4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)

Yay we're doing much better today! This morning Lucas had a little grizzle about sitting at the table but then ate his breakfast (most of it anyway) and then lunchtime I told him it's lunchtime and he just ran to the chair and climbed on top of it. He at half of his sandwich straight away, then moaned about the 2nd half and fell asleep at the table again! :haha:
So we stuck him in our bed for a bit, mainly because his bed had to be moved as Jay has started painting Lucas' room now! First coat of blue is on, just gotta do a second one. And then do the rest of the room magnolia, like it was, but it was really dirty and horrible!

I don't know when my scan is yet, just cancelled the one in London today. Have to wait for my new midwife to ring me and I don't know when that's gonna happen. And I've gotta wait for the hospital to send me a letter with the date I guess, but I've got a feeling I'll have to wait until I've seen the midwife here first! Am gonna ring them on friday if I haven't heard anything yet. Considering I'll be 17 weeks and haven't had a 16wk appointment yet.

Yay for signing the papers!! I bet you can't wait to get started with renovations!! :thumbup:
Sorry, but have to have a quick little moan...... My BIL said something stupid on FB tonight... (well 2 things really)

1 of them - there was this conversation going on about co-sleeping and my sister and him are having a baby soon (she's due 1st of November). So his sister said you need to know what you're doing when you're co-sleeping as it can be dangerous if you don't do it right, or you smoke or drink or are a substance abuser (etc). He commented saying: what's co-sleeping, cause if it's sleeping in a bed together that's pretty normal! So his sister said: it's not normal, cause you need to be very careful and that midwives tend not to recommend it and you have to know what you're doing and you could potentially smother the baby. He commented saying: you didn't explain what it was. So I said to him: it's just that, sleeping in one bed with your baby. And then he said: Well, just put a hannibal mask on the baby you won't be able to smother the baby then!! :dohh:
I know it's supposed to be a joke... but it's so immature!!! And I'm younger than him!! (only about a year or 2, but still!) Grow up!

And the 2nd - I posted about Jay doing Lucas' room and that it was looking really nice. Then he (BIL) commented saying: is one of you gonna be looking for a full-time job now considering you've all moved now??
And I was like: I'm sorry but what kinda question is that???? :growlmad:
So I wrote: no we're gonna stay on benefits forever :winkwink: And Jay commented saying: I think 10 years on benefits for a return of a third of my life for this country (as he spent 10 years in the army). And BIL said: I'm not even sure if you're being serious....
WTH?!?!?! :grr: why would he think we'd want to live off benefits for the rest of our lives?? He just sounds all high and mighty.
I'm sure he didn't mean it like that, and I said that to him aswell, but COME ON!! Think about what you're actually saying before you say it!!

Ok rant over!!
Sounds quite immature to me! I hope the whole co-sleeping thing is off the table because you're right it can be dangerous esp if both ppl aren't fully taking all the precautions.
And who's he to stick his nose in your business like that. So what you're off moving and making the new place nice. It's no place to make a jab at you... Whatever happened to 'if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all!' Jeez ppl!
I know, it's not the first time we've kind of butted heads.... He's a nice bloke and all that, but he just needs to think before he says things, and put them differently sometimes. He could've asked whether there was any progression in the jobhunt rather than: is one of you gonna get a job?? :growlmad:
It just really annoyed me! Anyway, I told him why Jay hasn't got a job yet and he said he thought maybe we got money from the army when Jay left and I was like: uhm no! It seems a lot of people think that's what happens when you leave the army, but it's not! So I explained the situation to him (hubby would've got money if he would've had his knee surgery whilst he was still in the army, but the cheeky buggers gave him his surgery 1 week, as in exactly 7 days! after he left the army!) And all he said was: ok, I didn't know, I don't know how those things work... and I was like: well exactly, you don't know anything about it so just shut up, or ask if you want to know!

Sorry.. just had to get that out!

On a good note, hubby painted the blue wall in Lucas' room and is gonna paint the rest of the walls (just plain magnolia) tomorrow and then we can start putting things back into his room and put the stickers up and some shelves and other pictures! I'll post a pic once it's done!!
Caitlyn? Where are ya? Hoping you're arranging some donations soon! Enough of this missing the boat type of stuff. Mr donor better be right on his game and we'll see your bfp in 2 weeks or so!
Sorry hunnies. I am just feeling defeated lately. I've been reading this thread aside from yesterday, whixh I had a bit of a chat with Ella anyways... just frustrated and sad that I would be over half done my pregnancy had it stuck, and mad at the donor for being sick... I've kinda forced him in to a donation tonight even though he is sick. This will be the first and I should O around the 29th ish. I don't have OPKs left and I don't know if I will buy more... guess we will see. At this point I'm considering just going to a bar and finding a random "donor" lol...

Aaaanyways... hey Talia, I co-sleep :p But I was also a feather light sleeper when Rowan was a newborn, as was Derek. And I'm not dumb enough to co-sleep with a newborn and Rowan... plan is to have him in his own bed overnight by the time I have another... already weaning him from night nursing.

So any pics of Lucas's room? Your BIL sounds like a dink... I actually saw the job one on fbook. Some people need to think before typing lol. He'd probably never say it to your face but people find a kind of safety to be assholes behind their keyboards.

What else is going on with you ladies?
Yay well keep forcing the donations! But sorry that you're feeling down, it's hard to go through the milestones after a loss I'm sure... But you know you'll be there soon again, Sick donor, or bar donor for that matter :O
Sorry for speaking kinda poorly about co-sleeping, I automatically think of newborns when I talk about it.. With toddlers I think the risk is probably non-existent! Like in your case to sleep together after a feed I think it's just nice to have time together and less inconvenience than putting them back to bed etc. no problemo!

Nothing new over here. Been browsing online for floors and cabinets and paint colours etc and I finished another lion king one... Ill attach it right now! ... Hmm well the pic of it by itself was too big... So I had to do the group pic... Timon looks kind of silly but pumbaa I really like and the leopard turned out pretty nice!


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I'm loving those! You seem to get better and better at doing them :) The elephant skin canvas pattern is neat! Fun to look at for sure. And you're going to be putting the letters of their name in the open areas?

I'm currently laying on the floor of the donor's bathroom... snort :D
Hahah yup gonna put the letters in the spaces and woohoo that cool tile or whatnot must feel good! Go freaking spermies! Ok and then body, don't dilly Sally with that O! Lets flipping do this!! And break! :)

Hope that made you snort, I love it when you say that!
Yay, swim swim swim!! Go swimmers!! We know you can do it!
Pretty good timing aswell!! :happydance: Keeping everything crossed for you!!!

Those pictures look REALLY good Talia!! I wish I could do something like that. We're just buying everything!
Here's a link to the collection we're buying bits from: https://www.dunelm-mill.com/search/?query=space+mission
We've already got the rocket cushion, the 3 canvases and the photo frame.
Just gonna order the bedding and curtains now (not buying the bedspread) and possibly get the rug sometime a bit later on. He's got a really cool lamp aswell (from a different shop)
Jay is gonna repaint the skirting boards and doorframe today and then Lucas' room should be done (other than putting everything back in and putting his glow in the dark stars/planets on the wall)
Aww I love that collection and the lamp is super cute!!!! So so sweet!
LOL Talia, you did make me snort :D Thanks for the encouragement, ladies :) Go spermies go! :spermy::spermy::spermy:

And that's neat, Ella :D I want a space themed room! Or a Doctor Who themed room ♡ That would be good too hahaha!! Well really, I'd be pleased if everything matched in my room... it almost does, except Derek's dresser which is hideously varnished yellow oak instead of the black the rest of the furniture is lol.

Hmmm EWCM today :) To buy ovulation tests or not... can't buy cheapies and have them arrive on time... hmmm...
Hahah Kurtis and I went to one of the Halloween stores on the weekend and they had dr who costumes and I thought of you. I forgot my phone so I couldn't take a pic to send but I laughed inside!
Meh, you'll see your O with the chart, just keep getting donations, that's my opinion!
Hey! I'm trying to conceive. I had sex before my period started. I didn't think I was pregnant since I did get my period. I also tried to concieve after my period on my fertile days. My fertile days were Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week I believe. However, I have been having cold like symptoms. I don't really FEEL sick, but I had a scratchy throat that lasted 2 or 3 days. Now I have a stuffy nose and I'm sneezing a lot. I read somewhere that can be a sign? I besides this, I have frequent urination, I've been noticing that I'm VERY moody. I feel nauseated throughout the day. I'm not suppose to get my period for another two weeks, but I was wondering if I may have gotten pregnant before my last period? I've been having really bad back pains as well. Last night I was up all night with pain. I just want some input on this. I don't want to waste my money on a test if I don't need to.
Hi sammers, was your period any lighter than normal?? Or was it shorter? Cause sometimes people mistake implantation bleeding for a period. Or they just get some spotting even when pregnant (ask Caitlyn/Naaxi! :winkwink:)
I don't think you'd be having 'symptoms' like that already if you only just ovulated or just passed your fertile days. So if they are indeed symptoms then I'd say you would've had to conceived before your period. Good luck anyway!

So I bought the curtains and the bedding today. The curtains are quite stiff though, they have blackout fabric on the back and they're just quite stiff! It does say you're supposed to dry clean them before use! :dohh: But I don't do dry-cleaning :haha: So not sure what to do with them now. Hopefully they'll just loosen up over time! Unless you girls have any suggestions!
Jay finished the rest of the painting in there today (the woodwork) so tomorrow night Lucas will be able to sleep in his bed again. Will post a picture of the whole finished product tomorrow!

I get what you mean about having matching things Caitlyn! We've never had it, until now! So we're slowly gathering things in the right colours etc. Our bedroom has been pretty colour-coordinated since we bought the new bed last October, as we had to buy new bedding and decided to get some ornaments etc. in the same colour (and the bedding came with matchin curtains!) But yeah, we're starting to gather things for the living room aswell, which hopefully will look nice aswell once we've got a new sofa and got everything sorted properly.

I have to agree with Talia on the OPK-thing. Just go with it and keep temping. You'll see when you ovulate, and you also already know what sort of time you usually ovulate so you know when to get donations! Fingers crossed you can get some more before O!
Welcome sammers. Ella was def onto something there and I agree. How are you tracking your fertile days? It would be too early to have those symptoms if you just conceived. If your period was implantation that could also be possible but only 'trying' a few days before AF probably wouldn't have caught the eggy... Unless you're unsure of those dates etc. good luck!
Finally all done!!! Phhheeeweeee!!


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So cool! They look really good Talia!! :thumbup:

I got a package in the post this morning from my friend in Holland! She made Lucas a crochet peppa pig and some crochet booties for the baby! They're so cute!!!! Can't wait for baby to get here now :haha: (Not yet though ofcourse!!)
(Lucas is a massive peppa pig fan btw, so that's why she made him a peppa pig :winkwink:)


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Aww I love crochet... I'm not very good at all but I've been meaning to try a few projects! This might give me the motivation to start!

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