4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)

Oh that's good that it was only a 4 hour shift then! And I kinda want an elf hat, you know the really looooooong ones? I think those are so cute! And whatever else is cute and you can do :D I am easy cause they aren't for me, they will be props so parents could choose. Well I am easy regardless haha :D And phht! Don't worry too too much about what your doc says about the scale. As long as you aren't going nuts on junk baby and you will be fine. My doc got mad at me even though I lost a bunch in the beginning so my total gain was only 15lbs but probably more like 35lbs... kinda lucky I was so sick at the start as I made up for lost time hahaha!
Ya the midwives don't even care about it, it's up to us if we want to record it in our charts or not... I just wanted to stay on the lower side, we've been kind crap eating lately because no one is home to cook or we're grabbing something between going to the houses etc. I wish I was better. But at the same time I'm not gonna starve myself, I have super hungry days and then other days where food is just bleh...
Well just weighed myself and I'm up 19lbs... Nothing outrageous but still
OOOOWWWW!!! Not sure what just happened but I suddenly got a horrible pain in my tooth, as if I'm chewing on a bit of aluminium with my fillings!
Hope it doesn't stay! - it went after a little bit and just now it kinda came back as a quick pain that was literally just there and gone! And again!! Not sure what it is!!

Maybe it's my punishment for being nosey!! We just saw some cops next door, suddenly there were 3 cop cars in front of the house and they knocked the door down!!! Didn't seem like they arrested anyone though! Not sure what it was all about but I was really nosey!! :dohh: :blush:
Lol I'd be nosey too. Hmm I wonder what's up with that! And your poor tooth :( Hope that's just a nerve being dumb for no reason and it doesn't happen again.

And I ate out the entire time I was pregnant pretty much as I never had time to cook... hubby was home at 9pm and I was home at 6:30 and never had energy. We ate lots of mcdonalds... I'm glad I have cut mcdonalds out of my diet for about the past 4 months or so. And now it just grosses me out unless I am drunk lol. Now to work on mentally grossing me out for most fast food... lol.
My tooth has settled down a little now.... still hurts every now and then but it's not too bad!

I had a bath earlier and was wondering why people like them so much!?! I'm always too tall for the bath and my boobs are always too big (even when not pregnant) so they always stick out of the water, which is cold!! And then on top of that now my bump sticks out aswell, so it's even colder! I managed about half an hour in the bath and that was it!! :dohh:

Oh yeah, when the cops were outside I said to Jay: go to the shop and see if they'll talk to you when you come out the house, considering we're the neighbours! Then I said: do we have enough cheese for tonight's dinner (so maybe he'd go!) But he never went to the shop.... After the cops left he looked in the fridge and said: oh, we don't have any cheese! :dohh: I was like, I did ask you if we had cheese!! And he went: well if I'd known that I would've gone to the shop earlier when the cops were outside! :dohh: MEN!!! :haha: We didn't want to be too nosey, but we did stand at the window upstairs (in the dark) :blush: Cops noticed us there in the end though - but I'm sure they're used to it! Wonder what was going on aswell, but I guess we'll never find out! BUMMER!! :winkwink:

ooooh I was addicted to banana milkshakes from McDonalds when I was pregnant with Lucas! This time I've just fancied chips with fish fingers or anything chicken (not from McDonalds though, just home cooked is fine!) And I've been wanting Burger King for ages but there aren't any close to where we live!
You'll be fine Talia! Just lose the weight afterwards, that's what I'm planning to do!! But I can understand not wanting to gain too much! I'd like to stay in the 'guidelines' for my bmi but not so sure that's gonna happen now! Thought I was doing alright but the past 2 weeks or so I've gained more than I did before!! (which I know is normal, but I hope it slows down a little - not really been eating anything more/different from before though! If anything I'd say it's been less!)
Think about it though, bub is getting his own weight now so totaly normal to gain quickly even if you aren't eating much. I would never deprive myself while pregnant... but maybe instead of the burger I wanted, have a home made one or chicken breast or whatever. I know next time I'll be paying a bit more attention to what I eat but probably still not how much.
Eurgh bootcamp kicked my butt yesterday hahaha I am so sore and I woke with a sore throat. Laaaame lol.

How are you ladies?
hey ladies!! Though I'd join..maybe we can get our BFPs this month(if I don't I'll have to wait until Jan to try again..BOO!!). So here we go..
My cycle this month..so far.. SORRY TMI!!
1DPO-throbbing sensation inside vagina(like I'd been punched), watery cm, bloated, cramps(prob still O cramping), gassy, tired
2DPO-SO THIRSTY, cramping still, SO BLOATED(very uncomfortable), vagina feels swollen, cervix is high, soft kinda open and wet, increase in watery cm, BDd in the pm and it felt like my cervix was going to split like a banana from his penis..UGH..hurt so bad, had to go potty(#2) A LOT(not diarrhea just had to go), gassy
3DPO-af like cramps(WAY TOO EARLY), irritable off and on through the day..more happy than aggravated though, having to go potty(#2) 3x today..maybe more(not diarrhea just had to go), drank a lot of iced coffee today(haven't had this much coffee since before I found out I was pregnant with DD), gassy
4DPO-nose stuffed up when I woke up, slept 10hrs and still feel tired, gassy..other than that nothing so far today..I feel pretty good actually
Hey there and welcome! Sounds like a few promising symptoms but its still super early!! Fx for you!

I caught up but I forgot what I wanted to comment, my baby brain is soooo bad. Either way, went to the house yesterday and I finished all the cabinets except for the lazy Susan and the sink, since plumbing still isn't in! Looks so good, main bath is done done and now starting on the master, my last couple flu shifts have been busy so that's been good! I had a weird thing happen last night, wondered if anyone else ever felt it... I was talking to Kurtis and it felt like my heart sped up for like 10 beats, like a flutter.. Weird eh? It didn't hurt or anything but thought I'd share. Oh and speaking of other medical stuff, Kurtis shot a damn finishing nail through the tip of his finger at the house too! We got it out thank god but man! What a tough guy, we should of taken a pic, crazy Reno mishaps!
Poor Kurtis! Ouch! My brother does house framing and manages to shoot nails through his fingers every so often. Not fun. Hope he heals quickly. But the house sounds like it is coming together quickly! Very awesome. How many bedrooms is it again? We still need to do a diaper 101 at my place soon haha!

Welcome arikalane22 :) It is just you and me in this forum who are ttc, but this thread is good luck, everyone in it has become pregnant... even myself, back in may, but it was short lived lol. But your bfp should be right around the corner if the pattern continues ;) Your symptoms sound promising.

Think I may get a donation this evening, we have to go over and talk to him tonight anyways about something else so may as well get a donation.
Poor Kurtis! Ouch! My brother does house framing and manages to shoot nails through his fingers every so often. Not fun. Hope he heals quickly. But the house sounds like it is coming together quickly! Very awesome. How many bedrooms is it again? We still need to do a diaper 101 at my place soon haha!

Welcome arikalane22 :) It is just you and me in this forum who are ttc, but this thread is good luck, everyone in it has become pregnant... even myself, back in may, but it was short lived lol. But your bfp should be right around the corner if the pattern continues ;) Your symptoms sound promising.

Think I may get a donation this evening, we have to go over and talk to him tonight anyways about something else so may as well get a donation.

How many DPO r u?? and when are you testing??
Ya comes with the job I guess. Ya it's coming together, it's 3 bedrooms. And yes we do!! In December I have a whole lot less of shifts and I think even one in mill woods so maybe one of those days. And I've been thinking we should chat about you taking some piccys for us too lol soo many things to do and plan for!

Yay for donation, might as well make it worth the trip! Lol I'm excited for this cycle I really hope you get your bfp but at the very least you'll get your bw sorted and some answers!

I have my gestational diabetes screen tomorrow! Waaahh I don't wanna go! Lol

But in better news I'm thinking of ordering the hypnobabies self study stuff and booking a 3D ultrasound in the coming weeks! Confirmed with the midwife that we most likely won't get any other scans so we'll have to go private.... What do you guys think of having Kurtis find out the gender as a Xmas present? I still don't wanna know but should I trust him with the secret for the last couple months? Or just forget about it?!?!
That would be risky, it might slip accidentally... or it may make you too curious! I know I'd cave if Derek knew, but he can't keep a secret anyways.

Have a sinus flare up so didn't go to the donor's tonight.

And I am on cd17, arikalane22, not ovulated yet. I usually ovulate around cd20ish. How are you doing?
That would be risky, it might slip accidentally... or it may make you too curious! I know I'd cave if Derek knew, but he can't keep a secret anyways.

Have a sinus flare up so didn't go to the donor's tonight.

And I am on cd17, arikalane22, not ovulated yet. I usually ovulate around cd20ish. How are you doing?

OH! lol..sorry..I'm doing alright naaxi. The only "symptoms" I'm having today are (sorry tmi) watery cloudy cm(my cm usually dries up for a few days or so after O and then comes back..so could be a good sign=]), headache off and on today, feeling kinda fluish but it is like 28* outside, milder-than-yesterday cramps but still noticeably there, and still having to go to the potty 2-3 times today like the past few days(#2), and dull lower backache..a lot for 4-5dpo which doesn't give me much hope.

..but it would be SO funny if I got prego this one time that we decided to take a chance before actually officially starting to ttc in Jan. DH would be in shock worse than me even though he's the one who decided this month would be the month that we take a chance..lol. If I am pregnant then the new LO would have the same birthday month as DD..maybe even the same day.

Another thing..(this makes me sound SO redneck..BUUUTTT)..my sister is in jail(she's the bad seed of the family..thank God it's not me..lol) and the last time she was in jail was in Nov. of 2011 and that was when I got pregnant with DD so maybe her being in there is a gL charm..lol. If I am pregnant I'm gonna have to tell her to stop getting in trouble or I'll end up with like 10 kids..lol.(Only planning on 2)
(SORRY SO LONG..DD won't go to sleep and I'm kinda bored..she's a night owl..ugh!!)
Aww that sucks for no donation! Get better!!

Aroma, maybe those are all good signs?! You never know! The cm sounds good for sure! My bfp cycle my #2s were all over the map, it was closer to 8 or so dpo but still!!

Ya about the gender I know it's risky... But I know he wants to know soo bad! I could also wait til our anniversary at the end of jan... Then that's just a few weeks... I don't think I'd be tempted to know, I like not knowing, I'm used to it. Decisions decisions.. Argh! I think I might wrestle with this one forever.
I like the idea of letting Kurtis find out!! But you need to keep in mind that he COULD slip up - even if he's really good at keeping secrets.... but would you really mind if it accidentally happened?? I think that's the most important thing!
And maybe check with him that he still wants to know, maybe he's got used to the idea that he doesn't know and will find out on the day!

ps. can you tell him to let us know what it is?? :winkwink:
Hahah ya I'd have to just double check cuz I think he's gotten used to it, but I'm pretty sure if he had the chance to find out he'd be racing for it... I have to see if there's even a way for them to do it without him knowing at the appt... Like writing it in an enveloppe, Then I was thinking of going and finding a pink and a blue outfit and getting the cashier to peek and only wrapping the one without me seeing it, toss the receipt and that's it! He could open it for Xmas or for anniversary I guess.... I DON'T KNOW!! Lol

And I laughed so hard at him letting you guys know! Wouldn't that be funny!! Patience is a virtue ladies!
Hahahaaaa! Come on, we wanna know!! Lol. And how would you keep from seeing the onesie? That is quite an adorable idea though. I'd be honoured if you'd let me catch the reaction(s? If you are also finding out with the onesie idea?) On camera. Would make for some awesome memories, and if you aren't there, you'd get to see his reaction later on.

Arika (is that your name? We go by first names here), anyways, it tends to be the month you aren't reaaaaaally trying that it happens. But wouldn't bub have an august/september bday if you conveived in november?

Sooo ladies, temp of 37.4 this am... soooo I'm sick. Of course. Right before O. Guess we will rely on opks.
I KNOW!!! YOU should go with her Caitlyn! Then when they're wrapping it up you can tell me :winkwink: and we'll tease Talia that we know, every single day!! :winkwink: Just kidding Talia!! :haha:
But I do like the idea and I think you'd be able to do it aswell, just ask them to read the envelope and wrap up the one that you'll need (pink or blue) and then walk away and come back once they're done! The only thing you'll have to do is pick 2 that are the same price otherwise you'll know when you pay for it - unless you don't look at the prices beforehand!

Oh no Caitlyn!! Don't get sick just before O!! Hope your temp goes down again soon or you can get some good results with your opks! You do know sort of how soon after a +opk you ovulate though don't you??
Ya I don't want to find out, but I do want to see his reaction... Lol I laughed out loud at the idea of Caitlyn knowing and you guys bugging me!! Hahah you girls are hilarious!!
Ya my guess is that I'd probably have to bring my own gift box or something cuz just stuffing it in a bag would be hard to not see it. I bet sears would gift wrap it for me... Hmmm well I should call the 3D place and see if its doable, maybe they're busy with bookings, lets not get ahead of ourselves!

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