Mrskitty, I think IUI could be an excellent option for you!! The first cycle is a little bit of an experiment with the medication, if you decide to take medication to help ovulation. I ovulate on my own, however, the goal was to produce two eggs to boost our chances of conceiving with more than one. I was on a very conservative dose, as they have to monitor you to see how you respond to them. I only made one egg this cycle and now that we know how I responded to the low dose, they can increase if I need to do it again next cycle. I opted for injectables as the side effects are low, I had none. I am one of those people that hates taking any kind of medication but our natural approach wasn't working so I am willing to give this a shot.
Most clinics will recommend you try IUI 3 times before moving onto IVF, I think you should definitely give it a try. It will bring you so much peace knowing you have a plan in place, that was the biggest thing for me. It gave me a sense of control when things were so out of control. I am so sorry this wasn't your month, I was so hoping we would get some good news on here. IUI was a welcomed break for us, there was no pressure around ovulation time!