I gave Lucas the jars and it backfired on us

He was not happy when he had to eat things with lumps in it! He was fine with finger foods though!
At the moment he's just a pain with everything, it's so annoying! I feel like he goes to bed without dinner more often than he does with! (only cause he doesn't want to eat it, not cause we don't give him any!)
So we've decided to really limit his food intake during the day, hopefully that will make him hungry enough to eat his dinner! He still gains weight alright though, so it can't be that much of a problem that he doesn't really eat dinner...
I've been in a crappy mood this afternoon.... I went to put the laundry up and made the spare bed for Jay's brother who's staying here tonight and Lucas was upstairs aswell and he just got on my nerves! Jumping on the bed and just generally getting in the way! Feeling a bit better now, still tired though!!
What have you girls been upto??
We went to town earlier and I got Jay a christmas present, he kept saying he didn't want anything so I decided to get him something that we both liked and wanted for the house. Went to pay for it and she said they had 20% off but she undercharged me! I looked at the receipt when I got home and she only charged me for 1 of the same item when there were 2 (she must've thought it was 1 package)

Paid £17 instead of about £27