add things from multiple stores and websites like etsy, online stores etc! Christmas lists anyone? Speaking of which I should get Kurtis to make one for ideas for gifts!
The site is greenlinediaper.com, and I still think you should come over and check out the differences as I have retired a fair few different brands I used before Greenline :) I also think you should both send me your registries... and Ella you should send your address hahaha :p

As for the attachment parenting which seems to be the label of what I do, I understand it isn't for everyone, probably isn't for most people in western cultures really... but for some reason it fit for me. Hubby not quite as much be he knows as well (or better, as he has done it before) that it all goes by so fast. Soon he won't want to sleep with Mum and Dad, he will want to sleep in his own big boy bed... and maybe once in a while with a younger brother.
Yes we def need to have a cloth 101 class at your place! Ill def look into that site today!

And I was thinking the same, we need Ella's registry and addy! So fun! We've been thru a lot on here ladies!

I've read a bit on attachment parenting and I like the idea. Can you run the main points by me again? I find it really interesting because, me and both my brothers are adopted and my youngest brother has a lot of issues, one being attachment disorder. In researching it for a nursing project I found that I am also midly affected. It's very neat to read about, how important early relationships are and I think people don't realize how significant that can be!
Sorry to distract from our nice chat but I have to tell you guys what an awful day I had yesterday! Enjoy!

I had a terrible time with the stupid tire ordeal yesterday... Appt at 1 took 20 mins just to get seen at the service desk, told me 2 hrs, at 230 went across the street for a snack and noticed that my car hasn't even been brought in, went back at 330 to ask wtf and was given another 2 hr quote, at 430 noticed it had finally moved from the parking lot... All finished at 6! 5 hrs to put on 2 new tires!! And I spent it all waiting there and mcdonalds cafe! if they would of told me it would be that long I would of went back home, or I would of went to work for the day! So pissed! But anyways, my back was perfectly fine, but to add to the crap day at 1 am the cops show up at the backdoor looking for one of our tenants! I guess at around 5 the one roommate attacked the other when he got home, waiting at the door just ambushed him! Freaking ridiculous! So the guy who got beat up went to the hospital to get stitched up and the doc had to report it, cops show up at 1 to get the rest of the story/ find the other roomie. Turns out he was home so they arrested him then the other guy came up to explain the situation and boy did he look a wreck! unbelievable! We've had a few problems with the other guy since they moved in 6 months ago but figured we'd put up with it until we moved. I'm so sick of it, but now with the assault charges we can give the guy a 24 hr eviction but fuck! ( sorry ) can't things just be smooth for the one month before the big move? Guess not! Going to be so glad to finally not have to put up with it and just have our place to ourselves!!!!!

So I'm just getting up to go write that eviction notice and start packing the office! I might text you Caitlyn about a diaper meet up if I need a break or maybe tomorrow if I don't work. I'm getting all gungho wanting to sort out lists of gift ideas for the shower cuz before we know it it'll be Christmas and then January! Eek!
We don't really do registry's here! Don't even think we have anything like it... maybe some websites do, but I don't know! So yeah, I don't have a registry, plus I don't need anything! :flower:

Sorry to hear you had a rough day and night Talia!! Must be lovely getting the cops knock on your door at 1am, especially before they tell you what they're there for! You never know why they're knocking on your door!!
I'd complain if I were you about the tire thing! There's no need for it to take 5 hours to change 2 tires. And even if it does take that long they shouldn't get away with telling you 2 hours and then adding another 2 hours on top!! That's just ridiculous!! Go complain and get yourself a nice discount! :haha:

I had my 25wk mw appointment today..... got told I need to do the GTT because my bmi is over 30! She said I need to stop eating and drinking (unless it's water) from 9.30pm the night before and then at 7.30am I need to drink a certain amount of Lucozade (which is like an energy drink). And then get my blood drawn at the hospital at 9.30am. My friend told me she had to do it and had to get her blood drawn beforehand aswell though and wasn't allowed to leave the waiting room for 2 hrs and then get her blood drawn again after!
And others on here have also said you're supposed to have your blood drawn before drinking the drink aswell! And also you're not allowed to exercise or walk (too much I guess) after the drink.
So I might need to ring my mw tomorrow to double check, cause the hospital is a 3 mile walk away aswell! :dohh:
Everything else was ok though, bp was good, weight was fine and fundal height measured 25cm so all good aswell!! :thumbup:
I am fairly busy today. Missed bootcamp monday and Tuesday so my friend told his sister (the trainer) to make it hard and that we are going for a full hour instead of a half hour... so have to leave an hour earlier and then afer I am going to a prescreening of catching fire :D But tomorrow works in the day. And I am sorry that your day went so horribly yesterday :hugs:

And I haven't done much research on attachment parenting really, but from what I gather it is basically that you keep them as close to you as possible until they start venturing themselves. So sleep with them, in your bed is best but in your room second, nurse them, don't use a stroller when it can be avoided but use a carrier. When they get a little older, go to them when they cry, let them know you are their support so they can learn to be confident in their independence, and that they know you will be there if they need it.

And Ella, too bad I wanna get Logan something :p And I did a glucose test, is that the same?
Ya I have my gestational diabetes screen next Thursday. Our midwives don't care which test you take. For us we can do a random glucose, where you just get your blood sugar done 2 hrs after a normal meal... Or the GDM screen where you don't have to fast but you do have to do the drink... And then if you fail that one they'll do a GTT... I'm not looking forward to it! But I'm fairly confident it'll go alright. For the GTT here I think they won't even let you leave the lab between draws, sucky!

We did get a ~50$ discount and one measly 'Canadian tire dollar' lol

Ya Ella! Find some things that you want, not what you need and let us know!

Ya that's what I figured about the attachment parenting. I think it's a great concept. And turns out I got called for a flu shift tomorrow so that's out :( but yay $!
:haha: silly girls! I don't know anything I want.... Ask Logan when he's born :winkwink: Or you can come up with something yourself, that way you can decide yourself how much you want to spend aswell and it'll be a complete surprise for me :haha: I'll private message you my address Caitlyn (on FB)
I'll need to have your addresses aswell then so I can get you something!

I looked at my piece of paper again and it said: Glucose Load Test.... it tells me not to eat from 9.30pm then drink the drink at 7.30am and get blood drawn at 9.30 (the appointment she made for me is at 9.30) so I'm guessing it'll be ok!
I really don't wanna have GD though! I'm slightly worried about it only cause of my weight and my friend who weighs less than me had it, or at least tested positive and had to take her sugar levels every so many hours then! Must be such a pain! :dohh:
Then again, my body is used to eating lots of sweet things :haha:

Good luck with your hour bootcamp today Caitlyn!! Let us know if you're still alive afterwards! :winkwink:
Ya I'm on the fence as well, I know I'm at higher risk re: weight but I've been feeling fine, I also know slim ppl who've had it. And like you, I've definitely not starved myself from sweets! ;) they're not very accurate tests anyways, that amount of sugar could shock anyone's body and give a false result. Oh well, my MW is pretty cool about it. Hope we both pass!!

Also, I don't remember if I said I spent a couple hours with my mom sewing, making diaper wipes but here they are and my new batch of fabric! Can't wait! Man looking at all these sites, if I knew how to sew diapers I could start my own store! Lol!


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Hey maybe we could sent our items to Ella together, Talia, and save on shipping costs :) And you won't need my address, Ella ;) I'm not even knocked up. I sure hope I am before January 12th though :( Otherwise that is going to be a very hard day.

And I had to drink the orange drink blech... but I passed it and I am on the bigger side... but with my ms I only gained a total of 15lbs. And was pre pregnancy weight after giving birth. But don't worry, I gained it all back and more these past two years lol.

And love the wipes, Talia! I just use facecloths from the dollar store but yours are much prettier.
I've gained about 12lbs by now.. not TOO bad! I'm pretty sure I gained quite a lot when I was pregnant with Lucas.

Hopefully you'll get pregnant soon, now that you're starting to get things sorted a little! Are you kinda hoping that your progesterone is low so you know what is going on and can (probably) do something about it??? Ofcourse it's never good when something isn't the way it should be, but at least you'd have some sort of explanation then!
Just remember, I got pregnant and got my bfp just before our baby was supposed to be due! So maybe/hopefully it works for you too!!! :hugs:
Definitely! Send a care package over the pond! Lol

Wow I can't believe how the time flies! Around this time last year was when my bcp was doing wonky things to my body and I decided not to take em anymore!
I hope you are def preggers by jan 12! I think this progesterone might be the trick! Like Ella said its not fun when something is standing in your way! Time to kick it down! You might even be around testing time I think! Imagine a bfp then! Yay!

Ya they're fun little wippees, probably cheaper to get facecloths but hey! They're a good pastime to make!
Hey this was just posted in third tri, Ella didn't you say you have an angel care monitor? Many models are being recalled in the US and Canada, check yours

Yeah we do have one of those but personally I don't see how a baby can lift a mattress and pull the cable into the cot..... I put it in on the bottom of the cot with the cable through the bottom slats and then the mattress on top of it.
Thanks for the heads up though!
People are just dumb and don't think things through, Ella. It generally isn't the baby but the parents not putting it in the right place (i.e. not under the matress so the cord is accessible).

And yeah I am kind of hoping I have low progesterone just to have answers and an easy ish fix. I am fairly sure that's what's up but the human body is so strange that I could be wayy off. Blah. The majority of women are estrogen dominant in this day and age... and I definitely have that... I started my period almost right away after having Rowan and apparently that is a telltale sign of estrogen dominance.
Hmm interesting! I think hormones are fascinating, if they're a bit off you whole body is affected! Such wee tiny things make a big difference. I hope it's prog too, sounds likely and if your estrogen is high it would be hard to out balance that.

I agree people are dumb, but still... I guess they send out a rigid cord cover to secure the cord... Like you'd think if other crib stuff can only have strings that are 6 inches or less that a thin long ekectrical cord would be out of the question. Sad situation regardless
Doing a 25 and 27 week happy dance for you ladies, by the way :happydance:

And yeah I just wish things were going smoothly. Dumb body. I may put up my tree today but it involves lots of cleabing beforehand lol. So I am still snuggled in bed. Whatchu ladies up to?

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